home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # Redefine startCommandWithOptions, so a window title can be specified.
- # Default title is 'Options..'
- # Can be used by existing procs, but, is used by creproj.tcl (creat project).
- method WmtTool::startCommandWithOptions {this type cmd endCmd msg upd busy {dir ""} {title "Options.."}} {
- # Ask options first before starting command
- set box $this.startCommandWithOptions
- ClassMaker::extend EntryDialog OptionsEntryDialog \
- {type cmdBefore cmdAfter endCmd msg upd busy dir}
- # find the $OPTIONS string to determine the place of the options
- set index [string first \$OPTIONS "$cmd"]
- set cmdBefore "$cmd"
- set cmdAfter ""
- if {$index != -1} {
- set cmdBefore [string range "$cmd" 0 [expr {$index -1}]]
- set index [expr { $index + 9}]
- set cmdAfter [string range "$cmd" $index end]
- }
- OptionsEntryDialog new $box \
- -modal yes \
- -title $title \
- -type $type \
- -cmdBefore $cmdBefore \
- -cmdAfter $cmdAfter \
- -endCmd $endCmd \
- -msg $msg \
- -upd $upd \
- -busy $busy \
- -dir $dir \
- -cancelPressed {%this delete} \
- -okPressed {
- $wmttoolObj startCommand "[%this type]" \
- "[%this cmdBefore] [%this entry] [%this cmdAfter]" "[%this endCmd]"\
- "[%this msg]" "[%this upd]" "[%this busy]" "[%this dir]"
- %this delete
- }
- $box delHelpButton
- $box popUp
- }