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- earthy or coarse; indecent
- bawdy
- the press liked the rock star's bawdy humor.
- to tease good-naturedly
- josh
- we joshed with him to try to get him to smile.
- temporary substitute often inferior; stopgap
- makeshift
- the makeshift table was about ready to fall down.
- model worthy of imitation; typical example
- exemplar
- she was an exemplar of what a chief executive should be.
- ineffective; incompetent; weak
- feckless
- the feckless transient was fired after one day on the job.
- to give a false impression of; misrepresent
- belie
- his smile belied his seething anger.
- loud cry or shrill whistle of disapproval
- catcall
- the speaker ignored catcalls from the audience.
- to deceive; to trick or mislead
- hoodwink
- i just knew he was trying to hoodwink me again.
- dictatorial; having absolute power
- autocratic
- he was a very autocratic manager.
- mixture or medley
- salmagundi
- his policies were a salmagundi of ideas.
- to disregard or ignore; to fail to care for
- neglect
- the old house had been neglected for a long time.
- an inflicter of retribution; avenger
- nemesis
- he was the nemesis of inefficiency in our office.
- to fill or swell; to raise or expand
- inflate
- the balloon was inflated using helium.
- to make drunk; intoxicate
- inebriate
- after only one drink he seemed inebriated.
- babyish; childish
- infantile
- his behavior was infantile.
- to inspire with foolish and unreasoning passion
- infatuate
- she was infatuated with her english teacher.
- one who proclaims important news
- herald
- the herald paused before making the next announcement.
- an opinion at variance with established belief
- heresy
- it was heresy to disagree with his policies.
- terrifying; dreadful
- ghastly
- it was a ghastly experience for all of us.
- to cover with a thin layer of gold
- gild
- the gilded dome of the capitol could be seen for miles.
- a fictitious story designed to teach a lesson
- fable
- i enjoyed the fables about br'er rabbit.
- an exact copy or reproduction
- facsimile
- the print was a very good facsimile of the original.
- feeble; indistinct; dim
- faint
- the candle gave a faint glow in the darkened room.
- to put an end to; ruin completely
- destroy
- his reputation was destroyed by the story in the paper.
- general estimation in which one is held by the public
- reputation
- he had a reputation for being fair with everyone.
- to live in a place
- reside
- he resided in a two story house on the outskirts of town.
- to seek assistance or relief; have recourse
- resort
- she was forced to resort to censorship to maintain peace.
- punishment for a crime or offense
- penalty
- the penalty for disobedience was death.
- one who explores and studies caves
- spelunker
- she became a spelunker to please her father.
- to dash or scatter
- splash
- the liquid splashed all over the floor.