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- package Thread;
- use strict;
- our($VERSION, $ithreads, $othreads);
- $VERSION = '2.00';
- use Config;
- $ithreads = $Config{useithreads};
- $othreads = $Config{use5005threads};
- }
- require Exporter;
- use XSLoader ();
- @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- if ($ithreads) {
- @EXPORT = qw(cond_wait cond_broadcast cond_signal)
- } elsif ($othreads) {
- @EXPORT_OK = qw(cond_signal cond_broadcast cond_wait);
- }
- push @EXPORT_OK, qw(async yield);
- }
- =head1 NAME
- Thread - manipulate threads in Perl (for old code only)
- =head1 CAVEAT
- Perl has two thread models.
- In Perl 5.005 the thread model was that all data is implicitly shared
- and shared access to data has to be explicitly synchronized.
- This model is called "5005threads".
- In Perl 5.6 a new model was introduced in which all is was thread
- local and shared access to data has to be explicitly declared.
- This model is called "ithreads", for "interpreter threads".
- In Perl 5.6 the ithreads model was not available as a public API,
- only as an internal API that was available for extension writers,
- and to implement fork() emulation on Win32 platforms.
- In Perl 5.8 the ithreads model became available through the C<threads>
- module.
- Neither model is configured by default into Perl (except, as mentioned
- above, in Win32 ithreads are always available.) You can see your
- Perl's threading configuration by running C<perl -V> and looking for
- the I<use...threads> variables, or inside script by C<use Config;>
- and testing for C<$Config{use5005threads}> and C<$Config{useithreads}>.
- For old code and interim backwards compatibility, the Thread module
- has been reworked to function as a frontend for both 5005threads and
- ithreads.
- Note that the compatibility is not complete: because the data sharing
- models are directly opposed, anything to do with data sharing has to
- be thought differently. With the ithreads you must explicitly share()
- variables between the threads.
- For new code the use of the C<Thread> module is discouraged and
- the direct use of the C<threads> and C<threads::shared> modules
- is encouraged instead.
- Finally, note that there are many known serious problems with the
- 5005threads, one of the least of which is that regular expression
- match variables like $1 are not threadsafe, that is, they easily get
- corrupted by competing threads. Other problems include more insidious
- data corruption and mysterious crashes. You are seriously urged to
- use ithreads instead.
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Thread;
- my $t = Thread->new(\&start_sub, @start_args);
- $result = $t->join;
- $result = $t->eval;
- $t->detach;
- if ($t->done) {
- $t->join;
- }
- if($t->equal($another_thread)) {
- # ...
- }
- yield();
- my $tid = Thread->self->tid;
- lock($scalar);
- lock(@array);
- lock(%hash);
- lock(\&sub); # not available with ithreads
- $flags = $t->flags; # not available with ithreads
- my @list = Thread->list; # not available with ithreads
- use Thread 'async';
- The C<Thread> module provides multithreading support for perl.
- =head1 FUNCTIONS
- =over 8
- =item $thread = Thread->new(\&start_sub)
- =item $thread = Thread->new(\&start_sub, LIST)
- C<new> starts a new thread of execution in the referenced subroutine. The
- optional list is passed as parameters to the subroutine. Execution
- continues in both the subroutine and the code after the C<new> call.
- C<Thread->new> returns a thread object representing the newly created
- thread.
- =item lock VARIABLE
- C<lock> places a lock on a variable until the lock goes out of scope.
- If the variable is locked by another thread, the C<lock> call will
- block until it's available. C<lock> is recursive, so multiple calls
- to C<lock> are safe--the variable will remain locked until the
- outermost lock on the variable goes out of scope.
- Locks on variables only affect C<lock> calls--they do I<not> affect normal
- access to a variable. (Locks on subs are different, and covered in a bit.)
- If you really, I<really> want locks to block access, then go ahead and tie
- them to something and manage this yourself. This is done on purpose.
- While managing access to variables is a good thing, Perl doesn't force
- you out of its living room...
- If a container object, such as a hash or array, is locked, all the
- elements of that container are not locked. For example, if a thread
- does a C<lock @a>, any other thread doing a C<lock($a[12])> won't
- block.
- With 5005threads you may also C<lock> a sub, using C<lock &sub>.
- Any calls to that sub from another thread will block until the lock
- is released. This behaviour is not equivalent to declaring the sub
- with the C<locked> attribute. The C<locked> attribute serializes
- access to a subroutine, but allows different threads non-simultaneous
- access. C<lock &sub>, on the other hand, will not allow I<any> other
- thread access for the duration of the lock.
- Finally, C<lock> will traverse up references exactly I<one> level.
- C<lock(\$a)> is equivalent to C<lock($a)>, while C<lock(\\$a)> is not.
- =item async BLOCK;
- C<async> creates a thread to execute the block immediately following
- it. This block is treated as an anonymous sub, and so must have a
- semi-colon after the closing brace. Like C<Thread->new>, C<async>
- returns a thread object.
- =item Thread->self
- The C<Thread-E<gt>self> function returns a thread object that represents
- the thread making the C<Thread-E<gt>self> call.
- =item cond_wait VARIABLE
- The C<cond_wait> function takes a B<locked> variable as
- a parameter, unlocks the variable, and blocks until another thread
- does a C<cond_signal> or C<cond_broadcast> for that same locked
- variable. The variable that C<cond_wait> blocked on is relocked
- after the C<cond_wait> is satisfied. If there are multiple threads
- C<cond_wait>ing on the same variable, all but one will reblock waiting
- to reaquire the lock on the variable. (So if you're only using
- C<cond_wait> for synchronization, give up the lock as soon as
- possible.)
- =item cond_signal VARIABLE
- The C<cond_signal> function takes a locked variable as a parameter and
- unblocks one thread that's C<cond_wait>ing on that variable. If more than
- one thread is blocked in a C<cond_wait> on that variable, only one (and
- which one is indeterminate) will be unblocked.
- If there are no threads blocked in a C<cond_wait> on the variable,
- the signal is discarded.
- =item cond_broadcast VARIABLE
- The C<cond_broadcast> function works similarly to C<cond_signal>.
- C<cond_broadcast>, though, will unblock B<all> the threads that are
- blocked in a C<cond_wait> on the locked variable, rather than only
- one.
- =item yield
- The C<yield> function allows another thread to take control of the
- CPU. The exact results are implementation-dependent.
- =back
- =head1 METHODS
- =over 8
- =item join
- C<join> waits for a thread to end and returns any values the thread
- exited with. C<join> will block until the thread has ended, though
- it won't block if the thread has already terminated.
- If the thread being C<join>ed C<die>d, the error it died with will
- be returned at this time. If you don't want the thread performing
- the C<join> to die as well, you should either wrap the C<join> in
- an C<eval> or use the C<eval> thread method instead of C<join>.
- =item eval
- The C<eval> method wraps an C<eval> around a C<join>, and so waits for
- a thread to exit, passing along any values the thread might have returned.
- Errors, of course, get placed into C<$@>. (Not available with ithreads.)
- =item detach
- C<detach> tells a thread that it is never going to be joined i.e.
- that all traces of its existence can be removed once it stops running.
- Errors in detached threads will not be visible anywhere - if you want
- to catch them, you should use $SIG{__DIE__} or something like that.
- =item equal
- C<equal> tests whether two thread objects represent the same thread and
- returns true if they do.
- =item tid
- The C<tid> method returns the tid of a thread. The tid is
- a monotonically increasing integer assigned when a thread is
- created. The main thread of a program will have a tid of zero,
- while subsequent threads will have tids assigned starting with one.
- =item flags
- The C<flags> method returns the flags for the thread. This is the
- integer value corresponding to the internal flags for the thread,
- and the value may not be all that meaningful to you.
- (Not available with ithreads.)
- =item done
- The C<done> method returns true if the thread you're checking has
- finished, and false otherwise. (Not available with ithreads.)
- =back
- The sequence number used to assign tids is a simple integer, and no
- checking is done to make sure the tid isn't currently in use. If a
- program creates more than 2**32 - 1 threads in a single run, threads
- may be assigned duplicate tids. This limitation may be lifted in
- a future version of Perl.
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<threads::shared> (not available with 5005threads)
- L<attributes>, L<Thread::Queue>, L<Thread::Semaphore>,
- L<Thread::Specific> (not available with ithreads)
- =cut
- #
- # Methods
- #
- #
- # Exported functions
- #
- sub async (&) {
- return Thread->new($_[0]);
- }
- sub eval {
- return eval { shift->join; };
- }
- sub unimplemented {
- print $_[0], " unimplemented with ",
- $Config{useithreads} ? "ithreads" : "5005threads", "\n";
- }
- sub unimplement {
- for my $m (@_) {
- no strict 'refs';
- *{"Thread::$m"} = sub { unimplemented $m };
- }
- }
- if ($ithreads) {
- if ($othreads) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("This Perl has both ithreads and 5005threads (serious malconfiguration)");
- }
- XSLoader::load 'threads';
- for my $m (qw(new join detach yield self tid equal list)) {
- no strict 'refs';
- *{"Thread::$m"} = \&{"threads::$m"};
- }
- require 'threads/shared.pm';
- for my $m (qw(cond_signal cond_broadcast cond_wait)) {
- no strict 'refs';
- *{"Thread::$m"} = \&{"threads::shared::${m}_enabled"};
- }
- # trying to unimplement eval gives redefined warning
- unimplement(qw(done flags));
- } elsif ($othreads) {
- XSLoader::load 'Thread';
- } else {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("This Perl has neither ithreads nor 5005threads");
- }
- }
- 1;