if {"$access" != "" && "$access" != "Public-Public"} {
if {[get_class_visibility $class] == "Public"} {
ada95_error "Class '[get_name $class]' with 'Public' visibility has link or association attribute '[get_name $attrib]' with '[get_assoc_access $attrib]' access"
# if {[get_opposite $attrib] != ""} {
# set type [get_type $attrib]
# if {[get_class_visibility $class] != "Opaque" || \
# [get_class_visibility $type] != "Opaque"} {
# ada95_error "Class '[get_name $class]' with a bidirectional association to class '[get_name $type]' must have 'Opaque' visibility"
# }
# }
# procedure operation::check
if {[info commands operation::check_pre_ada95] == ""} {
ada95_error "Mode of parameter '[get_name $param]' in operation '[get_name $oper]' of class '[get_name $class]' returning '[get_name $type]' must be 'in'"
# redefined procedures from product-tcl/check_conf.tcl:
# procedure add_predefined_methods
proc add_predefined_methods {ooplmodel} {
# Call user-supplied function to add methods
if {[info procs add_user_defined_methods] != ""} {
add_user_defined_methods $ooplmodel
# redefined procedures from product-tcl/prep_funcs.tcl
proc data_attrib::prepare {attrib class model forwhat} {