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/ Loadstar 2 / 002.d81

Jump To: Image (3)  |  Document (19)  |  Text (37)  |  Unknown (12)

Images (3)

Document (19)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
! Commodore BASIC    80 b  1984-01-01
about stripper Commodore BASIC   2.3 KB 1984-01-01
address keeper Commodore BASIC  10.8 KB 1984-01-01
chemistry drill Commodore BASIC   7.0 KB 1984-01-01
cover page Commodore BASIC   1.2 KB 1984-01-01
crypto helper Commodore BASIC   6.3 KB 1984-01-01
det.instructions Commodore BASIC   4.9 KB 1984-01-01
detective! Commodore BASIC  10.1 KB 1984-01-01
light racers Commodore BASIC   3.1 KB 1984-01-01
loan planner Commodore BASIC   4.9 KB 1984-01-01
mc test maker Commodore BASIC   2.8 KB 1984-01-01
mc tester Commodore BASIC   3.4 KB 1984-01-01
middle earth Commodore BASIC   6.6 KB 1984-01-01
ocean of life Commodore BASIC   3.8 KB 1984-01-01
payload Commodore BASIC   7.4 KB 1984-01-01
planet of robots Commodore BASIC  24.5 KB 1984-01-01
psymon Commodore BASIC   1.6 KB 1984-01-01
star Commodore BASIC   2.7 KB 1984-01-01
word stripper Commodore BASIC   620 b  1984-01-01

Text (37)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
about influx Text File 20   312 b  1984-01-01
address file Text File 26   254 b  1984-01-01
adventure plea Text File 108   1.7 KB 1984-01-01
astronomy.easy Text File 52   749 b  1984-01-01
astronomy.hard Text File 52   897 b  1984-01-01
case convert.s Text File 55   895 b  1984-01-01
crypto.2 Text File 4    57 b  1984-01-01
crypto.3 Text File 5   118 b  1984-01-01
crypto.4 Text File 5   119 b  1984-01-01
doodling Text File 98   1.5 KB 1984-01-01
dos part 2 Text File 197   3.3 KB 1984-01-01
dos part 3 Text File 112   1.9 KB 1984-01-01
features11 Text File 27   402 b  1984-01-01
features12 Text File 11   137 b  1984-01-01
hiding memory a Text File 137   2.1 KB 1984-01-01
hiding memory b Text File 171   2.7 KB 1984-01-01
instring.s Text File 101   1.4 KB 1984-01-01
jimmy's topic Text File 126   2.1 KB 1984-01-01
lest you forget Text File 22   320 b  1984-01-01
p_p_s#1 Text File 132   2.2 KB 1984-01-01
p_p_s#2 Text File 176   3.2 KB 1984-01-01
p_p_s#3 Text File 161   2.8 KB 1984-01-01
p_p_s#4 Text File 129   2.4 KB 1984-01-01
preview Text File 54   802 b  1984-01-01
smith's topic Text File 49   705 b  1984-01-01
stargab Text File 43   733 b  1984-01-01
t.address keeper Text File 33   483 b  1984-01-01
t.chemistry dril Text File 34   481 b  1984-01-01
t.crypto helper Text File 77   1.2 KB 1984-01-01
t.detective! Text File 31   475 b  1984-01-01
t.light racers Text File 52   767 b  1984-01-01
t.loan planner Text File 30   436 b  1984-01-01
t.mc test maker Text File 44   704 b  1984-01-01
t.mc tester Text File 39   634 b  1984-01-01
t.middle earth Text File 37   601 b  1984-01-01
t.ocean of life Text File 29   411 b  1984-01-01
t.psymon Text File 29   387 b  1984-01-01

Unknown Files (12)
ce3k.m Unknown   161 b  1984-01-01
hello Unknown   3.5 KB 1984-01-01
instring Unknown   172 b  1984-01-01
linput.pr Unknown    62 b  1984-01-01
loadstar.spr Unknown   451 b  1984-01-01
ls002 1 Unknown     4 b  1984-01-01
ls002 2 Unknown     4 b  1984-01-01
menu.sp1 Unknown   194 b  1984-01-01
menu.sp2 Unknown    66 b  1984-01-01
music Unknown   386 b  1984-01-01
presenter Unknown   8.7 KB 1984-01-01
routines Unknown   3.0 KB 1984-01-01