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INI File  |  2007-02-19  |  34KB  |  936 lines

  1. [General]
  2. AbortAction=Aborting current task...
  3. Button_Abort=Cancel
  4. Button_Add=Add
  5. Button_Apply=Apply
  6. Button_Close=Close
  7. Button_Delete=Delete
  8. Button_DeselectAll=Select none
  9. Button_Down=Down
  10. Button_Extended=Advanced...
  11. Button_Help=Help
  12. Button_OK=OK
  13. Button_SelectAll=Select all
  14. Button_Up=Up
  15. Caption_Wait=Please wait...
  16. DefaultHolidayfile=USA.dat
  17. DeleteWarning=The selected entries will be permanently deleted!%nContinue?
  18. Month10=October
  19. Month11=November
  20. Month12=December
  21. Month1=January
  22. Month2=February
  23. Month3=March
  24. Month4=April
  25. Month5=May
  26. Month6=June
  27. Month7=July
  28. Month8=August
  29. Month9=September
  30. No=No
  31. NoIndication=No Indication
  32. Status=Status
  33. SyncWarning=Changes will not be applied to the phone until you Synchronise!
  34. Today=Today
  35. Tomorrow=Tomorrow
  36. Unknown=Unknown
  37. Weekday1=Monday
  38. Weekday2=Tuesday
  39. Weekday3=Wednesday
  40. Weekday4=Thursday
  41. Weekday5=Friday
  42. Weekday6=Saturday
  43. Weekday7=Sunday
  44. Yes=Yes
  45. Yesterday=Yesterday
  46. [Main]
  47. Button_Dial=Dial
  48. Caption_Dial=Dial number
  49. Caption_NewVersion=New version online!
  50. Check_Inkognito=Hide own number
  51. CurrentVersion=Current version:
  52. Dateband1=Sync all events
  53. LoadingInterface=Loading Interface...
  54. Menu_About=&About
  55. Menu_ClockSync=Sync &Clock via the internet
  56. Menu_Connect=&Connect
  57. Menu_ControlPhone=&Phone keypad
  58. Menu_CreateBackup=&Create backup
  59. Menu_CurrentList=&Current List
  60. Menu_DeleteUser=&Delete user
  61. Menu_Dial=&Dial number
  62. Menu_Disconnect=&Disconnect
  63. Menu_EditInfoSMS=&Customize
  64. Menu_Exit=&Exit
  65. Menu_ExportExcel=Open with Microsoft &Excel
  66. Menu_ExportHTML=Save as &HTML...
  67. Menu_ExportPhonebook=Export entire &phonebook...
  68. Menu_ExportWord=Open with Microsoft &Word
  69. Menu_Extras=&Extras
  70. Menu_File=&File
  71. Menu_InfoSMS=&Info SMS
  72. Menu_MultiSync=Start &Multi-Sync
  73. Menu_NewMessage=&New Message
  74. Menu_OpenOffice=Open with &OpenOffice
  75. Menu_RestoreBackup=&Restore backup
  76. Menu_RestoreWindow=&Restore
  77. Menu_SearchList=&Search
  78. Menu_SetNamePwd=&Change name/password
  79. Menu_Settings=&Options
  80. Menu_Sidebar=&Sidebar
  81. Menu_User=&User...
  82. Menu_View=&View
  83. MicroOff=Microphone off
  84. MinimizeToTray=Minimize to tray
  85. NetMode=Network Mode:|GSM Only|GSM/UMTS|UMTS Only
  86. NewDevice=Detected new device on %1:%n%2
  87. NewVersion=Newest version:
  88. NewVersion_Text=To install the new version of MyPhoneExplorer please visit my home page!
  89. ReversSearch_Notfound=Number: %1%nUser is not in database or user has banned reverse-search.
  90. SourceNotFound=%1%ndoes not exist !
  91. Stat_CheckVersion=Checking for latest version...
  92. Stat_UserConnected=Phone connected: %1 via %2
  93. Stat_UserLoadet=User loaded: %1
  94. Tray_Accu=Accu: %1
  95. Tray_Signal=Signal: %1
  96. Warning_Userdelete=Are you sure you want to delete the user: %1?
  97. WriteEmail=Write &email
  98. WriteSMS=&Write Message
  99. [Sidebar]
  100. Calls=Calls
  101. Calls_All=All
  102. Calls_Dialed=Dialed
  103. Calls_Missed=Missed
  104. Calls_Received=Answered
  105. Calls_ToolTip=View your dialed, received and missed calls...
  106. Contacts=Contacts
  107. Contacts_Phone=Phone
  108. Contacts_SIM=SIM
  109. Contacts_ToolTip=Quickly edit your phone contacts
  110. Files=Files
  111. Files_ToolTip=Browse your files on phone
  112. Organizer=Organizer
  113. Organizer_Alarm=Alarms
  114. Organizer_Calendar=Calendar
  115. Organizer_Events=Appointments
  116. Organizer_Notes=Notes
  117. Organizer_Todos=Tasks
  118. Organizer_ToolTip=Your calendar, tasks and notes...
  119. Other=Other
  120. Other_MemoryStatus=Memory Status
  121. Other_Monitor=Monitor
  122. Other_Profiles=Profiles
  123. Other_ToolTip=Profiles, monitor,...
  124. SMS=Messages
  125. SMS_Archive=Archive (computer)
  126. SMS_Drafts=Drafts
  127. SMS_Inbox=Inbox
  128. SMS_Saved=Saved items
  129. SMS_Sent=Sent items
  130. SMS_Tooltip=All for your messages
  131. [Alarm]
  132. ActivateAlarm=Activate
  133. Activated=activated
  134. Caption1=Alarm
  135. Caption2=Recurrent alarm
  136. DeactivateAlarm=Deactivate
  137. Deactivated=deactivated
  138. NotRuled=No recurrence
  139. SaveAlarm=Save
  140. Time=Time:
  141. [EditProfile]
  142. AlarmSignal=Alarm signal
  143. AnsweringMode=Answering mode
  144. Caption=Profilesettings  for %1
  145. Combo_AnsweringMode=Normal|Each button| Automatically
  146. Combo_BackLight=On|Off| Automatically
  147. Combo_MessageAlert=Silent|Click|Message alert 1|Message alert 2|Message alert 3|Message alert 4|Message alert 5|Message alert 6
  148. Combo_Vibra=On|Off|On if in silent mode
  149. Frame_OtherSettings=Other Settings
  150. IncreasingRing=Increasing ring
  151. InternalVolume=Call Volume:
  152. KeySound=Key sound
  153. Light=Light
  154. Menu_Activate=&Activate
  155. Menu_Edit=&Edit
  156. Menu_Rename=&Rename
  157. MessageAlert=Message alert
  158. MinuteMinder=Minute minder
  159. MinuteMinder_Tooltip=If activated, you will hear a reminder every minute during calls
  160. Profiles=Profiles
  161. Ringtone=Ring signal
  162. RingtoneVolume=Ring volume
  163. SilentMode=Silent mode
  164. Stat_LoadingSoundFiles=Loading available ring signals...
  165. Stat_SetProfile=Set profile : %1...
  166. Stat_reading=Receiving status: %1...
  167. Stat_writing=Save items: %1...
  168. Vibra=Vibrating alert
  169. [SMS]
  170. Caption_DeleteSMS=Deleting messages...
  171. Caption_DownloadPhone=Load messages from phone...
  172. Caption_DownloadSIM=Load messages from SIM-Card...
  173. Caption_Properties=Message Properties
  174. Caption_SaveToDrafts=Save message into drafts...
  175. Caption_SaveToInbox=Save message in inbox...
  176. Caption_SaveToSent=Message will be saved in "Sent items"
  177. Caption_SelectName=Select Name
  178. Caption_SelectWebsite=Select web site
  179. Caption_Send=Send messages
  180. Caption_Upload=Upload messages to phone...
  181. DeliveryReport=Delivery Report
  182. ExportCount=%1 SMS - (%2 SMS brackets)
  183. ExportHeader=...exported messages
  184. ExportTitle=Exported messages
  185. ExtendetProperties=Extended Properties:
  186. FlashMessage=Flash message
  187. From=From
  188. FromTo=From / To
  189. Label_MultiSMS=This message contains %1 SMS!
  190. Menu_CopyArchive=&Copy to Archive
  191. Menu_ExportMemStick=Save as web site on &memory stick...
  192. Menu_ExportMessages=&Export selected messages...
  193. Menu_Forward=&Forward
  194. Menu_ImportMemStick=Import &web site from memory stick...
  195. Menu_MoveSubfolder=&Move to subfolder
  196. Menu_NewSubfolder=&New subfolder
  197. Menu_Reply=&Reply
  198. Menu_Upload=&Copy to phone
  199. Menu_Upload_Drafts=&Drafts
  200. Menu_Upload_Inbox=&Inbox
  201. Menu_Upload_InboxUnread=Inbox(&unread )
  202. Menu_Upload_PrevStore=in original &storage
  203. Menu_Upload_Saved=Sa&ved Items
  204. Menu_Upload_Sent=&Sent Items
  205. Message=Message
  206. MessageSendOK=Message(s) sent successfully!
  207. Recipient=Recipient
  208. RequestReply=Request reply
  209. SelectSubfoldername=Please select a name for the new subfolder in message archive:
  210. SelectWebsite=Please select the web site you wish to import:
  211. SelectWebsitename=Please select the file name for the exported web site:
  212. Sender=Sender
  213. ServiceCenter=SMS Center
  214. Stat_Complete=Complete!
  215. Stat_DeleteSMS=Delete messages (%1 of %2)...
  216. Stat_Download=Download messages (%1 of %2) ...
  217. Stat_ReceivingInfo=Receive status...
  218. Stat_SaveSent=Save message...
  219. Stat_SaveSentMultipart=Save message - part   %1 of %2...
  220. Stat_Send=Send messages - %1 of %2...
  221. Stat_SendMultipart=Send messages - %1 of %2 (Part %3 of %4)...
  222. Stat_Upload=Upload messages - Part %1 of %2...
  223. Stat_UploadMultipart=Upload messages - %1 of %2 (Part %3of %4)...
  224. Stat_UserAbort=Sending messages aborted...
  225. Status_NotSend=Not yet sent
  226. Status_SendFailed=Send failed!
  227. Status_SendSuceed=Send successfully!
  228. SuccessfulDispatch=Message delivered!
  229. Text=Text
  230. Textcoding=Textcoding
  231. Time=Time
  232. To=To
  233. Validy5=Maximum on network
  234. Validy=Validity period
  235. ValidyDays=%1 minute(s)
  236. ValidyHours=%1 hour(s)
  237. ValidyWeeks=%1 week(s)
  238. Warning_CopyExistingSMS=Some messages are already in archive.%nCopy identical messages to archive?
  239. Warning_DeleteSMSArchive=Delete selected messages from archive?
  240. Warning_DeleteSMSPhone=Delete selected messages from phone?
  241. [Toolbars]
  242. Activate=Activate
  243. AddToPhonebook=Add number to phonebook
  244. BrowseLocal=Browse local files
  245. Call=Call
  246. Delete=Delete
  247. DeleteSelectedEntries=Delete selected entries
  248. Edit=Edit
  249. EditEntry=Edit entry
  250. FileUpload=Upload files...
  251. Forward=Forward
  252. JavaDownload=Download Java application
  253. JavaUpload=Install Java application
  254. LoadNew=Download entire
  255. NewFolder=Create new folder
  256. NewSMS=New Message
  257. Play=Play
  258. Refresh=Refresh view
  259. RefreshPreview=Refresh preview
  260. RefreshView=Refresh view
  261. Rename=Rename
  262. Reply=Reply
  263. SMSCopyArchive=Copy into the archive
  264. SMSUpload=Save messages on phone
  265. SaveDraft=Save as draft
  266. SaveFiles=Download files...
  267. SaveInbox=Save in inbox
  268. SaveSent=Save in "Sent Items"
  269. SendSMS=Send message
  270. Stop=Stop
  271. Sync=Synchronise
  272. Upward=Upward
  273. View=View
  274. ViewFolder=View folders
  275. WriteSMS=New Message
  276. [KontextMenu]
  277. AddHolidayEvent=Add &holiday as appointment
  278. Call=&Call
  279. Copy=&Copy
  280. Cut=C&ut
  281. Delete=&Delete
  282. DeletePassedEvents=Delete &passed events
  283. Edit=&Edit
  284. ExportImport=&Export/Import
  285. ForceEdited=&Force as edited
  286. FormatContact=&Format
  287. HideBirthdays=Hide &Birthdays
  288. Import=&Import...
  289. NewEntry=&New entry
  290. Paste=&Paste
  291. Properties=&Properties
  292. [Phonebook]
  293. Address=Address
  294. Birthday=Birthday
  295. Caption_EditFavorites=Edit Favorites
  296. Caption_EditSimContact=Edit SIM entry
  297. Caption_FormatContacts=Format contacts
  298. Caption_LoadDialed=Download dialed numbers...
  299. Caption_LoadMissed=Download missed calls...
  300. Caption_LoadPB=Downloading phonebook...
  301. Caption_LoadReceived=Download answered calls...
  302. Caption_LoadSIM=Downloading phonebook (SIM)...
  303. Caption_NewSimContact=New SIM entry
  304. Caption_NumberSelect=Select phone numbers
  305. Caption_SyncPB=Synchronizing phonebook...
  306. Caption_SyncSIM=Apply changes to SIM phonebook...
  307. Caption_ViewContact=Properties of: %1
  308. City=City
  309. Contact=Contact
  310. Country=Country
  311. EditContact=Edit Contact
  312. EditOwnCard=Edit own Card
  313. Filter=Filter:
  314. FirstName=First Name
  315. FormatName=Correct names
  316. FormatName_Lowercase=Lowercase [forename surname]
  317. FormatName_Propercase=First letter capital [Forename Surname]
  318. FormatName_Uppercase=Uppercase [FORENAME SURNAME]
  319. FormatNumbers1=Prefix national numbers with %1
  320. FormatNumbers2=Remove unused country codes
  321. FormatNumbers=Correct numbers
  322. FormattedName=Name
  323. FrameName=Name
  324. FrameNumbers=Phone Numbers
  325. FrameOther=Other
  326. LastName=Last Name
  327. Mail=e-mail
  328. Menu_ExportEntries=&Export selected entries...
  329. Menu_NewFavoritesGroup=New group
  330. NewContact=New Contact...
  331. NoOrder=no assignment
  332. Note=Info
  333. Number=Number
  334. OnlyMobileNumbers=Display only mobile numbers
  335. Order=Order
  336. Organisation=Company
  337. OwnCountryCode=Own country code:
  338. Postcode=Postcode
  339. ReminderBirthday=No reminder|Same day|One day before|Another day
  340. SelectGroupname=Please select a name for the new favorites group:
  341. Stat_ChangeContactPhone=Update entry in phone: %1...
  342. Stat_ChangeSIMEntry=Update entry on SIM card: %1
  343. Stat_CheckContactApp=Check entry: %1...
  344. Stat_CreateContactPhone=Create new entry in phone: %1...
  345. Stat_CreateSIMEntry=Create new entry on SIM card: %1
  346. Stat_DeleteContactPhone=Delete entry in phone: %1...
  347. Stat_DeleteEntirePhonebook=Deleting entire phonebook...
  348. Stat_DeleteSIMEntry=Delete entry on SIM card: %1
  349. Stat_LoadPB=Downloading phonebook: %1 of %2 Entries received(%3) ...
  350. Stat_ReceiveNewContact=Receiving new entry...
  351. Stat_ReceiveNumber=Receiving number: %1
  352. Stat_ReceiveSimEntries=Receiving SIM entries: %1
  353. Stat_ReceivingInfo=Receiving status...
  354. State=State
  355. Storage=Phonebook:
  356. Street=Street
  357. SwapName=Swap firstname <-> lastname
  358. TelCell=Mobile
  359. TelFax=Fax
  360. TelHome=Home
  361. TelOther=Other
  362. TelWork=Work
  363. Title=Title
  364. Tooltip_ReverseSearch=Search name/address via the Internet
  365. Web=Web
  366. WorkPrefix=%1 (work)
  367. vCardExportWarning=In directory: %1%n%2 files will be created. The file names will be based on the contact names.%nContinue?
  368. [FileBrowser]
  369. Browsebackupfolder=Please select the directory to save the files:
  370. Caption_Progress=%1 file transfer...
  371. Caption_WaitforConfirm=Waiting for confirmation...
  372. Column_Cached=Cached
  373. Column_Filename=Filename
  374. Column_Filesize=Size
  375. ConfirmTransfer=Confirm the file transfer on the phone!
  376. DefaultNewFoldername=New folder
  377. DeleteWarning=The chosen items will be permanently deleted!%nContinue?
  378. Duration=Rest duration:
  379. EmptyFolder=The folder is empty.
  380. FileMissing=%1%ndoes not exist
  381. Frame_Details=File Properties
  382. Menu_Details=&Details
  383. Menu_Edit=&Edit
  384. Menu_NewFolder=Create &new folder...
  385. Menu_Open=&Open
  386. Menu_OpenWith=&Open with...
  387. Menu_Print=&Print
  388. Menu_RefreshAll=Refresh &all directories
  389. Menu_RefreshView=&Refresh view
  390. Menu_SaveAs=&Save as...
  391. Menu_SaveIn=&Save in...
  392. Menu_Sort=&Arrange symbols by
  393. Menu_SortByName=&Name
  394. Menu_SortByPhone=&Like phone
  395. Menu_SortBySize=&Size
  396. Menu_SortByType=&Type
  397. Menu_Upload=&Upload files...
  398. Menu_UseAsMessageAlert=As alarm signal
  399. Menu_UseAsMessageAlertAll=As alarm signal - all profiles
  400. Menu_UseAsRingtone=As ring signal
  401. Menu_UseAsRingtoneAll=As ring signal - all profiles
  402. Menu_UseSound=&Use
  403. Minutes=%1 minute(s)
  404. NoJava=No Java files found!
  405. OpenWithApp=Open with %1
  406. OverWriteWarning=%1 already exists.%nOverwrite?
  407. OverWriteWarning_MoreFiles=Some files already exist.%nPlease select the files you wish to overwrite:
  408. PhotoShotDate=Created on: %1
  409. ProgressCurrentFile=Current file:
  410. ProgressEntirely=Total progress:
  411. SearchingWebfolder=Searching folder for web sites...
  412. Seconds=%1 second(s)
  413. Speed=Speed:
  414. Stat_CreateNewFolder=Creating new folder: %1...
  415. Stat_CreateNewFolderFailed=%1 could not be created!
  416. Stat_CreateNewFolderOK=%1 created successfully!
  417. Stat_DeleteFile=Deleting %1...
  418. Stat_DownloadFileSize=%1 KB of %2 KB downloaded...
  419. Stat_DownloadSize=%1 KB received...
  420. Stat_Duration=ca. %1
  421. Stat_FileDownload=downloading...
  422. Stat_FileUpload=uploading...
  423. Stat_LoadingAllFilelists=Load filelists...
  424. Stat_LoadingFileList=Loading filelist: %1 ...
  425. Stat_UploadFileSize=%1 KB of %2 KB uploaded...
  426. Status=Status:
  427. WaitDelay=Phone must relax 2 seconds...
  428. [Organizer]
  429. Age=Age
  430. BirthYear=Birthyear
  431. Caption_LoadOrg=Downloading organizer...
  432. Caption_Reminder=Reminder!
  433. Caption_SyncOrg=Synchronise organizer...
  434. Check_allday=All day event
  435. Combo_Counter=first|second|third|fourth|last
  436. Combo_Duration=30 minutes|1 Hour|2 Hour|4 Hour|Other
  437. Combo_Reminder=None|At start time|5 Minutes before|10 Minutes before|15 Minutes before|30 minutes before|1 hour before|Other
  438. Completed=Completed
  439. Daily1=All|Day(s)
  440. Daily2=All working days (Mon-Fri)
  441. Description=Additional
  442. Duration=Duration
  443. EditEvent=Edit Appointment...
  444. EditTodo=Edit task...
  445. Endtime=Endtime
  446. Event=Appointment
  447. JumpTo1=previous y&ear
  448. JumpTo2=previous m&onth
  449. JumpTo3=previous wee&k
  450. JumpTo4=previous d&ay
  451. JumpTo5=&Today
  452. JumpTo6=next &day
  453. JumpTo7=next &week
  454. JumpTo8=next &month
  455. JumpTo9=next &year
  456. Location=Location
  457. Menu_ExportCalendar=&Export entire calendar...
  458. Menu_Jumpto=&Jump to
  459. Monthly1=On the| Day every| Month
  460. Monthly2=On the| every| Month
  461. MoreEvents=%1 Appointments
  462. NewEvent=New Appointment
  463. NewTodo=New Task
  464. NoEvents=No Appointments
  465. OneEvent=1 Appointment
  466. Option_Birthday=Birthday
  467. Option_Daily=Daily
  468. Option_Event=Event
  469. Option_Monthly=Monthly
  470. Option_RuleEvent=Recurrent Event
  471. Option_Weekly=Weekly
  472. Option_Yearly=Yearly
  473. Priority=Priority:
  474. Priority_Values=High|Normal|Less
  475. Raisingdate=Due date
  476. Reminder=Reminder
  477. RuleDuration=Recurrence duration
  478. RuleOrder=Recurrence pattern
  479. Rule_EndDate=End date:
  480. Rule_Endcount=End after| recurrences
  481. Rule_NoEnd=No end date
  482. Stat_ChangeEventPhone=Update appointment in the phone: %1...
  483. Stat_ChangeTodoPhone=Update task in the phone: %1...
  484. Stat_CheckEventApp=Check appointment in the program: %1...
  485. Stat_CheckTodoApp=Check task in the program: %1...
  486. Stat_CreateEventPhone=Create new appointment in the phone: %1...
  487. Stat_CreateTodoPhone=Create new task in the phone: %1...
  488. Stat_DeleteEntireOrganizer=Deleting entire organizer...
  489. Stat_DeleteEventPhone=Delete appointment in the phone: %1...
  490. Stat_DeleteTodoPhone=Delete task in the phone: %1...
  491. Stat_LoadOrg=Downloading organizer: %1 of %2 Entries received(%3) ...
  492. Stat_ReceiveNewEntry=Reception new entry...
  493. Stat_ReceivingInfo=Organizer - Info is interrogated...
  494. Stat_ReceivingTimeZone=Read time zone from phone...
  495. Summary=Reference
  496. Time=Time
  497. Todo=Task
  498. TodoTitle=Task List
  499. UploadingNote=Uploading new note...
  500. WeekNumber=CW
  501. Weekly=Every/All|Week(s) at the
  502. Yearly1=Every
  503. Yearly2=At the|in
  504. [Notes]
  505. EditNote=Edit Note
  506. NewNote=New Note
  507. Note=Note
  508. TimeCreated=Created
  509. TimeEdited=Last changed
  510. [FileProperties]
  511. Label_Filesize=File Size: %1    (%2 Bytes)
  512. Label_PathInCache=Cache Location:
  513. Label_PathInPhone=Phone Location:
  514. NotInCache=Not yet downloaded
  515. [Monitor]
  516. Accu_AmperageIn=Power input:
  517. Accu_AmperageOut=Consumption:
  518. Accu_Temp=Temperature:
  519. Accu_Voltage=Voltage:
  520. Charge_Amperage=Charging current:
  521. Charge_Voltage=Charging voltage:
  522. Phone_Firmware=Firmware:
  523. Phone_IMEI=IMEI:
  524. Phone_Model=Model:
  525. Phone_Signal=Signal quality:
  526. Phone_Temp=Temperature:
  527. Provider=Provider:
  528. Stat_RefreshMonitor=Refresh Monitor...
  529. [Memorystatus]
  530. ContactsPhone=Contacts (Phone):
  531. ContactsSIM=Contacts (SIM):
  532. Label_Free=Free:
  533. Label_Total=Total:
  534. Label_Used=Used:
  535. MemoryStick=Memory Stick:
  536. Orgaizer=Events and Tasks:
  537. PhoneMemory=Phone Memory:
  538. SMS_Phone=SMS (Phone):
  539. SMS_SIM=SMS (SIM):
  540. Stat_RefreshMemorystatus=Refreshing memory status...
  541. [Errors]
  542. 2011_Bug=Because of a bug in all Sony Ericsson phones, yearly events with end dates before 2011-01-01 cannot be set!
  543. BackupRestoreFailed=Backup could not be restored!
  544. BackupSMSFailed=Messages could not be restored!%nFree slots: %1 - at least %2 free slots are required!
  545. Caption_Error=Error...
  546. Caption_Exclamation=Attention!
  547. ConnectFailed=Could not open %1!
  548. ConnectServerFailed=Could not contact server.%nMaybe you have no active connection to the Internet.
  549. CreateFileError=%1%ncould not be created!
  550. CreateFolderFailed=%1 could not be created!
  551. DSTSyncFailed=Standard/Summer time could not be set in phone!
  552. DeleteExistingFileFailed=%1%nCannot delete existing file!
  553. DeleteFailed=%1 could not be deleted!%2
  554. DeleteSMSFailed=%1%n%nCannot be deleted!
  555. DownloadEntire_Warning=Download all entries?%nChanges in MyPhoneExplorer will be lost!
  556. DownloadFileFailed=%1 could not be downloaded!
  557. ErrSetPhoneValue=%1 could not be set!
  558. Error_Busy=MyPhoneExplorer is currently busy.%nPlease try again later.
  559. Error_CloseDialogs=Please close all dialogs in MyPhoneExplorer.
  560. FileContainsNoSMS=The selected file contains no messages!
  561. FileNotfoundWeb=%1%nError during download cause this file doesn't exist
  562. FileUploadFailedWeb=%1%nError during upload !
  563. GetAtomTimeFailed=Could nt get atomic clock time!%nUse local computer time?
  564. IncompatibleCSVFile=%1%nis a not compatible csv file!
  565. InitSyncappFailed=Connection to %1 failed!
  566. LoadEntrysSyncappFailed=Loading entries from %1 failed!
  567. LoadPhoneTimeFailed=The current time could not be read from the phone!
  568. LoadSIMFailed=The phonebook on the SIM card could not be downloaded!
  569. LoadingFileListFailed=The file list could not be loaded!
  570. MoreErrors=The following errors occurred:
  571. MoveTempfileFailed=The temporary file could not be moved!
  572. NoConnection=Connection to phone not possible!
  573. NoExcel=Microsoft Excel is not installed!
  574. NoFileBrowser=This phone does not support file browsing!
  575. NoOpenOffice=OpenOffice is not installed!
  576. NoRecipient=No recipient declared!
  577. NoTitle=- a title must be stated!
  578. NoUserName=- no user name declared!
  579. NoWebfolder=The folder for web sites was not found on the memory stick!
  580. NoWord=Microsoft Word is not installed!
  581. ObexInitFailed=Obex Protocol could not be initialized!
  582. OpenPortFailed=%1 could not be opened
  583. PasswordContainsSpaces=-Spaces in password!
  584. PhoneIdentifyFailed=Phone could not be identified
  585. PlayFileFailed=%1%ncannot be played!
  586. PortNoAccess=Access denied
  587. PortNotPresent=Port cannot be found
  588. PortSetBufferFailed=Set buffer failed
  589. PortSetSettingsFailed=Set connection string failed
  590. PortSetTimeoutFailed=Set timeout failed
  591. ProfileSetFailed=Profile: %1 could not be activated!
  592. RestartPhone=Maybe this problem can be fixed if you restart your phone.
  593. ReversSearch_OK=Reverse search to number %1 succeeded!%n%n%2
  594. ReversSearch_ServerError=Sever-based connection problem.
  595. ReversSearch_WrongCountryCode=Number: %1%nSearch for this country is not possible at the moment.
  596. SIMChangeFailed=SIM entry: %1 (%2) could not be changed!
  597. SIMCreateFailed=SIM entry: %1 creation failed!
  598. SIMDeleteFailed=Error deleting SIM entry: %1 (%2)!
  599. SMSBroken=This message lacks SMS components!%nLacking components become through(...)replace!
  600. SMSDecodeError=This SMS could not be decoded correctly!
  601. SMSSentButNotSaved=The message was sent, it could not be stored however!
  602. SaveSMSFailed=Message could not be stored!
  603. SetSMSStoreFailed=The SMS storage could not be set in phone!
  604. SyncWarning=Changes will not be applied to the phone until you Synchronise!
  605. TimeSyncFailed=The time could not be set in phone!
  606. TimeendBeforeTimestart=The end time cannot be before the start time!
  607. ToMuchNotes=You can save a mximum of 10 notes!
  608. UploadFileFailed=Error during upload: %1
  609. UserExistsAlready=- the user name: %1 already exists.
  610. WrongPassword=The stated password is wrong!
  611. WrongPasswordRepeat=- password and repeated password do not match!
  612. WrongRecipient=Wrong recipient input (%1)!%nDispatch is aborted!
  613. [Questions]
  614. NoContacts_Restore?=No contacts on phone!%nTransfer contacts from program to phone?
  615. NoEvents_Restore?=No appointments on phone!%nTransfer dates from program to phone?
  616. SyncNow?=Synchronise now?
  617. [NewSMS]
  618. AddFromPhonebook=Add number from phonebook
  619. Button_Close=Close
  620. Button_Save=Save
  621. Button_Send=Send
  622. Caption=New Message
  623. Caption_CreateReceived=Create incoming message...
  624. Caption_CreateSent=Create sent message...
  625. FavoriteList=Favorites
  626. Favorites=Favorites
  627. Menu_EditFavorites=&Customize
  628. SMSCounter=Message Counter: %1
  629. SaveToSent=Save successful deliveries in "Sent Items"
  630. Status=SMS %1 - still %2 Signs freely...
  631. [CallMonitor]
  632. Button_Accept=Accept
  633. Button_Dismiss=Dismiss
  634. Button_Get=Get call
  635. Button_Hangup=Hang up
  636. Button_Hold=Hold
  637. Caption=Call monitor
  638. Caption_NewMessage=New Message
  639. Stat_0=Call finished
  640. Stat_1=Dialing...
  641. Stat_2=Connecting...
  642. Stat_3=Connected
  643. Stat_4=Hold
  644. Stat_5=Waits
  645. Stat_6=Calls
  646. Stat_Alerting=Incoming call!
  647. Stat_MessageAlertBalloon=New message from:
  648. Tab_Calls=Calls
  649. Tab_Notes=Notes
  650. [FileDialog]
  651. DefaultUnnamed=Unnamed
  652. Filter_SunbirdFile=Sunbird calendar file (*.ics)
  653. Filter_all=All Files (*.*)
  654. Filter_allsupported=All supported formats (%1)
  655. Filter_csv=Comma separated values (*.csv)
  656. Filter_html=HTML-Files (*.html)
  657. Filter_html_mpe=MyPhoneExplorer exported web site (*.html)
  658. Filter_icsFile=iCal-File (*.ics)
  659. Filter_jar=Java Apps (*.jar,*.jad)
  660. Filter_ldif=Thunderbird LDIF Format (*.ldif,*.ldi)
  661. Filter_mpb=MyPhoneExplorer backup file (*.mpb)
  662. Filter_sms=SMS files (*.sms)
  663. Filter_txt=Text files (*.txt)
  664. Filter_vcf=vCard files (*.vcf)
  665. Filter_vcs=vCalendar files (*.vcs)
  666. Filter_vmg=Nokia Message File (*.vmg)
  667. Filter_xml=XML Document (*.xml)
  668. [Settings]
  669. ArchiveCalls=Archive calls:
  670. ArchiveCallsList=Deactivate|2 month|6 month|1 year|unlimited
  671. BackupBeforeSync=If you sync with other applications, make sure that you have made a backup so you can restore your data if the sync fails!
  672. Caption=Settings
  673. CheckVersion=Check for new version
  674. Check_BigFont=Large font:
  675. Check_CalculateHolidays=Calculate holidays:
  676. Check_ClipboardHook=Popup dial window automatically (clipboard-hook)
  677. Check_Connection=Disable automatic disconnect/reconnect
  678. Check_ConnectonStartup=Connect on startup
  679. Check_Cryptfiles=Encrypt phone data saved on computer
  680. Check_DeactivateCallMonitor=Deactivate call monitor
  681. Check_DisableShellhandler=Disable Windows shell extension
  682. Check_MinimizeInsteadClose=Use X to minimize instead of close MyPhoneExplorer
  683. Check_PlayCallSound=Sound on incoming call
  684. Check_PlaySMSSound=Sound on incoming message
  685. Check_ShowSplash=Show splash screen
  686. Check_ShowWeekNumbers=Show calendar weeks
  687. Check_StableConnection=Stable connection (some features are deactivated)
  688. Check_StartMinimized=Start minimized
  689. Check_WriteLogFile=Write Log File
  690. ColorSheme=Color scheme:
  691. Database=Database
  692. DatabaseExistsWarning=%1 already exists.%nDo you want to overwrite the existing database?
  693. DisconnectOnInactive=Disconnect after 5 minutes inactivity
  694. FirstDayOfWeek=First day of week:
  695. FontName=Font:
  696. FreeDays=Free days%nevery week:
  697. HotkeyDial=Hotkey for dial window:
  698. HotkeyMultiSync=Hotkey for Multi-Sync:
  699. HotkeySMS=Hotkey for new message:
  700. Label_Baud=Baud rate:
  701. Label_Port=COM Port:
  702. Label_TimeServer=Time server:
  703. Language=Language:
  704. LogSync=Create Sync-Logs
  705. LookupDevice=Search For Device
  706. MoveDatabase=Please select the directory which should be used to save the database:
  707. MultiSync=Multi-Sync
  708. OpenLastLog=View last Sync-Log
  709. OpenLogDirectory=Browse Log-Directory
  710. PacketSize=OBEX packet size:|Bytes
  711. ResetSMSCounter=Reset Message Counter
  712. SMSAlert0=Deactivate
  713. SMSAlert1=Popup window
  714. SMSAlert2=Balloon help (Windows 2000/XP only)
  715. SMSNotification=Message Notification
  716. SpeakerEmulation=Shortcut for speakerphone:
  717. SpeakerEmulationHelptext=During a call you can switch to speakerphone with MyPhoneExplorer. This works by simulating phone key presses.%nThe key sequence differs between phones, so you must customise it here using the following values:%n%nJ = Joystick down%n[ = Left Softkey%n] = Right Softkey%n1,2,3... = numeric keys%n%nFor example, on a K700i the shortcut "J4" first opens the call menu, then selects the 4th menu entry.
  718. Startpage=Start page
  719. Tab_Advanced=Advanced
  720. Tab_Appearance=Appearance
  721. Tab_Behaviour=Behaviour
  722. Tab_Connection=Connection
  723. Tab_Startup=Startup
  724. Tab_Sync=Sync
  725. UseReverseSearch=Search for unknown numbers via the internet.
  726. Warning_LanguageChange=In order to load the the new language, MyPhoneExplorer must be restarted!
  727. Warning_Restart=In order for the new settings to take effect, please restart MyPhoneExplorer!
  728. [Search]
  729. Button_Search=Search
  730. Caption=Search
  731. Check_Casesensitive=Case sensitive
  732. Check_Wholewords=Only whole words
  733. Frame_SearchDirection=Search direction
  734. NoItemsFound=Search text was not found
  735. SearchText=Search for:
  736. Searchdownward=Forwards
  737. Searchupward=Backwards
  738. [About]
  739. Caption=About MyPhoneExplorer...
  740. Caption_Donation=Donate to MyPhoneExplorer!
  741. Creator_String=Language file created by:
  742. DonateText=Although MyPhoneExplorer is Freeware, the development of this software requires a lot of time. With your donation, you can ensure future development of MyPhoneExplorer!
  743. Frame_Thanks=Special thanks to:
  744. NeverShow=Never show this
  745. Version=Version: %1
  746. [Language File Information]
  747. Creator_Name=FJ && Peter Headland
  748. [Connect]
  749. Caption=Connecting...
  750. NewUser=New user
  751. SelectPhoneName=Please select a name for the identified phone:%n%1
  752. Stat_Identify=Identification...
  753. Stat_Initialize=Initiating connection...
  754. Stat_Model=Receive model...
  755. Stat_OpenPort=Opening %1...
  756. SyncNow?=It is recommended to sync your phone with MyPhoneExplorer.%nDo you want to sync now?
  757. [Sync]
  758. AbortSync=Abort Sync
  759. AddOnlyWithNumber=Add new contacts from %1 only if they contain at least one phone number.
  760. AdvancedOLFolderSearch=List ALL folders (search also in distribution lists)
  761. Button_Exeptions=Exceptions...
  762. Caption_Confirmationwindow=Confirmation for sync
  763. Caption_SettingsForSyncApp=Settings for %1
  764. Caption_SyncExeptions=Exceptions for %1
  765. CategoryFilter_Button=Add new entries from %1 only if...
  766. CategoryFilter_Delete=Delete selected exception
  767. CategoryFilter_IfNOTexists=the contact does NOT contain this category
  768. CategoryFilter_Ifexists=the contact contains this category
  769. CheckRainlendarSettings=Adjust Rainlendar settings
  770. Check_FastMode=Compare only changed events (faster)
  771. Check_SyncEvents=Sync Events
  772. Check_SyncTasks=Sync Tasks
  773. ChooseCalendar=Please choose a calendar:
  774. CloseMozilla=Please close %1 before continue.
  775. Dateband2=Sync only events in the future, including | days before today
  776. Dateband3=Sync events in a given time range | days before today | days after today
  777. Datebandwidth=Time Period
  778. EntryPhone=Entry in phone
  779. EntrySyncApp=Entry in %1
  780. ErrorFolderlisting=Folder structure from %1 could not be listed!
  781. MozillaPluginMissingOrOutdated=The MyPhoneExplorer-Extension is either not installed or to old.%nInstall the newest plugin now ?
  782. MozillaProfile=%1-Profile:
  783. NetSharedPW=Password:
  784. NetSharedUsername=Username:
  785. NetsharedURL=URL to calendarfile (iCal-Format, Protocols: %1)
  786. Rainlendar_SyncBase=Sync-Base:
  787. Rainlendar_WrongSettings=With the current settings in Rainlendar, synchronisation is not possible!
  788. ReadingABooks=Reading address books...
  789. ReadingCalendars=Reading calendars...
  790. SetContact_Folder=Choose address book to sync:
  791. SetOutlook_Folder=Outlook folder to synchronise:
  792. ShowConfirmationWindow=Show confirmation window before MyPhoneExplorer makes any changes
  793. Stat_SyncContactsWithApp=Synchronising contacts with %1...
  794. Stat_SyncEventsWithApp=Sync progress (events/tasks) with %1...
  795. SyncMode=Sync Mode
  796. SyncModes=Sync both|Force %1 -> phone|Force phone -> %1
  797. SyncOnlyMPE=Only MyPhoneExplorer
  798. SyncQuestion_AddPhone=Create new entry in phone.
  799. SyncQuestion_AddSyncApp=Create new entry in %1.
  800. SyncQuestion_DeletePhone=Delete entry in phone.
  801. SyncQuestion_DeleteSyncApp=Delete entry in %1.
  802. SyncQuestion_LeaveEntryInPhone=Leave entry in phone.
  803. SyncQuestion_NeverSync=Never sync this entry in future.
  804. SyncQuestion_UsePhone=Use entry from phone.
  805. SyncQuestion_UseSyncApp=Use entry from %1.
  806. ThunderbirdProfile=Thunderbird profile:
  807. WrongMozillaProfile=%1 already started with another user-profile.
  808. iCalFile=iCal-File
  809. iCalSync=iCal-File (local or network)
  810. [MultiSync]
  811. LoadFilelists=Refresh file lists
  812. SyncCalls=Refresh call lists
  813. SyncClock=Sync clock via the internet
  814. SyncMessages=Refresh message folders
  815. SyncOrganizer=Sync organizer
  816. SyncPhonebook=Sync phonebook (phone)
  817. SyncPhonebookSIM=Sync phonebook (SIM)
  818. [InfoSMS]
  819. Caption=Customize info SMS
  820. HelpCaption=What are info SMS?
  821. HelpText=In this window, you can create predefined messages.%nThese messages can then be sent directly from the menu.
  822. Recipient=Recipients:
  823. Text=SMS text:
  824. Title=Title:
  825. [SyncClock]
  826. Button_Sync=Alignments
  827. Caption=Sync phone clock via the Internet
  828. Caption_Complete=Completed
  829. Combo_TimeFormat=24 Hour|AM/PM
  830. DateFormat=Indicated date format:
  831. DaylightName=Summer time
  832. StandardName=Standard time
  833. Stat_ConnectingServer=Connect to atomic time server:  %1 ...
  834. Stat_Diffrence=Difference: %1 Seconds
  835. Stat_NoDiffrence=No difference!
  836. Stat_ReadPhoneClock=Reading current time from phone
  837. Stat_SetTimeToPhone=Set time to phone...
  838. Suceed=The time was set in the phone!
  839. TimeFormat=Indicated time format:
  840. TimeGlobal=Atomic time:
  841. TimeLocal=Time on the computer:
  842. TimePhone=Time on phone:
  843. TimeZoneChangeWarning=The time zone does not match the time zone on the computer!%nIf the time zone is corrected, all tasks and appointments will be moved %1 hours.%nChange time zone?
  844. [Password]
  845. Captio_PasswordRequest=Verify password
  846. Caption=Set password for "%1"
  847. Label_Password=New password:
  848. Label_PasswordRepeat=Repeat new password:
  849. Label_PasswordRequest=Enter old password for "%1":
  850. Label_User=User name:
  851. PasswordChanged=The password was changed successfully!
  852. PasswordDeleted=The password was deactivated!
  853. [ShellHandler]
  854. ImportOrganizer=&Import to Organizer
  855. ImportPhonebook=&Import into phonebook
  856. ImportSMS=&Import into SMS archive
  857. RestoreBackup=&Restore backup
  858. UploadFiles=&Upload to phone
  859. [Setup]
  860. DeletePhoneData=Would you like to delete all personal phone data from this computer?
  861. [Import]
  862. Caption=Dataimport
  863. Option_AddAll=Add all entries
  864. Option_AddByContactname=Intelligent import based on contact name
  865. Option_AddByStartdate=Intelligent import based on start time
  866. Option_AddBySubject=Intelligent import based on subject
  867. [CSVImport]
  868. AssignedSourceField=assigned field from source file
  869. Caption=Assign fields
  870. CountEntries=[ %1 entries ]
  871. FieldInMPE=Field in MyPhoneExplorer
  872. SourceFields=Fields in source file
  873. [BackupWizzard]
  874. Abortwarning=Are you sure you want to cancel?
  875. Button_Create=Create backup
  876. Button_Restore=Restore backup
  877. Caption=Backup Wizard
  878. Check_Files=Files
  879. Check_Organizer=Events and tasks
  880. Check_Phonebook=Contacts (phone)
  881. Check_PhonebookSIM=Contacts (SIM)
  882. Check_Profiles=Profiles
  883. Check_SMS=SMS (phone)
  884. Check_SMSArchive=SMS archive (computer)
  885. Check_SMSSIM=SMS (SIM)
  886. CreateBackupFinished=Finished creating backup.
  887. CurrentStatus=Current status:
  888. Directory=Directory
  889. Label_Create=Please select which items you want to include in the backup:
  890. Label_Restore=Please select which items you want to restore from the backup:
  891. ModelWarning=The selected backup was originally created with another type of phone.%nCompatibility problems may occur!
  892. NumberOfEntries=[%1 items]
  893. RestoreBackupFinished=Finished restoring backup.
  894. Size=Size
  895. Stat_CheckOBEX=Checking OBEX support...
  896. Stat_Files=%1 of %2 downloaded - time left: %3
  897. Stat_ReadProfile=Reading profile: %1...
  898. Stat_WriteProfile=Writing profile: %1...
  899. Title_Create=Create backup
  900. Title_Restore=Restore backup
  901. [SearchPort]
  902. Caption_Complete=Search completed.
  903. DeviceFound=Device found: %1
  904. DeviceSettings=Port: %1, Baud: %2, OBEX packet size: %3 Bytes
  905. NoPorts=No Ports available!
  906. SearchFailed=No device found!
  907. TestBaudrate=Check for maximum baud rate (%1)...
  908. TestPort=Testing %1...
  909. Tipp1=ò Take the battery out of your phone for 2 minutes
  910. Tipp2=ò Restart your computer
  911. Tipp3=ò If you use Bluetooth: Make sure that Bluetooth is enabled on your phone and the "Serial Port" service is activated in your Bluetooth software
  912. Tipp4=ò If you use a USB cable: If a new menu appears when you connect your phone, then select "Phone mode" and NOT "File transfer"!
  913. TippsCaption=Tipps:
  914. WaitInfo=This action may take a while...
  915. [SearchDevice]
  916. Caption=Searching phone...
  917. [Sync_Outlook]
  918. ListContacts=Listing contacts...
  919. [SyncLog]
  920. After=after
  921. Before=before
  922. CalendarSync=Sync events with:
  923. ContactSync=Sync contacts with:
  924. Deleted=%1 deleted
  925. DownloadOrganizer=Entire Organizer downloaded
  926. DownloadPhonebook=Entire Phonebook downloaded
  927. Edited=%1 edited
  928. LastEdited=Last edited
  929. New=%1 created
  930. Phone=Phone
  931. PhoneModell=Phonemodel:
  932. SyncEnded=Sync finished at:
  933. SyncStarted=Sync started at:
  934. Title=Sync-Log from %1
  935. Username=Username: