MSG341001 | 341001 # Source of user added TCL in '%1' failed:
MSG341002 | 341002 # \n
MSG341003 | 341003 # Starting extended checking.
MSG341004 | 341004 # Finding classes in '%1' ...
MSG341005 | 341005 # [%1]
MSG341006 | 341006 # Loading entire model excluding specified classes.
MSG341007 | 341007 # Loading model for specified classes.
MSG341008 | 341008 # Loading model for all CCD classes.
MSG341009 | 341009 # Loading model failed due to previous errors.
MSG341010 | 341010 # Loading model for all CCD classes failed.
MSG341011 | 341011 # Loading model for %1 '%2' failed.
MSG341012 | 341012 # Preparing model for checking failed.
MSG341013 | 341013 # No classes specified.
MSG341014 | 341014 # Checking class '%1' ...
MSG341015 | 341015 # Checking subject '%1' ...
MSG341016 | 341016 # Errors : %1
MSG341017 | 341017 # Warnings: %1
MSG341018 | 341018 # Cannot check diagram '%1' of type '%2'.
G_MODCAD_CHK | 341019 # Class '%1' has class '%2' as more than one direct superclass.
G_MODCAD_CHK | 341020 # Class '%1' has an association role '%2' in %3 that conflicts with a data attribute with the same name.
G_MODCAD_CHK | 341021 # Class '%1' has an association role '%2' in %3 that conflicts with an association role with the same name in %4.
G_MODCAD_CHK | 341022 # Class '%1' has more than one association with the name '%2' in diagram %3.
G_EVENT_ATTR_CHK | 341023 # %1 sent to class '%2' has two attributes with the same name.
G_NAME_CHK | 341024 # Class '%1' has a method with the same name as the class; use '$create()' for a class constructor.
G_STD_EXT_METH_CHK | 341025 # No method found in class '%1' that handles %2.
G_STD_EXT_METH_CHK | 341026 # No method found in class '%1' for %2 that handles leaf %3; need at least one of '%4' as method.
G_STD_INT_METH_CHK | 341027 # No method found in class '%1' that handles %2.
G_STD_INT_METH_CHK | 341028 # No method found in class '%1' for %2 that handles leaf %3; need at least one of '%4' as method.
G_STD_MSG_METH_CHK | 341029 # No method found in class '%1' that handles %2.
G_STD_MSG_METH_CHK | 341030 # No method found in class '%1' for %2 that handles leaf %3; need at least one of '%4' as method.
G_CCD_METH_CHK | 341031 # No method found in class '%1' that handles %2.
G_CCD_METH_CHK | 341032 # No method found in class '%1' for %2 that handles leaf %3; need at least one of '%4' as method.
G_ETD_METH_CHK | 341033 # No method found in class '%1' that handles %2.
G_ETD_METH_CHK | 341034 # No method found in class '%1' for %2 that handles leaf %3; need at least one of '%4' as method.
G_STD_EXT_METH_CHK | 341035 # Found method in class '%1' that handles %2, but which has a different number of parameters (defined with %3, called with %4).
G_STD_EXT_METH_CHK | 341036 # Found method '%1' in class '%2' that handles %3, but which has a different number of parameters (defined with %4, called with %5).
G_STD_INT_METH_CHK | 341037 # Found method in class '%1' that handles %2, but which has a different number of parameters (defined with %3, called with %4).
G_STD_INT_METH_CHK | 341038 # Found method '%1' in class '%2' that handles %3, but which has a different number of parameters (defined with %4, called with %5).
G_STD_MSG_METH_CHK | 341039 # Found method in class '%1' that handles %2, but which has a different number of parameters (defined with %3, called with %4).
G_STD_MSG_METH_CHK | 341040 # Found method '%1' in class '%2' that handles %3, but which has a different number of parameters (defined with %4, called with %5).
G_ETD_METH_CHK | 341041 # Found method in class '%1' that handles %2, but which has a different number of parameters (defined with %3, called with %4).
G_ETD_METH_CHK | 341042 # Found method '%1' in class '%2' that handles %3, but which has a different number of parameters (defined with %4, called with %5).
G_STD_EXT_METH_CHK | 341043 # Found method in class '%1' that handles %2, but which is not accessible (is '%3', not '%4').
G_STD_EXT_METH_CHK | 341044 # Found method '%1' in class '%2' that handles %3, but which is not accessible (is '%4', not '%5').
G_STD_INT_METH_CHK | 341045 # Found method in class '%1' that handles %2, but which is not accessible (is '%3', not '%4').
G_STD_INT_METH_CHK | 341046 # Found method '%1' in class '%2' that handles %3, but which is not accessible (is '%4', not '%5').
G_STD_MSG_METH_CHK | 341047 # Found method in class '%1' that handles %2, but which is not accessible (is '%3', not '%4').
G_STD_MSG_METH_CHK | 341048 # Found method '%1' in class '%2' that handles %3, but which is not accessible (is '%4', not '%5').
G_CCD_METH_CHK | 341049 # Found method in class '%1' that handles %2, but which is not accessible (is '%3', not '%4').
G_CCD_METH_CHK | 341050 # Found method '%1' in class '%2' that handles %3, but which is not accessible (is '%4', not '%5').
G_ETD_METH_CHK | 341051 # Found method in class '%1' that handles %2, but which is not accessible (is '%3', not '%4').
G_ETD_METH_CHK | 341052 # Found method '%1' in class '%2' that handles %3, but which is not accessible (is '%4', not '%5').
G_STD_EXT_METH_CHK | 341053 # Class '%1' may not receive %2 since it is a special class of type '%3'.
G_STD_INT_METH_CHK | 341054 # Class '%1' may not receive %2 since it is a special class of type '%3'.
G_STD_MSG_METH_CHK | 341055 # Class '%1' may not receive %2 since it is a special class of type '%3'.
G_CCD_METH_CHK | 341056 # Class '%1' may not receive %2 since it is a special class of type '%3'.
G_ETD_METH_CHK | 341057 # Class '%1' may not receive %2 since it is a special class of type '%3'.
G_ETD_CCD_CHK | 341058 # No corresponding Communication Message found in any CCD for %1 sent from class '%2' to class '%3'.
G_EVENT_MGD_CHK | 341059 # No corresponding Message Definition found in any MGD for %1 sent from class '%2' to class '%3'.
G_SUBJECT_CHK | 341060 # CCD Subject '%1' in %2 does not refer to an existing system, CAD or CCD.
G_SUBJECT_CHK | 341061 # %1 subject '%2' in %3 does not contain any classes.
G_SUBJECT_CHK | 341062 # Cannot go to system '%1' specified by CCD Subject in %2 (%3).
G_SUBJECT_CHK | 341063 # No method found in classes of %1 subject '%2' that handles %3.
G_SUBJECT_CHK | 341064 # Communication Message '%1' sent to CCD subject '%2' in %3 was not found in corresponding CCD.
G_MODCAD_CHK | 341065 # Class '%1' has multiple direct superclasses.
G_MODCAD_CHK | 341066 # Overlapping inheritance of subclass '%1' not allowed.
G_MODCAD_CHK | 341067 # Class '%1' has multiple operations named '%2'.
G_MODCAD_CHK | 341068 # Attribute '%1' of class '%2' is already defined in superclass '%3'.
G_MODCAD_CHK | 341069 # Persistent class '%1' has a class operation named 'create'.
G_UCM_CHK | 341070 # Use Case '%1'%2 has no corresponding UCD with the same name or an ETD qualified by the name of this Use Case.
G_UCM_CHK | 341071 # Use Case '%1'%2 has %3 initiating UCD Actors instead of 1.
G_MODCAD_CHK | 341072 # Internal Class '%1' may not be overridden by user.
G_KEY_CHK | 325001 # Can not import a key into '%1'
G_KEY_CHK | 325002 # Can not import a key into '%1' from master table '%2'
G_KEY_CHK | 325003 # Master table '%1' has no imported keys to export to table '%2'
G_MODCAD_CHK | 325004 # The %s entity '%1' can only be once a %s entity
G_MODCAD_CHK | 325005 # The %1 entity '%2' can not be a %3 entity and a %s entity at the same time
G_KEY_CHK | 325006 # %1 '%2' is not allowed to have key attributes
G_KEY_CHK | 325007 # %1 '%2' has no key attributes
G_MODCAD_CHK | 325008 # Illegal cycle detected during import of key: contributing nodes:%1
G_MODCAD_CHK | 325009 # Table %1 will be generated from %2 entities
G_KEY_CHK | 325010 # %1 entity '%2' cannot import key from more than one master
G_NAME_CHK | 330001 # object of type '%1' found without a valid name
G_DIAG_CHK | 330002 # top %1 '%2' does not have the name of the diagram (which is '%3')
G_REF_CHK | 330003 # %1 '%2' does not occur as a class in any CAD
G_METH_CHK | 330004 # %1 '%2' is not a %3 of %4 '%5'
G_TYPE_CHK | 330005 # %1 '%2' does not have a data type
G_TYPE_CHK | 330006 # data type '%1' of %2 '%3' is neither a standard nor a class type
G_REF_CHK | 331001 # %1 '%2' is not allowed to send messages because it is not defined in the current system
G_REF_CHK | 331002 # %1 '%2' does not represent another system, CAD or CCD
G_REF_CHK | 331003 # %1 '%2' does not occur as a class in any other CCD
G_REF_CHK | 331004 # %1 '%2' is not a %3 of %4 '%5'
G_DFD_CHK | 332001 # diagram '%1' is not a connected graph but consists of %2 parts
G_DFD_CHK | 332002 # %1 '%2' does not have any input flows
G_DFD_CHK | 332003 # %1 '%2' does not have any output flows
G_DFD_CHK | 332004 # %1 '%2' is both input and output of %3 '%4'
G_ETD_CHK | 333001 # event sent by %1 '%2' to %3 '%4' has no valid name
G_ETD_CHK | 333002 # %1 '%2' has received event '%3' from itself before it has even sent it!
G_ETD_CHK | 333003 # %1 found without a valid name
G_ETD_CHK | 333004 # %1 '%2' is not part of any event trace
G_ETD_CHK | 333005 # more than one initiator in event trace
G_ETD_CHK | 333006 # more than one initiator in %1 of the %2 event traces
G_MGD_CHK | 334001 # diagram '%1' has more than one (that is %2) top nodes
G_MGD_CHK | 334002 # diagram '%1' has no top node
G_MGD_CHK | 334003 # %1 '%2' is not allowed to be part of more than one generalization
G_MGD_CHK | 334004 # %1 '%2' is part of its own generalization
G_REF_CHK | 334005 # top %1 '%2' has no reference to a %3 in any CCD
G_STD_CHK | 335001 # diagram name '%1' is not a qualified name
G_REF_CHK | 335002 # diagram '%1.std' does not correspond to an activity or event in another STD qualified by '%2'
G_STD_CHK | 335003 # ambiguous transition '%1' from node '%2' found
G_NAME_CHK | 335004 # component of type '%1' without name or activity found
G_STD_CHK | 335005 # found %1 '%2' without an incoming %3
G_STD_CHK | 335006 # found %1 '%2' without an outgoing %3
G_MODCAD_CHK | 320001 # Found typedef class '%1' without attribute
G_MODCAD_CHK | 320002 # Qualified Association between class '%1' and class '%2' has no qualifier.
G_MODCAD_CHK | 320003 # Object '%1' has no type.
G_MODCAD_CHK | 320004 # %1 item '%2' does not exist
G_TYPE_CHK | 320005 # The %1 '%2' has no type
MSG320006 | 320006 # Loading class '%1' ...
G_NAME_CHK | 320007 # Class without name in model.
G_NAME_CHK | 320008 # Linked Association has no name.
G_NAME_CHK | 320009 # An attribute of %1 has no name
G_NAME_CHK | 320010 # A parameter of Operation '%1' of %2 has no name
G_NAME_CHK | 320011 # An operation of %1 has no name
G_NAME_CHK | 320012 # No name specified for qualifier of %1 between class '%2' and class '%3'
G_NAME_CHK | 320013 # Invalid custom level, level must be '%1'.
G_KEY_CHK | 320014 # %1 is not allowed to have key attributes
G_KEY_CHK | 320015 # %1 does not have key attributes
G_NAME_CHK | 320016 # The name of attribute '%1' is a reserved word
G_ROLE_CHK | 320017 # %1 between %2 and %3 has no role names
G_MODCAD_CHK | 320018 # %1 has a relationship with %2 and %3 which both are external
G_MODCAD_CHK | 320019 # %1 has a relationship with %2 and %3, these are external classes, so the association has to be optional!
G_ROLE_CHK | 320020 # %1 between %2 and %3 has role names, which is not allowed because both related classes are external
G_MODCAD_CHK | 320021 # External %1 is not optional in relation to %2 (See %3)
G_MODCAD_CHK | 320022 # %1 '%2' on the side of %3 of %4 is not allowed because %5 is external
G_MODCAD_CHK | 320023 # %1 must be a persistent %2 because %3 is persistent
G_ROLE_CHK | 320024 # Mandatory %1 from %2 to %3 has no role name
G_MODCAD_CHK | 320025 # Class '%1' has more than one attribute with name '%2'
G_OPER_CHK | 320026 # Method '%1' of class '%2' has more than one parameter with name '%3'
G_ROLE_CHK | 320027 # Class '%1' has more than one role with name '%2'
G_TYPE_CHK | 320028 # No type specified for qualifier '%1' of %2 between class '%3' and class '%4'
G_TYPE_CHK | 320029 # Attribute '%1' of %2 has no type
G_TYPE_CHK | 320030 # Parameter '%1' of Operation '%2' of %3 has no type
G_CONSTR_CHK | 320031 # Invalid cardinality constraint '%1' (belongs to %2 between %3 and %4)
G_CONSTR_CHK | 320032 # %1 between %2 and %3 does not match cardinality constraint '%4'
G_NAME_CHK | 320033 # Many-many %1 between persistent classes '%2' and '%3' has no legal name
G_NAME_CHK | 320034 # %1 between persistent classes '%2' and '%3' has no legal name
G_TYPE_CHK | 320035 # The type of %2 '%3' of class '%1' is not a standard type or a reference to a standard type
G_TYPE_CHK | 320036 # Type '%1' of %2 '%3' is neither a standard nor a class type
G_OMT_CHK | 320037 # Associative class '%1' linked to %2 must be persistent because its related classes are persistent
G_CAD_CHK | 320038 # A link attribute box is linked to more than one association %1
G_CAD_CHK | 320039 # Found a link attribute box not connected to any association %1
G_NAME_CHK | 320040 # A link attribute box is connected to %1 without a name %2
G_TYPE_CHK | 320041 # Link attribute box not linked to an association
G_NAME_CHK | 320042 # %1 has a partner without name.
G_NAME_CHK | 320043 # A binary association with link attribute box has no name %1
G_CAD_CHK | 320044 # More than one loop symbol detected for %1.
G_CAD_CHK | 320045 # Both sides of %1 between class '%2' and class '%3' are mandatory
G_MODCAD_CHK | 320046 # Detected an inheritance loop %1
G_MODCAD_CHK | 320047 # Subject without name in model
MSG320048 | 320048 # Loading external class '%1' ...
G_CONSTR_CHK | 320049 # Part '%1' of number specification '%2' in cardinality constraint '%3' is invalid (I successfully parsed: '%4')
G_CONSTR_CHK | 320050 # Number specification '%1' in cardinality constraint '%2' is invalid (I parsed: '%3')
G_ROLE_CHK | 320051 # %1 between classes '%2' and '%3' has no role on the side of class '%3'
G_MODCAD_CHK | 320052 # Found invalid typedef class '%1'
G_CAD_CLASS_CHK | 320053 # Operation '%1' of CAD Class '%2' has no parameter list
MSG320054 | 320054 # Found more than one definition for class '%1'.
MSG320055 | 320055 # No database type specified for standard type '%1', using '%2'.
MSG320056 | 320056 # No language type specified for standard type '%1', using '%2'.
G_UCD_CHK | 337001 # UCD Actor '%1' does not participate in any Use Case
G_UCD_CHK | 337002 # Initiating UCD Actor '%1' does not send any events