This script fixes the bug existing in the Detonator 23.10 - 52.14 and allows the driver to set negative Direct3D mipmap LOD bias correctly.
The problem is fixed in the ForceWare 52.16, so you don't need to install this script if you use ForceWare 52.16 or newer version.
[b][cff0000]Important info:[/c][/b]
Due to runtime decryption and patch protection system introduced in Detonator 44.67, the Direct3D driver must be decoded and antiprotected prior to installing any patch scripts.
RivaTuner includes autodecoding plugins and antiprotection patch scripts for the Direct3D driver 45.20 - 52.16 for Windows2000/XP, which allow installing any patch scripts on these drivers.
The Direct3D driver is decoded transparently when you install the patch on a driver supported by the DetonatorFXDecoder autodecoding plugin. However, DetonatorFXAntiprotection script must be installed manually after installing any patch on the protected driver.