PC World 1997 November
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# Copyright (c) 1993-1995 by Cadre Technologies Inc.
# This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in
# accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of
# the above copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof
# may not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
# No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
# The information in this software is subject to change without notice
# and should not be construed as a commitment by Cadre Technologies Inc.
# File : @(#)checks.tcl /main/hindenburg/1
# Author : edri
# Original date : 11-10-94
# Description : All kinds of checks.
# Check if this class does not directly inherit from the same
# class more than once.
proc check_direct_supers {class} {
set super_names ""
foreach g [$class genNodeSet] {
lappend super_names [$g getSuperClassName]
# remove all unique names from super_names
set unique_supers [find_unique_names $super_names]
foreach u $unique_supers {
set i [lsearch $super_names $u]
set super_names [lreplace $super_names $i $i]
# any name left indicates an error
foreach c [find_unique_names $super_names] {
m4_error $E_SAME_DIRECT_SUPERS [$class getName] $c
# Check if the attribute names of this class are unique; includes checking
# for duplicate assoc_attribs. Duplicate attribute names are checked for
# while loading the model, because these are certain to cause collisions.
# These checks see if methods generated from data_ and assoc_attribs
# will confict. This can only happen in these cases:
# - between a data_attrib and an assoc_attrib that have the same name,
# and where the assoc_attrib has a multiplicity of one,
# - between two assoc_attribs with the same name, compatible types
# and same multiplicity.
proc causes_conflict {assoc1 assoc2} {
set type1 [$assoc1 get_obj_type]
set type2 [$assoc2 get_obj_type]
return [expr {
$assoc1 != $assoc2 &&
[$assoc1 getName] == [$assoc2 getName] &&
[$assoc1 getMultiplicity] == [$assoc2 getMultiplicity] &&
($type1 == $type2 || "db_$type1" == $type2 || $type1 == "db_$type2")
proc check_class_attributes {class} {
# check data attribute against all assoc_attribs
foreach attrib [$class dataAttrSet] {
set name [$attrib getName]
foreach assoc [$class genAssocAttrSet] {
if {[$assoc getName] == $name &&
[$assoc getMultiplicity] == "one"} {
[$class getName] $name [display_diagram $assoc]
# check assoc_attribute
foreach assoc1 [$class genAssocAttrSet] {
foreach assoc2 [$class genAssocAttrSet] {
# Trick to prevent to prevent double checks.
if {$assoc1 >= $assoc2} {
if [causes_conflict $assoc1 $assoc2] {
[$class getName] [$assoc1 getName] \
[display_diagram $assoc1] [display_diagram $assoc2]
# Check if the given class has unique names for all associations.
# Only for assoc_attribs that have a "link", since only there the association
# name is used by the code-generator.
proc check_class_associations {class} {
foreach a [$class genAssocAttrSet] {
set a_link [get_link $a]
if {$a_link != ""} {
foreach b [$class genAssocAttrSet] {
# Trick to prevent to prevent double checks.
if {$a >= $b} {
set b_link [get_link $b]
if {$b_link != ""} {
set a_relation [$a_link relation]
set b_relation [$b_link relation]
if {$a_relation != $b_relation} {
# if they're the same, this class is a link class, with
# links to both association classes, but only one
# association.
set a_name [$a_relation getName]
set b_name [$b_relation getName]
if {$a_name == $b_name && $a_name != ""} {
set diags "[display_diagram $a] [display_diagram $b]"
if {[lindex $diags 0] == [lindex $diags 1]} {
set diags " [lindex $diags 0]"
} else {
set diags "s [join $diags " and "]"
[$class getName] $a_name $diags
# Check if all attributes of a received_event have distinct names.
proc check_event_attributes {event class} {
if [$event hasAttributes] {
if {![is_unique_name_list [$event getAttributes]]} {
[display_event $event 1] [$class getName]
# Check for the given received_event received by the given class whether
# that event is handled by a method of the class.
# For an event to be valid, one of the following must hold:
# - if the received event does not have an associated MGD event,
# an operation with the same name as the event and with the same
# number of parameters as the number of event attributes must exist
# in the class' methods;
# - if the received event does have an associated MGD message, then
# every most decomposed message ("leaf event") in the MGD hierarchy
# with the received event as root, must have one or more parent messages
# for which an operation exists in the class' methods. This ensures
# that every type of message that can occur, is handled by the class.
proc check_method_for_event {r class diagram {quiet 0}} {
set class_name [$class getName]
set r_type [$r getEventType]
# Determine whether we need to consider methods of superclasses,
# and the minimum access right for an operation handling the event.
switch -glob $r_type {
internal_* {set super 0; set access_needed "Private"}
external_* -
event_message -
comm_message -
trace_event {set super 1; set access_needed "Public"}
# If this event is sent to the class by the class itself, "Private"
# access is all that's needed. This also takes care of STD
# internal_- and external_events.
if {$class_name == [$r getSenderName]} {
set access_needed "Private"
if [$r hasAttributes] {
set nattrs [llength [$r getAttributes]]
} else {
set nattrs -1
set e [get_event $r]
if {$e == ""} {
m4_warning $W_NO_CORR_MSGDEF_FOUND \
[display_event $r] [$r getSenderName] $class_name
# check event
if {[$r getName] != ""} {
set info ""
if {!$super} {
set result [find_event_method [$class operationSet] \
[$r getName] $nattrs $access_needed info]
} else {
set result [find_event_method [$class getPropertyValue flat_methods] \
[$r getName] $nattrs $access_needed info]
if {$result == 1} {
if {!$quiet} {
m4_event_error $r_type E_NO_MATCHING_OPERATION1 \
$class_name [display_event $r]
return 0
} elseif {$result == 2} {
if {!$quiet} {
m4_event_error $r_type E_PARAM_ATTR_MISMATCH1 \
$class_name [display_event $r] $info $nattrs
return 0
} elseif {$result == 3} {
if {!$quiet} {
m4_event_error $r_type E_METHOD_ACCESS1 $class_name \
[display_event $r] $info $access_needed
return 0
# check action
set action [$r getAction]
if {$action == ""} {return 0}
set nattrs -1
regsub {(..ternal_)event} $r_type {\1action} r_type
set info ""
if {!$super} {
set result [find_event_method [$class operationSet] \
$action $nattrs $access_needed info]
} else {
set result [find_event_method [$class getPropertyValue flat_methods] \
$action $nattrs $access_needed info]
if {$result == 1} {
if {!$quiet} {
m4_event_error $r_type E_NO_MATCHING_OPERATION1 \
$class_name "[long_event_type $r_type] '$action' in [display_diagram $r]"
return 0
} elseif {$result == 2} {
if {!$quiet} {
m4_event_error $r_type E_PARAM_ATTR_MISMATCH1 \
$class_name "[long_event_type $r_type] '$action' in [display_diagram $r]" $info $nattrs
return 0
} elseif {$result == 3} {
if {!$quiet} {
m4_event_error $r_type E_METHOD_ACCESS1 $class_name \
"[long_event_type $r_type] '$action' in [display_diagram $r]" $info $access_needed
return 0
} else {
foreach leaf [find_leaf_events $e] {
set ok 0
set bad_params 0
set bad_access 0
set name_nparams 0
set name_access ""
set parents [concat $leaf [find_parent_events $leaf]]
foreach parent $parents {
set info ""
if {!$super} {
set result [find_event_method [$class operationSet] \
[$parent getName] $nattrs $access_needed \
} else {
set result [find_event_method [$class getPropertyValue flat_methods] \
[$parent getName] $nattrs $access_needed \
if {$result == 0} {
set ok 1
} elseif {$result == 2 && !$bad_params} {
# remember the first (most derived) event found
set bad_params 1
set name [$parent getName]
set name_nparams $info
} elseif {$result == 3 && !$bad_access} {
# remember the first (most derived) event found
set bad_access 1
set name [$parent getName]
set name_access $info
if {!$ok} {
set parent_names {}
foreach parent $parents {
lappend parent_names [$parent getName]
if {!$quiet} {
if $bad_params {
m4_event_error $r_type E_PARAM_ATTR_MISMATCH2 $name \
$class_name [display_event $r] \
$name_nparams $nattrs
} elseif $bad_access {
m4_event_error $r_type E_METHOD_ACCESS2 $name $class_name \
[display_event $r] $name_access $access_needed
} else {
m4_event_error $r_type E_NO_MATCHING_OPERATION2 $class_name \
[display_event $r] [display_event $leaf] $parent_names
} else {
# No need to continue, since the caller is only interested
# in the correctness of this event, and here it is clear
# that it is not correct.
return 0
return 1
# Given an operation and an access right string ("Private", "Protected",
# "Public", or "" as synonym for "Public", return whether the operation
# can be called.
proc check_access {oper needed} {
set access [$oper getPropertyValue method_access]
switch $needed {
{if {$access == "None"} {
return 0
} else {
return 1
{if {$access == "Private" || $access == "None"} {
return 0
} else {
return 1
{if {$access == "Private" || $access == "Protected" || $access == "None"} {
return 0
return 1
return 1
# Given a list of Operations and a single event name, see if the event is
# handled by the class. This is so if the class has an operation with the
# same name as the event. Also check if the operation found has at least
# accessibility as specified by 'access'.
# If 'nattrs' is >= 0, the operation must have the same number of parameters
# as the specified number, if 'nattrs' == -1 the parameter count of the
# operation is ignored.
# Returns:
# 0 if a matching operation is found (correct parameters and access rights),
# 1 if no operation is found at all,
# 2 if an operation is found with the correct name but with the wrong
# number of parameters,
# 3 if a matching operation was found, but with the wrong accessibility.
proc find_event_method {opers event nattrs access i} {
upvar $i info
set found_name 0
set bad_access 0
foreach o $opers {
if {[$o getName] != $event} {
# found one, if attributes need not be checked, we're done
if {$nattrs == -1} {
if [check_access $o $access] {
return 0
} else {
set bad_access 1
set info [$o getPropertyValue method_access]
# found one, check if parameters match attributes
if {[llength [get_parameters $o]] == $nattrs} {
if [check_access $o $access] {
return 0
} else {
set bad_access 1
set info [$o getPropertyValue method_access]
} else {
# remember that a correct name was found
set found_name 1
set info [llength [get_parameters $o]]
if $found_name {
return 2
if $bad_access {
return 3
return 1
# The given class is a special class, not allowed to receive events; check this.
proc check_special_class {class diagram} {
set events [$class receivedEventSet]
foreach e $events {
if {$diagram == "" || [in_diagram $e $diagram]} {
m4_event_error [$e getEventType] E_CLASS_CANNOT_RECEIVE \
[$class getName] [display_event $e] [$class get_obj_type]
# Check to see if the given trace_event occurs as any comm_message to the
# same class as the trace_event in any CCD in the system.
# This function assumes that the comm_message events are loaded in the
# ooplmodel (i.e. that "ccd" was passed to option "-events").
proc check_corr_ccd_message {r class diagram} {
if {[M4CheckManager::errorControl $E_NO_CORR_CCDMSG_FOUND] == "off"} {
set r_name [$r getName]
set r_found 0
foreach ccd_r [$class receivedEventSet] {
if {[$ccd_r getEventType] == "comm_message" &&
[$ccd_r getName] == $r_name} {
set r_found 1
if {!$r_found} {
m4_warning $E_NO_CORR_CCDMSG_FOUND [display_event $r] \
[$r getSenderName] [$class getName]
# Check if each received_event of the subject is handled by one of
# the classes in this CAD.
proc check_cad_subject {subject} {
if {[M4CheckManager::errorControl $E_NO_MATCHING_OPER_IN_SUBJECT] == "off"} {
set subject_name [$subject getName]
set subject_type [$subject get_obj_type]
set diagram "[$subject getDiagramName].[$subject getDiagramType]"
# Load and prepare the model for all classes in the diagram and
# check for every event received by the subject whether it is
# handled by some class.
if [catch {set classes [get_diagram_classes $subject_name cad]} msg] {
puts stdout $msg
if [lempty $classes] {
m4_error $E_SUBJECT_IS_EMPTY "CAD" $subject_name $diagram
set model [load_model $classes ccd 0 1 0]
if {$model == ""} {
m4_message $M_LOADING_MODEL_FAILED $subject_type $subject_name
set oopl [$model ooplModel]
prepare $oopl check
foreach e [$subject receivedEventSet] {
set found 0
foreach c [getSelectedOoplClasses $oopl $classes] {
if [check_method_for_event $e $c "" 1] {
set found 1
if {!$found} {
"CAD" $subject_name [display_event $e]
$model delete
# Check if each received_event of the subject is received by one of the
# classes in the CCD specified by the subject. This CCD should exist in
# the current system.
# This function assumes that all classes occurring in the CCD have been
# loaded in the current ooplmodel.
proc check_ccd_subject {subject} {
if {[M4CheckManager::errorControl $E_NO_MATCHING_OPER_IN_SUBJECT] == "off"} {
set subject_name [$subject getName]
set subject_type [$subject get_obj_type]
set diagram "[$subject getDiagramName].[$subject getDiagramType]"
if [catch {set classes [get_diagram_classes $subject_name ccd]} msg] {
puts stdout $msg
foreach r [$subject receivedEventSet] {
set r_name [$r getName]
set r_found 0
foreach c $classes {
set class [find_class $ooplmodel $c]
if {$class != ""} {
foreach cr [$class receivedEventSet] {
if {$r_name == [$cr getName]} {
set r_found 1
if {$r_found} {
if {!$r_found} {
m4_error $E_NO_MATCHING_MSG_IN_SUBJECT $r_name $subject_name $diagram
# Check if each received_event of the subject is handled by one of
# the classes in this system.
proc check_system_subject {subject} {
if {[M4CheckManager::errorControl $E_NO_MATCHING_OPER_IN_SUBJECT] == "off"} {
set currSystemVersion [[ClientContext::global] currentSystem]
if $currSystemVersion {
set systemName [[$currSystemVersion system] name]
} else {
set systemName ""
#set systemName [OTShContext::getSystemName]
set subject_name [$subject getName]
set subject_type [$subject get_obj_type]
set diagram "[$subject getDiagramName].[$subject getDiagramType]"
# Go to the system specified by the subject, load and prepare the model
# for all classes in the system and check for every event received by
# the subject whether it is handled by some class.
if [catch {goto_system $subject_name} msg] {
m4_error $E_BAD_SYSTEM_SUBJECT $subject_name $diagram $msg
if [catch {set classes [get_system_classes]} msg] {
puts stdout $msg
catch {goto_system $systemName}
if [lempty $classes] {
m4_error $E_SUBJECT_IS_EMPTY "System" $subject_name $diagram
catch {goto_system $systemName}
set model [load_model $classes ccd 0 1 0]
if {$model == ""} {
m4_message $M_LOADING_SUBJMODEL_FAILED $subject_type $subject_name
catch {goto_system $systemName}
set oopl [$model ooplModel]
prepare $oopl check
foreach e [$subject receivedEventSet] {
set found 0
foreach c [getSelectedOoplClasses $oopl $classes] {
if [check_method_for_event $e $c "" 1] {
set found 1
if {!$found} {
"system" $subject_name [display_event $e]
$model delete
# Go to the original system
if [catch {goto_system $systemName} msg] {
puts stdout $msg
# If this event has the receiving object as the sending object, check
# if the arrival time is later than the send time.
proc check_etd_times {r class diagram} {
# Does not work, for two reasons:
# 1) save diagram does not update begin_y/end_y when stripping diagram,
# so that only coordinates of first connector are saved (if intermediate
# vertices are used)
# 2) given class may have two distinct 'timelines' in the same
# diagram, and the event may be sent from one to the other,
# making it invalid to compare src and dst times
# This check is better done in libetd.
# if {[$r getSenderName] == [$class getName]} {
# if {[get_dst_time $r] < [get_src_time $r]} {
# [$class getName] [display_event $r]
# }
# }