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- ;
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- ; Breakaway's WATERLOO!
- ;
- ; Menu scripts
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- ; Copyright (c) 2001 by Breakaway Games, Inc.
- ;
- Waterloo: 18 June 1815.
- Will you...
- ^Try a Tutorial.
- ^Play a Scenario.
- ^Fight the Battle.
- ^Play a MultiPlayer game.
- ^Load a previously Saved Game.
- ^Exit Game
- Will you...
- ^Change the course of history!
- ^Use only Historical Scenarios.
- ^Finish Battle
- ^Save Game
- ^Load Game
- ^Game Options
- ^Preferences
- ^Order Of Battle
- ^Messages
- ^Reinforcements
- ^Scenario Status
- ^Scenario Info
- ^Credits
- ^Online Manual
- ^Battle History
- ^Finish Battle
- ^Order Of Battle
- ^Messages
- ^Scenario Status
- ^Scenario Info
- ^Credits
- ^Save Game
- ^Load Game
- ^Game Speed
- ^Options
- ^Text
- ^Preferences
- ^Admit Defeat?
- ^About Waterloo!
- ^Help|F8
- ^Battle History|F11
- ^Quit
- ^Pause
- ^Slow
- ^Normal
- ^Fast
- ^Turbo
- Map Text:
- ^None
- ^Normal
- ^Verbose
- Orders?
- ^Form Line
- ^Form Column
- ^Form Skirmish line
- ^Charge!
- ^Cancel orders
- Brigade Orders?
- ^Form Battle Line
- ^Form Double Line
- ^Form Reserve Column
- ^Form Maneuver Column
- ^Cancel orders
- 'I am told that General %STR0 suggests we keep %STR1's %STR2 in reserve.'
- ^Are you willing to pay %NUM0 VP?
- 'I am told that General %STR0 prefers we keep %STR1's %STR2 in reserve.'
- ^Are you willing to pay %NUM0 VP?
- 'I am told that General %STR0 wishes to keep %STR1's %STR2 in reserve.'
- ^Are you willing to pay %NUM0 VP?
- 'I am told that General %STR0 requires that we keep %STR1's %STR2 in reserve.'
- ^Are you willing to pay %NUM0 VP?
- 'I am told that General %STR0 insists on keeping %STR1's %STR2 in reserve.'
- ^Are you willing to pay %NUM0 VP?
- Select Difficulty Level:
- ^vs. %STR0
- ^vs. %STR1
- ^vs. %STR2
- ^vs. %STR3
- Interface:
- ^No Unit Reselect on Drag.
- ^Right Mouse Move Command
- ^Flags Show Relative Morale
- ^Big Hills.
- ^Sparse Trees.
- ^Terrain grid.
- ^Reverse map rotate.
- ^No Map Scroll.
- ^No Scenario Intros
- ^No Tactical Tips
- ^Less Graphic Detail
- ^Battle Overview|F1
- ^Center of Army|F2
- ^Largest VP Location|F3
- ^Last Message/Location|F4
- ^Max Zoom In
- ^Max Zoom Out
- ^Look North
- ^Look East
- ^Look South
- ^Look West
- ^Scenario Status.|F5
- ^Order of Battle.|F6
- ^Courier Messages.|F7
- ^Interface
- ^Formations
- ^Morale
- ^Terrain
- ^Victory
- ^Shortcut keys
- Where is?
- ^Charge!
- ^Advance.
- ^Bayonets!
- ^Retreat.
- ^Recall
- ^Skirmishers
- ^Double Quick
- French capture %STR0!
- Allied troops capture %STR0!
- Allied troops approach %STR0!
- French approach %STR0!
- '%STR0's Battery is arriving near %STR1.'
- '%STR0's Brigade is arriving near %STR1.'
- 'General %STR0 is arriving near %STR1.'
- '%STR0's Battery is available near %STR1.'
- '%STR0's Brigade is available near %STR1.'
- 'General %STR0 is available near %STR1.'
- %STR0's battery activated.
- %STR0's brigade activated.
- Select a Tutorial
- Select a Scenario
- @width = 320
- @title =Select scenario type...
- Small Skirmish.
- Minor Altercation
- Moderate Engagement.
- Large Battle.
- Enter Code.
- %STR0's battery
- %STR0's btty
- %STR0's brigade
- %STR0 Regt.
- --- END of SCENARIO ---
- Your rating:
- Most effective unit
- Most effective brigade
- Hardest fighting unit
- New enemy officer spotted near
- What say you General, (Y)es or (N)o?
- Select Save File...
- ^Game has been saved.
- ^Game NOT saved.
- Incompatible save game.
- ^Save game version: %STR0
- ^Game version: %STR1
- @************************* Stuff below here needs translating *******
- Save Game
- Save Campaign
- Watch Replay
- Next Scenario
- @OOB
- Order of Battle
- Return to Scenario
- Try a Tutorial
- Return to Main Menu
- Play Again
- Click To Continue
- Randomized Scenario
- A battle which never happened, but might have.
- Test your generalship against the truly unknown!
- Victory Point Locations
- Key VP Location
- regiments
- @MEN
- men
- more en route
- batteries
- cannon
- Enter your name:
- @width=320
- Enter code:
- @width = 320
- Invalid code. Please try again.
- @width = 320
- Do you really want to quit?
- Yes
- No
- No Battles completed.
- Loading Video...
- @width = 320
- @title=CD Not Found
- @button=Search Again
- You must have the Waterloo! CD in your CD-ROM
- drive to play this scenario. If you would
- like to insert the CD now and search again,
- you may do so now.
- @width = 320
- @title = Multiplayer
- Synchronization at the end of the game.
- Please wait...
- Help with Waterloo!
- History of the Battle
- INTRODUCTION - Please Read First!
- GETTING STARTED - The Tutorial Scenarios
- The Basics
- Commanding Units in the Field
- Using Formation Commands
- Using Administrative Commands
- Using Artillery Commands
- Understanding Unit Information
- Unit Cohesion
- Unit Morale and Battle Stress
- Army Morale
- The Game Clock
- Battlefield Terrain
- Order of Battle Screen
- Courier Messages and Reinforcements
- Scoring Victory Points
- Finishing the Scenario
- Not Used
- Not Used
- Napoleon's Last Battle
- Revolution and War--"Vive la France!"
- French Empire--"Vive l'Empereur!"
- Peace and War
- The Battle of Ligny
- The Battle of Quatre-Bras
- Waterloo: The Field of Battle
- The Gates of Hougoumont
- D'Erlon Routed
- "Prepare to Receive Cavalry!"
- La Haye Sainte
- Plancenoit
- "La Garde Recule!"
- Aftermath
- The Infantry Arm
- The Cavalry Arm
- The Artillery Arm
- Bibliography & Links
- Battle Code
- @title=Order of Battle Explanation
- @width=500
- Each regiment or artillery piece has a large
- block associated with it. This block represents
- the original number of men present in the unit.
- ^The number of stars present with the unit represents
- its morale.
- ^The number of casualties the unit has suffered is
- indicated by the darker shading starting from the
- right side of the unit.
- ^The degree to which the unit is stressed is indicated
- by the shading to the left of the casualty shading.
- ^The notches below the unit indicate the number
- of casualties inflicted upon enemy units.
- ^If you click on a unit on the screen while playing
- a game, you will be taken to the map where the
- unit presently stands.
- ^K, W, & M refer to # of men killed, wounded
- and missing in that unit. For various scenarios,
- casualties may occur prior to a scenario's start.
- @title=Campaign Selection
- @width=320
- Select a Campaign...
- @title=Army Status
- @width=320
- Current Army Morale
- @ ; This line must remain at end of file