home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 s=65520:poke783,peek(783)and254:poke53280,7:poke53281,1:printchr$(142)
- 11 lw=1544:ls=1384:cw=55816:cs=55656:p1$="[129]that letter is not available.[144]"
- 12 printchr$(8):p2$=" wrong [146][144]":p3$="[129] right [146][144]":dimsl$(35):f=54272
- 13 dimdf$(40),wd$(40),st$(40)
- 20 goto100
- 27 :
- 28 rem *** word letter sound ***
- 29 :
- 30 pokef+1,14:pokef+5,3:pokef+6,255-15:pokef+24,15:pokef+4,17
- 31 ford=3to40step15:pokef+1,d:pokef+4,17:nextd:pokef+4,16:return
- 37 :
- 38 rem *** backspace sound ***
- 39 :
- 40 pokef+1,14:pokef+5,3:pokef+6,255-15:pokef+24,15:pokef+4,17
- 41 ford=1to40step10:pokef+1,40-d:pokef+4,17:nextd:pokef+4,16:return
- 47 :
- 48 rem *** wrong answer sound ***
- 49 :
- 50 pokef+24,15:pokef+6,240:pokef+4,17
- 51 fora=1to4:forx1=1to25:pokef+1,80-x1:nextx1:nexta:pokef+4,32:pokef+4,16:return
- 57 :
- 58 rem *** right answer sound ***
- 59 :
- 60 pokef+24,15:pokef+6,240:pokef+4,17
- 61 fora=1to4:forx1=16to62step4:pokef+1,77-x1:nextx1:nexta:pokef+4,32:
- 62 pokef+4,16:return
- 67 :
- 68 rem *** scrambled letter sound ***
- 69 :
- 70 pokef+24,15:pokef+6,240:pokef+4,17
- 71 forx1=25to1step-4:pokef+1,26-x1:nextx1:pokef+4,32:pokef+4,16:return
- 77 :
- 78 rem *** delay loop ***
- 79 :
- 80 ifpeek(198)=1thenreturn
- 81 forx1=1to500:next:return
- 99 :
- 100 gosub30000:rem *** title page ***
- 101 :
- 110 gosub31000:rem *** read text file ***
- 119 :
- 120 poke781,23:poke782,5:syss:print"[129]press <space bar> to continue.[144]"
- 130 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$
- 140 ifkey$=chr$(133)then400:rem *** print final score - end game ***
- 149 :
- 150 gosub32000:rem *** instructions ***
- 160 q%=1:sc=0:gu$="":z9=0
- 169 :
- 170 gosub33000:rem *** skill levels ***
- 180 vc=13:hc=3:vl=8:hl=3:gu$=""
- 189 :
- 190 gosub2000:rem *** get definition, words, sentences ***
- 199 :
- 200 gosub2050:rem *** scramble letters ***
- 209 :
- 210 gosub2100:rem *** format screen ***
- 219 :
- 220 lf=34:v=4:h=3:q$=df$:gosub 2300:rem *** print defintiion ***
- 229 :
- 230 poke781,9:poke782,3:syss
- 235 rem *** print scrambled letters w/sound ***
- 240 forx=1tolen(sl$):printsl$(x)" ";:gosub30:next
- 249 :
- 250 gu$="":gosub2400:rem *** get keyboard input ***
- 251 :
- 252 ifflag=1thenhc=3:forx=1tolen(wd$):poke781,vc:poke782,hc:syss
- 253 ifflag=1thenprintmid$(wd$,x,1);" ":hc=hc+2:next:flag=0
- 259 :
- 260 lf=34:v=17:h=3:q$=st$:gosub2300:rem *** print sentence ***
- 269 :
- 270 ifkey$=chr$(133)then300:rem *** f1 pressed ***
- 279 :
- 280 gosub2700:rem *** figure and print score ***
- 299 :
- 300 poke781,23:poke782,1:syss:print"[129]do you want to continue (y/n)? [144]";
- 310 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$
- 320 ifkey$="n"thenprintchr$(147):goto350
- 330 ifkey$="y"then180:rem *** get another word ***
- 340 goto300
- 349 :
- 350 poke781,23:poke782,1:syss:print"do you want to play again (y/n)? ";
- 360 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$
- 370 ifkey$="n"then400
- 380 ifkey$="y"thengosub31030:goto160:rem *** set up new skill level ***
- 390 goto350
- 399 :
- 400 printchr$(147):print:print"your final score was "sc%:flag=0
- 409 :
- 410 open15,8,15:open4,8,4,"0:dabble score,seq,read"
- 420 forx=0to9:input#4,h$(x,0):input#4,h$(x,1):next:close4:close15
- 429 :
- 430 ifsc%<val(h$(9,1))thenflag=1
- 439 :
- 440 ifflag=1thenprint:print"your score was not high enough to be"
- 450 ifflag=1thenprint"included in the high score list."
- 460 ifflag=1thenprint:print"better luck next time!":flag=0:goto650
- 469 :
- 470 print:print"your score was very good! enter your"
- 480 print"initials and i will include it in my"
- 490 print"high score list."
- 500 print:print
- 510 input"enter your initials ->[160]";it$
- 520 print:print"one moment, please....."
- 529 :
- 530 ifit$=""thenit$="aaa"
- 535 iflen(it$)>3thenit$=left$(it$,3)
- 540 h$(9,0)=it$:h$(9,1)=right$(str$(sc%),len(str$(sc%))-1)
- 550 fori=0to8:forj=i+1to9:ifval(h$(i,1))>=val(h$(j,1))then 580
- 560 k$=h$(i,1):h$(i,1)=h$(j,1):h$(j,1)=k$
- 570 k$=h$(i,0):h$(i,0)=h$(j,0):h$(j,0)=k$
- 580 nextj:nexti
- 589 :
- 590 open15,8,15,"s0:dabble score"
- 600 open4,8,4,"0:dabble score,seq,write"
- 610 forx=0to9:print#4,h$(x,0):print#4,h$(x,1):next
- 620 close4:close15
- 629 :
- 630 poke781,23:poke782,1:syss:print"press <space bar> to continue."
- 640 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$
- 649 :
- 650 printchr$(147):print"high scores for dabble are:"
- 660 print:forx=0to9:printh$(x,0);tab(15-len(h$(x,1)));h$(x,1):print:next
- 670 poke781,23:poke782,1:syss:print"press <space bar> to continue."
- 680 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$
- 690 printchr$(147):poke781,15:poke782,1:syss
- 700 print"thanks for playing dabble!"
- 709 :
- 800 goto63000:rem *** end ***
- 1997 :
- 1998 rem *** get definition etc. ***
- 1999 :
- 2000 z9=z9+1:ifz9>rthen2020
- 2010 df$=df$(z9):wd$=wd$(z9):st$=st$(z9):return
- 2020 printchr$(147):print"one moment, please, while i get some"
- 2025 print"more questions......."
- 2030 gosub31030:z9=0:goto2000
- 2047 :
- 2048 rem *** scramble letters ***
- 2050 sl$=wd$
- 2060 forz=1toltr:j$=chr$(((rnd(1)*26)+1)+64):sl$=sl$+j$:next
- 2065 iflen(sl$)>17thensl$=left$(sl$,17)
- 2070 forz=1tolen(sl$):sl$(z)=mid$(sl$,z,1):next
- 2080 forz=1tolen(sl$):a%=(rnd(1)*len(sl$))+1:tq$=sl$(z):sl$(z)=sl$(a%)
- 2085 sl$(a%)=tq$:next
- 2087 return
- 2097 :
- 2098 rem *** format screen ***
- 2099 :
- 2100 printchr$(147):poke781,0:poke782,16:syss:print"[129] dabble "
- 2105 poke781,2:poke782,1:syss:forx=0to37:print"[149][218]";:next
- 2110 poke781,7:poke782,1:syss:forx=0to37:print"[218]";:next:
- 2120 poke781,11:poke782,1:syss:forx=0to37:print"[218]";:next:
- 2130 poke781,15:poke782,1:syss:forx=0to37:print"[218]";:next:
- 2140 poke781,20:poke782,1:syss:forx=0to37:print"[218]";:next:
- 2150 forx=2to19:poke781,x:poke782,1:syss:print"[149][218]";tab(38)"[218][144]":next
- 2160 poke781,2:poke782,14:syss:print"[129] definition "
- 2170 poke781,7:poke782,15:syss:print" letters "
- 2180 poke781,11:poke782,12:syss:print" spell the word "
- 2190 poke781,15:poke782,15:syss:print" sentence [144]"
- 2195 poke781,21:poke782,1:syss:print"press [129]del[144] to back up"
- 2200 poke781,22:poke782,1:syss:print"press [129]f1[144] to give up"
- 2210 poke781,22:poke782,23:syss:print"score >>"
- 2220 poke781,22:poke782,38-len(str$(sc%)):syss:printsc%
- 2230 sl=len(wd$):ifsl*2>=36then2250
- 2240 poke781,13:poke782,3:syss:forx=1tosl:print"[164] ";:next:goto2260
- 2250 poke781,13:poke782,3:syss:forx=1tosl:print"[164]";:next
- 2260 return
- 2297 :
- 2298 rem *** format statements ***
- 2299 :
- 2300 iflen(q$)>lfthen2320
- 2310 poke781,v:poke782,h:syss:printq$:return
- 2320 yf=0:xf=lf
- 2330 ifmid$(q$,xf,1)=chr$(32)thenpoke781,v:poke782,h:syss
- 2335 ifmid$(q$,xf,1)=chr$(32)thenprintleft$(q$,xf-1):v=v+1:goto2350
- 2340 xf=xf-1:goto2330
- 2350 yf=xf+lf:ifyf>len(q$)thenyf=len(q$)-xf
- 2360 ifyf<=lfthenpoke781,v:poke782,h:syss:printright$(q$,yf):return
- 2370 ifmid$(q$,yf,1)=chr$(32)thenpoke781,v:poke782,h:syss
- 2375 ifmid$(q$,yf,1)=chr$(32)thenprintmid$(q$,xf+1,yf-xf):xf=yf:v=v+1:goto2360
- 2380 yf=yf-1:goto2370
- 2396 :
- 2397 rem *** keyboard imput and ***
- 2398 rem *** printing to screen ***
- 2399 :
- 2400 poke781,vc:poke782,hc:syss:flag=0:poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$
- 2405 iflen(gu$)>len(wd$)then2400
- 2410 poke781,23:poke782,1:syss:print" "
- 2420 ifkey$=chr$(133)thenflag=1:goto2690
- 2425 ifkey$=chr$(20)thenpoke781,12:poke782,30:syss:print" ":goto2540
- 2430 ifkey$<chr$(65)orkey$>chr$(90)then2400
- 2440 forx=ls+3to(ls+3)+(len(sl$)*2)step2
- 2450 ifasc(key$)=peek(x)+64thenloc=x:cc=x-ls:x=(ls+3)+(len(sl$)*2):flag=1
- 2460 next
- 2470 ifflag=0thenpoke781,23:poke782,1:syss:printp1$:gosub50:goto2400
- 2480 poke781,vc:poke782,hc:syss:printkey$:gosub30
- 2490 pokeloc,asc(key$)+64:pokecs+cc,6:gosub70
- 2500 gu$=gu$+key$:hc=hc+2:flag=0
- 2505 ifflag=1thengu$=gu$+key$:hc=hc+2:goto2564
- 2510 iflen(gu$)<len(wd$)then2400
- 2520 ifgu$=wd$thenpoke781,12:poke782,30:syss:printp3$:gosub60:goto2690
- 2530 poke781,12:poke782,30:syss:printp2$:gosub50
- 2540 hc=hc-2:ifhc<3thenhc=3:goto2400
- 2550 iflen(gu$)=1thengu$="":goto2570
- 2560 gu$=left$(gu$,len(gu$)-1)
- 2570 cn=peek(lw+hc):poke781,vc:poke782,hc:syss:print"[164]":gosub40:
- 2580 forx=ls+3to(ls+3)+(len(sl$)*2)step2
- 2590 ifcn+128=peek(x)thenloc=x:cc=x-ls:x=(ls+3)+(len(sl$)*2)
- 2600 next
- 2610 pokeloc,cn:pokecs+cc,0:gosub70:cc=0:loc=0
- 2620 goto2400
- 2690 return
- 2696 :
- 2697 rem *** figure and print score ***
- 2698 :
- 2700 s1=0:forz=1tolen(wd$):s1=s1+asc(mid$(wd$,z,1))-64:next
- 2710 s1=s1+(len(sl$)*2):s1=s1+(level*1.75)
- 2720 sc%=sc%+int(s1):poke781,22:poke782,38-len(str$(sc%)):syss:printsc%
- 2730 return
- 29997 :
- 29998 rem *** title page ***
- 29999 :
- 30000 wd$="dabble":sc%=0:gosub2100:lf=36:v=4:h=3
- 30110 q$="a great new way to improve your vocabulary and spelling abilities."
- 30115 gosub2300
- 30120 poke781,9:poke782,3:syss:q$="mdlzxbackefbghl":forx=1tolen(q$)
- 30125 printmid$(q$,x,1)" ";:gosub30:next:gosub80
- 30130 pokelw+3,4:pokecw+3,8:gosub30:gosub80:pokels+5,132:pokecs+5,9:gosub70
- 30135 gosub80
- 30140 pokelw+5,1:pokecw+5,8:gosub30:gosub80:pokels+15,129:pokecs+15,9:gosub70
- 30145 gosub80
- 30150 pokelw+7,2:pokecw+7,8:gosub30:gosub80:pokels+13,130:pokecs+13,9:gosub70
- 30155 gosub80
- 30160 pokelw+9,2:pokecw+9,8:gosub30:gosub80:pokels+25,130:pokecs+25,9:gosub70
- 30165 gosub80
- 30170 pokelw+11,12:pokecw+11,8:gosub30:gosub80:pokels+7,140:pokecs+7,9:gosub70
- 30175 gosub80
- 30180 pokelw+13,13:pokecw+13,8:gosub30:gosub80:pokels+3,141:pokecs+3,9:gosub70
- 30185 gosub80
- 30190 poke781,12:poke782,30:syss:printp2$:gosub50:gosub80
- 30200 pokelw+13,100:pokecw+13,0:gosub30:gosub80:pokels+3,13:pokecs+3,0:gosub40
- 30205 gosub80
- 30210 poke781,12:poke782,30:syss:print" "
- 30220 pokelw+13,5:pokecw+13,8:gosub30:gosub80:pokels+21,133:pokecs+21,9:gosub70
- 30222 gosub80
- 30225 poke781,12:poke782,30:syss:printp3$:gosub60:gosub80
- 30230 lf=36:v=17:h=3
- 30240 q$="dabble is a great new vocabulary game for the commodore.":gosub2300
- 30250 poke781,22:poke782,33:syss:print"10000"
- 30260 return
- 30997 :
- 30998 rem *** read in text file ***
- 30999 :
- 31000 open15,8,15:open4,8,4,"0:dabble words,seq.read"
- 31010 input#4,r
- 31020 forx=1tor:input#4,df$(x):input#4,wd$(x):input#4,st$(x):next
- 31025 close4:close15
- 31030 forx=1tor:a%=(rnd(1)*r)+1:t1$=df$(x):t2$=wd$(x):t3$=st$(x)
- 31040 df$(x)=df$(a%):wd$(x)=wd$(a%):st$(x)=st$(a%):
- 31050 df$(a%)=t1$:wd$(a%)=t2$:st$(a%)=t3$:next
- 31060 return
- 31997 :
- 31998 rem *** instructions ***
- 31999 :
- 32000 printchr$(147)
- 32010 print"ddd aa [129]bbb [129]bbb [154]l eeee"
- 32020 print"d d a a [129]b b [129]b b [154]l e"
- 32030 print"d d aaaa [129]bbb [129]bbb [154]l eee"
- 32040 print"d d a a [129]b b [129]b b [154]l e"
- 32050 print"ddd a a [129]bbb [129]bbb [154] llll eeee[144]"
- 32060 poke781,10:poke782,10:syss:print"an original program"
- 32070 poke781,13:poke782,19:syss:print"by"
- 32080 poke781,16:poke782,13:syss:print"donna k. woody"
- 32090 poke781,21:poke782,1:syss:print"do you need instructions (y/n)?[160]";
- 32100 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$
- 32110 ifkey$="y"then32150
- 32120 ifkey$="n"then32140
- 32130 poke781,23:poke782,7:syss:print"please answer 'y' or 'n'.":goto32090
- 32140 return
- 32150 printchr$(147):printchr$(9):printchr$(14):printchr$(8)
- 32160 print" [196][193][194][194][204][197] is a cross between [211][195][210][193][194][194][204][197],"
- 32170 print:print"and a vocabulary building game and"
- 32180 print:print"[202][213][205][194][204][197] [204][197][212][212][197][210][211] and........"
- 32190 print:print"[215]ell, a lot of things!"
- 32200 print:print" [193] definition of a word will be shown"
- 32210 print:print"on the screen. [194]elow the definition"
- 32220 print:print"will be a group of letters. [212]he number"
- 32230 print:print"of letters will depend on the length of"
- 32240 print:print"the word and skill level you select."
- 32250 poke781,23:poke782,5:syss:print"[208]ress <[211][208][193][195][197] [194][193][210]> to continue.";
- 32260 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$:printchr$(147)
- 32270 print:print" [217]our mission (should you decide to"
- 32280 print:print"accept it) is to spell the defined"
- 32290 print:print"word. [217]ou will receive points for each"
- 32300 print:print"word based on letter values, the number"
- 32310 print:print"of letters in the word, and the level"
- 32320 print:print"chosen."
- 32330 print:print" [212]he top 10 high scores are saved to"
- 32340 print:print"disk."
- 32350 print:print" [193]fter you have correctly spelled the"
- 32360 print:print"word (or given up!), a sentence"
- 32370 print:print"will be given using the word."
- 32380 poke781,23:poke782,5:syss:print"[208]ress <[211][208][193][195][197] [194][193][210]> to continue.";
- 32390 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$
- 32400 printchr$(9):printchr$(142):printchr$(8):goto32140
- 32996 :
- 32997 rem *** skill levels ***
- 32998 :
- 33000 printchr$(147):print" <<< choose your skill level >>> "
- 33010 print:print"level <1> - the easiest":print:print"level <2>":print
- 33020 print"level <3>":print:print"level <4>"
- 33030 print:print"level <5> - the hardest"
- 33040 poke781,13:poke782,1:syss:print"which level do you want to try (1-5)? ";
- 33050 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$
- 33060 ifasc(key$)<49orasc(key$)>53thengoto33040
- 33070 key=val(key$):onkeygoto33080,33090,33100,33110,33120
- 33080 level=key:ltr=2:goto33130
- 33090 level=key:ltr=4:goto33130
- 33100 level=key:ltr=6:goto33130
- 33110 level=key:ltr=8:goto33130
- 33120 level=key:ltr=10
- 33130 return
- 63000 rem connect back to loadstar
- 63010 print"load"chr$(34)"hello"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63020 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end