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- package threads;
- use 5.008;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use Config;
- unless ($Config{useithreads}) {
- my @caller = caller(2);
- die <<EOF;
- $caller[1] line $caller[2]:
- This Perl hasn't been configured and built properly for the threads
- module to work. (The 'useithreads' configuration option hasn't been used.)
- Having threads support requires all of Perl and all of the XS modules in
- the Perl installation to be rebuilt, it is not just a question of adding
- the threads module. (In other words, threaded and non-threaded Perls
- are binary incompatible.)
- If you want to the use the threads module, please contact the people
- who built your Perl.
- Cannot continue, aborting.
- }
- }
- use overload
- '==' => \&equal,
- 'fallback' => 1;
- #use threads::Shared;
- warn "Warning, threads::shared has already been loaded. ".
- "To enable shared variables for these modules 'use threads' ".
- "must be called before any of those modules are loaded\n"
- if($threads::shared::threads_shared);
- }
- require Exporter;
- require DynaLoader;
- our @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
- our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [qw(yield)]);
- our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
- our @EXPORT = qw(
- async
- );
- our $VERSION = '0.99';
- sub equal {
- return 1 if($_[0]->tid() == $_[1]->tid());
- return 0;
- }
- sub async (&;@) {
- my $cref = shift;
- return threads->new($cref,@_);
- }
- sub object {
- return undef unless @_ > 1;
- foreach (threads->list) {
- return $_ if $_->tid == $_[1];
- }
- return undef;
- }
- $threads::threads = 1;
- bootstrap threads $VERSION;
- # why document 'new' then use 'create' in the tests!
- *create = \&new;
- # Preloaded methods go here.
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- threads - Perl extension allowing use of interpreter based threads from perl
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use threads;
- sub start_thread {
- print "Thread started\n";
- }
- my $thread = threads->create("start_thread","argument");
- my $thread2 = $thread->create(sub { print "I am a thread"},"argument");
- my $thread3 = async { foreach (@files) { ... } };
- $thread->join();
- $thread->detach();
- $thread = threads->self();
- $thread = threads->object( $tid );
- $thread->tid();
- threads->tid();
- threads->self->tid();
- threads->yield();
- threads->list();
- Perl 5.6 introduced something called interpreter threads. Interpreter
- threads are different from "5005threads" (the thread model of Perl
- 5.005) by creating a new perl interpreter per thread and not sharing
- any data or state between threads by default.
- Prior to perl 5.8 this has only been available to people embedding
- perl and for emulating fork() on windows.
- The threads API is loosely based on the old Thread.pm API. It is very
- important to note that variables are not shared between threads, all
- variables are per default thread local. To use shared variables one
- must use threads::shared.
- It is also important to note that you must enable threads by doing
- C<use threads> as early as possible in the script itself and that it
- is not possible to enable threading inside an C<eval "">, C<do>,
- C<require>, or C<use>. In particular, if you are intending to share
- variables with threads::shared, you must C<use threads> before you
- C<use threads::shared> and C<threads> will emit a warning if you do
- it the other way around.
- =over
- =item $thread = threads->create(function, LIST)
- This will create a new thread with the entry point function and give
- it LIST as parameters. It will return the corresponding threads
- object. The new() method is an alias for create().
- =item $thread->join
- This will wait for the corresponding thread to join. When the thread
- finishes, join() will return the return values of the entry point
- function. If the thread has been detached, an error will be thrown.
- If the program exits without all other threads having been either
- joined or detached, then a warning will be issued. (A program exits
- either because one of its threads explicitly calls exit(), or in the
- case of the main thread, reaches the end of the main program file.)
- =item $thread->detach
- Will make the thread unjoinable, and cause any eventual return value
- to be discarded.
- =item threads->self
- This will return the thread object for the current thread.
- =item $thread->tid
- This will return the id of the thread. Thread IDs are integers, with
- the main thread in a program being 0. Currently Perl assigns a unique
- tid to every thread ever created in your program, assigning the first
- thread to be created a tid of 1, and increasing the tid by 1 for each
- new thread that's created.
- NB the class method C<< threads->tid() >> is a quick way to get the
- current thread id if you don't have your thread object handy.
- =item threads->object( tid )
- This will return the thread object for the thread associated with the
- specified tid. Returns undef if there is no thread associated with the tid
- or no tid is specified or the specified tid is undef.
- =item threads->yield();
- This is a suggestion to the OS to let this thread yield CPU time to other
- threads. What actually happens is highly dependent upon the underlying
- thread implementation.
- You may do C<use threads qw(yield)> then use just a bare C<yield> in your
- code.
- =item threads->list();
- This will return a list of all non joined, non detached threads.
- =item async BLOCK;
- C<async> creates a thread to execute the block immediately following
- it. This block is treated as an anonymous sub, and so must have a
- semi-colon after the closing brace. Like C<< threads->new >>, C<async>
- returns a thread object.
- =back
- =head1 WARNINGS
- =over 4
- =item A thread exited while %d other threads were still running
- A thread (not necessarily the main thread) exited while there were
- still other threads running. Usually it's a good idea to first collect
- the return values of the created threads by joining them, and only then
- exit from the main thread.
- =back
- =head1 TODO
- The current implementation of threads has been an attempt to get
- a correct threading system working that could be built on,
- and optimized, in newer versions of perl.
- Currently the overhead of creating a thread is rather large,
- also the cost of returning values can be large. These are areas
- were there most likely will be work done to optimize what data
- that needs to be cloned.
- =head1 BUGS
- =over
- =item Parent-Child threads.
- On some platforms it might not be possible to destroy "parent"
- threads while there are still existing child "threads".
- This will possibly be fixed in later versions of perl.
- =item tid is I32
- The thread id is a 32 bit integer, it can potentially overflow.
- This might be fixed in a later version of perl.
- =item Returning objects
- When you return an object the entire stash that the object is blessed
- as well. This will lead to a large memory usage. The ideal situation
- would be to detect the original stash if it existed.
- =item Creating threads inside BEGIN blocks
- Creating threads inside BEGIN blocks (or during the compilation phase
- in general) does not work. (In Windows, trying to use fork() inside
- BEGIN blocks is an equally losing proposition, since it has been
- implemented in very much the same way as threads.)
- =item PERL_OLD_SIGNALS are not threadsafe, will not be.
- If your Perl has been built with PERL_OLD_SIGNALS (one has
- to explicitly add that symbol to ccflags, see C<perl -V>),
- signal handling is not threadsafe.
- =back
- Arthur Bergman E<lt>arthur at contiller.seE<gt>
- threads is released under the same license as Perl.
- Thanks to
- Richard Soderberg E<lt>rs at crystalflame.netE<gt>
- Helping me out tons, trying to find reasons for races and other weird bugs!
- Simon Cozens E<lt>simon at brecon.co.ukE<gt>
- Being there to answer zillions of annoying questions
- Rocco Caputo E<lt>troc at netrus.netE<gt>
- Vipul Ved Prakash E<lt>mail at vipul.netE<gt>
- Helping with debugging.
- please join perl-ithreads@perl.org for more information
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<threads::shared>, L<perlthrtut>,
- L<http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2002/06/11/threads.html>,
- L<perlcall>, L<perlembed>, L<perlguts>
- =cut