This patch script allows you to unlock hardware antialiased lines support on NV25 revision A2 graphics processors.
You can olso use it in order to lock this feature on NV25 revision A3 graphics processors and simulate A2 performance.
[b][cff0000]Important info:[/c][/b]
Due to runtime decryption and patch protection system introduced in Detonator 44.67, the driver must be decoded prior to installing any patch scripts.
RivaTuner includes autodecoding plugin for the Detonator 45.20 - 52.16 for Windows2000/XP, which allow installing any patch scripts on these drivers.
The driver is decoded transparently when you install the patch on a driver supported by the DetonatorFXDecoder autodecoding plugin.
ForceWare 53.30 and newer drivers are protected against patch installation. You must use ForceWareAntiprotection script in conjunction with any miniport related script.