Check_DisableShellhandler=Disable Windows shell extension
Check_MinimizeInsteadClose=Use X to minimize instead of close MyPhoneExplorer
Check_PlayCallSound=Sound on incoming call
Check_PlaySMSSound=Sound on incoming message
Check_ShowSplash=Show splash screen
Check_ShowWeekNumbers=Show calendar weeks
Check_StableConnection=Stable connection (some features are deactivated)
Check_StartMinimized=Start minimized
Check_WriteLogFile=Write Log File
ColorSheme=Color scheme:
DatabaseExistsWarning=%1 already exists.%nDo you want to overwrite the existing database?
DisconnectOnInactive=Disconnect after 5 minutes inactivity
FirstDayOfWeek=First day of week:
FreeDays=Free days%nevery week:
HotkeyDial=Hotkey for dial window:
HotkeyMultiSync=Hotkey for Multi-Sync:
HotkeySMS=Hotkey for new message:
Label_Baud=Baud rate:
Label_Port=COM Port:
Label_TimeServer=Time server:
LogSync=Create Sync-Logs
LookupDevice=Search For Device
MoveDatabase=Please select the directory which should be used to save the database:
OpenLastLog=View last Sync-Log
OpenLogDirectory=Browse Log-Directory
PacketSize=OBEX packet size:|Bytes
ResetSMSCounter=Reset Message Counter
SMSAlert1=Popup window
SMSAlert2=Balloon help (Windows 2000/XP only)
SMSNotification=Message Notification
SpeakerEmulation=Shortcut for speakerphone:
SpeakerEmulationHelptext=During a call you can switch to speakerphone with MyPhoneExplorer. This works by simulating phone key presses.%nThe key sequence differs between phones, so you must customise it here using the following values:%n%nJ = Joystick down%n[ = Left Softkey%n] = Right Softkey%n1,2,3... = numeric keys%n%nFor example, on a K700i the shortcut "J4" first opens the call menu, then selects the 4th menu entry.
Startpage=Start page
UseReverseSearch=Search for unknown numbers via the internet.
Warning_LanguageChange=In order to load the the new language, MyPhoneExplorer must be restarted!
Warning_Restart=In order for the new settings to take effect, please restart MyPhoneExplorer!
Check_Casesensitive=Case sensitive
Check_Wholewords=Only whole words
Frame_SearchDirection=Search direction
NoItemsFound=Search text was not found
SearchText=Search for:
Caption=About MyPhoneExplorer...
Caption_Donation=Donate to MyPhoneExplorer!
Creator_String=Language file created by:
DonateText=Although MyPhoneExplorer is Freeware, the development of this software requires a lot of time. With your donation, you can ensure future development of MyPhoneExplorer!
Frame_Thanks=Special thanks to:
NeverShow=Never show this
Version=Version: %1
[Language File Information]
Creator_Name=FJ && Peter Headland
NewUser=New user
SelectPhoneName=Please select a name for the identified phone:%n%1
Stat_Initialize=Initiating connection...
Stat_Model=Receive model...
Stat_OpenPort=Opening %1...
SyncNow?=It is recommended to sync your phone with MyPhoneExplorer.%nDo you want to sync now?
AbortSync=Abort Sync
AddOnlyWithNumber=Add new contacts from %1 only if they contain at least one phone number.
AdvancedOLFolderSearch=List ALL folders (search also in distribution lists)
Caption_Confirmationwindow=Confirmation for sync
Caption_SettingsForSyncApp=Settings for %1
Caption_SyncExeptions=Exceptions for %1
CategoryFilter_Button=Add new entries from %1 only if...
CategoryFilter_Delete=Delete selected exception
CategoryFilter_IfNOTexists=the contact does NOT contain this category
CategoryFilter_Ifexists=the contact contains this category
SyncQuestion_LeaveEntryInPhone=Leave entry in phone.
SyncQuestion_NeverSync=Never sync this entry in future.
SyncQuestion_UsePhone=Use entry from phone.
SyncQuestion_UseSyncApp=Use entry from %1.
ThunderbirdProfile=Thunderbird profile:
WrongMozillaProfile=%1 already started with another user-profile.
iCalSync=iCal-File (local or network)
LoadFilelists=Refresh file lists
SyncCalls=Refresh call lists
SyncClock=Sync clock via the internet
SyncMessages=Refresh message folders
SyncOrganizer=Sync organizer
SyncPhonebook=Sync phonebook (phone)
SyncPhonebookSIM=Sync phonebook (SIM)
Caption=Customize info SMS
HelpCaption=What are info SMS?
HelpText=In this window, you can create predefined messages.%nThese messages can then be sent directly from the menu.
Text=SMS text:
Caption=Sync phone clock via the Internet
Combo_TimeFormat=24 Hour|AM/PM
DateFormat=Indicated date format:
DaylightName=Summer time
StandardName=Standard time
Stat_ConnectingServer=Connect to atomic time server: %1 ...
Stat_Diffrence=Difference: %1 Seconds
Stat_NoDiffrence=No difference!
Stat_ReadPhoneClock=Reading current time from phone
Stat_SetTimeToPhone=Set time to phone...
Suceed=The time was set in the phone!
TimeFormat=Indicated time format:
TimeGlobal=Atomic time:
TimeLocal=Time on the computer:
TimePhone=Time on phone:
TimeZoneChangeWarning=The time zone does not match the time zone on the computer!%nIf the time zone is corrected, all tasks and appointments will be moved %1 hours.%nChange time zone?
Captio_PasswordRequest=Verify password
Caption=Set password for "%1"
Label_Password=New password:
Label_PasswordRepeat=Repeat new password:
Label_PasswordRequest=Enter old password for "%1":
Label_User=User name:
PasswordChanged=The password was changed successfully!
PasswordDeleted=The password was deactivated!
ImportOrganizer=&Import to Organizer
ImportPhonebook=&Import into phonebook
ImportSMS=&Import into SMS archive
RestoreBackup=&Restore backup
UploadFiles=&Upload to phone
DeletePhoneData=Would you like to delete all personal phone data from this computer?
Option_AddAll=Add all entries
Option_AddByContactname=Intelligent import based on contact name
Option_AddByStartdate=Intelligent import based on start time
Option_AddBySubject=Intelligent import based on subject
AssignedSourceField=assigned field from source file
Caption=Assign fields
CountEntries=[ %1 entries ]
FieldInMPE=Field in MyPhoneExplorer
SourceFields=Fields in source file
Abortwarning=Are you sure you want to cancel?
Button_Create=Create backup
Button_Restore=Restore backup
Caption=Backup Wizard
Check_Organizer=Events and tasks
Check_Phonebook=Contacts (phone)
Check_PhonebookSIM=Contacts (SIM)
Check_SMS=SMS (phone)
Check_SMSArchive=SMS archive (computer)
CreateBackupFinished=Finished creating backup.
CurrentStatus=Current status:
Label_Create=Please select which items you want to include in the backup:
Label_Restore=Please select which items you want to restore from the backup:
ModelWarning=The selected backup was originally created with another type of phone.%nCompatibility problems may occur!