&Accept Incoming Remote Connections=Gelen Uzak Ba≡lant²lar² &Kabul Et
&Ignore Incoming Remote Connections=Gelen Uzak Ba≡lant²lar² &Yoksay
Remote Computer Information=Uzak Bilgisayar Bilgisi
Remote Computer &Information=Uzak Bilgisayar &Bilgisi
Message to Remote User=Uzak Kullan²c²ya ▌leti
Me&ssage to Remote User=Uzak Kullan²c²ya &▌leti
&Browse Files=&Dosyalara G÷zat
Screen S&hot=Ekran Res&mi
&Full Size=&Tam Boyut
&Half Size=1/&2 Boyut
Q&uarter Size=1/&4 Boyut
R&un Program=Program² B&a■lat
&Close %s=%s &Kapat
&Turn Off=&Kapat
&Restart=Yeniden B&a■lat
&Log Off=&Oturumu Kapat
&View Log=&Gⁿnlⁿ≡ⁿ G÷ster
&Disconnect=&Ba≡lant²y² Kes
Add to &Favorites=S²k Kullan²lanlara &Ekle
Remove from F&avorites=S²k Kullan²lanlardan &Kald²r
&Info Database Status=&Veritaban² Durumu
&What's New=&Yenilikler Neler?
%s &Help=%s &Yard²m
%s &Online=%s &╟evrimiτi
C&ommand-line Options=&Komut-sat²r² Seτenekleri
License Agreement=Lisans Antla■mas²
What's New=Yenilikler Neler?
// remote features
Connect to Remote Computer=Uzak Bilgisayara Ba≡lan
Connect to &single computer=&Tek Bir Bilgisayara Ba≡lan
Scan local &network for computers=&Bilgisayarlar iτin yerel a≡² tara
Connection Established=Ba≡lant² Kuruldu
Client Connected=▌stemci Ba≡land²
Connection Refused=Ba≡lant² Reddedildi
Please enter command line=Lⁿtfen komut girin
Please enter process name=Lⁿtfen i■lem ad² girin
Please enter service name=Lⁿtfen hizmet ad² girin
Incoming Message=▌leti Al²nd²
Run Program=Program² Ba■lat
Remote File Browsing=Uzak PC'ye G÷zat
Remote Screen Shot=Uzak PC Ekran G÷rⁿntⁿsⁿ
Remote Program Launch=Uzak PC'de Program Ba■lat
Remote Server Shutdown=Uzak Sunucuyu Kapat
Remote Power Off=Uzak PC'yi Kapat
Remote Restart=Uzak PC'yi Yeniden Ba■lat
Remote Log Off=Uzak PC'de Oturumu Kapat
Remote computer is currently busy. Please try again later=Uzak bilgisayar me■gul. Lⁿtfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin.
Connection Type=Ba≡lant² Tⁿrⁿ
Server Log=Sunucu Gⁿnlⁿ≡ⁿ
// remote monitor
Remote Monitor=Uzak Ekran
Connect to Remote Computers=Uzak Bilgisayarlara Ba≡lan
Connect to &Remote Computers=&Uzak Bilgisayarlara Ba≡lan
&Remove from List=&Listeden Kald²r
OS=▌■letim Sistemi
Idle Time=Bo■ Zaman
Mem. Total=Toplam Bellek
Mem. Free=Kullan²labilir Bellek
Disk Total=Toplam Disk
Disk Free=Bo■ Disk
Active Window=Etkin Pencere
Process #%d=%d. i■lemi
Service #%d=%d. hizmeti
Screen Shot=Ekran G÷rⁿntⁿsⁿ
Save Screen Shot=Ekran G÷rⁿntⁿsⁿnⁿ Kaydet
JPEG files=JPEG Dosyas²
Save &As=&Farkl² Kaydet
Date Modified=De≡i■tirilme Tarihi
Process and Service Monitor=▌■lem ve Hizmet Monit÷rⁿ
Process #%d name:=▌■lem #%d ad²:
Service #%d name:=Servis #%d ad²:
Update Frequency=Gⁿncelleme S²kl²≡²
UpTime, IdleTime:=Hizmet Sⁿresi, Bo■ta Sⁿresi:
CPU usage:=CPU kullan²m²:
Memory usage:=Bellek kullan²m²:
Hard disk usage:=Sabit disk kullan²m²:
Network usage:=A≡ kullan²m²:
SMART status:=SMART durumu:
Anti-virus status:=Anti-virⁿs durumu:
Process count:=▌■lem say²s²:
Active window:=Etkin pencere:
Process monitor:=▌■lem monit÷rⁿ:
Service monitor:=Hizmet monit÷rⁿ:
Start Service=Hizmet Ba■lat
St&art Service=Hizmet &Ba■lat
Stop Service=Hizmet Durdur
&Stop Service=Hizmet &Durdur
Connect &To=B&a≡lan
Remote Moni&tor=Uzak&tan ▌zleme
Remote System &Information=Uzak Sistem &Bilgisi
Remote Co&ntrol=Uzaktan Ko&ntrol
Computer Groups=Bilgisayar gruplar²
New Computer Group=Yeni Bilgisayar Grubu
Modify Computer Group=Bilgisayar Grubunu De≡i■tir
&Group name:=&Grup ad²:
Address may be one of the following items:=Adres a■a≡²daki ÷≡elerden biri olabilir:
computer name (e.g. ADMINPC)=bilgisayar ad² (÷r. ADMINPC)
IP address (e.g. adres (÷r.
IP address range (e.g. adres aral²≡² (÷r.
Multiple addresses can be entered, separated by comma=Birden fazla adres virgⁿl ile ay²r²larak girilebilir
Display disk spaces in &GB=Disk bo■lu≡unu &GB olarak g÷ster
Run on the &local computer=&Yerel bilgisayarda τal²■t²r
Run on the &remote computer=&Uzak bilgisayarda τal²■t²r
// remote report
&Select All=&Tⁿmⁿnⁿ Seτ
&Clear All=T&ⁿmⁿnⁿ Temizle
Command sent=Komut G÷nderildi
Welcome to the Remote Report wizard=Uzak Rapor Sihirbaz²na Ho■ Geldiniz!
This wizard will help you to create report files of remote computers.=Bu sihirbaz uzak bilgisayarlar²n rapor dosyalar²n² olu■turman²zda size yard²mc² olacak.
Remote computers=Uzak Bilgisayarlar
&Remote Computers=Uzak &Bilgisayarlar
Please choose the computers you want to have report of:=Lⁿtfen rapor almak istedi≡iniz bilgisayarlar² seτin:
Report output=Rapor τ²kt²s²
Please enter reports file name and reports folder:=Lⁿtfen rapor ad²n² ve rapor klas÷rⁿnⁿ girin:
&Destination folder for the collected reports:=Toplanm²■ raporlar iτin &hedef klas÷r:
File&name for the collected reports:=Toplanm²■ raporlar iτin dosya &ad²:
Save to &file=&Dosyaya Kaydet
&Send in e-mail=E-mail ile g÷&nder
// remote processes
End Process=▌■lemi Sonland²r
&End Process=▌■l&emi Sonland²r
Are you sure you want to end '%s'?='%s' sonland²rmak istedi≡inize emin misiniz?
// winsock errors
Remote computer cannot be found=Uzak bilgisayar bulunam²yor
Connection timed out=Ba≡lant² zaman a■²m²na u≡rad²
Remote computer name cannot be resolved=Uzak bilgisayar ad² τ÷zⁿlemiyor
Incorrect password=Hatal² parola
// info database status
Info Database Status=Veritaban² Durumu
Hard Disk Drives=Sabit Disk Sⁿrⁿcⁿleri
Optical Drives=Optik Sⁿrⁿcⁿler
Video Adapters=G÷rⁿntⁿ Ba≡da■t²r²c²lar²
JEDEC Manufacturers=JEDEC ▄reticileri
// database manager
Database Manager=Veritaban² Y÷netici
%d reports=%d rapor
%d computers=%d bilgisayar
%d users=%d kullan²c²
%d days old=%d gⁿn
%d reports selected=%d rapor seτildi
Show &Outdated Reports=&Eskimi■ Raporlar² G÷ster
&Insert Report Files to Database=Raporlar² Veritaban²na &Ekle
&Export Selected Reports=Seτili Raporlar² &Ver
&Delete Selected Reports=Seτili Raporlar² &Sil
Delete &Outdated Reports=&Eskimi■ Raporlar² Sil
Switch &RComplete Field to Yes=&RComplete Alan²n² Evet'e De≡i■tir
Do you want to insert '%s' file to database?='%s' dosyas²n² veritaban²na eklemek istiyor musunuz?
Do you want to insert %d report files to database?=%d rapor dosyas²n² veritaban²na eklemek istiyor musunuz?
Inserting report file to database=Rapor dosyas² veritaban²na ekleniyor
Exporting report from database=Veritaban²ndan rapor veriliyor
Deleting report from database=Veritaban²ndan rapor siliniyor
Insert Report Files to Database=Rapor Dosyas²n² Veritaban²na Ekle
&Use file name instead of computer name=&Bilgisayar ad² yerine dosya ad²n² kullan
&Only insert the lines used by Audit Statistics=&Sadece Denetleme ▌statistikleri taraf²ndan kullan²lan sat²rlar² ekle
&Delete inserted report files after successful insertion=&Ba■ar²yla eklenen rapor dosyalar²n² sil
New version of %s found=%s 'in yeni sⁿrⁿmⁿ bulundu
Do you want to upgrade to it=Gⁿncellemek istiyor musunuz?
Ready to update=Gⁿncellemeye haz²r
Local Folder=Yerel Klas÷r
Software Update=Yaz²l²m Gⁿncellemesi
Downloading %s=%s indiriliyor
Update Description=Gⁿncelleme Tan²m²
Update Comment=Gⁿncelleme Aτ²klamas²
Update Type=Gⁿncelleme Tⁿrⁿ
Product Description=▄rⁿn Tan²m²
Product Copyright=▄rⁿn Telif Hakk²
Product Comment=▄rⁿn Aτ²klamas²
Preview version - Only for testing purposes=╓ng÷rⁿnⁿm sⁿrⁿmⁿ - Sadece test amaτl²
Beta release=Beta Sⁿrⁿmⁿ
Final release=Son Sⁿrⁿm
// report wizard
Report wizard=Rapor Sihirbaz²
Remote Report wizard=Uzak Rapor Sihirbaz²
Quick Report=H²zl² Rapor
Remote Report=Uzak Rapor
Welcome to the Report wizard=Rapor Sihirbaz²na Ho■ Geldiniz!
This wizard will help you to create a report of your computer.=Bu sihirbaz bilgisayar²n²z²n raporunu olu■turmada size yard²mc² olacak.
After completing this wizard you can print the report, save it to file or send it in e-mail.=Sihirbaz tamamland²≡²nda raporu yazd²rabilirsiniz, dosyaya kaydedebilirsiniz yada e-mail ile g÷nderebilirsiniz.
Please try to minimize the information you choose to include in the report, to avoid generating huge reports.=Lⁿtfen τok bⁿyⁿk rapor dosyalar² ⁿretmemek iτin, mⁿmkⁿn oldu≡unca az bilgi seτmeyi deneyin.
You can help the development by sending report files of various computers to the author:=Yazara τe■itli bilgisayarlar²n rapor dosyalar²n² g÷ndererek geli■tirmeye yard²mc² olabilirsiniz:
To make sure you don't include personal or confidential information in the reports sent to the author, you should choose the profile called "Hardware-related pages".=Yazara g÷nderece≡iniz raporlar²n ki■isel veya gizli bilgi iτermedi≡ine emin olmak iτin "Donan²m ile ilgi Sayfalar" Profilini seτmelisiniz.
Report Profiles=Rapor Profilleri
Please choose a desired report layout profile:=Lⁿtfen istedi≡iniz bir rapor yerle■im profilini seτin:
&All pages=&Tⁿm Sayfalar
Sys&tem Summary only=Yaln²z Sistem &╓zeti
&Hardware-related pages=&Donan²m ile ilgi Sayfalar
&Software-related pages=&Yaz²l²m ile ilgi Sayfalar
B&enchmark pages=Kar■²la■t²rma &Testi Sayfalar²
Pages required for a&udit=D&enetleme iτin gerek duyulan sayfalar
&Custom selection=╓&zel Seτim
&Load from file:=D&osyadan Yⁿkle:
Custom Report Profile=╓zel Rapor profili
Please select the pages you want to include in the report:=Raporunuza eklenmesini istedi≡iniz sayfalar² seτin:
Report format=Rapor Biτimi
Please choose a desired report format:=Lⁿtfen istedi≡iniz bir rapor biτimi seτin:
Measure CPU performance using the classic queen problem solution on a 10x10 chessboard=CPU ba■ar²m²n²n 10x10 satranτ tahtas² ⁿzeride klasik vezir problemi kullan²larak ÷lτⁿmⁿ
Measure CPU performance using several 2D image processing algorithms=CPU ba■ar²m²n²n τe■itli 2D g÷rⁿntⁿ i■leme algoritmalar² kullan²larak ÷lτⁿmⁿ
Measure CPU performance using ZLib file compression=CPU ba■ar²m²n²n ZLib dosya s²k²■t²rmas² kullan²larak ÷lτⁿmⁿ
Measure single precision floating point performance using Julia fractal=Tek duyarl²kl² kayan nokta ba■ar²m²n²n Julia fraktal kullan²larak ÷lτⁿmⁿ
Measure double precision floating point performance using Mandelbrot fractal=╟ift duyarl²kl² kayan nokta ba■ar²m²n²n Mandelbrot fractal kullan²larak ÷lτⁿmⁿ
Measure extended precision floating point performance using a custom Julia fractal=Geni■letilmi■ duyarl²kl² kayan nokta ba■ar²m²n²n ÷zel Julia fraktal kullan²larak ÷lτⁿmⁿ
Measure floating point performance using complex 2D image processing algorithms=Kayan nokta ba■ar²m²n²n karma■²k 2D resim i■leme algoritmalar²yla ÷lτⁿmⁿ
Most 3D games run better with at least 256 KB L2 cache.=╟o≡u 3D oyun en az 256 KB L2 ÷nbelle≡i ile daha iyi τal²■²r.
Modern 3D games may require at least 1 GHz CPU.=Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² en az 1 GHz CPU'ya ihtiyaτ duyar.
For optimum performance, Windows 9x requires at least 100 MHz CPU.=En iyi ba■ar²m iτin Windows 9x en az 100 MHz CPU'ya ihtiyaτ duyar.
For optimum performance, Windows 2000+ requires at least 300 MHz CPU.=En iyi ba■ar²m iτin Windows 2000+ en az 300 MHz CPU'ya ihtiyaτ duyar.
MMX is not supported.=MMX desteklenmiyor.
SSE is not supported. Upgrade your CPU to speed up applications optimized for SSE.=SSE desteklenmiyor. ▌■lemcini yⁿkseltin, SSE iτin uyarlanm²■ uygulamalar²n²z²n h²z²n² artt²r²n.
Less than 3 memory slots detected. Expanding system memory may become difficult.=3'ten az bellek yuvas² tespit edildi . Sistem belle≡inin geni■letilmesi zor olabilir.
You have less than 32 MB system memory installed.=32 MB'tan az sistem belle≡ine sahipsiniz.
Modern operating systems require at least 128 MB system memory for optimum performance.=Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn i■letim sistemleri en iyi ba■ar²m iτin en az 128 MB sistem belle≡ine ihtiyaτ duyar.
3D games may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=3D oyunlar en iyi ba■ar²m iτin en az 256 MB sistem belle≡ine ihtiyaτ duyar.
Server functions may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=Sunucu (bilgisayar) i■levleri en iyi ba■ar²m iτin en az 256 MB sistem belle≡ine ihtiyaτ duyar.
Install more system memory to improve applications performance.=Daha fazla sistem belle≡i yⁿkleyin, uygulamalar²n²z² h²zland²r²n.
Motherboard chipset cannot cache the whole system memory.=Anakart τipseti tⁿm sistem belle≡ini ÷nbellekleyemez
Motherboard chipset cannot handle more memory.=Anakart τipseti daha fazla belle≡i tan²yamaz.
External cache is asynchronous.=Harici ÷nbellek e■zamans²z.
External cache is disabled.=Harici ÷nbellek etkin de≡il.
Slow memory (FPM / EDO / BEDO) detected. Upgrade to SDRAM or RDRAM if possible.=Yava■ bellek (FPM / EDO / BEDO) tespit edildi. E≡er mⁿmkⁿnse SDRAM veya RDRAM'e yⁿkseltin.
Modern 3D games require fast memory (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).=Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² h²zl² bellek gerektirir (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).
AGP is disabled.=AGP etkin de≡il.
AGP aperture size is more than half of the system memory size.=AGP aral²k(aperture) boyutu sistem belle≡inin yar²s²ndan fazla.
Current AGP speed is lower than maximum supported.=▐u anki AGP h²z² desteklenen en yⁿksek h²zdan daha dⁿ■ⁿk.
System BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=Sistem BIOS'u 2 y²ldan daha eski.Gerekli ise gⁿncelleyin.
Video BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=G÷rⁿntⁿ BIOS'u 2 y²ldan daha eski.Gerekli ise gⁿncelleyin.
Only 1 CPU installed, you should change to uniprocessor HAL.=Sadece 1 CPU tak²l², Tek i■lemci HAL'²na de≡i■tirmelisiniz.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 2000+. Consider upgrading to it.=Sisteminiz Windows 2000/XP ile τal²■maya haz²r g÷rⁿnⁿyor. Bu sistemlere yⁿkseltmeyi dⁿ■ⁿnmelisiniz.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 98/Me. Consider upgrading to it.=Sisteminiz Windows 98/Me ile τal²■maya haz²r g÷rⁿnⁿyor. Bu sistemlere yⁿkseltmeyi dⁿ■ⁿnmelisiniz.
Service Pack is outdated. Service Pack 5+ is recommended under Windows NT.=Servis paketi eskimi■. Windows NT alt²nda Servis Paketi 5 ve sonras² ÷nerilir.
Windows is now running for more than 10 days. Restart may improve performance.=Windows 10 gⁿnden fazla τal²■²yor. Yeniden ba■latmak sistem ba■ar²m²n² artt²racakt²r.
Internet Explorer is outdated. Version 5.0 or later is recommended.=Internet Explorer eskimi■. Sⁿrⁿm 5.0 veya sonras² ÷nerilir.
DirectX not found. Modern applications and games require it.=DirectX bulunamad². Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn uygulamalar² ve oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyar.
DirectX is outdated. Modern games may require DirectX 7+.=DirectX eskimi■. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn oyunlar² DirectX 7 ve sonras²n² gerektirir.
Less than 4 MB video memory found. Upgrade your video card for better performance.=4 MB'tan az g÷rⁿntⁿ belle≡i bulundu. Daha iyi ba■ar²m iτin g÷rⁿntⁿ kart²n²z² yⁿkseltin.
Modern 3D games may require at least 32 MB video memory.=Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² en az 32 MB g÷rⁿntⁿ belle≡ine ihtiyaτ duyar.
Increase resolution for better visual quality.=Daha iyi g÷rⁿntⁿ kalitesi iτin τ÷zⁿnⁿrlⁿ≡ⁿ artt²r²n.
Increase color depth for better visual quality.=Daha iyi g÷rⁿntⁿ kalitesi iτin renk derinli≡ini artt²r²n.
Some applications may run better in 32-bit color mode.=Baz² uygulamalar 32-bit renk derinli≡inde daha iyi τal²■²r.
Using large fonts may cause visual problems in applications not prepared for it.=Bⁿyⁿk yaz² tipi kullanmak, ÷nceden ayarlanmam²■ uygulamalarda g÷rsel sorunlara yol aτabilir .
At least 85 Hz vertical refresh rate is recommended for classic (CRT) displays.=Klasik (CRT) monit÷rler iτin en az 85 Hz dikey tarama h²z² ÷nerilir.
Enable IP header compression to increase network speed.=IP ba■l²k s²k²■t²rmas²n² etkinle■tirin, bu a≡ h²z²n²z² artt²racakt²r.
Enable software compression to increase network speed.=Yaz²l²m s²k²■t²rmas²n² etkinle■tirin, bu a≡ h²z²n²z² artt²racakt²r.
32-bit Rendering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=32-Bit i■leme (rendering) desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyar.
Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games require it.=Z-arabellek desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyar.
32-bit Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=32-Bit Z-arabellek desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyabilir.
Anisotropic Filtering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Anisotropic Filtreleme desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyabilir.
Stencil Buffers is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Stencil arabellek desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyabilir.
Hardware Transform & Lighting is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Donan²m tabanl² D÷nⁿ■ⁿm & Ayd²nlatma desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyabilir.
// preferences
Long Pages=Uzun Sayfalar
Security Grade=Gⁿvenlik Derecesi
New Item=Yeni ╓≡e
Modify Item=╓≡eyi De≡i■tir
Report Look=Rapor G÷rⁿnⁿmⁿ
Schedule=G÷rev Listesi
Content Filtering=▌τerik Filtreleme
Remote Features=Uzak Nitelikler
Custom Components=╓zel Bile■enler
Asset Profile=Fiyat Profil
Custom Programs=╓zel Programlar
File Scanner=Dosya Taray²c²
File Scanner Filter=Dosya Taray²c² Filtresi
Display EVEREST in the &Control Panel=&Denetim Masas²nda EVEREST g÷ster
Load EVEREST at &Windows startup=EVEREST &Windows ba■lad²≡²nda τal²■t²r
Display EVEREST splash &screen at startup=Ba■lang²τta EVEREST aτ²l²■ &ekran²n² g÷ster
&Hide main window (minimize to Taskbar)=Ana &pencereyi gizle (G÷rev τubu≡una)
H&ide main window (minimize to System Tray)=Ana p&encereyi gizle (Bildirim alan²na)
&Full name:=&Ad²:
&E-mail address:=E-Mail &Adresi
&Load device driver under Win95/98/Me=Win95/98/ME alt²nda ayg²t sⁿrⁿcⁿlerini &yⁿkle
Lo&ad device driver under WinNT/2000/XP/2003=WinNT/2000/XP/2003 alt²nda ayg²t sⁿrⁿcⁿlerini yⁿ&kle
Low-level &MSR operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Dⁿ■ⁿk-seviye &MSR i■lemleri (Nadiren sistem kiltlenmesine yol aτabilir)
Low-level &PCI bus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Dⁿ■ⁿk-seviye &PCI i■lemleri (Nadiren sistem kiltlenmesine yol aτabilir)
Low-level &SMBus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Dⁿ■ⁿk-seviye &SMBus i■lemleri (Nadiren sistem kiltlenmesine yol aτabilir)
Low-level s&ensor operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Dⁿ■ⁿk-seviye S&ensor i■lemleri (Nadiren sistem kiltlenmesine yol aτabilir)
&Fan divisor reconfiguration (might conflict with MSI Core Cell and PC Alert)=&Fan b÷len yeniden yap²land²r²lmas² (MSI Core Cell ve PC Alert ile τak²■abilir)
Low-level SMA&RT operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Dⁿ■ⁿk-seviye SMA&RT i■lemleri (Nadiren sistem kiltlenmesine yol aτabilir)
Meas&ure CPU temperature using ACPI (may conflict with screen savers)=ACPI kullanarak CP&U s²cakl²≡²n² ÷lτ (ekran koruyucularla τak²■abilir)
Sort menu and submenu items alphabeticially=Menⁿ ve alt menⁿ ÷≡elerini alfabetik s²rala
Limit long pages to 100 items=Uzun sayfalar² 100 ÷≡e ile s²n²rla
Hide icon and bubble in Notification Area=Simgeleri ve balonlar² bildirim alan²nda gizle
Remember main window position=Ana pencere konumu hat²rla
Remember main window size=Ana pencere boyutunu hat²rla
Remember page menu state=Sayfa menⁿsⁿ durumunu hat²rla
Hide units (e.g. Celsius, KB, Volt) for measured values=╓lτⁿlen de≡erler iτin birimleri gizle (÷r. Celsius, KB, Volt)
Display original CPU clock for mobile Intel processors=Mobil Intel i■lemcilerin orjinal CPU saatini g÷ster
Hide the best benchmark reference results (useful on old computers)=En iyi kar■²la■t²rmal² test referanslar²n² gizle (eski bilgisayarlar iτin kullan²■l²)
&XML style file:=&XML stil dosyas²:
Select XML Style File=XML stil dosyas²n² seτin
Report format:=Rapor biτimi:
Plain Text=Dⁿz Metin
Compress reports before saving to file=Kaydetmeden ÷nce raporlar² s²k²■t²r
Compress reports before sending in e-mail=E-Mail ile g÷ndermeden ÷nce raporlar² s²k²■t²r
Compress reports before uploading to FTP=FTP'ye g÷ndermeden ÷nce raporlar² s²k²■t²r
Enable report header=Rapor sayfa ba■l²≡² etkin
Enable report footer=Rapor dip notu etkin
Include debug information in the report=Rapora hata ay²klama bilgisi ekle
Include debug information in CSV reports=CSV raporlar²na hata ay²klama bilgisi ekle
Include debug information in TXT, HTML, MHTML reports=TXT, HTML, MHTML raporlar²na hata ay²klama bilgisi ekle
Show computer name in caption of the first report page=▌lk rapor sayfas²n²n ba■l²≡²nda bilgisayar ad²n² g÷ster
File &name:=&Dosya ad²:
File extension:=Dosya uzant²s²:
Output &folder:=╟²&k²■ klas÷rⁿ:
Normal Font=Normal yaz² tipi
Page Caption Font=Sayfa ba■l²≡² yaz² tipi
Device Caption Font=Ayg²t ba■l²≡² yaz² tipi
Background color:=Arkaplan rengi:
Restore Default &Values=&Varsay²lan De≡erlere D÷n
Command-line options are limited to make report:=Komut-sat²r² seτeneklerini rapor yaparken s²n²rland²r:
&Anytime=&Herhangi bir zaman
Once a &day=&Bir Gⁿnlⁿk
Once a &week=&Bir Haftal²k
Once a &fortnight=&▌ki Haftal²k
Once a &month=&Bir Ayl²k
Store last run date in:=Son τal²■t²r²lma tarihini sakla:
Custom file:=╓zel dosya:
"&To:" address:="&Kime:" Adres:
"&Cc:" address:="&Cc:" Adres:
"&Bcc:" address:="&Bcc:" Adres:
Embed T&XT reports to e-mail body=T&XT raporlar²n² e-mail g÷vdesine yerle■tir
&Display name:=K&ullan²c² ad²:
S&MTP port:=SMT&P Port:
Use SMTP &authentication:=SMTP &kimlik do≡rulamas² kullan:
Current Time Zone Description=Geτerli Saat Dilimi Tan²m²
Change To Standard Time=Standart Saate De≡i■tir
Change To Daylight Saving Time=Yaz Saatine De≡i■tir
Language Name (Native)=Dil Ad² (Yerel)
Language Name (English)=Dil Ad² (▌ngilizce)
Language Name (ISO 639)=Dil Ad² (ISO 639)
Country Name (Native)=▄lke Ad² (Yerel)
Country Name (English)=▄lke Ad² (▌ngilizce)
Country Name (ISO 3166)=▄lke Ad² (ISO 3166)
Country Code=▄lke Kodu
Currency=Para Birimi
Currency Name (Native)=Para Birimi Ad² (Yerel)
Currency Name (English)=Para Birimi Ad² (▌ngilizce)
Currency Symbol (Native)=Para Birimi Simgesi (Yerel)
Currency Symbol (ISO 4217)=Para Birimi Simgesi (ISO 4217)
Currency Format=Para Birimi Biτimi
Negative Currency Format=Negatif Para Birimi Biτimi
Time Format=Zaman Biτimi
Short Date Format=K²sa Tarih Biτimi
Long Date Format=Uzun Tarih Biτimi
Number Format=Say² Biτimi
Negative Number Format=Negatif Say² Biτimi (Yerel)
List Format=Liste Biτimi
Native Digits=Yerel Rakamlar
Days Of Week=Haftan²n Gⁿnleri
Native Name for Monday=Pazartesi iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for Tuesday=Sal² iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for Wednesday=╟ar■amba iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for Thursday=Per■embe iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for Friday=Cuma iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for Saturday=Cumartesi iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for Sunday=Pazar iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for January=Ocak iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for February=▐ubat iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for March=Mart iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for April=Nisan iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for May=May²s iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for June=Haziran iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for July=Temmuz iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for August=A≡ustos iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for September=Eylⁿl iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for October=Ekim iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for November=Kas²m iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for December=Aral²k iτin Yerel Ad
Native Name for Month #13= 13# Ay iτin Yerel Ad
Calendar Type=Takvim Tⁿrⁿ
Default Paper Size=Varsay²lan Ka≡²t Boyutu
Measurement System=╓lτⁿ Sistemi
Start Page=Giri■ Sayfas²
Search Page=Arama Sayfas²
Download Folder=▌ndirme Klas÷rⁿ
Current Proxy=Geτerli Proxy
Proxy Status=Proxy Durumu
LAN Proxy=LAN proxy
%s Proxy Server=%s Proxy Sunucu
Module Name=Birim Ad²
Module Size=Birim Boyutu
Module Type=Birim Tⁿrⁿ
Memory Type=Bellek Tⁿrⁿ
Memory Speed=Bellek H²z²
Module Width=Birim Geni■li≡i
Module Voltage=Birim Voltaj²
Refresh Rate=Yenileme H²z²
Memory Module Features=Bellek Birimi Nitelikleri
Memory Module Manufacturer=Bellek Birimi ▄reticisi
AMB Manufacturer=AMB ▄reticisi
DRAM Manufacturer=DRAM ▄reticisi
Last Shutdown Time=Son Kapanma Saati
Last Boot Time=Son Aτ²lma Saati
Current Time=▐u Anki Saat
UpTime Statistics=Hizmet Sⁿresi ▌statistikleri
First Boot Time=▌lk Aτ²lma Saati
First Shutdown Time=▌lk Kapanma Saati
Total UpTime=Toplam Hizmet Sⁿresi
Total DownTime=Toplam Aksakl²k Sⁿresi
Longest UpTime=En Uzun Hizmet Sⁿresi
Longest DownTime=En Uzun Aksakl²k Sⁿresi
Total Reboots=Toplam Yeniden Ba■latma
System Availability=Sistem Kullan²labilirli≡i
Bluescreen Statistics=Mavi Ekran ▌statistikleri
First Bluescreen Time=▌lk Mavi Ekran Saati
Last Bluescreen Time=Son Mavi Ekran Saati
Total Bluescreens=Toplam Mavi Ekran
// messages
Please wait until the benchmark is finished running=Lⁿtfen kar■²la■t²rmal² test τal²■may² bitirinceye kadar bekleyin
During this time your computer may seem to not be responding=Bu sⁿre zarf²nda bilgisayar²n²z yan²t vermiyor gibi g÷rⁿnecek
Please do not move the mouse or press any keys=Lⁿtfen fareyi hareket ettirmeyin veya herhangi bir tu■a basmay²n
Please note that results obtained with different versions of EVEREST cannot be compared.=Lⁿtfen dikkat EVEREST'in farkl² sⁿrⁿmleri ile elde edilen sonuτlar kar■²la■t²r²lamaz
Lavalys constantly improves and optimizes benchmark routines and implements new technologies to provide you with the most accurate and highest benchmark scores.=Lavalys size daha kesin ve yⁿksek test puanlar² sa≡lamak iτin kar■²la■t²rmal² test rutinlerini sⁿrekli geli■tirir ve iyile■tirir, yeni teknolojileri uygular.
Are you sure you want to uninstall=Kald²rmak istedi≡inizden emin misiniz?
Press Refresh button to start the benchmark=Yenile dⁿ≡mesine basarak kar■²la■t²rmal² testi ba■lat²n!
Database parameters are not configured yet=Veritaban² parametreleri henⁿz dⁿzenlenmedi
Go to: File menu / Preferences / Database=Git: Dosya menⁿsⁿ / Tercihler / Veritaban²
Are you sure you want to remove all computers from audit?=Tⁿm bilgisayarlar² denetlemeden kald²rmak istedi≡inize emin misiniz?
CPU Speed=CPU H²z²
CPU Multiplier=CPU ╟arpan²
Min / Max CPU Multiplier=Min / Max CPU ╟arpan²
CPU Cache=CPU ╓nbelle≡i
SPD Memory Modules=SPD Bellek Modulleri
Memory Bus=Bellek Yolu
Memory Clock=Bellek Saati
Minimum=En kⁿτⁿk
Maximum=En yⁿksek
Connecting to FTP server=FTP sunucusuna ba≡lan²l²yor
Clear List=Listeyi Temizle
Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer cookie list?=Internet Explorer tan²mlama bilgilerini (τerezler) silmek istedi≡inize emim misiniz?
Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer browser history?=Internet Explorer geτmi■ kayd²n² silmek istedi≡inize emim misiniz?
Memory Timings=Bellek Zamanlamalar²
North Bridge Properties=Kuzey K÷prⁿsⁿ ╓zellikleri
North Bridge=Kuzey K÷prⁿsⁿ
South Bridge Properties=Gⁿney K÷prⁿsⁿ ╓zellikleri
South Bridge=Gⁿney K÷prⁿsⁿ
Lavalys does not provide official support for this freeware product=Lavalys bu ⁿcretsiz yaz²l²m iτin resmi bir destek sa≡lamaz!
AMD Brand ID=AMD Marka Kimli≡i
64-bit x86 Extension=64 bit x86 Uzant²s²
Server port:=Sunucu portu:
A&uthorize Change=&De≡i■ikli≡i Onayla
SMART Hard Disks Status=SMART Sabit Disk Durumu
Group Membership=Grup ▄yeli≡i
Report &title:=Rapor &ba■l²≡²:
Database Software=Veritaban² Yaz²l²m²
Database Servers=Veritaban² Sunucular²
BIOS Upgrades=BIOS Gⁿncellemeleri
Entry of &INI file=&INI dosyas² kayd²
INI file=INI dosyas²
INI group=INI grup
INI entry=INI kayd²
Chassis Intrusion Detected=Kasan²n aτ²ld²≡² tespit edildi
Supported FourCC Codes=Desteklenen FourCC Kodlar²
PCI-X Bus Properties=PCI-X Yolu ╓zellikleri
PCI-X Device Properties=PCI-X Ayg²t ╓zellikleri
Current Bus Mode=Geτerli Yol Modu
64-bit Device=64-bit Ayg²t
PCI-X 266 Bus=PCI-X 266 yolu
PCI-X 533 Bus=PCI-X 533 yolu
%d MHz Operation=%d MHz Operasyon
HyperTransport Version=HyperTransport Sⁿrⁿmⁿ
Link Type=Ba≡lant² Tⁿrⁿ
Link Status=Ba≡lant² Durumu
Max Link Width In / Out=En Bⁿyⁿk Ba≡lant² Geni■li≡i Giri■ / ╟²k²■
Utilized Link Width In / Out=Yararlan²lan Ba≡lant² Geni■li≡i Giri■ / ╟²k²■
Max Link Frequency=En Yⁿksek Ba≡lant² Frekans²
Current Link Frequency=▐u anki Ba≡lant² Frekans²
Primary / Secondary Bus Number=Birincil / ▌kincil Yol
You specified a command-line option that is unavailable in the NR (No Remote) edition of %s you are currently running=▐u anda kulland²≡²n²z %s NR (No Remote) sⁿrⁿmⁿnde belirtti≡inz komut sat²r² seτenekleri kullan²lamaz. .
To use one or more of the following command-line options, please use the non-NR edition of %s=A■a≡²daki komut sat²r² seτeneklerinin bir veya daha fazlas²n² kullanmak iτin, lⁿtfen %s non-NR sⁿrⁿmⁿnⁿ kullan²n.
File Properties=Dosya ╓zellikleri
File properties logged by the File Scanner:=Dosya Taray²c² taraf²ndan kaydedilen Dosya ÷zellikleri:
Active Mode=Aktif mod
EVEREST Home Edition is intended to be used only in home environment.=EVEREST Home Edition yaln²zca ev ortam²nda kullan²lmas² amac² ile ⁿretilmi■tir.
This computer is a member of a network domain (%s), which is not supported by EVEREST Home Edition.=Bu bilgisayar EVEREST Home Edition taraf²ndan desteklenmeyen, a≡ etki alan²n²n (%s) ⁿyesi.
Please use EVEREST Corporate Edition instead of Home Edition in a corporate environment.=Lⁿtfen ■irket ortam² iτin Home Edition yerine EVEREST Corporate Edition kullan²n.
This page is outdated! Press 'Refresh' button to update it=Bu sayfa eskidi! Gⁿncellemek iτin 'Yenile' dⁿ≡mesine bas²n!
// alerting
Alert Methods=▌kaz Y÷ntemleri
Alert Trigger=▌kaz Tetikleyici
Alert Triggers=▌kaz Tetikleyicileri
Alert Description=▌kaz Tan²mlamas²
&Number of minutes between checking for alerts:=&▌kazlar²n kontrolⁿ iτin dakika aral²≡²:
N&umber of hours between sending repetitive alerts:=▌&kazlar²n tekrar g÷nderilmesi iτin saat aral²≡²:
Display an alert &window=▌kaz &penceresi g÷ster
Send an &e-mail to:=&E-mail g÷nder:
Send an entry to a log &server:=Kay²t &sunucusuna girdi g÷nder:
Send a Windows &message to:=Win&dows iletisi g÷nder:
Write to a &TXT log file:= &TXT gⁿnlⁿk dosyas² yaz:
Write to a &HTML log file:=&HTML gⁿnlⁿk dosyas² yaz:
Note: Don't forget to configure e-mail sending options on the E-mail page!=Not: E-mail sayfas²ndan e-mail g÷nderim seτeneklerini yap²land²rmay² unutmay²n!
Select Log File=Gⁿnlⁿk Dosyas² Seτ
Trigger Description=Tetikleyici Tan²mlamas²
When virus database is older than=Virⁿs veritaban² eskidi≡inde
When system drive free space is below=Sistem sⁿrⁿcⁿsⁿndeki bo■ alan dⁿ■ⁿkse
Ign&ore all inputs (view only)=&Tⁿm giri■leri yoksay (Sadece g÷rⁿntⁿ)
No dithering=Renk harmanlama yok
8-bit (256 colors)=8 bit (256 renk)
16-bit (HiColor)=16 bit (YⁿksekRenk)
24-bit (TrueColor)=24 bit (GerτekRenk)
32-bit (TrueColor)=32 bit (GerτekRenk)
Leave unchanged=De≡i■tirmeden b²rak
Disable during connection=Ba≡lant² s²ras²nda devre d²■²
Remove during connection=Ba≡lant² s²ras²nda kald²r
Use dithering to save network bandwidth=Harmanlama kullanarak a≡ bant geni■li≡ini koruyun
Disable UI effects to improve remote control performance and responsiveness=Kullan²c² arabirimi efektlerini kapatarak uzak kontrol ba■ar²m²n² ve yan²t h²z²n² artt²r²n
Remove desktop wallpaper to improve remote control performance and save network bandwith=Masaⁿstⁿ duvar ka≡²d²n² kald²rarak uzak kontrol ba■ar²m²n² artt²r²n ve a≡ bant geni■li≡ini koruyun
Use a lower desktop resolution to improve remote control performance and save network bandwith=Dⁿ■ⁿk bir masaⁿstⁿ τ÷zⁿnⁿrlⁿ≡ⁿ kullanarak uzak kontrol ba■ar²m²n² artt²r²n ve a≡ bant geni■li≡ini koruyun
Use a lower desktop color depth to improve remote control performance and save network bandwith=Dⁿ■ⁿk bir masaⁿstⁿ renk derinli≡i kullanarak uzak kontrol ba■ar²m²n² artt²r²n ve a≡ bant geni■li≡ini koruyun
// Benchmark results save & compare
%d results=%d sonuτlar²
Benchmark Result=Kar■²la■t²rmal² Test Sonuτlar²
Please enter benchmark result description:=Lⁿtfen kar■²la■t²rmal² test sonuτlar² iτin aτ²klama girin:
Show &Reference Results=&Referans sonuτlar² g÷ster
Show &User Results=&Kullan²c² sonuτlar²n² g÷ster
&Add Result to User List=&Sonuτlar² Kullan²c² listesine ekle
Manage User Results=Felhasznaloi eredmenyek karbantartasa