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- this was the 1st american product sold in china\3pepsi\^\^
- it's the largest dept. store in the country\3k mart\k-mart\k/mart
- this co. has a clown named ronald\3mcdonalds\mc donalds\^
- burger king has it's headquaters in this florida city\5miami\^\^
- this southern city is the home for coca cola\5atlanta\^\^
- this auto manufacturer ownes hughs aircraft co.\3gm\g.m.\general motors
- this co. ownes paramount pictures\3gulf western\^\^
- national biscuit company is better known by this\3nabisco\^\^
- this cigarette giant ownes nabisco\3rj reynolds\r.j reynolds\renolds
- this co.'s products include-all-scope-wisk- and aim\3lever brothers\^\^
- this co. makes wesson-hunts-peter pan- and la choy\3beatrice\^\^
- this co. has prego-vlasic-v/8-and swansons\3campbell\cambell\^
- this beverage co. ownes hbo & columbia pictures\3coca cola\coca-cola\^
- this co. makes bryers-velveeta- and miricle wip\3kraft\^\^
- this co. makes goobers-tasters choise-and nestea\3nestle\neslie\^
- this fast food giant is based in cincinnati\3wendys\^\^
- this investment co.'s ticker symbol is -efh\3ef hutton\e.f. hutton\^
- this food giant's ticker symbol is -gf\3general foods\^\^
- it's short for american telephone and telegraph\3att\at & t\at and t
- it's what ibm is short for\3international business machines\^\^