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- comfort
- convenience
- convenence
- conveniance
- a
- polite and gracious
- courteous
- curteous
- courtious
- a
- mislead
- deceive
- decieve
- deceeve
- a
- defend against attack
- defence
- defense
- deffence
- b
- the final course of a meal
- dessert
- desert
- deesert
- a
- illness
- desaes
- disease
- diseace
- b
- to be uncertain
- dout
- doubt
- doupt
- b
- feeling of overpowering joy
- extascy
- extescy
- ecstasy
- c
- at this place
- here
- hear
- heer
- a
- additional; extra
- outher
- uther
- other
- c
- one and the other; each
- eather
- heither
- either
- c
- separation of a whole into parts to examine
- analisis
- analysus
- analysis
- c
- short examinations to test one's knowledge
- quizes
- quizs
- quizzes
- c
- an actor was in a leading role
- stared
- starred
- staried
- b
- an event or incident
- occurrance
- occurence
- occurrence
- c
- apt to change or vary
- variable
- varable
- vareable
- a
- to take or get something
- receive
- recieve
- receeve
- a
- to steer or direct a ship or aircraft
- navegate
- navigate
- navagate
- b
- greeting to someone
- hellow
- hellou
- hello
- c
- emphasis
- insistence
- insistance
- insistience
- a
- a number 0 through 9
- diget
- digit
- dijit
- b
- regardless of the fact that
- allthogh
- allthough
- although
- c
- to value highly
- appreate
- appreciate
- apreciate
- b
- performing in harmonious combination with others
- compatible
- compatable
- compateable
- a
- chief law-enforcement officer in a county
- sherriff
- sheriff
- sherrif
- b