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- 10 poke53280,5:poke53281,1:print"[147][144]"
- 20 print"":t$="[193]mazingly? [199]raceful??":gosub60000
- 22 t$="by":gosub60000:t$="[212]om [202]effries":gosub60000:print
- 30 t$=" [212]his arrangement of the early":gosub60000
- 40 t$="[193]merican folk song is one of the first":gosub60000
- 50 t$="songs that [201] wrote for the [195]-64.":gosub60000:gosub61000
- 55 print""
- 60 t$="[201] experimented with a lot of":gosub60000
- 70 t$="things in [193]mazing. [198]or example,":gosub60000
- 80 t$="the vibrato in the first verse comes":gosub60000
- 90 t$="from putting all three voices on the ":gosub60000
- 100 t$="same note, but slightly out of tune":gosub60000
- 110 t$="with each other. [212]his is called":gosub60000
- 120 t$="de-tuning.":gosub60000:gosub61000
- 130 t$="[210]ing [205]odulation on [214]oice 3 and":gosub60000
- 140 t$="envelopes ([193][196][211][210]'s) set a little":gosub60000
- 150 t$="differently for each voice enhance the":gosub60000
- 160 t$="effect. [217]ou may notice a fourth note":gosub60000
- 170 t$="in each of the last two chords in the":gosub60000
- 180 t$="first verse. [212]his is produced by":gosub60000
- 190 t$="difference tones which occur if you":gosub60000
- 2000 t$="tune all three voices just right.":gosub60000:gosub61000
- 2002 print""
- 2010 t$="[206]otice in the second verse that the":gosub60000
- 2020 t$="notes are tuned differently than":gosub60000
- 2030 t$="you would expect. [212]his gives the":gosub60000
- 2032 t$="church organ sound.":gosub60000:gosub61000
- 2040 print""
- 2042 t$="[212]he third verse runs off a small":gosub60000
- 2050 t$="[205]achine [204]anguage driver stored at":gosub60000
- 2060 t$="49152 ($[195]000). [201]f you listen":gosub60000
- 2070 t$="carefully, you will hear a slide":gosub60000
- 2080 t$="from note to note in voice 1, which":gosub60000
- 2090 t$="adds subtle touch of color.":gosub60000
- 2100 t$="[201] hope you enjoy it.":gosub60000:gosub61000
- 2200 print"[147] 1. [204][207][193][196] and [208][204][193][217] music"
- 2210 print" 2. [210]eturn to [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]"
- 2220 print"[215]hich ?";
- 2230 poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$:ifk$<>"1"andk$<>"2"then2230
- 2240 ifk$="1"thenf$="amazing grace"
- 2250 ifk$="2"thenf$="hello"
- 2260 printk$
- 2280 t$="working...":gosub60000
- 2290 print"load"chr$(34)f$chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 2300 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 60000 rem centering
- 60002 t=len(t$):t=20-t/2:printtab(t)t$:print
- 60004 return
- 60006 :
- 61000 rem wait for key
- 61002 poke783,peek(783)and254
- 61004 poke781,23:poke782,13:sys65520:print"<press a key>"
- 61006 poke198,0:wait198,1:print"[147]":return