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- hold firmly to a purpose
- persistence
- persistance
- presistence
- a
- capable of being perceived
- perceptable
- perceptible
- preceptable
- b
- satisfactory
- acceptable
- axeptable
- acceptible
- a
- additional equipment for a computer
- periferial
- peripheral
- peripherial
- b
- to fail to satisfy the hope of
- disapoint
- disappoint
- desapoint
- b
- communicating by the written word
- writing
- wrighting
- riting
- a
- located away from one's native country
- foren
- foreign
- foriegn
- b
- generally accepted
- prevalent
- prevelant
- prevleant
- a
- sincerely
- truely
- truly
- truily
- b
- to gain possession of
- aquire
- accuire
- acquire
- c
- an undertaking
- enterprize
- enterprise
- interprise
- b
- one of four equal parts
- forth
- forthe
- fourth
- c
- to make into a whole
- integrate
- intigrate
- entigrate
- a
- deep-seated hatred
- emnity
- enimity
- enmity
- c
- an electrically conducting layer of the atmosphere
- ionisphere
- ionasphere
- ionosphere
- c
- rapid repetition of a tone
- tremolo
- tremilo
- tremelo
- a
- jarring and discordant sound
- cachofony
- cacofony
- cacophony
- c
- glove
- gauntelet
- gauntlet
- guantlet
- b
- natural electrical discharge in the atmosphere
- lightening
- lightning
- lightining
- b
- to be in contention
- oppose
- opose
- oppoze
- a
- sweat
- prespiration
- perspiration
- persperation
- b
- having sound judgment
- sencible
- sensable
- sensible
- c
- a whale
- cetacean
- cetation
- cetasion
- a
- diligent
- asidious
- assidous
- assiduous
- c
- cheap; miserly
- stingey
- stingy
- stingee
- b