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INI File  |  2006-09-24  |  34.1 KB  |  1,140 lines

  1. [Main]
  2. ShowToolbarFile=1
  3. ShowToolbarEdit=1
  4. ShowToolbarSearch=1
  5. ShowToolbarTitle=1
  6. ShowToolbarCommon=1
  7. ShowToolbarPlayer=1
  8. ShowAllHints=1
  9. CreateBAKfiles=1
  10. DelayFrames=2
  11. TestReadSpeed=10
  12. TestMinDwell=2000
  13. GirderInUse=0
  14. SaveWindowPosition=1
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  16. WindowLeft=0
  17. WindowWidth=535
  18. WindowHeight=436
  19. SyncWindowTop=55
  20. SyncWindowLeft=43
  21. AnalysisWindowTop=255
  22. AnalysisWindowLeft=153
  23. TestWindowTop=0
  24. TestWindowLeft=29
  25. RangeWindowTop=74
  26. RangeWindowLeft=56
  27. LoopWindowTop=165
  28. LoopWindowLeft=520
  29. ToolBarFileTop=2
  30. ToolBarFileLeft=11
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  34. ToolBarSearchLeft=11
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  36. ToolBarTitleLeft=11
  37. ToolBarCommonTop=106
  38. ToolBarCommonLeft=11
  39. ToolBarPlayerTop=80
  40. ToolBarPlayerLeft=11
  42. [Font]
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  44. Color=65535
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  72. ColWidth7=68
  73. ColWidth8=68
  75. [Player]
  76. AlwaysOnTop=0
  77. AutoRewind=0
  78. AutoPlayAfterSave=1
  79. ShowDisplay=0
  80. SendAllEvents=0
  81. PlayerFollowsCurrentTitle=1
  82. AutoNoSave=1
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  84. RewindAfterSave=5
  85. PlayerStep=3
  86. Zoom=1
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  88. WindowLeft=535
  89. ShowFrames=1
  91. [DefaultPath]
  92. Open=
  93. Save=
  94. Export=
  96. [Language]
  97. Preferred=
  98. 0=╚esky
  99. 1=English
  100. 2=Espa±ol
  101. 3=Magyar
  102. 4=Nederlands
  103. 5=Polski
  104. 6=PortuguΩse
  105. 7=SlovenΦina
  106. 8=SlovenÜΦina
  107. 9===v== partial translation ==v==
  108. 10=Deutsch
  109. 11=Franτaise
  110. 12=Hrvatski
  111. 13=Italiana
  112. 14=Suomi
  113. 15=Tⁿrkτe
  114. 16=Waiting for YOU
  116. [Deutsch]
  117. AnalysisPn=NΣchstes
  118. AnalysisPp=Vorheriges
  119. BrowseFolderButtonCancelCaption=Abbrechen
  120. BrowseFolderButtonOKCaption=OK
  121. EditCurrentLineIndex=Aktuelle
  122. FrameNumber=Bild Nummer
  123. HintPause=Pauzes
  124. HintPlay=Abspielen
  125. MenuAbout=▄ber...
  126. MenuClose=Geschlossen
  127. MenuCommon=Mass operations
  128. MenuEdit=Edit
  129. MenuExit=Beenden
  130. MenuExport=&Export...
  131. MenuFile=Datei
  132. MenuFindNext=Suche NΣchste
  133. MenuFind=Suche...
  134. MenuGoTo=Springen zu...
  135. MenuHelp=Hilfen
  136. MenuHidePlayer=Verstecken
  137. MenuMarkLine=Bookmark Hinzufⁿgen
  138. MenuNew=Neue
  139. MenuOpenVideoFile=╓ffne Videodatei...
  140. MenuOpen=╓ffnen...
  141. MenuOptions=Einstellungen...
  142. MenuPlayPause=Spiele/Pauze
  143. MenuProperties=Eigenschaften...
  144. MenuSaveAs=Speichern als...
  145. MenuSave=Speichern
  146. MenuSearch=Suchen
  147. MenuShowPlayer=Zeige
  148. MenuStepBackB=Zurⁿck
  149. MenuStepBackE=sec
  150. MenuStepForwardB=NΣchste
  151. MenuStepForwardE=sec
  152. MenuStep1Back=Zurⁿck 1 Bild
  153. MenuStep1Forward=NΣchste 1 Bild
  154. MenuStop=Halt
  155. MenuSubtitle=Untertitel
  156. MenuUndo=Zurⁿck
  157. MenuZoom=Videogr÷▀e
  158. OptionsButtonCancelCaption=Abbrechen
  159. OptionsButtonFontCaption=Schriftart
  160. OptionsButtonPathBrowseHint=Durchsuchen
  161. OptionsButtonSaveCaption=Speichern
  162. WindowsMediaPlayerCaptionActive=vorschau im Windows Media Player
  163. WindowsMediaPlayerCaptionInactive=Windows Media Player - Vorschau
  165. [Franτaise]
  166. AnalysisPn=Suivant
  167. AnalysisPp=PrΘcΘdent
  168. BrowseFolderButtonCancelCaption=Abandon
  169. BrowseFolderButtonOKCaption=Executer
  170. ButtonClose=&Fin
  171. FileFileSize=Grandeur du fichier:
  172. FrameNumber=Image
  173. HintPause=Pause
  174. HintPlay=Lecture
  175. MenuAbout=A propos...
  176. MenuClose=Fermer
  177. MenuEdit=╔ditez
  178. MenuExit=Quitter
  179. MenuFile=Fichier
  180. MenuFind=Recherche...
  181. MenuGoTo=Saut α...
  182. MenuHelp=Aide
  183. MenuHidePlayer=Masquer
  184. MenuMarkLine=Ajouter le Signet
  185. MenuNew=Nouveau
  186. MenuOpenVideoFile=Ouvrir Fichier Video...
  187. MenuOpen=Ouverture...
  188. MenuOptions=PrΘfΘrences...
  189. MenuPlayer=Joueur
  190. MenuPlayPause=Lecture/Pause
  191. MenuProperties=PropriΘtΘs...
  192. MenuSaveAs=Enregistrer Sous...
  193. MenuSave=Enregistrer
  194. MenuSearch=Recherche
  195. MenuShowPlayer=Afficher
  196. MenuStop=ArrΩt
  197. MenuSubtitle=Sous-Titres
  198. MenuZoom=Zoom
  199. OptionsButtonCancelCaption=Abandon
  200. OptionsButtonFontCaption=Polices
  201. OptionsButtonPathBrowseHint=Voir
  202. OptionsButtonSaveCaption=Enregistrer
  203. WindowsMediaPlayerCaptionActive=prΘvisualisation in Windows Media Player
  204. WindowsMediaPlayerCaptionInactive=Windows Media Player - PrΘvisualisation
  206. [Hrvatski]
  207. AnalysisPn=Slijedece
  208. AnalysisPp=Prethodno
  209. BrowseFolderButtonCancelCaption=Odustani
  210. BrowseFolderButtonCancelCaption=Odustani
  211. BrowseFolderButtonOKCaption=U redu
  212. DetermineRangeButtonCancel=Odustani
  213. DetermineRangeButtonDoThis=Prihvati
  214. DialogsFilterMovie=Movie Datoteke (*.AVI;*.ASF;*.IVF;*.MPG;*.MPE;*.MPEG;*.M1V;*.MP2;*.MPV2;*.MP2V;*.MOV;*.QT;*.VMW)|*.AVI;*.ASF;*.IVF;*.MPG;*.MPE;*.MPEG;*.M1V;*.MP2;*.MPV2;*.MP2V;*.MOV;*.QT;*.VMW|Sve Datoteke (*.*)|*.*
  215. DialogsFilterTitle=MicroDVD Titlovi Datoteke (*.TXT;*.SUB)|*.TXT;*.SUB|Sve Datoteke (*.*)|*.*
  216. Error=GreÜka
  217. FindButtonCancelCaption=Odustani
  218. FrameNumber=Frame
  219. HintPause=Pauza
  220. HintPlay=Pokreni
  221. MenuClose=Zatvori
  222. MenuEdit=Izmjene
  223. MenuExit=Izadji
  224. MenuFile=Datoteka
  225. MenuGoTo=Odi na...
  226. MenuHelp=Pomoµ
  227. MenuHidePlayer=Sakrij
  228. MenuMarkLine=Dodaj Memoriji
  229. MenuNew=Novo
  230. MenuOpen=Otvori...
  231. MenuOpenVideoFile=Otvori Video File...
  232. MenuOptions=Postavke...
  233. MenuPlayPause=Pokreni/Pauza
  234. MenuProperties=PropriΘtΘs...
  235. MenuSave=Spremi
  236. MenuSaveAs=Snimi kao...
  237. MenuShowPlayer=Poka₧i
  238. MenuStop=Zaustavi
  239. MenuSubtitle=Titlovi
  240. MenuZoom=Zoom
  241. OperationsButtonCancel=Odustani
  242. OperationsButtonDoThis=Prihvati
  243. OptionsButtonCancelCaption=Odustani
  244. OptionsButtonCancelCaption=Odustani
  245. OptionsButtonFontCaption=Font
  246. OptionsButtonPathBrowseHint=Potra₧i folders
  247. OptionsButtonPathBrowseHint=Trazi
  248. OptionsButtonSaveCaption=Snimi
  249. WindowsMediaPlayerCaptionActive=Primjer v Windows Media Player
  250. WindowsMediaPlayerCaptionInactive=Windows Media Player - Primjer
  252. [Italiana]
  253. AnalysisPn=Successivo
  254. AnalysisPp=Precedente
  255. BrowseFolderButtonCancelCaption=Cancella
  256. MenuExit=Esci
  257. MenuFile=File
  258. MenuOpen=Apri...
  259. MenuSaveAs=Salva come...
  260. MenuSave=Salva
  261. MenuSubtitle=Subttotitoli
  262. OptionsButtonCancelCaption=Cancella
  263. OptionsButtonFontCaption=Carattere
  264. OptionsButtonSaveCaption=Salva
  266. [Suomi]
  267. AnalysisPn=Seuraava
  268. AnalysisPp=Edellinen
  269. BrowseFolderButtonCancelCaption=Peruuta
  270. BrowseFolderButtonOKCaption=OK
  271. ButtonClose=&Sulje
  272. FrameNumber=Kuvaan
  273. HintPause=PysΣytys
  274. HintPlay=Toisto
  275. MenuExit=Sulje
  276. MenuFile=Tiedosto
  277. MenuGoTo=Siirry...
  278. MenuMarkLine=LisΣΣ Suosikkeihin
  279. MenuOpenVideoFile=Avaa Video Tiedosto...
  280. MenuOpen=Avaa...
  281. MenuPlayPause=Toisto / PysΣytys
  282. MenuSaveAs=Tallenna NimellΣ...
  283. MenuSave=Tallenna
  284. MenuStop=Lopetus
  285. MenuSubtitle=Tekstitys
  286. OptionsButtonCancelCaption=Peruuta
  287. OptionsButtonFontCaption=Fontti
  288. OptionsButtonPathBrowseHint=Selaa
  289. OptionsButtonSaveCaption=Tallenna
  290. WindowsMediaPlayerCaptionActive=esikatsaus in Windows Media Player
  291. WindowsMediaPlayerCaptionInactive=Windows Media Player - Esikatsaus
  293. [Tⁿrkτe]
  294. MenuGirder=&Girder
  295. MenuGirderInUse=&In use
  296. LineIsMarked=line is marked!\NReally close?
  297. LinesIsMarked=lines are marked!\NReally close?
  298. LinesAreMarked=lines are marked!\NReally close?
  299. MenuInsertLine=Insert empty subtitle before current
  300. MenuAddLine=Add empty subtitle behind current
  301. MenuSplitLine=Split subtitle (2 + # lines)
  302. MenuSplit1Line=Split subtitle (1 + # lines)
  303. MenuBreakLeft=Move first linebreak to &left
  304. MenuBreakRight=Move first linebreak to &right
  305. MenuSecondBreakLeft=Move second linebreak to left
  306. MenuSecondBreakRight=Move second linebreak to right
  307. OperationsFPS5=&Use only standard frame rates
  308. ExportDone=Subtitles has been successfully exported into format:
  309. NotSaved=File not saved
  310. MenuPlayerLoop=Loop
  311. LoopExecute=&Run Loop
  312. LoopButtonApply=&Next
  313. LoopButtonCancel=&End
  314. Availability=Function is not available
  315. DonRequired=Import and Export Spruce DVDMaestro subtitle file\Nare available only for registered users,\Nwho directly supports development of program.
  316. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerShowFramesCaption=Show frames instead of hh:mm:ss
  317. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerShowFramesHint=Player's actual position and total movie length will be shown using\NFRAMES instead of TIME form (not applicable for all type of videofiles)
  318. StatusBarPanelHint=Player's current frame ò Total number of subtitles ò Videofile's frames per second ò Debugger message
  319. AccessDenied=Access denied
  320. AnalysisAi=Current index in field:
  321. AnalysisFc=Analyses
  322. AnalysisCh=Close the Window, but calculations of analyses remains still active!
  323. AnalysisNl=Number of lines in field:
  324. AnalysisPa=Current
  325. AnalysisPc=Analyze lines by width in pixels
  326. AnalysisPh=Fills the field with widths of lines in pixels and sorts the field form narrowest to widest
  327. AnalysisPn=Next
  328. AnalysisPp=Previous
  329. AnalysisWp=Width of line in pixels:
  330. AnalysisXc=Clear
  331. AnalysisXh=Clears analyses and stop the calculations
  332. AreYouSureToDelete=Delete line (can't be undone) - Are you sure?
  333. AreYouSureToMerge=Merge (join) lines (can't be undone) - Are you sure?
  334. AreYouSureToOverwrite=Are you sure to overwrite dosya olu■tur? (Can't be undone)
  335. BakNotCreated=Backup file has not been created:\N
  336. BrowseFolderButtonCancelCaption=▌ptal
  337. BrowseFolderButtonOKCaption=OK
  338. BrowseFolderCaption=Select folder
  339. BrowseFolderLabelCaption=Folder name is unusable
  340. BrowseFolderShellTreeViewHint=Use arrows or mouse to select folder
  341. ButtonClose=Kapat
  342. CommonError=Any other Hata
  343. DefaultNewName=Untitled
  344. DetermineRangeButtonCancel=▌ptal
  345. DetermineRangeButtonDoThis=Uygula
  346. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeBeginCaption=Operational range - Start
  347. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeBeginItem0=&from the first line
  348. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeBeginItem1=f&rom actual line
  349. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeEndCaption=Operational range - End
  350. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeEndItem0=&to actual line
  351. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeEndItem1=to t&he last line
  352. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeStintCaption=Limitation
  353. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeStintItem0=&do not change locked subtitles
  354. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeStintItem1=&no limits (ignore the lock)
  355. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeStintItem2=&only bookmarked subtitles
  356. DialogsFilterMovie=Movie file (*.AVI;*.ASF;*.IVF;*.MPG;*.MPE;*.MPEG;*.M1V;*.MP2;*.MPV2;*.MP2V;*.MOV;*.QT;*.VMW)|*.AVI;*.ASF;*.IVF;*.MPG;*.MPE;*.MPEG;*.M1V;*.MP2;*.MPV2;*.MP2V;*.MOV;*.QT;*.VMW|Tⁿm dosyalar (*.*)|*.*
  357. DialogsFilterTitle=MicroDVD subtitle file (*.TXT;*.SUB)|*.TXT;*.SUB|Spruce subtitle file (*.STL)|*.STL|Tⁿm dosyalar (*.*)|*.*
  358. DialogsFilterExport=MicroDVD subtitle file (*.TXT;*.SUB)|*.TXT;*.SUB|Spruce subtitle file (*.STL)|*.STL|Tⁿm dosyalar (*.*)|*.*
  359. DialogsFilterSave=MicroDVD subtitle file (*.TXT;*.SUB)|*.TXT;*.SUB|Tⁿm dosyalar (*.*)|*.*
  360. DiscardChanges=Discard Changes?
  361. DiskFull=Disk full
  362. DivXG400Req1=The DirectShow Subtitler DivXG400 must be correctly installed and configured.
  363. DivXG400Req2=The Subtitler is installed, but in "Search Path" is defined no folder,\Nin which is possible to create the test file.
  364. DwellC=Time for displaying subtitles
  365. DwellReqFPS=Must be well specified\Nnumber of frames per second of video-file!
  366. DwellRequires=In order to calculate time, must be...
  367. EditCurrentLineIndex=Numaras² of line
  368. EditFirstFrame=First frame of subtitle
  369. EditLastFrame=Last frame of subtitle
  370. EditSubtitle=Text of subtitle
  371. EndOfFile=End of file
  372. Error=Hata
  373. ErrorInFormattedInput=Hata in formatted input (Invalid numeric format)
  374. ErrSaveFile=Because attempt to store file fails...
  375. ExamBDecDly=Reduce minimal time displaying of subtitle about 10 ms
  376. ExamBDecSpd=Decrease speed about 1 character per second
  377. ExamBIncDly=Enlarge minimal time displaying of subtitle about 10 ms
  378. ExamBIncSpd=Increase speed about 1 character per second
  379. ExamC=Examination of test speed
  380. ExamLFix=Minimal time,\Nfor what must be subtitle visible:
  381. ExamLSpeed=Speed of displaying\Nsubtitles text
  382. ExportDialogTitle=G÷nder subtitle
  383. False=Not
  384. FewLines=For this operation must be at least two lines in file!
  385. FileAlreadyExists=Same dosya already olu■tur
  386. FileAlreadyOpen=File already open
  387. FileAttributes=File attributes:
  388. FileAuxFolder=DivXG400 auxiliary folder:
  389. FileBytes=bytes
  390. FileDirectShow=DirectShow Subtitler DivXG400 in use:
  391. FileEmptyLines=Numaras² of empty lines:
  392. FileFileSize=File size:
  393. FileFPS=Frames per seconds:
  394. FileChangedLines=Numaras² of changed lines:
  395. FileLines=Numaras² of lines:
  396. FileLockedLines=Numaras² of locked lines:
  397. FileMarkedLines=Numaras² of bookmarks:
  398. FileMovieFile=G÷ster movie file property sheet
  399. FileNotFound=Dosya bulunamad²
  400. FileNotOpen=Dosya not open
  401. FileNotOpenForInput=File not open for input
  402. FileNotOpenForOutput=File not open for output
  403. FileOverlaps=Numaras² of time-overlaped subtitles:
  404. FileReadFile=Read File
  405. FileRecalculatedLines=Numaras² of lines w/o last frame:
  406. FileSyntaxErrors=Numaras² of syntax errors:
  407. FileVariableNotAssigned=File variable not assigned
  408. Find0=Syntax errors
  409. Find1=Recalculated end frame
  410. Find2=Empty lines
  411. Find3=Locked lines
  412. Find4=Marked lines
  413. Find5=Changed lines
  414. Find6=Frame overlaps
  415. Find7=Wrong punctuations
  416. Find8=Text
  417. Find9=Subtitles that contains more lines than allowed limit
  418. FindButtonCancelCaption=▌ptal
  419. FindButtonFindCaption=Search
  420. FindCrLfDone=No other corresponding subtitle found
  421. FindCrLfHint=Enter number of lines (breaking of subtitle)
  422. FindCrLfText=Limit of numaras² of lines
  423. FindDialogCaption=Searching result
  424. FindEmptyDone=No more empty lines
  425. FindErrDone=No more errors
  426. FindChangedDone=No more changed lines found
  427. FindCheckBoxCase=Case sensitive
  428. FindLockedDone=No more locked lines found
  429. FindMarkedDone=No more marked lines found
  430. FindNoCrLf=No corresponding subtitle found
  431. FindNoEmpty=No empty lines
  432. FindNoErr=No errors
  433. FindNoChanged=No changed lines found
  434. FindNoLocked=No locked lines found
  435. FindNoMarked=No marked lines found
  436. FindNoRecalculated=No missing end frame found
  437. FindNoText=Text not found
  438. FindRadioGroupCaption=What to find
  439. FindRecalculatedDone=No more missing end frame found
  440. FindTextDone=Text not found
  441. FindTextHint=Exter text to search
  442. FindWhatCaption=Searching
  443. FrameCapture=Insert title at frame
  444. FrameNumber=Numaras² of the frame
  445. HeadLine=No.
  446. HelpSaveAsDialog=Kaydet Help to file
  447. HintIndexDec=Previous line
  448. HintIndexInc=Next line
  449. HintLocateSubtitle=Subtitle, that is or will be shown in Player, places into Edit÷rⁿ
  450. HintPause=Pause\N(Shift+Ctrl+.)
  451. HintPlay=Play\N(Shift+Ctrl+Space)
  452. HintSeekPlayer=Rewinds Player at first frame\Nof current subtitle in edit
  453. HintSeekPlayerToEOT=Rewinds Player at last frame\N of current subtitle in edit
  454. HintUndoWholeLine=Undo all changes on the subtitle line
  455. CharsPerSec=characters per second
  456. Info=Information
  457. InvalidRange=The numaras² is out of valid range!
  458. IOError=Input/Output Error
  459. LockLinesCaption=Lock all lines
  460. LockLinesCheckBoxRangeExcept=Lock only Direct &speech
  461. MenuAbout=&Hakk²nda...
  462. MenuAccept=&Accept repaired time-overlap and find next occurence
  463. MenuAddLine=Ekle line
  464. MenuAnalyzeWidths=&Analyze widths of subtitle lines
  465. MenuBreakLeft=Break &left
  466. MenuBreakRemove=Remove break line
  467. MenuBreakRight=Break &right
  468. MenuCaptureFrameNumber=Yakala frame numaras²
  469. MenuClose=Kapat
  470. MenuCommon=&In-mass operations
  471. MenuCopy=Kopyala
  472. MenuCopyFrame=Kopyala frame numaras² to haf²zadan
  473. MenuCut=&Cut
  474. MenuDeleteLine=Sil line
  475. MenuDepressDelay=Depress all short delays
  476. MenuDirectSpeech=Lead Direct speech
  477. MenuDirectSpeechRemove=Remove Direct speech
  478. MenuEdit=&Edit
  479. MenuEditLine=Dⁿzen line
  480. MenuEmail=&Send e-mail to author (Registration)
  481. MenuEnlargeTitle=Enlarge subtitles from actual line to end of file
  482. MenuExit=╟²k²■
  483. MenuExport=G÷nder...
  484. MenuFile=Dosya
  485. MenuFind=Bul...
  486. MenuFindNext=Find &next
  487. MenuFirstFrame=&Start frame
  488. MenuGoTo=Git...
  489. MenuHelp=&Yard²m
  490. MenuHelpMain=&Main yard²m...
  491. MenuHidePlayer=Gizli
  492. MenuHideTable=Gizli Table window
  493. MenuHistory=&Revision History... (Czech only)
  494. MenuHome=Author's anasayfas²
  495. MenuInsertDelay=Insert delay between all subtitles
  496. MenuLastFrame=&End frame
  497. MenuLocateSubtitle=Locate subtitle for Edit
  498. MenuLockAll=Lock all lines
  499. MenuLockLine=L&ock line
  500. MenuMarkLine=Boo&kmark line
  501. MenuMergeLines=&Merge lines
  502. MenuMirror=WWW &page (mirror)
  503. MenuNew=Yeni
  504. MenuOpen=Aτ...
  505. MenuOpenVideoFile=Open video-file...
  506. MenuOptions=Ayarlar²...
  507. MenuParticipants=&Participants...
  508. MenuPaste=Yap²■t²r
  509. MenuPlayer=&Player
  510. MenuPlayerAutomate=A&utomation
  511. MenuPlayPause=Play/Pause
  512. MenuProperties=&Properties...
  513. MenuRecalcPerSpeed=Re-calc time-dwell of subtitles based on rated value of speed of reading
  514. MenuRecalculateSubtitle=Recalculate and synchronize subtitles
  515. MenuRemoveLineWrappings=Remove all line wrappings
  516. MenuRepairOverlaps=Repair time-overlapped subtitles
  517. MenuSave=Kaydet
  518. MenuSaveAs=Farkl² kaydet...
  519. MenuSearch=&Search
  520. MenuSeekPlayer=Locate begin of subtitle in Player
  521. MenuSeekPlayerToEOT=Locate end of subtitle in Player
  522. MenuSelectAll=&Select all
  523. MenuSetFPS=Set numaras² of frames per second
  524. MenuShiftTitle=Shift subtitles from actual line to end of file by const
  525. MenuShiftTitleTo=Shift subtitles from actual line to end of file by frame
  526. MenuShowPlayer=G÷ster
  527. MenuShowTable=G÷ster Table window
  528. MenuSplitLine=S&plit line
  529. MenuStep1Back=Rewind 1 frame
  530. MenuStep1Forward=Forward 1 frame
  531. MenuStepBackB=Rewind
  532. MenuStepBackE=sec
  533. MenuStepForwardB=Forward
  534. MenuStepForwardE=sec
  535. MenuStop=Stop
  536. MenuSubtitle=&Subtitle
  537. MenuSync=&Player follows subtitle
  538. MenuTestSpeed=Test various speed of reading subtitles
  539. MenuUndo=&Undo
  540. MenuUndoWholeLine=Undo (whole line)
  541. MenuUnlockAll=Unlock all lines
  542. MenuUnmarkAll=Clear all bookmarks
  543. MenuWeb=&WWW page (download)
  544. MenuZoom=&Zoom
  545. Millisecond=milliseconds
  546. NearEntireScope=This action is applied for entire scope (except locked lines)! Are you sure to do?
  547. NoDirectSpeech=Subtitle must have at least two lines!
  548. NoLineDeleted=No line deleted
  549. NoLineToJoin=Behind last subtitle there is no line to join!
  550. NoMoreLines=No More Lines
  551. NotEnoughRAM=Not enough free RAM!
  552. NoValidFile=Invalid format or no valid subtitle file
  553. OK=OK
  554. OneLineDeleted=Line has been deleted
  555. OpenDialogTitle=Open subtitle
  556. OpenDivXG400Warning=Open at own risk! DivXG400 perhaps\Ndon't show opened subtitle file!
  557. OpenMovieDialogTitle=Open video-file
  558. OpenMovieWarning=Open at own risk!
  559. OperationsButtonCancel=▌ptal
  560. OperationsButtonDoThis=Uygula
  561. OperationsDepressDelay0=Frames manipulate - DEPRESS DELAYS
  562. OperationsDepressDelay1=Enter limit of number of frames without subtitles,
  563. OperationsDepressDelay2=which may be depressed (by using enlarge title). Default
  564. OperationsDepressDelay3=delay is accepted as minimum delay (can't be depressed).
  565. OperationsDepressDelay4=number of frames
  566. OperationsFPS0=Number of frames per second
  567. OperationsFPS1=Insert FPS of associated videofile:
  568. OperationsFPS2=- for AVI get FPS through file properties
  569. OperationsFPS3=- for MPEG get FPS using TMPGEnc program
  570. OperationsFPS4=frames per second of videofile (1-60)
  571. OperationsFrameEnlarge0=Frames manipulate - ENLARGE
  572. OperationsFrameEnlarge1=Insert number of frames to enlarge:
  573. OperationsFrameEnlarge2=- positive number for enlarge
  574. OperationsFrameEnlarge3=- negative number for reduce
  575. OperationsFrameEnlarge4=number of frames
  576. OperationsFrameShift0=Frames manipulate - SHIFT
  577. OperationsFrameShift1=Insert number of frames for time shift:
  578. OperationsFrameShift2=- positive number for shift to end
  579. OperationsFrameShift3=- negative number for shift to begin
  580. OperationsFrameShift4=number of frames
  581. OperationsFrameShiftTo0=Frames manipulate - SHIFT TO
  582. OperationsFrameShiftTo1=Insert number of frame where to shift:
  583. OperationsFrameShiftTo2=- number bigger than actual FROM for shift to end
  584. OperationsFrameShiftTo3=- number smaller than actual FROM for shift to begin
  585. OperationsFrameShiftTo4=final number of frame
  586. OptionsButtonCancelCaption=▌ptal
  587. OptionsButtonFontCaption=Font
  588. OptionsButtonPathBrowseHint=G÷zat folders
  589. OptionsButtonPathVerifyHint=Verify path
  590. OptionsButtonSaveCaption=Kaydet
  591. OptionsCaption=Ayarlar²
  592. OptionsGroupBoxEditorCaption=Edit÷rⁿ
  593. OptionsGroupBoxPlayerCaption=Player
  594. OptionsGroupBoxProgramCaption=Program
  595. OptionsCheckBoxAutoNoSaveCaption=Automation without Kaydet
  596. OptionsCheckBoxAutoNoSaveHint=If not checked, Automation saves file and immediately plays "captured place"
  597. OptionsCheckBoxCreateBAKfilesCaption=Keep backup files
  598. OptionsCheckBoxCreateBAKfilesHint=Before KAYDET creates backup of original file
  599. OptionsCheckBoxForm1SaveWindowPositionCaption=Kaydet program's windows position
  600. OptionsCheckBoxForm1SaveWindowPositionHint=At program start restores main window position and size
  601. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerAlwaysOnTopCaption=Always on top (limited use)
  602. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerAlwaysOnTopHint=Player is always on top (available only until is not first used)
  603. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerAutoPlayAfterSaveCaption=After KAYDET do PLAY automatically
  604. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerAutoPlayAfterSaveHint=Player PLAYs automatically new subtitle file after saving (if unchecked, loads new subtitle, but stay STOPed)
  605. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerAutoRewindCaption=Rewind when done playing
  606. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerSaveWindowPositionCaption=Kaydet window position and size
  607. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerSaveWindowPositionHint=At program start restores player position and size
  608. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerSendAllEventsCaption=Events enabled (for debugging)
  609. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerSendAllEventsHint=Enables to send events when keyboard or mouse hit the player
  610. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerShowDisplayCaption=Show display
  611. OptionsCheckBoxShowAllHintsCaption=Enable floating help (hints)
  612. OptionsCheckBoxShowAllHintsHint=Enables or disables to show all hints
  613. OptionsCheckBoxShowToolbarCommonCaption=Toolbar - In-mass operations
  614. OptionsCheckBoxShowToolbarEditCaption=Toolbar - Edit
  615. OptionsCheckBoxShowToolbarFileCaption=Toolbar - File
  616. OptionsCheckBoxShowToolbarPlayerCaption=Toolbar - Player
  617. OptionsCheckBoxShowToolbarSearchCaption=Toolbar - Search
  618. OptionsCheckBoxShowToolbarTitleCaption=Toolbar - Title
  619. OptionsCheckBoxTableAutoShowCaption=Auto show table
  620. OptionsCheckBoxTableAutoShowHint=At program start show table
  621. OptionsCheckBoxTableSaveWindowPositionCaption=Kaydet table window position and size
  622. OptionsCheckBoxTableSaveWindowPositionHint=At program start restores table position and size, and columns order and width too
  623. OptionsLabelDelayFramesCaption=frames - default timespace between subtitles
  624. OptionsLabelDelayFramesHint=Commands that are frame based, reserve delay between displaying neighbouring subtitles
  625. OptionsLabelExportPathCaption=Default folder for "G÷nder..."
  626. OptionsLabelOpenPathCaption=Default folder for "Aτ..."
  627. OptionsLabelPathFail=Fail
  628. OptionsLabelPathOK=OK
  629. OptionsLabelRewindAfterSaveCaption=sec back rewind Player after KAYDET
  630. OptionsLabelRewindAfterSaveHint=Player is wind back after KAYDET about specified seconds
  631. OptionsLabelSavePathCaption=Default folder for "Kaydet" and "Farkl² kaydet..."
  632. OptionsLabelWindStepCaption=sec step at wind
  633. OptionsLabelWindStepHint=Number of seconds, about wind Player when Rewind/Forward is applyed
  634. Output=Result
  635. OverlapsReport1=Number of located and repaired time-overlapped subtitles:
  636. OverlapsReport2=Do you want to find first occurence?
  637. PathNotFound=Path not found
  638. RadioGroupRangeC=Re-count
  639. RadioGroupRangeC0=from actual line to the last line
  640. RadioGroupRangeC1=all subtitles
  641. RadioGroupStintC=Limitation
  642. RadioGroupStintC0=do not re-count locked subtitles
  643. RadioGroupStintC1=no limits (ignore the lock)
  644. RadioGroupStintC2=only bookmarked subtitles
  645. RearrangeUnmarkedB=&Yes, bookmarks delimites already synchronized dialogs
  646. RearrangeUnmarkedH=Check indicates, that unbookmarked titles have frame\N"from" set on the unnecessary value. These values\Nmay be replaced by calculated number of frame.
  647. RearrangeUnmarkedL=Recalculate first frames of unmarked\Nsubtitles too?
  648. RecalculateA=&Accept
  649. RecalculateD=Second synchronizing point:
  650. RecalculateF=Recalculate frames - Synchronization
  651. RecalculateH=Specify frame number
  652. RecalculateM=In the file is now:
  653. RecalculateN=Correctly should be:
  654. RecalculateP=First synchronizing point:
  655. RecalculateT=&Test
  656. RecalculateX=Inserts number of frame\Nfrom actual position of subtitle file (get FROM field)
  657. RecalculateY=Inserts number of frame\Nfrom actual position of Player
  658. RegRemember=Don't forget send registration e-mail!
  659. RegRequired=Kaydet is available in Registered version. The Registration process is free,\Nit requires only your name, nickname and place of residence sending by e-mail.\NNo fee.\NIf you urgently need kaydet your work, press [Yes]
  660. RemainingScope=This action is applied for remaining scope (except locked lines)! Are you sure to do?
  661. RemoveBreaksCaption=Remove line wrappings from subtitles
  662. RemoveBreaksCheckBoxRangeExcept=Do not change Direct &speech
  663. SaveDialogTitle=Kaydet subtitle
  664. SaveToDivXG400Folder=Do you want to try kaydet dosya into folder:
  665. SharingViolation=Sharing violation
  666. StatusBarPanel0=Actual frame:
  667. Sub1cut=a subtitle was as long to overlap to the next subtitle, that's why it has been cutted
  668. Sub1chg=subtitle has been changed!
  669. Sub1lrg=the subtitle has been enlarged agaist the original
  670. Sub1oor=subtitle is out of range!
  671. Sub1shr=the subtitle has been truncated agaist the original
  672. Sub2cut=subtitles were as long to overlap to the next subtitles, that's why have been cutted
  673. Sub2chg=subtitles was changed!
  674. Sub2lrg=the subtitles have been enlarged agaist the original
  675. Sub2oor=subtitles are out of range!
  676. Sub2shr=the subtitles have been truncated agaist the original
  677. Sub3cut=subtitles were as long to overlap to the next subtitles, that's why have been cutted
  678. Sub3chg=subtitles was changed!
  679. Sub3lrg=the subtitles have been enlarged agaist the original
  680. Sub3oor=subtitles are out of range!
  681. Sub3shr=the subtitles have been truncated agaist the original
  682. TableCaption=Compendium
  683. TableError=Error
  684. TableFind1=Discovery #1
  685. TableFind2=Discovery #2
  686. TableFirst=From
  687. TableCheckBoxColumnsAutoWidth=Sⁿtuns Auto Width
  688. TableLast=To
  689. TableLine=No.
  690. TableLock=Locked
  691. TableMark=Bookmark
  692. TableTitle=Subtitle
  693. TestNoOverwrites=Test file could not overwrite:
  694. TestReqDiffF=The currently open subtitle file must be placed\Nin other folder than folder where the test file is to be created\N(because the original file would be overwritten by the test file)!
  695. TestReqMovie=Must be opened video-file too.
  696. TestRequires=In order to run Test...
  697. True=Yes
  698. TrueEntireScope=This action is applied for entire scope (including locked lines)! Are you sure to do?
  699. UnLockLinesCaption=Unlock all lines
  700. UnLockLinesCheckBoxRangeExcept=Do not unlock Direct &speech
  701. Warning=Warning
  702. WindowsMediaPlayerCaptionActive=preview in Windows Media Player
  703. WindowsMediaPlayerCaptionInactive=Windows Media Player - Preview
  704. WrongDigit=This is not the digit:
  705. WrongNumbers=Frames FROM and TO must not be equal!
  707. [Waiting for YOU]
  708. DialogsFilterMovie=
  709. DialogsFilterTitle=
  710. DialogsFilterExport=
  711. DialogsFilterSave=
  712. DialogsFilterExport=
  713. DonRequiredSRT=
  714. DonRequiredSTL=
  715. DonRequired=
  716. MenuSortByTime=
  717. DoYouWantToSort=
  718. MovedSubs=
  719. FindNoOverlap=
  720. FindOverlapDone=
  721. FindFrames=
  722. FindNoSubtitle=
  723. FindSubtitleDone=
  724. FindSubtitleHint=
  725. FindNoDelaySubtitle=
  726. FindDelaySubtitleDone=
  727. FindDelaySubtitleHint=
  728. Find0=
  729. Find1=
  730. Find2=
  731. Find3=
  732. Find4=
  733. Find5=
  734. Find6=
  735. Find7=
  736. Find8=
  737. Find9=
  738. Find10=
  739. Find11=
  740. Find12=
  741. Find13=
  742. Find14=
  743. ResultFindFrames=
  744. ResultFindLines=
  745. FilePropertiesGroupBoxEditorCaption=
  746. FilePropertiesGroupBoxPlayerCaption=
  747. MenuGirder=
  748. MenuGirderInUse=
  749. LineIsMarked=
  750. LinesIsMarked=
  751. LinesAreMarked=
  752. MenuAddLine=
  753. MenuSplitLine=
  754. MenuSplit1Line=
  755. MenuBreakLeft=
  756. MenuBreakRight=
  757. MenuSecondBreakLeft=
  758. MenuSecondBreakRight=
  759. OperationsFPS5=
  760. ExportDone=
  761. NotSaved=
  762. MenuPlayerLoop=
  763. LoopExecute=
  764. LoopButtonApply=
  765. LoopButtonCancel=
  766. Availability=
  767. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerShowFramesCaption=
  768. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerShowFramesHint=
  769. StatusBarPanelHint=
  770. AccessDenied=
  771. AnalysisAi=
  772. AnalysisFc=
  773. AnalysisCh=
  774. AnalysisNl=
  775. AnalysisPa=
  776. AnalysisPc=
  777. AnalysisPh=
  778. AnalysisPn=
  779. AnalysisPp=
  780. AnalysisWp=
  781. AnalysisXc=
  782. AnalysisXh=
  783. AreYouSureToDelete=
  784. AreYouSureToMerge=
  785. AreYouSureToOverwrite=
  786. BakNotCreated=
  787. BrowseFolderButtonCancelCaption=
  788. BrowseFolderButtonOKCaption=
  789. BrowseFolderCaption=
  790. BrowseFolderLabelCaption=
  791. BrowseFolderShellTreeViewHint=
  792. ButtonClose=
  793. CommonError=
  794. DefaultNewName=
  795. DetermineRangeButtonCancel=
  796. DetermineRangeButtonDoThis=
  797. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeBeginCaption=
  798. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeBeginItem0=
  799. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeBeginItem1=
  800. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeEndCaption=
  801. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeEndItem0=
  802. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeEndItem1=
  803. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeStintCaption=
  804. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeStintItem0=
  805. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeStintItem1=
  806. DetermineRangeRadioGroupRangeStintItem2=
  807. DiscardChanges=
  808. DiskFull=
  809. DivXG400Req1=
  810. DivXG400Req2=
  811. DwellC=
  812. DwellReqFPS=
  813. DwellRequires=
  814. EditCurrentLineIndex=
  815. EditFirstFrame=
  816. EditLastFrame=
  817. EditSubtitle=
  818. EndOfFile=
  819. Error=
  820. ErrorInFormattedInput=
  821. ErrSaveFile=
  822. ExamBDecDly=
  823. ExamBDecSpd=
  824. ExamBIncDly=
  825. ExamBIncSpd=
  826. ExamC=
  827. ExamLFix=
  828. ExamLSpeed=
  829. ExportDialogTitle=
  830. False=
  831. FewLines=
  832. FileAlreadyExists=
  833. FileAlreadyOpen=
  834. FileAttributes=
  835. FileAuxFolder=
  836. FileBytes=
  837. FileDirectShow=
  838. FileEmptyLines=
  839. FileFileSize=
  840. FileFPS=
  841. FileChangedLines=
  842. FileLines=
  843. FileLockedLines=
  844. FileMarkedLines=
  845. FileMovieFile=
  846. FileNotFound=
  847. FileNotOpen=
  848. FileNotOpenForInput=
  849. FileNotOpenForOutput=
  850. FileOverlaps=
  851. FileReadFile=
  852. FileRecalculatedLines=
  853. FileSyntaxErrors=
  854. FileVariableNotAssigned=
  855. FindButtonCancelCaption=
  856. FindButtonFindCaption=
  857. FindCrLfDone=
  858. FindCrLfHint=
  859. FindCrLfText=
  860. FindDialogCaption=
  861. FindEmptyDone=
  862. FindErrDone=
  863. FindChangedDone=
  864. FindCheckBoxCase=
  865. FindLockedDone=
  866. FindMarkedDone=
  867. FindNoCrLf=
  868. FindNoEmpty=
  869. FindNoErr=
  870. FindNoChanged=
  871. FindNoLocked=
  872. FindNoMarked=
  873. FindNoRecalculated=
  874. FindNoText=
  875. FindRadioGroupCaption=
  876. FindRecalculatedDone=
  877. FindTextDone=
  878. FindTextHint=
  879. FindWhatCaption=
  880. FrameCapture=
  881. FrameNumber=
  882. HeadLine=
  883. HelpSaveAsDialog=
  884. HintIndexDec=
  885. HintIndexInc=
  886. HintLocateSubtitle=
  887. HintPause=
  888. HintPlay=
  889. HintSeekPlayer=
  890. HintSeekPlayerToEOT=
  891. HintUndoWholeLine=
  892. CharsPerSec=
  893. Info=
  894. InvalidRange=
  895. IOError=
  896. LockLinesCaption=
  897. LockLinesCheckBoxRangeExcept=
  898. MenuAbout=
  899. MenuAccept=
  900. MenuAnalyzeWidths=
  901. MenuBreakRemove=
  902. MenuCaptureFrameNumber=
  903. MenuClose=
  904. MenuCommon=
  905. MenuCopy=
  906. MenuCopyFrame=
  907. MenuCut=
  908. MenuDeleteLine=
  909. MenuDepressDelay=
  910. MenuDirectSpeech=
  911. MenuDirectSpeechRemove=
  912. MenuEdit=
  913. MenuEditLine=
  914. MenuEmail=
  915. MenuEnlargeTitle=
  916. MenuExit=
  917. MenuExport=
  918. MenuFile=
  919. MenuFind=
  920. MenuFindNext=
  921. MenuFirstFrame=
  922. MenuGoTo=
  923. MenuHelp=
  924. MenuHelpMain=
  925. MenuHidePlayer=
  926. MenuHideTable=
  927. MenuHistory=
  928. MenuHome=
  929. MenuInsertDelay=
  930. MenuLastFrame=
  931. MenuLocateSubtitle=
  932. MenuLockAll=
  933. MenuLockLine=
  934. MenuMarkLine=
  935. MenuMergeLines=
  936. MenuMirror=
  937. MenuNew=
  938. MenuOpen=
  939. MenuOpenVideoFile=
  940. MenuOptions=
  941. MenuParticipants=
  942. MenuPaste=
  943. MenuPlayer=
  944. MenuPlayerAutomate=
  945. MenuPlayPause=
  946. MenuProperties=
  947. MenuRecalcPerSpeed=
  948. MenuRecalculateSubtitle=
  949. MenuRemoveLineWrappings=
  950. MenuRepairOverlaps=
  951. MenuSave=
  952. MenuSaveAs=
  953. MenuSearch=
  954. MenuSeekPlayer=
  955. MenuSeekPlayerToEOT=
  956. MenuSelectAll=
  957. MenuSetFPS=
  958. MenuShiftTitle=
  959. MenuShiftTitleTo=
  960. MenuShowPlayer=
  961. MenuShowTable=
  962. MenuStep1Back=
  963. MenuStep1Forward=
  964. MenuStepBackB=
  965. MenuStepBackE=
  966. MenuStepForwardB=
  967. MenuStepForwardE=
  968. MenuStop=
  969. MenuSubtitle=
  970. MenuSync=
  971. MenuTestSpeed=
  972. MenuUndo=
  973. MenuUndoWholeLine=
  974. MenuUnlockAll=
  975. MenuUnmarkAll=
  976. MenuWeb=
  977. MenuZoom=
  978. Millisecond=
  979. NearEntireScope=
  980. NoDirectSpeech=
  981. NoLineDeleted=
  982. NoLineToJoin=
  983. NoMoreLines=
  984. NotEnoughRAM=
  985. NoValidFile=
  986. OK=
  987. OneLineDeleted=
  988. OpenDialogTitle=
  989. OpenDivXG400Warning=
  990. OpenMovieDialogTitle=
  991. OpenMovieWarning=
  992. OperationsButtonCancel=
  993. OperationsButtonDoThis=
  994. OperationsDepressDelay0=
  995. OperationsDepressDelay1=
  996. OperationsDepressDelay2=
  997. OperationsDepressDelay3=
  998. OperationsDepressDelay4=
  999. OperationsFPS0=
  1000. OperationsFPS1=
  1001. OperationsFPS2=
  1002. OperationsFPS3=
  1003. OperationsFPS4=
  1004. OperationsFrameEnlarge0=
  1005. OperationsFrameEnlarge1=
  1006. OperationsFrameEnlarge2=
  1007. OperationsFrameEnlarge3=
  1008. OperationsFrameEnlarge4=
  1009. OperationsFrameShift0=
  1010. OperationsFrameShift1=
  1011. OperationsFrameShift2=
  1012. OperationsFrameShift3=
  1013. OperationsFrameShift4=
  1014. OperationsFrameShiftTo0=
  1015. OperationsFrameShiftTo1=
  1016. OperationsFrameShiftTo2=
  1017. OperationsFrameShiftTo3=
  1018. OperationsFrameShiftTo4=
  1019. OptionsButtonCancelCaption=
  1020. OptionsButtonFontCaption=
  1021. OptionsButtonPathBrowseHint=
  1022. OptionsButtonPathVerifyHint=
  1023. OptionsButtonSaveCaption=
  1024. OptionsCaption=
  1025. OptionsGroupBoxEditorCaption=
  1026. OptionsGroupBoxPlayerCaption=
  1027. OptionsGroupBoxProgramCaption=
  1028. OptionsCheckBoxAutoNoSaveCaption=
  1029. OptionsCheckBoxAutoNoSaveHint=
  1030. OptionsCheckBoxCreateBAKfilesCaption=
  1031. OptionsCheckBoxCreateBAKfilesHint=
  1032. OptionsCheckBoxForm1SaveWindowPositionCaption=
  1033. OptionsCheckBoxForm1SaveWindowPositionHint=
  1034. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerAlwaysOnTopCaption=
  1035. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerAlwaysOnTopHint=
  1036. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerAutoPlayAfterSaveCaption=
  1037. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerAutoPlayAfterSaveHint=
  1038. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerAutoRewindCaption=
  1039. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerSaveWindowPositionCaption=
  1040. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerSaveWindowPositionHint=
  1041. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerSendAllEventsCaption=
  1042. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerSendAllEventsHint=
  1043. OptionsCheckBoxPlayerShowDisplayCaption=
  1044. OptionsCheckBoxShowAllHintsCaption=
  1045. OptionsCheckBoxShowAllHintsHint=
  1046. OptionsCheckBoxShowToolbarCommonCaption=
  1047. OptionsCheckBoxShowToolbarEditCaption=
  1048. OptionsCheckBoxShowToolbarFileCaption=
  1049. OptionsCheckBoxShowToolbarPlayerCaption=
  1050. OptionsCheckBoxShowToolbarSearchCaption=
  1051. OptionsCheckBoxShowToolbarTitleCaption=
  1052. OptionsCheckBoxTableAutoShowCaption=
  1053. OptionsCheckBoxTableAutoShowHint=
  1054. OptionsCheckBoxTableSaveWindowPositionCaption=
  1055. OptionsCheckBoxTableSaveWindowPositionHint=
  1056. OptionsLabelDelayFramesCaption=
  1057. OptionsLabelDelayFramesHint=
  1058. OptionsLabelExportPathCaption=
  1059. OptionsLabelOpenPathCaption=
  1060. OptionsLabelPathFail=
  1061. OptionsLabelPathOK=
  1062. OptionsLabelRewindAfterSaveCaption=
  1063. OptionsLabelRewindAfterSaveHint=
  1064. OptionsLabelSavePathCaption=
  1065. OptionsLabelWindStepCaption=
  1066. OptionsLabelWindStepHint=
  1067. Output=
  1068. OverlapsReport1=
  1069. OverlapsReport2=
  1070. PathNotFound=
  1071. RadioGroupRangeC=
  1072. RadioGroupRangeC0=
  1073. RadioGroupRangeC1=
  1074. RadioGroupStintC=
  1075. RadioGroupStintC0=
  1076. RadioGroupStintC1=
  1077. RadioGroupStintC2=
  1078. RearrangeUnmarkedB=
  1079. RearrangeUnmarkedH=
  1080. RearrangeUnmarkedL=
  1081. RecalculateA=
  1082. RecalculateD=
  1083. RecalculateF=
  1084. RecalculateH=
  1085. RecalculateM=
  1086. RecalculateN=
  1087. RecalculateP=
  1088. RecalculateT=
  1089. RecalculateX=
  1090. RecalculateY=
  1091. RegRemember=
  1092. RegRequired=
  1093. RemainingScope=
  1094. RemoveBreaksCaption=
  1095. RemoveBreaksCheckBoxRangeExcept=
  1096. SaveDialogTitle=
  1097. SaveToDivXG400Folder=
  1098. SharingViolation=
  1099. StatusBarPanel0=
  1100. Sub1cut=
  1101. Sub1chg=
  1102. Sub1lrg=
  1103. Sub1oor=
  1104. Sub1shr=
  1105. Sub2cut=
  1106. Sub2chg=
  1107. Sub2lrg=
  1108. Sub2oor=
  1109. Sub2shr=
  1110. Sub3cut=
  1111. Sub3chg=
  1112. Sub3lrg=
  1113. Sub3oor=
  1114. Sub3shr=
  1115. TableCaption=
  1116. TableError=
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  1120. TableCheckBoxColumnsAutoWidth=
  1121. TableLast=
  1122. TableLine=
  1123. TableLock=
  1124. TableMark=
  1125. TableTitle=
  1126. TestNoOverwrites=
  1127. TestReqDiffF=
  1128. TestReqMovie=
  1129. TestRequires=
  1130. True=
  1131. TrueEntireScope=
  1132. UnLockLinesCaption=
  1133. UnLockLinesCheckBoxRangeExcept=
  1134. Warning=
  1135. WindowsMediaPlayerCaptionActive=
  1136. WindowsMediaPlayerCaptionInactive=
  1137. WrongDigit=
  1138. WrongNumbers=