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- **************************************
- INSTR for the C-128
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- INSTR. In-string. This command
- provides a fast way of searching for
- one string in another string, and
- may be considered a function.
- For example, in the statement
- P=INSTR(A$,B$), if B$ is found
- within A$, then P will equal the
- number of the position in which B$ is
- found. If it is not found, then P
- equals zero.
- Let's look at an example:
- 20 B$="DEF"
- 30 P=INSTR(A$,B$)
- 40 PRINT P
- In this case, P will equal four
- because B$ was found starting at the
- fourth posistion of A$.
- There is one more thing we can add
- to the INSTR variable. We can tell it
- not to start looking until part way
- through A$. In the example program
- above, for instance, if we change
- line 30 to P=INSTR(A$,B$,5), the
- program will not start looking until
- it gets to the fifth position, or the
- letter E. As a result, P will equal
- zero because the program will not
- find "DEF."
- Some examples of how this function
- might be used are contained in the
- programs KEYWORDS.128 and MONTH
- INPUT.128 on side one of this issue of
- Loadstar.
- KEYWORDS.128 is a small example of
- keeping track of articles by title
- and the magazine in which they
- appeared. By entering certain key
- words, such as BOOT or RENUMBER, the
- program will find articles that have
- the keywords in their title and the
- magazine in which they appeared. For
- example, if you entered RENUMBER as
- your keyword, then you might find:
- MONTH INPUT.128 is another example
- of the INSTR function. By inputting
- a month in the form of JAN, FEB, etc..
- the computer will tell you the actual
- number of that month. For example, if
- you enter 'NOV', then the computer
- will respond with 'The number of the
- month is 11".
- ------
- This program is copyrighted by
- PowerPlay magazine. All rights to it
- are reserved. LOADSTAR has relieved
- you from the burden of keying in this
- program. For more complete
- information about this program, refer
- to the January 1986 issue of PowerPlay
- Magazine.
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