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- 2 dimvt$(24),ht$(40)
- 3 vt$(1)="":fori=2to24:vt$(i)=vt$(i-1)+"":next
- 4 ht$(1)="":fori=2to40:ht$(i)=ht$(i-1)+"":next
- 5 s1$=""+ht$(3):s2$=""+ht$(10):s3$=""+ht$(22):s4$=""+ht$(30):sx$=ht$(3)
- 170 print"[147]";
- 255 print""s1$"1[193]"
- 335 prints1$"[200]"
- 375 prints1$"[204]i"
- 415 prints1$"[206]a"
- 455 prints1$"[203]"
- 495 prints1$"[210]b"
- 535 prints1$"[195]s"
- 575 prints1$"[198]r"
- 615 print""s2$" [206]ame"
- 655 prints2$"[200]ydrogen"
- 665 prints2$"[204]ithium"
- 695 prints2$"[211]odium"
- 705 prints2$"[208]otassium"
- 715 prints2$"[210]ubidium"
- 735 prints2$"[195]esium"
- 745 prints2$"[198]rancium"
- 775 print""s3$"[193]t.#"
- 815 prints3$" 1"
- 825 prints3$" 3"
- 835 prints3$" 11"
- 855 prints3$" 19"
- 865 prints3$" 37"
- 875 prints3$" 55"
- 885 prints3$" 87"
- 895 print""s4$"[193]t. [215]t."
- 935 prints4$"1.00797"
- 945 prints4$"6.939"
- 975 prints4$"22.9898"
- 985 prints4$"39.0983"
- 1015 prints4$"85.47"
- 1025 prints4$"132.905"
- 1035 prints4$"223"
- 1050 tx=2:ty=3:nu=7:gosub10000
- 1055 print:printsx$"[212]his group is known as the ";
- 1060 printchr$(18);
- 1065 print"[193][204][203][193][204][201]"
- 1095 printsx$"[205][197][212][193][204][211][146]";
- 1105 print". [197]ach metal has one electron"
- 1135 printsx$"in its outer shell, which gives this"
- 1175 printsx$"group an oxidation number of +1."
- 1210 gosub7010
- 1290 print"[147]";
- 1335 prints1$"2[193]"
- 1415 prints1$"[194]e"
- 1455 prints1$"[205]g"
- 1495 prints1$"[195]a"
- 1535 prints1$"[211]r"
- 1575 prints1$"[194]a"
- 1615 prints1$"[210]a"
- 1655 print""s2$" [206]ame"
- 1695 prints2$"[194]eryllium"
- 1705 prints2$"[205]agnesium"
- 1735 prints2$"[195]alcium"
- 1745 prints2$"[211]trontium"
- 1755 prints2$"[194]arium"
- 1775 prints2$"[210]adium"
- 1815 print""s3$"[193]t.#"
- 1855 prints3$" 4"
- 1865 prints3$" 12"
- 1875 prints3$" 20"
- 1895 prints3$ 38"
- 1905 [153]s3$" 56"
- 1915 [153]s3$" 88"
- 1935 [153]""s4$"atnt. (NULL)t."
- 1975 [153]s4$"9.0122"
- 1985 [153]s4$"24.312"
- 2015 [153]s4$"40.08"
- 2025 [153]s4$"87.62"
- 2055 [153]s4$"137.33"
- 2065 [153]s4$"226"
- 2090 nu[178]6:[141]10000
- 2095 [153]:[153]sx$"(NULL)his is the ";
- 2100 [153][199](18);
- 2105 [153]"atn(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)right$(NULL)val valatn(NULL)(NULL)left$ (NULL)val(NULL)atn(NULL)(NULL)wait"
- 2135 [153]sx$"group. (NULL)hese elements have two"
- 2175 [153]sx$"electrons in their outer shells and"
- 2215 [153]sx$"they have an oxidation number of +2."
- 2255 [153]sx$"(NULL)hey also react with oxygen to form"
- 2295 [153]sx$"oxides."
- 2330 [141]7010
- 2410 [153]"load";
- 2455 [153]s1$"3atn"
- 2535 [153]s1$"peek"
- 2575 [153]s1$"atnl"
- 2615 [153]s1$"chr$a"
- 2655 [153]s1$"right$n"
- 2695 [153]s1$"(NULL)l"
- 2735 [153]""s2$" (NULL)ame"
- 2775 [153]s2$"peekoron"
- 2785 [153]s2$"atnluminum"
- 2815 [153]s2$"chr$allium"
- 2825 [153]s2$"right$ndium"
- 2835 [153]s2$"(NULL)hallium"
- 2855 [153]""s3$"atnt.#"
- 2895 [153]s3$" 5"
- 2905 [153]s3$" 13"
- 2915 [153]s3$" 31"
- 2935 [153]s3$" 49"
- 2945 [153]s3$" 81"
- 2975 [153]""s4$"atnt. (NULL)t."
- 3015 [153]s4$"10.811"
- 3025 [153]s4$"26.9815"
- 3055 [153]s4$"69.72"
- 3065 [153]s4$"114.82"
- 3095 [153]s4$"204.37"
- 3130 nu[178]5:[141]10000
- 3135 [153]:[153]sx$"(NULL)his group of elements has no special"
- 3175 [153]sx$"name. left$owever, it is the first group"
- 3215 [153]sx$"with both metals and non-metals. (NULL)he"
- 3255 [153]sx$"one non-metal is ";
- 3260 [153][199](18);
- 3265 [153]"peek(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)wait";
- 3275 [153]". right$t has three"
- 3295 [153]sx$"oxidation numbers: -5,+1,+3. (NULL)he re-"
- 3335 [153]sx$"maining four elements are metals and"
- 3375 [153]sx$"have oxidation numbers of +1 and +3."
- 3410 [141]7010
- 3490 [153]"load";
- 3535 [153]s1$"4atn"
- 3615 [153]s1$"len"
- 3655 [153]s1$"(NULL)i"
- 3695 [153]s1$"chr$e"
- 3735 [153]s1$"(NULL)n"
- 3775 [153]s1$"(NULL)b"
- 3815 [153]""s2$" (NULL)ame"
- 3855 [153]s2$"lenarbon"
- 3865 [153]s2$"(NULL)ilicon"
- 3895 [153]s2$"chr$ermanium"
- 3905 [153]s2$"(NULL)in"
- 3915 [153]s2$"(NULL)ead"
- 3935 [153]""s3$"atnt.#"
- 3975 [153]s3$" 6"
- 3985 [153]s3$" 14"
- 3995 [153]s3$" 32"
- 4015 [153]s3$" 50"
- 4025 [153]s3$" 82"
- 4055 [153]""s4$"atnt. (NULL)t."
- 4095 [153]s4$"12.01115"
- 4105 [153]s4$"28.0855"
- 4135 [153]s4$"72.59"
- 4145 [153]s4$"118.69"
- 4175 [153]s4$"207.19"
- 4210 [141]10000
- 4215 [153]:[153]sx$"(NULL)ike 3atn, this group also hasn't any"
- 4255 [153]sx$"name and has both metals and non-"
- 4295 [153]sx$"metals. ";
- 4300 [153][199](18);
- 4305 [153]"lenatn(NULL)peek(NULL)(NULL)wait";
- 4315 [153]" and ";
- 4320 [153][199](18);
- 4325 [153]"(NULL)right$(NULL)right$len(NULL)(NULL)wait are the"
- 4335 [153]sx$"non-metals with oxidation numbers of"
- 4375 [153]sx$"-4,+2, and +4. (NULL)he metals have two"
- 4415 [153]sx$"oxidation numbers: +2 and +4. (NULL)hese"
- 4455 [153]sx$"elements have four electrons in the"
- 4495 [153]sx$"outer shell."
- 4530 [141]7010
- 4570 [153]"load";
- 4615 [153]s1$"5atn"
- 4695 [153]s1$"(NULL)"
- 4735 [153]s1$"(NULL)"
- 4775 [153]s1$"atns"
- 4815 [153]s1$"(NULL)b"
- 4855 [153]s1$"peeki"
- 4895 [153]""s2$" (NULL)ame"
- 4935 [153]s2$"(NULL)itrogen"
- 4945 [153]s2$"(NULL)hosphorus"
- 4975 [153]s2$"atnrsenic"
- 4985 [153]s2$"atnntimony"
- 4995 [153]s2$"peekismuth"
- 5015 [153]""s3$"atnt.#"
- 5055 [153]s3$" 7"
- 5065 [153]s3$" 15"
- 5075 [153]s3$" 33"
- 5095 [153]s3$" 51"
- 5105 [153]s3$" 83"
- 5135 [153]""s4$"atnt. (NULL)t."
- 5175 [153]s4$"14.0067"
- 5185 [153]s4$"30.9738"
- 5215 [153]s4$"74.9216"
- 5225 [153]s4$"121.75"
- 5255 [153]s4$"208.98"
- 5290 [141]10000
- 5295 [153]:[153]sx$"(NULL)ike the previous two groups, 5atn is"
- 5335 [153]sx$"nameless. all the elements are non-"
- 5375 [153]sx$"metals except ";
- 5380 [153][199](18);
- 5385 [153]"atn(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)wait";
- 5395 [153]" and ";
- 5400 [153][199](18);
- 5405 [153]"peekright$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)left$wait."
- 5415 [153]sx$"(NULL)heir oxidation numbers are +3 and +5,";
- 5455 [153]sx$"while the non-metal oxidation number"
- 5495 [153]sx$"is -3. (NULL)his group has five electrons"
- 5535 [153]sx$"in the outer-most shell."
- 5570 [141]7010
- 5650 [153]"load";
- 5695 [153]s1$"6atn"
- 5775 [153]s1$"(NULL)"
- 5815 [153]s1$"(NULL)"
- 5855 [153]s1$"(NULL)e"
- 5895 [153]s1$"(NULL)e"
- 5935 [153]s1$"(NULL)o"
- 5975 [153]""s2$" (NULL)ame"
- 6015 [153]s2$"(NULL)xygen"
- 6025 [153]s2$"(NULL)ulfur"
- 6055 [153]s2$"(NULL)elenium"
- 6065 [153]s2$"(NULL)ellurium"
- 6075 [153]s2$"(NULL)olonium"
- 6095 [153]""s3$"atnt.#"
- 6135 [153]s3$" 8"
- 6145 [153]s3$" 16"
- 6155 [153]s3$" 34"
- 6175 [153]s3$" 52"
- 6185 [153]s3$" 84"
- 6215 [153]""s4$"atnt. (NULL)t."
- 6255 [153]s4$"15.9994"
- 6265 [153]s4$"32.064"
- 6295 [153]s4$"78.96"
- 6305 [153]s4$"127.6"
- 6335 [153]s4$"210"
- 6370 [141]10000
- 6375 [153]:[153]sx$"6atn, called ";
- 6380 [153][199](18);
- 6385 [153]"lenleft$atn(NULL)len(NULL)chr$val(NULL)(NULL)wait";
- 6395 [153]", is the last"
- 6415 [153]sx$"group with both non-metals and metals.";
- 6455 [153]sx$"(NULL)he lone metal, ";
- 6460 [153][199](18);
- 6465 [153]"(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)wait";
- 6475 [153]", has +4 and"
- 6495 [153]sx$"+6 for oxidation numbers. (NULL)he non-"
- 6535 [153]sx$"metals have an oxidation number of -2.";
- 6575 [153]sx$"(NULL)hese elements have a total of six"
- 6615 [153]sx$"electrons in the outer shell."
- 6650 [141]7010
- 6730 [153]"load";
- 6770 [153]vt$(10)ht$(10);
- 6775 [153]"(NULL)eturning to the menu"
- 6810 [153]vt$(13)ht$(13);
- 6815 [153]"(NULL)lease stand by"
- 6895 [153]
- 6900 [147]"periodic table",8
- 6930 [128]
- 7010 :
- 7015 [153]vt$(24)"'q' quits. atnny other key continues."
- 7020 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[161]a$
- 7050 [139]a$[179][177]"(NULL)"[175]a$[179][177]"q"[167][142]
- 7090 [153]"load";
- 7105 [153]"str$o you really want to quit?";
- 7110 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[161]a$
- 7130 [139]a$[179][177]"(NULL)"[175]a$[179][177]"y"[167][142]
- 7185 [137]6730
- 7290 [128]
- 10000 [143] vertical boxes
- 10010 [153]vt$(ty)ht$(tx)"ortantan^"
- 10020 [129]i[178]1[164]nu[171]1
- 10030 [153]vt$(ty[170]i[172]2[171]1)ht$(tx)"(NULL)(NULL)"
- 10040 [153]vt$(ty[170]i[172]2)ht$(tx)"-tantan<"
- 10050 [130]
- 10060 [153]vt$(ty[170]nu[172]2[171]1)ht$(tx)"(NULL)(NULL)"
- 10070 [153]vt$(ty[170]nu[172]2)ht$(tx)"/tantanexp"
- 10080 [142]