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- 1 ifpeek(52016)<>32orpeek(52040)<>245thenload"linput.pr",8,1
- 2 rem planet of the robots
- 3 rem by daniel tobias
- 4 rem c64 version 1.1
- 5 rem 6/12/84
- 7 na$="[208]lanet of the [210]obots"
- 8 poke 53280,7:poke53281,1:print"[144]"
- 9 s=54272:fori=.to24:pokes+i,.:next
- 10 print"":li=52016
- 15 dim lv%(100,8),ld$(100,1),r%(100),id$(50),il%(50),pr(50),iw(50),l%(100)
- 17 dim wd$(100),w%(100,1),fw%(1)
- 18 dimv%(3),h%(2),o%(1),a(1)
- 20 gosub 18000:gosub 19000
- 60 print"[147]"
- 100 rem start
- 108 xx=1
- 110 ifxx=1thengosub1000
- 120 gosub500
- 125 xx=xx+1:ifxx>5thenxx=1
- 130 iffw%(0)=0thenprint"[215]hat?":goto110
- 140 onfw%(0)gosub2000,3000,4000,5000,5500,6000,7000,8000,9000,9500
- 142 iffw%(0)>10thenonfw%(0)-10gosub13000,13500,14500,15000,15500,16000,16500
- 143 iffw%(0)=18thengosub10000
- 145 iffw%(0)=99then300
- 150 t=t+1
- 160 goto110
- 200 rem convert to lower case
- 220 for ip=1tolen(i$)
- 230 ch$=mid$(i$,ip,1)
- 240 ifch$>="[193]"andch$<="[218]"theni$=left$(i$,ip-1)+chr$(asc(ch$)-128)+mid$(i$,ip+1)
- 260 next ip
- 270 return
- 300 rem end
- 305 print"[144]"
- 310 print "[211]top after"t"turns."
- 312 input"play again";pa$:ifpa$="y"orpa$="[217]"orpa$="[183]"thenrun
- 320 print
- 330 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"hello"chr$(34)",8":print"run":poke631,13:poke632,13
- 332 poke198,2:end
- 500 rem handle input
- 505 fw%(0)=0:fw%(1)=0
- 510 print"-->";:sysli,b$:i$=b$+"":print
- 515 if i$="" then 510
- 518 gosub 200
- 520 wd$="":a=1
- 530 if mid$(i$,a,1)=" " then 600
- 540 wd$=wd$+mid$(i$,a,1)
- 550 a=a+1:ifa<=len(i$)then530
- 600 rem found word
- 610 forb=1tonw:ifwd$(b)=wd$thengosub650
- 620 nextb:wd$="":a=a+1
- 630 ifa>len(i$)thenreturn
- 640 goto530
- 650 forc=0to1
- 660 ifw%(b,c)>=0thenfw%(c)=w%(b,c)
- 670 nextc
- 680 return
- 1000 rem print description
- 1002 ifld$(l,0)="s"thengosub12000
- 1005 print
- 1010 printld$(l,l%(l))
- 1011 ifl=28andj=0thenprint"[212]here is a door with bars."
- 1012 ifl=28andj<>0thenprint"[212]he bars are broken, leaving a way out."
- 1014 print
- 1015 l%(l)=1
- 1020 print"[207]pen pathways: ";:fora=1to8:iflv%(l,a)<>0thenprintdn$(a)" ";
- 1025 nexta
- 1030 print
- 1040 print"[214]isible objects:"
- 1045 x=0
- 1050 fora=1toni
- 1060 if il%(a)=lthenprint" "id$(a);:x=1
- 1062 ifil%(a)=landpr(a)>0andr%(l)=1thenprint" ([208]rice $"pr(a)")";
- 1065 if il%(a)=lthenprint
- 1070 nexta
- 1080 ifx=0thenprint"[212]here are none."
- 1082 if r%(l)<>0thenprint
- 1085 ifr%(l)=1thenprint"[195]lerk robot here."
- 1090 ifr%(l)>20andr%(l)<29thenprint"[199]uard robot here."
- 1110 if r%(l)=3thenprint"[194]erzerk robot here!"
- 1120 ift-e>=100thenprint"[217]ou are getting hungry!"
- 1480 print
- 1490 return
- 2000 rem move
- 2005 iffw%(1)<101orfw%(1)>108thenprint"[199]o where?":return
- 2010 x=lv%(l,fw%(1)-100)
- 2020 ifx<0orx>nlthenprint"[206]ot defined yet.":return
- 2025 ifl=28andi$="break out"then15000
- 2030 ifx=0thenprint"[217]ou can't go that way.":return
- 2035 ifr%(l)=3thenprint"[210]obot: [212]rying to escape, huh? [201]t won't"
- 2037 ifr%(l)=3thenprint"work! [218]ap! [217]ou're dead!":goto300
- 2040 ifx=6andil%(7)<>0thenprint"[210]obot: [201]'m sorry, but the dress code"
- 2041 ifx=6andil%(7)<>0thenprint" requires that you wear a tie.":return
- 2042 ifl=6andr<>0thenprint"[210]obot: [201]'m sorry. [217]ou are a bad credit"
- 2043 ifl=6andr<>0thenprint" risk. [217]ou can't enter.":return
- 2045 ifr%(l)=20+fw%(1)-100then2500
- 2060 rem
- 2065 ifl=39andx=39andrnd(0)<.35thenpl=1-pl:x=35:ifpl=0thenx=40
- 2080 ifx=17thenprint"[210]obot: [211]orry, this information booth is out of order."
- 2085 ifx=17thenreturn
- 2087 ifld$(x,0)="[211]"thengosub12000:return
- 2090 ifl=36andx=37theninput"[197]nter combination";a$
- 2095 ifl=36andx=37andval(a$)<>cm%thenprint"[211]orry. [215]rong!":return
- 2100 ifx=38then14000
- 2200 l=x:xx=1:return
- 2500 rem id card
- 2510 ifil%(12)=0thenprint"[210]obot: [201].[196]. accepted. [217]ou can pass."
- 2520 ifil%(12)=0thenprint" [199]ood day, [205]r. [211]mith.":goto2060
- 2530 print"[210]obot: [201]'m sorry, but you can't go that way without an [201].[196]. card."
- 2540 return
- 3000 rem pick up
- 3005 iffw%(1)=0orfw%(1)>nithenprint"[206]o such thing here.":return
- 3006 ifil%(fw%(1))=0thenprint"[217]ou are already carrying it!":return
- 3007 ifil%(fw%(1))<>lthenprint"[206]o such thing here.":return
- 3009 ifpr(fw%(1))>0andr%(l)=1thenprint"[210]obot: [217]ou can't take that without"
- 3010 ifpr(fw%(1))>0andr%(l)=1thenprint" paying for it! [208]lease buy it if you"
- 3011 ifpr(fw%(1))>0andr%(l)=1thenprint" want it.":return
- 3013 hf=0
- 3015 ifwt+iw(fw%(1))>150andiw(fw%(1))<=150then hf=1
- 3017 if hf=1 then print "[212]oo heavy. [217]ou must drop something first.":return
- 3020 ifiw(fw%(1))>150thenprint"[212]oo heavy for you to lift.":return
- 3030 ifiw(fw%(1))<0thenprint"[201]t is securely fastened.":return
- 3040 il%(fw%(1))=0:wt=wt+iw(fw%(1))
- 3045 print "[207][203]."
- 3050 iffw%(1)=10thenm=abs(m)
- 3060 return
- 4000 rem drop
- 4010 iffw%(1)<1orfw%(1)>nithenprint"[217]ou are not carrying one.":return
- 4020 ifil%(fw%(1))<>0thenprint"[217]ou are not carrying one.":return
- 4030 il%(fw%(1))=l:wt=wt-iw(fw%(1))
- 4040 print "[207][203]."
- 4042 ifl=39thenprint"[201]t slides into a crevice in the ruins and is lost."
- 4043 ifl=39thenil%(fw%(1))=-1
- 4045 iffw%(1)=10thenm=-abs(m)
- 4050 return
- 5000 rem look
- 5005 iffw%(1)>0then8000
- 5010 xx=1
- 5020 l%(l)=0
- 5030 return
- 5500 rem inv
- 5505 x=0
- 5510 print "[217]ou are carrying:"
- 5520 fora=1toni
- 5525 ifa=10then5540
- 5530 ifil%(a)=0thenprint" "id$(a):x=1
- 5540 nexta
- 5545 ifm>0thenprint"[160]$"m"in cash.":x=1
- 5550 ifx=0thenprint"[206]othing."
- 5560 return
- 6000 rem save game
- 6010 print"[197]nter filename. ([196]efault: planet.save)":inputf$
- 6015 iff$=""thenf$="planet.save"
- 6017 open15,8,15:print#15,"s:"f$:close15
- 6020 open2,8,2,f$+",s,w"
- 6040 print#2,l:forb=1toni:print#2,il%(b):nextb:print#2,wt:print#2,t
- 6050 forb=1tonl:print#2,r%(b):nextb:print#2,m:print#2,e
- 6060 forb=1toni:print#2,pr(b):nextb
- 6070 print#2,cm%:print#2,r:print#2,j
- 6080 print#2,pw:print#2,rm
- 6090 close2
- 6100 print "[207][203].":return
- 6500 rem load game
- 6510 print"[197]nter filename. ([196]efault: planet.save)":inputf$
- 6515 iff$=""thenf$="planet.save"
- 6520 open15,8,15
- 6530 open2,8,2,f$+",s,r"
- 6540 gosub 6900
- 6550 input#2,l:forb=1toni:input#2,il%(b):nextb:input#2,wt:input#2,t
- 6560 forb=1tonl:input#2,r%(b):nextb:input#2,m:input#2,e
- 6565 forb=1toni:input#2,pr(b):nextb
- 6570 input#2,cm%:input#2,r:input#2,j
- 6575 ifj<>0thenlv%(28,8)=27
- 6580 input#2,pw:input#2,rm
- 6590 close2:close15
- 6600 return
- 6900 input#15,a$,b$,c$,d$
- 6910 ifval(a$)>0thenprint"[199]ame not found.":fora=1to100:nexta:run
- 6920 return
- 7000 rem weigh
- 7010 ifil%(2)<>landil%(2)<>0thenprint"[212]here is no scale.":return
- 7020 iffw%(1)=2thenprint"[217]ou can't weigh it on itself!":return
- 7030 iffw%(1)<1orfw%(1)>nithenprint"[212]here is no such item here.":return
- 7040 ifil%(fw%(1))<>landil%(fw%(1))<>0thenprint"[212]here is no such item here.":return
- 7050 print"[201]t weighs"iw(fw%(1))"pounds."
- 7060 return
- 8000 rem read/examine
- 8005 iffw%(1)=200thenprint"[212]he bars look rusty and weak.":return
- 8010 iffw%(1)<1orfw%(1)>nithenprint"[206]o such thing here.":return
- 8020 ifil%(fw%(1))<>landil%(fw%(1))<>0thenprint"[206]o such thing here.":return
- 8030 iffw%(1)=5thenprint"[212]he sign says: [201]nsert $2.50.":return
- 8050 iffw%(1)=10thenprint"[212]hey are mostly dollar coins, but there"
- 8055 iffw%(1)=10thenprint"are some $2.50 pieces.":return
- 8060 iffw%(1)=4thenprint"[201]t has many peripherals, including a modem.":return
- 8070 iffw%(1)=8thenprint"[201]t is [212]he [193]dventures of [211]uper[210]obot.":return
- 8080 iffw%(1)=12thenprint"[201]t belonged to secret agent [194]ill [211]mith,"
- 8085 iffw%(1)=12thenprint"who had the highest security clearance.":return
- 8090 iffw%(1)=14thenprint"[212]hey appear to be the fragments of a"
- 8095 iffw%(1)=14thenprint"butcher's knife.":return
- 8100 iffw%(1)=11then8200
- 8110 iffw%(1)=13then8300
- 8190 print"[206]othing interesting.":return
- 8200 print"[212]itle: [200]ow to [205]ake [212]he [205]ost of [195]omputer [206]etworks":print
- 8210 print"[217]ou can access the government's public"
- 8215 print"information data files through any"
- 8217 print"modem-equipped computer. [212]o do this, simply type:"
- 8220 print " [204][207][193][196]"chr$(34)"[212][197][210][205]6400"chr$(34)",8,1"
- 8230 print"[212]hen, you select the government network by typing:"
- 8235 print" [199][207][214][212]"
- 8240 print"[206]ow, you are asked the name of the file"
- 8245 print"you want. [198]iles you have access to"
- 8247 print"include '[208][207][208]', which contains the"
- 8250 print"current population of the [213][211][193]. [200]ave fun!"
- 8260 print:return
- 8300 print" [212][160][207][160][208][160][160][160][211][160][197][160][195][160][210][160][197][160][212]"
- 8310 print"[212]o: [215]orkers on [208]roject [195]hronos"
- 8320 print:print"[212]he current combination to the door of"
- 8323 print"room "rm" is posted on the government"
- 8326 print"computer network in the file titled"
- 8328 print"'[195][200][210][207][206][207][211]'. [212]he password to the file is":print"'"pw$(pw);"'."
- 8330 return
- 8500 rem trial/jail
- 8510 print "* [193] police robot arrives. *"
- 8515 print
- 8520 print"[208]olice: [217]ou are under arrest. [217]ou have"
- 8530 print" a right to refrain from inputting"
- 8533 print" anything; anything you input may be"
- 8536 print" held against you in court."
- 8540 print"[144]* [217]ou are taken to a courtroom. *"
- 8545 print"* [212]he judge and jury are all robots. *"
- 8550 print
- 8560 print:print"[202]udge: [217]ou are charged with ";
- 8580 ifch=1thenprint"[193]ssault of":print" a [210]obot. ";
- 8590 ifch<>1thenprint"[212]heft of":print" services.";
- 8600 print" [200]ow do you plead?"
- 8605 print
- 8610 print "[196]efendant: ";:sysli,b$:i$=b$+"":print
- 8615 print
- 8620 gosub200:iflen(i$)>=6thenifleft$(i$,6)="guilty"then8900
- 8630 print"[202]udge: [212]he [196]istrict [193]ttorney will now present his case."
- 8635 print
- 8640 print"* [212]he [196].[193]. is also a robot. *"
- 8645 print
- 8650 print"[196].[193].: [201] will now call upon the ";
- 8660 ifr%(l)=1thenprint"clerk "
- 8665 ifr%(l)<>1thenprint"guard "
- 8670 print" robot, serial #"int(rnd(1)*999999)" to testify."
- 8672 print
- 8677 ifch<>1then8700
- 8680 print"[210]obot: [212]his man assaulted me with a":ifil%(9)=0thenprint" ray gun ";
- 8685 if il%(9)<>0thenprint" knife ";
- 8690 print"only"int(rnd(1)*59)"minutes,"rnd(1)*59:print" seconds ago."
- 8692 print
- 8695 print"[196].[193].: [201] rest my case."
- 8696 print
- 8697 goto8800
- 8700 rem (NULL)heft of (NULL)ervices
- 8710 print"[210]obot: [212]his man had a meal at the"
- 8712 print" restaurant in which [201] work, and would not pay."
- 8715 print
- 8720 print"[196].[193].: [215]hen did this happen?"
- 8725 print
- 8730 print"[210]obot: [202]ust"int(rnd(1)*59)" minutes, "rnd(1)*59:print" seconds ago."
- 8735 print
- 8740 print"[196].[193].: [201] rest my case."
- 8745 print
- 8800 rem your reply
- 8810 print"[202]udge: [215]hat does the defendant have to say for himself?"
- 8815 print
- 8820 print"[196]efendant: ";:sysli,b$:i$=b$+"":print
- 8822 print
- 8825 print"[202]udge: [212]he jury will now reach a verdict."
- 8827 fora=1to1500:nexta:print
- 8830 print"[202]ury: [212]he word of a robot is more"
- 8833 print" reliable than that of a mere human."
- 8836 print" [212]herefore, we find the defendant guilty as charged."
- 8840 print
- 8900 rem sentencing
- 8905 se=2
- 8910 ifch=1thenprint"[202]udge: [217]ou are hereby sentenced to death by electrocution."
- 8915 ifch=1thenprint:print"* [217]ou are taken to an execution chamber * and killed.":goto300
- 8920 print"[202]udge: [217]ou are hereby sentenced to "
- 8923 print" "se"years in prison. [194]ailiff, please"
- 8926 print" remove the prisoner. [206]ext case!"
- 8930 print:l=28
- 8940 fora=1toni:ifil%(a)=0thenil%(a)=29
- 8942 nexta
- 8945 m=-abs(m)
- 8950 xx=1:return
- 9000 rem shoot
- 9010 ifil%(9)<>0thenprint"[215]ith what?":return
- 9020 ifr%(l)=0thenprint"[206]othing to shoot at.":return
- 9030 ifr%(l)<>3thenprint"[212]he robot's force field repels the ray.":ch=1:goto8500
- 9040 print"[212]he defect which caused the robot to"
- 9045 print"malfunction also affected its normally"
- 9050 print"invulnerable force field. [217]our shot destroys it."
- 9060 r%(l)=0
- 9070 return
- 9500 rem buy
- 9501 iffw%(1)<1orfw%(1)>nithenprint"[206]o such thing here.":return
- 9503 ifil%(fw%(1))=0thenprint"[217]ou are already carrying it.":return
- 9505 ifil%(fw%(1))<>lthenprint"[206]o such thing here.":return
- 9510 ifpr(fw%(1))=0thenprint"[212]here is no price on it.":return
- 9520 p=pr(fw%(1))
- 9525 ifm<=0thenprint"[217]ou do not have any money!":return
- 9530 ifp>mthenprint"[217]ou do not have enough money!":return
- 9540 m=m-p
- 9550 pr(fw%(1))=0
- 9560 goto3000
- 10000 rem computer
- 10002 ifil%(4)<>lthenprint"[206]o such thing here.":return
- 10005 print"[210]obot: [215]hen you are finished, type '[207][198][198]' to shut it off.":print
- 10007 print"[200]it return to turn computer on. ";:sysli,b$:print
- 10010 sys65409
- 10020 print" **** commodore 6400 basic v32 ****"
- 10025 print"64m ram system 38911206 basic bytes free":print"ready."
- 10030 sysli,b$:i$=b$+"":print
- 10035 fora=1tolen(i$):ifmid$(i$,a,1)=" "theni$=left$(i$,a-1)+mid$(i$,a+1)
- 10037 nexta
- 10040 if i$="load"+chr$(34)+"term6400"+chr$(34)+",8,1" then 10100
- 10045 ifi$="off"thenxx=1:goto10500
- 10047 print
- 10050 i=int(rnd(1)*5)+1
- 10055 onigosub10060,10065,10070,10075,10080:print"ready.":goto10030
- 10060 print"?syntax error":return
- 10065 print"?unbalanced coordinate error":return
- 10070 print"?improper delimiter error":return
- 10075 print"?unformatted reference error":return
- 10080 print"?unindexable address error":return
- 10100 rem modem
- 10110 goto30500
- 10120 print"[215]elcome to the [213].[211]. [199]ovt [196]atabase!":print"[212]ype '[207][198][198]'[160]to log off."
- 10140 input"[206]ame of file to access";i$:gosub200:ifi$="off"then10550
- 10150 ifi$="pop"then10600
- 10160 ifi$="chronos"then10200
- 10170 print"[206]o such file!":goto10140
- 10200 rem chronos
- 10210 input"[195]lassified! [208]assword";i$
- 10220 ifi$<>pw$(pw)thenprint"[201]mproper password!":goto10140
- 10230 print"[208]roject [195]hronos combination:"cm%"."
- 10240 goto 10140
- 10500 rem exit computer
- 10505 xx=1
- 10510 poke53280,7:poke53281,1:print"[147]"
- 10517 print""
- 10520 return
- 10550 print"[204]ogging off [199][207][214][212] system -- [200]ave a good day!"
- 10555 fori=1tornd(.)*10+5:printchr$(rnd(.)*256);:forp=1tornd(.)*200:next:next
- 10560 print:print"[195]arrier[160]tone[160]lost!"
- 10570 print:print"[158][194]ack to [212][197][210][205]6400. [217]our choices:"
- 10575 print" (1) [193]ccess another system"
- 10580 print" (2) [197]xit to [194][193][211][201][195]"
- 10585 print" (3) [197]xit and [212]urn [195]omputer [207]ff"
- 10587 i$=""
- 10590 print:input"[217]our choice";i$
- 10595 ifval(i$)=0then10590
- 10597 onval(i$)goto30025,30200,10500
- 10598 goto10590
- 10600 print"[212]he current population of the [213].[211].[193]."
- 10610 print"according to census figures as of"
- 10620 print"7/6/2121: [197]xactly 0 persons, 23,241,203robots."
- 10630 print:goto10120
- 11000 rem restaurant
- 11010 print"[210]obot: [200]ere is the menu:"
- 11020 print" (1) [205]arsburger"
- 11025 print" $120"
- 11030 print" (2) [199]reen [199]oop ([211]pecial of the week!"
- 11035 print" $140"
- 11040 print" (3) [195]aviar and [195]hampagne"
- 11045 print" $350"
- 11047 print"([200]it [210][197][212][213][210][206][146] if you don't wish to order.)":i$=""
- 11050 input"[217]our order (by number)";i$
- 11060 ifi$=""thenreturn
- 11070 ifval(i$)<1orval(i$)>3then11050
- 11080 print:print"[217]ou are served."
- 11090 print"[205]mm. [201]t tastes good."
- 11095 e=t
- 11100 print:print"[210]obot: [217]our check, sir."
- 11120 print:print"[217]ou do not have enough money!"
- 11130 ch=0:goto8500
- 12000 rem subway
- 12005 l=lv%(l,6)
- 12010 print"[217]ou enter at the "ld$(l,1):print"station."
- 12015 print
- 12020 iflv%(l,1)=0theni=2:goto12050
- 12030 iflv%(l,2)=0theni=1:goto12050
- 12040 print"[215]hich train ([206]orthbound or [211]outhbound)":inputi$
- 12045 i=2:ifleft$(i$,1)="[206]"orleft$(i$,1)="n"theni=1
- 12050 l=lv%(l,i)
- 12060 print"[206]ext station: "ld$(l,1)
- 12065 iflv%(l,i)=0thenprint"[197]nd of the line.":l=lv%(l,8):xx=1:return
- 12070 print
- 12080 input"[196]o you want to get off here";i$
- 12085 ifleft$(i$,1)="[217]"orleft$(i$,1)="y"thenl=lv%(l,8):xx=1:return
- 12090 print:goto12050
- 13000 rem call robot
- 13002 ifr%(l)=0thenprint"[206]obody to call.":return
- 13003 ifr%(l)<>1then13200
- 13010 ifl=6then11000
- 13020 ifl=34then13300
- 13030 ifl=36then13400
- 13040 ifl=3thenprint"[210]obot: [215]ould you like to try out the [195]ommodore 6400"
- 13045 ifl=3theninputi$:ifleft$(i$,1)="[217]"orleft$(i$,1)="y"then10000
- 13047 ifl=3thenreturn
- 13050 print"[210]obot: [195]an [201] help you?"
- 13060 inputi$
- 13065 ifi$=""then13060
- 13070 gosub520
- 13080 iffw%(0)=10thengosub9500:return
- 13085 iffw%(1)=4andl=3then10000
- 13090 print"[210]obot: [201] am not programmed to handle queries of this type."
- 13190 return
- 13200 rem guard and berzerk robots
- 13210 ifr%(l)=3thenprint"[212]he robot kills you while you are trying";
- 13215 ifr%(l)=3thenprint"to communicate with it!":goto300
- 13220 print"[210]obot: [217]es?"
- 13230 inputi$
- 13240 print"[210]obot: [201] am unauthorized to handle queries of this nature."
- 13250 return
- 13300 rem university
- 13310 print"[210]obot: [215]hat room number do you want?":inputi$
- 13320 ifval(i$)<>rmthenprint"[210]obot: [211]orry, that room is not open.":return
- 13330 print:print"[212]he wall slides open, and you are"
- 13333 print"briskly carried on a platform floating"
- 13336 print"inches above the floor, through several"
- 13338 print"hallways. [217]ou come to a stop."
- 13340 l=36:xx=1:return
- 13400 rem hall
- 13410 print"[210]obot: [196]o you want to return to the":input"lobby";i$
- 13420 ifleft$(i$,1)="[217]"orleft$(i$,1)="y"thenl=34:xx=1
- 13430 return
- 13500 rem play game
- 13505 print
- 13510 print"[195]ost:[160]$2.50"
- 13520 ifm<2.5thenprint"[217]ou can't afford it.":return
- 13530 print:print"[212]he machine is out of order. [201]t takes"
- 13540 print"your money, but does not play. [217]ou"
- 13550 print"pound on it, but nothing happens, and you don't get your money back."
- 13560 m=m-2.5
- 13570 return
- 14000 rem time machine
- 14010 print"[217]ou are in the time machine!"
- 14020 print"[206]ow, set the controls:"
- 14030 input"[217]ear";y
- 14040 input"[205]onth";i$:input"[196]ay";i$:input"[200]our";i$:input"[205]inute";i$
- 14045 input"[211]econd";i$
- 14050 print:print"[212]he machine whirrs..."
- 14060 fora=1to1000:nexta
- 14070 print"[217]ou have arrived!"
- 14080 ify>=1970andy<2001thenprint"[194]ack in the 20th century at last! [217]ou win!"
- 14085 ify>=1970andy<2001then300
- 14090 ify>=2001thenprint"[215]hy did you go to the future again? [201]"
- 14095 ify>=2001thenprint"didn't program any adventure game for"
- 14096 ify>=2001thenprint"that century, and the time machine is"
- 14098 ify>=2000thenprint"out of power. [217]ou're on your own.":goto300
- 14100 ify<1970andy>=1901thenprint"[215]ell, at least you made it to the 20th"
- 14110 ify<1970andy>1901thenprint"century, but you'll have to wait a"
- 14120 ify<1970andy>1901thenprint"while for [195]ommodore computers to be invented."
- 14130 ify<1970andy>1901then300
- 14140 print"[217]ou end up in the year"y". [201] didn't"
- 14150 print"program any adventure for that century,"
- 14160 print"and the time machine is out of power, so you are on your own."
- 14170 goto300
- 14500 rem eat
- 14502 iffw%(1)=0andl=6then11000
- 14510 iffw%(1)<1orfw%(1)>nithenprint"[197]at what?":return
- 14520 ifil%(fw%(1))<>0thenprint"[197]at what?":return
- 14530 ifiw(fw%(1))>2thenprint"[196]on't be ridiculous!":return
- 14540 iffw%(1)=3thenprint"[205]mm. [212]hat was good.":e=t:goto14565
- 14545 print"[195]homp [195]homp [195]homp"
- 14550 print"[201]t could have used a little salt."
- 14560 ift-e>150thenprint"[206]ot very nutritious. [217]ou7re still hungry."
- 14565 il%(fw%(1))=-1
- 14567 iffw%(1)=10thenm=0
- 14570 return
- 15000 rem break out of jail
- 15010 ifl<>28thenprint"[215]hat?":return
- 15020 print"[212]he rusty, weakened bars give way and there is an opening out."
- 15030 lv%(28,8)=27:j=1
- 15040 return
- 15500 rem attack
- 15510 ifil%(9)=0then9000
- 15515 ifr%(l)=0thenprint"[206]othing to attack.":return
- 15520 ifil%(1)<>0thenprint"[217]ou have no hope of fighting a tough"
- 15525 ifil%(1)<>0thenprint"metal robot with your bare hands.":return
- 15530 print"[212]he knife shatters against the robot's tough side."
- 15535 il%(1)=-1:il%(14)=l
- 15538 ifr%(l)=3thenprint"[212]he robot kills you.":goto300
- 15540 ch=1:goto8500
- 16000 rem open
- 16010 print"[193]ll the doors open and close"
- 16020 print"automatically, so there is no need to open or close them."
- 16030 return
- 16500 rem help
- 16510 print:print"[211]ome available commands:"
- 16530 print" [201][206][214]":print" [199][197][212] [object]":print" [194][213][217] [object]":print" [196][210][207][208] [object]"
- 16540 print" [197][216][193][205][201][206][197] [object]":print" [195][193][204][204][160][210][207][194][207][212]":"[160][193][212][212][193][195][203][160][210][207][194][207][212]":"[160][211][200][207][207][212][160][210][207][194][207][212]"
- 16545 print"[160][204][207][207][203]"
- 16550 print:return
- 18000 rem opening titles
- 18010 print "[147]"
- 18020 print:print:print:print:print
- 18030 print:print:print" **** [208]lanet of the [210]obots ****"
- 18040 print
- 18050 print" [195]ommodore 64 [214]ersion 1.1"
- 18060 print:print" [195]opyright ([195]) 1984 by [196]aniel [212]obias"
- 18070 print:input" [201]nstructions ([217]/[206]) ";i$
- 18080 if left$(i$,1)="[206]" or left$(i$,1)="n" then return
- 18500 rem instructions
- 18510 print"[147]"
- 18520 print"[193] time warp has suddenly transported":print
- 18530 print"you into the future, where a war using":print
- 18550 print"neutron bombs and bacteriological"
- 18560 print:print"warfare has completely wiped out the":print
- 18570 print"human race. [200]owever, the computers":print
- 18580 print"and robots don't know this, and keep":print
- 18585 print"going about their business as if nothing":print"has happened.":print
- 18587 print"*** [200]it return to continue ***";:sysli,b$:print"[147]"
- 18590 print"[217]ou explore the world you are thrust"
- 18595 print:print"into using simple sentences, in the"
- 18600 print:print"standard adventure-game fashion, such"
- 18610 print:print"as [193][212][212][193][195][203][160][210][207][194][207][212][160]or [197][216][193][205][201][206][197][160][195][207][201][206]."
- 18620 print:print"[201]f a robot is in the room, you may"
- 18625 print:print"attempt to talk to it by typing [195][193][204][204]"
- 18630 print:print"[210][207][194][207][212], but positive results are not":print:print"guaranteed!"
- 18635 print:print"*** [200]it return to continue. ***";:sysli,b$:print"[147]"
- 18640 print"[199][207][160][206][207][210][212][200] may be abbreviated [206], and the"
- 18650 print:print"same may be done with the other compass"
- 18660 print:print"directions."
- 18670 print:print"[212]he object is to get back to the 20th"
- 18680 print:print"century. [199]ood luck!"
- 18690 print:print"[211]ome utility commands:"
- 18700 print" [209][213][201][212] exits game":print" [211][193][214][197] saves game in progress to disk."
- 18710 print:print"*** [200]it return to start. ***";:sysli,b$:print"[147]":return
- 18999 return
- 19000 rem initialize
- 19002 print"[147][208]lease wait. [201]nitializing data."
- 19005 fora=1to8:readdn$(a):nexta
- 19020 a=1
- 19025 forb=0to1:readld$(a,b):nextb:ifld$(a,0)<>""thena=a+1:goto19025
- 19027 nl=a-1
- 19030 fora=1tonl:forb=1to8:readlv%(a,b):nextb:readr%(a):nexta
- 19040 fora=1tonl:l%(a)=0:nexta
- 19050 a=1
- 19060 readid$(a),il%(a),iw(a),pr(a):ifil%(a)<>-999thena=a+1:goto19060
- 19065 ni=a-1
- 19067 fora=1to10:readpw$(a):nexta
- 19070 a=1
- 19075 readwd$(a),w%(a,0),w%(a,1):ifwd$(a)<>""thena=a+1:goto19075
- 19080 nw=a-1
- 19085 l=1:t=1
- 19087 w=0:m=-119
- 19088 e=0:j=0:r=0
- 19090 print "[147]":input"[204]oad game from disk ([217]/[206]) ";i$
- 19093 pw=int(rnd(0)*10)+1
- 19096 cm%=int(rnd(0)*9999):rm=int(rnd(0)*900)+100
- 19100 ifleft$(i$,1)="[217]"orleft$(i$,1)="y"thengosub6500
- 19110 f=.0596064645
- 19120 fori=.to3:readp:v%(i)=p/f+.5:next:fori=.to2:readp:h%(i)=p/f+.5:next
- 19125 fori=.to1:readp:o%(i)=p/f+.5:next:fori=.to1:readp:a(i)=int(p/f+.5):next
- 19130 return
- 20000 rem data
- 20005 data"[206][160]","[211] ","[197] ","[215] ","[213] ","[196] ","[201][206] ","[207][213][212]"
- 20040 data"[144][217]ou are in the parking lot of a shoppingmall. [193] road is to the east."
- 20045 data"[144][217]ou're in parking lot to mall."
- 20050 data"[217]ou are in the shopping mall. [212]here is a computer store here."
- 20055 data"[217]ou're in mall at computer store."
- 20060 data"[217]ou are in the computer store.","[217]ou're in computer store."
- 20070 data"[212]o the west is a comic book store. [212]o the east is a restaurant."
- 20075 data"[217]ou're by comic store and restaurant."
- 20080 data"[212]his is a store catering to comic book collectors."
- 20085 data"[217]ou are in comic store."
- 20090 data"[217]ou are in a restaurant.","[217]ou're in restaurant."
- 20100 data"[212]o the west is an arcade, and to the east is a grocery store."
- 20105 data"[217]ou're by arcade and grocery."
- 20110 data"[217]ou are in an arcade.","[217]ou're in arcade."
- 20120 data"[212]o the west is a butcher shop, and to the east a clothing store."
- 20125 data"[217]ou're by butcher and clothing store."
- 20130 data"[217]ou are in a butcher shop.","[217]ou're in butcher shop."
- 20140 data"[217]ou are in a clothing store.","[217]ou're in clothing store."
- 20150 data"[217]ou are in a grocery.","[217]ou're in grocery."
- 20160 data"[144][217]ou are on a [206]-[211] road. [212]here is a shopping mall to the west."
- 20165 data"[144][217]ou're on road by mall."
- 20170 data"[144][212]he road goes 100 ft., then stops at an impenetrable pile of debris."
- 20175 data"[144][217]ou're at debris."
- 20180 data"[144][217]ou are next to an information booth, manned by a robot."
- 20185 data"[144][217]ou're at info booth."
- 20190 data"[144][217]ou are in a phone booth. [212]he cash box has burst open."
- 20195 data"[144][217]ou're in phone booth."
- 20200 data"[201]","[201]"
- 20210 data"[217]ou are in the library.","[217]ou're in library."
- 20220 data"[144][212]o the west is a library, and the city hall is to the east."
- 20225 data"[144][217]ou're by library and city hall."
- 20230 data"[217]ou are in the lobby of the city hall. [212]here is a stairway here."
- 20235 data"[217]ou're in city hall lobby."
- 20240 data"[144][212]he road ends here. [212]here is a subway entrance here."
- 20245 data"[144][217]ou're by subway station."
- 20247 data"[211]","[195]ity [200]all"
- 20250 data"[217]ou are in a hallway leading towards offices to the east."
- 20255 data"[217]ou're in hallway."
- 20260 data"[212]here are offices to the north and south."
- 20265 data"[217]ou're between two offices."
- 20270 data"[217]ou are in an office","[217]ou're in office."
- 20280 data"[217]ou are in an office","[217]ou're in office."
- 20290 data"[217]ou are in a hallway in the jail. [193] closet is to the north."
- 20295 data"[217]ou're in jail hallway."
- 20300 data"[217]ou are in a jail cell.","[217]ou're in jail cell."
- 20310 data"[156][217]ou are in a closet.","[156][217]ou're in closet."
- 20320 data"[211]","[205]arket [211]treet"
- 20330 data"[211]","[205]etro [213]niversity"
- 20340 data"[211]","[197]ndsville"
- 20350 data"[156][217]ou are on a street which is blocked in both directions by debris."
- 20355 data"[156][217]ou're on blocked street."
- 20360 data"[156][217]ou are in the main lobby of the [205]etro [213]niversity building."
- 20365 data"[156][217]ou're in university lobby."
- 20370 data"[144][217]ou are on a plain where a bomb blast has destroyed the town."
- 20375 data"[144][217]ou're on plain by subway stop."
- 20380 data"[156][217]ou are in front of a door.","[156][217]ou're in front of door."
- 20390 data"[156][217]ou are in the laboratory of [208]roject [195]hronos.[146]"
- 20395 data"[156][217]ou're in lab.[146]"
- 20400 data"[212]","[212]"
- 20405 data"[144][217]ou are on plain.","[144][217]ou are on plain."
- 20410 data"[217]ou are by a phone booth.","[217]ou're by phone booth."
- 20990 data"",""
- 21000 rem movement,robots
- 21010 data0,0,13,0,0,0,2,0,0
- 21020 data7,4,0,0,0,0,3,1,0
- 21030 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,1
- 21040 data2,0,6,5,0,0,0,0,0
- 21050 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,1
- 21060 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,1
- 21070 data9,2,12,8,0,0,0,0,0
- 21080 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,0
- 21090 data0,7,11,10,0,0,0,0,0
- 21100 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,0
- 21110 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,1
- 21120 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,1
- 21130 data14,15,0,1,0,0,0,0,0
- 21140 data0,13,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 21150 data13,19,0,0,0,0,17,0,0
- 21160 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,40,0
- 21170 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,15,1
- 21180 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,19,0
- 21190 data15,21,20,18,0,0,0,0,0
- 21200 data0,0,0,0,23,27,0,19,26
- 21210 data19,0,0,0,0,22,0,0,3
- 21215 data0,30,0,0,0,0,0,21,0
- 21220 data0,0,24,0,0,20,0,0,23
- 21230 data26,25,0,23,0,0,0,0,0
- 21240 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,24,3
- 21245 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,24,0
- 21250 data29,28,0,0,20,0,0,0,25
- 21260 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 21270 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,27,0
- 21280 data22,31,0,0,0,0,0,33,0
- 21290 data30,32,0,0,0,0,0,34,0
- 21300 data31,0,0,0,0,0,0,35,0
- 21310 data0,0,0,0,0,30,0,0,0
- 21320 data0,0,0,0,0,31,0,0,1
- 21330 data39,39,39,39,0,32,0,0,0
- 21340 data0,0,0,0,0,0,37,0,1
- 21350 data0,0,0,0,0,0,38,36,0
- 21360 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 21370 data39,39,39,39,0,0,0,0,0
- 21380 data39,39,39,39,0,0,16,0,0
- 23000 rem items
- 23030 data"[194]utcher's [203]nife",10,5,0
- 23033 data"[211]cale",10,140,0
- 23036 data"[198]ood [208]ills",12,.5,10
- 23040 data"[195]ommodore 6400 [195]omputer",3,15,5000
- 23050 data"[214]ideo game machine",8,-1,0
- 23060 data"[211]uit of clothes",11,2,995
- 23070 data"[212]ie",11,.15,20
- 23090 data"[195]omic",5,.3,6
- 23100 data"[210]ay [199]un",14,1,0
- 23110 data"[195]oins",16,2,0
- 23120 data"[194]ook",18,1,0
- 23130 data"[201].[196]. [195]ard",29,.05,0
- 23140 data"[204]etter",26,.05,0
- 23150 data"[211]hattered pieces of metal",-1,5,0
- 23160 data"[212]ime [205]achine",37,2000,0
- 23990 data"",-999,-999,-999
- 23995 datasesame,snark,quark,peartree,moonshine,shoe,turkey,christmas
- 23997 datahalloween,robotwar
- 24000 rem words
- 24010 datan,1,101
- 24020 datas,1,102
- 24030 datae,1,103
- 24040 dataw,1,104
- 24050 datau,1,105
- 24060 datad,1,106
- 24070 datain,1,107
- 24080 dataout,1,108
- 24090 dataget,2,-1
- 24100 datatake,2,-1
- 24140 datago,1,-1
- 24160 datadrop,3,-1
- 24170 datalook,4,-1
- 24180 datainv,5,-1
- 24190 dataquit,99,-1
- 24200 datasave,6,-1
- 24210 datarobot,-1,200
- 24220 databuy,10,-1
- 24230 dataweigh,7,-1
- 24240 dataread,8,-1
- 24250 dataexamine,8,-1
- 24260 dataknife,-1,1
- 24270 datascale,-1,2
- 24280 datapills,-1,3
- 24290 datacommodore,-1,4
- 24295 data6400,-1,4
- 24300 datacomputer,-1,4
- 24310 datacall,11,-1
- 24315 datatalk,11,-1
- 24317 dataspeak,11,-1
- 24320 datagame,-1,5
- 24330 dataplay,12,-1
- 24340 datasuit,-1,6
- 24350 datatie,-1,7
- 24360 datacomic,-1,8
- 24370 dataeat,13,-1
- 24380 databreak,14,-1
- 24390 dataescape,14,-1
- 24400 datagun,-1,9
- 24410 datacoins,-1,10
- 24420 datamoney,-1,10
- 24425 datacash,-1,10
- 24430 databook,-1,11
- 24440 datashoot,9,-1
- 24445 datazap,9,-1
- 24450 dataattack,15,-1
- 24455 datakill,15,-1
- 24460 datai.d.,-1,12
- 24465 dataid,-1,12
- 24470 datacard,-1,12
- 24480 dataletter,-1,13
- 24490 datapieces,-1,14
- 24500 dataopen,16,-1
- 24510 datahelp,17,-1
- 24515 dataon,18,-1
- 24520 databars,-1,200
- 24895 rem *****unabbreviated:
- 24900 datanorth,1,101
- 24905 datasouth,1,102
- 24910 dataeast,1,103
- 24915 datawest,1,104
- 24920 dataup,1,105
- 24925 datadown,1,106
- 24930 datainventory,5,-1
- 24935 dataenter,1,107
- 24940 dataexit,1,108
- 24990 data"",-999,-999
- 30000 pokes+5,.:pokes+6,240:pokes+12,.:pokes+13,240:pokes+3,8:pokes+10,8
- 30005 pokes+24,15:t$="123456789*0#"
- 30010 f=.059604645:poke53280,.:poke53281,.
- 30012 print"[147][158][212][197][210][205]6400 300 [203]ilobaud [212]erminal [208]ackage"
- 30013 print"[158][195]opyright ([195])[160]2063 by [204]oadstar [211]oftware"
- 30014 print"[212]ype '[207][198][198]' to return to [194][193][211][201][195]."
- 30025 p$="1-800-555-0749":goto30150
- 30030 print"[196]ialing: ";:gosub30135:pokes+24,8
- 30035 fori=1tolen(p$):a$=mid$(p$,i,1):printa$;:forj=1tolen(t$)
- 30040 ifa$<>mid$(t$,j,1)thennext:next:goto30025
- 30045 p=j-1:j=len(t$):next:v%=p/3:h%=p-3*v%:p1%=h%(h%):p2%=v%(v%):gosub30080:next
- 30050 pokes+24,15:gosub30090:gosub30115
- 30055 print:print"300 [203]ilobaud [195]onnect[154]":fori=1to500:next:goto10120
- 30060 data697,770,852,941:rem vertical touch-tone pitches
- 30065 data1209,1336,1477:rem horizontal touch-tone pitches
- 30070 data1070,1270:rem originate modem space, mark
- 30075 data2025,2225:rem answer modem space, mark
- 30080 pokes,p1%and255:pokes+1,p1%/256:pokes+7,p2%and255:pokes+8,p2%/256
- 30085 pokes+4,65:pokes+11,65:forp=1to50:next:pokes+4,.:pokes+11,.:return
- 30090 t1%=7430:t2%=7000:pokes+24,.:pokes+24,15::forp=1to2:pokes+4,17:fori=1to60
- 30095 pokes,t1%and255:pokes+1,t1%/256
- 30100 pokes,t2%and255:pokes+1,t2%/256:next
- 30105 pokes+4,.:fori=1to1000-2500*(p=1):next:next:pokes+24,.:pokes+24,15
- 30110 pokes+24,.:fori=1to20:next:pokes+24,15:pokes+24,.:pokes+24,15:return
- 30115 t1=a(.):t2%=o%(.):pokes+24,4
- 30120 pokes,t1-256*int(t1/256):pokes+1,t1/256:pokes+4,65:fori=1to800:next
- 30125 pokes+7,t2%and255:pokes+8,t2%/256:pokes+11,65:fori=1to500:next:pokes+24,.
- 30130 pokes+4,.:pokes+11,.:return
- 30135 t%=7217:pokes+24,.:pokes+24,15:pokes+24,.:pokes+24,15
- 30140 pokes,t%and255:pokes+1,t%/256:forp=1to200:pokes+4,16:pokes+4,17:next
- 30145 pokes+4,16:return
- 30150 input"[211]ystem to access";i$:gosub200:ifi$="off"then30200
- 30155 fori=1to1000:next:ifi$<>"govt"thenprint"[213]nknown system":goto30150
- 30160 print"[156][199][207][214][212]: [213].[211]. [199]ovt. [196]atabase":print"[208]hone [206]umber: "p$
- 30165 print"[129][201]s this correct ([217]/[206])?[160]";
- 30170 poke198,.:wait198,1:geti$:ifi$="[206]"ori$="n"thenprint"[206]ope.":print"":goto30150
- 30175 ifi$<>"[217]"andi$<>"y"then30165
- 30180 print"[217]eah!":goto30030
- 30200 poke53270,4:fori=1to2000:next:goto10010
- 30500 print:print"searching for term6400":close8:close15:open8,8,8,"#"
- 30502 open15,8,15,"u1:8 0 18 0":print#15,"u1:8 0 18 0"
- 30505 fori=1to1000:next:print"loading"
- 30510 fori=1to4:print#15,"u1:8 0 "int(rnd(1)*30+3);.:forj=1tornd(1)*2000+1000
- 30515 next:next:close8:close15:goto30000