; name of the language in Current Language (self language name)
LanguageNameSelf = PortuguΩs Brasil
Date = 7 May, 2004
Translator = Leandro Azevedo
Comments = Caso encontre algum erro nesta traduτπo, por favor contacte: ziqwer@yahoo.com.br.
bOK = &OK
bApply = &Aplicar
bCancel = &Cancelar
bClose = &Fechar
bDonate = &Doar
bRegister = &Registrar
settings = &Configuraτ⌡es...
settings_full = %s &Configuraτ⌡es...
help = &Ajuda...
about = &Sobre...
exit = Sai&r %s
logs = &Logs de tempertatura
feedback = Contato
hdd_settings = Configuraτ⌡es do &HD...
registration = Registro
reg_request = Solicitar registro
enter_key = Digite a chave de registro...
hddt_on_web = HDD Thermometer na Internet
send_bugs = Relatar erro
title = Configuraτ⌡es
;-- tree view ---------------------------------
tree_general = Geral
tree_disks = HDs
tree_log = Log
language = Idioma
;-- general settings --------------------------
AutoLoad = Carregar na inicializaτπo do Windows
Box_ShowMainIcon = ═cone principal no Tray
ShowMainIcon = Mostrar ═cone Principal
AlwaysShowIcon = Sempre
ConditionShowIcon = Quando nπo houver indicaτπo de temperatura no Tray
NeverShowIcon = Nunca
TemperatureUnits = Unidades de temperatura
Celsius = Celsius
Fahrenheit = Fahrenheit
;-- log settings ------------------------------
UseLog = Marcar mudanτas de temperatura
LogLimit = Guardar Log por
LogLimitDays = dias
;-- language settings -------------------------
LangSelect = Selecionar idioma
LangInfo = Informaτπo de Idioma
AutodetectLang = Autodetectar
LangInf_Name = Idioma
LangInf_Translator = Tradutor
LangInf_Date = Data
;-- disk settings -----------------------------
DiskNotPresent = (ausente)
DiskUnknown = (desconhecido)
DiskModel = Modelo
DiskSerial = N·mero de SΘrie
DiskCapacity = Capacidade Real
CommonDiskSettings = Configuraτ⌡es comuns do HD
CommonDiskSettingsNote = NOTA: Estas configuraτ⌡es sπo usadas para todo HD que estiver configurado para usar as configuraτ⌡es comuns de temperatura.
page_general = Geral
page_levels = Nφveis de temperatura
page_control = Controle de temperatura
;-- general page ------------------------
EnableTempControl = Ativar monitoramento de temperatura para este HD
UseCommonSettings = Usar as configuraτ⌡es comuns de temperatura para este HD
TempPollInterval = Intervalo de atualizaτπo
PollEvery = Atualiza temperatura do HD a cada
Poll_Seconds = segundos
Poll_Minutes = minutos
TempIndicatorInTray = Indicador de temperatura no Tray
ShowHDDIndicator = Mostrar o indicador do HD
ShowIndicatorAlways = Sempre
ShowIndicator_W_C = Somente nas temperaturas de alerta e crφtica
ShowIndicator_C = Somente na temperaturas crφtica
ShowIndicatorNever = Nunca
;-- levels page ------------------------
; the following three strings should be less than 9 symbols to be displayed properly
NormalTemp = Normal
WarningTemp = Alerta
CriticalTemp = Crφtico
NormalTemp_Full = Temperatura normal
WarningTemp_Full = Temperature de alerta
CriticalTemp_Full = Temperatura crφtica
IconTextColor = Cor do texto
IconBgColor = Cor de fundo
WarningTempLevel = Temperatura de alerta
CriticalTempLevel = Temperatura crφtica
NormalTempNote = NOTA: Temperature normal Θ quando o HD estß trabalhando de modo estßvel.
WarningTempNote = NOTA: Temperature de alerta Θ quando a temperatura do HD estß aumentendo.
CriticalTempNote = NOTA: Temperature crφtica Θ quando o HD estß extremamente quente e pode haver perda de dados.
;-- control page -----------------------
WhenExceedWarnTemp = Quando exceder a temperatura
WhenExceedCritTemp = Quando exceder a temperatura Crφtica
Control_ShowMessage = Exibir notificaτπo (Tray Baloon in Win 2000/XP)
Control_PlaySound = Tocar som
Control_ExecuteApp = Executar um programa
Control_PowerOff = Desligar o computador (PowerOff)
Control_Shutdown = Shutdown
Control_Hibernate = Hibernar
Control_ChooseSound = Procurar arquivo de som
Control_ChooseApp = Procurar programa
;-- tray hint -----------------------------
Hint_Temperature = Temperatura
Hint_Max = Max
Hint_Min = Min
;-- nag form ------------------------------
NagCaption = Suportt HDD Thermometer
NagDonateText = HDD Thermometer Θ gratuito.\n\nUnregistered version of HDD Thermometer will display this nag sreen at startup. This is the only restriction and if you don't want to register - you don't have to. In any case, you doesn't have to pay any fee, because registration is completely free!\n\nIf you like HDD Thermometer and want to support further development, please donate some money to this Project. You can do it using credit card or other payment methods. This will really help us to create the best HDD temperature meter.\n\nThank you.
;-- registration form ---------------------
REG_Registration = Registro
REG_Username = Usußrio
REG_RegKey = Chave de registro
REG_ThanksForReg = Obrigado por registrar HDD Thermometer!
;-- about form ----------------------------
About_Title = Sobre
About_Version = Versπo
About_build = build
About_RegisteredTo = Registrado para
About_ProgId = Program ID
;-- shutdown/hibernate form ---------------
; following 3 strings should be no longer than their english equivalents
OverheatTextShutdown = HDD temperature has exceeded maximum value: %s\n\nCurrent HDD temperature: %s. It's better to turn off the computer to allow hard disk to cool down.\n\nIn %d seconds the computer will shutdown. You can avoid this by pressing 'Cancel'.
OverheatTextSimple = HDD temperature has exceeded maximum value: %s\n\nCurrent HDD temperature: %s. It's better to turn off the computer to allow hard disk to cool down.\n\nNOTE:\nThis message appears once when the current temperature becomes greater than maximum. Further overheat is indicated by hard disk icon in the system tray.
HibernateFailedText = Shutdown failed!\n\nPlease turn off the computer manually and allow your hard disk to cool down.
DefaulShutdownMeth = Default shutdown method
;-- messages ------------------------------
NotifyWarningText = A temperatura do HD excedeu a temperatura de alerta de %s\n\nTemperatura atual: %s
NotifyCriticalText = A temperatura do HD excedeu a temperatura Crφtica de %s\n\nTemperatura atual: %s\n\nVOC╩ PODE PERDER DADOS POR SOBREAQUECIMENTO!!!
PlaySoundFailed = Nπo foi possφvel tocar esse ßudio!