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- package encoding;
- our $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.37 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r };
- use Encode;
- use strict;
- if (ord("A") == 193) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("encoding pragma does not support EBCDIC platforms");
- }
- }
- our $HAS_PERLIO = 0;
- eval { require PerlIO::encoding };
- unless ($@){
- $HAS_PERLIO = (PerlIO::encoding->VERSION >= 0.02);
- }
- sub import {
- my $class = shift;
- my $name = shift;
- my %arg = @_;
- $name ||= $ENV{PERL_ENCODING};
- my $enc = find_encoding($name);
- unless (defined $enc) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Unknown encoding '$name'");
- }
- unless ($arg{Filter}){
- ${^ENCODING} = $enc; # this is all you need, actually.
- $HAS_PERLIO or return 1;
- for my $h (qw(STDIN STDOUT)){
- if ($arg{$h}){
- unless (defined find_encoding($arg{$h})) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Unknown encoding for $h, '$arg{$h}'");
- }
- eval { binmode($h, ":encoding($arg{$h})") };
- }else{
- unless (exists $arg{$h}){
- eval {
- no warnings 'uninitialized';
- binmode($h, ":encoding($name)");
- };
- }
- }
- if ($@){
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak($@);
- }
- }
- }else{
- defined(${^ENCODING}) and undef ${^ENCODING};
- eval {
- require Filter::Util::Call ;
- Filter::Util::Call->import ;
- binmode(STDIN);
- binmode(STDOUT);
- filter_add(sub{
- my $status;
- if (($status = filter_read()) > 0){
- $_ = $enc->decode($_, 1);
- # warn $_;
- }
- $status ;
- });
- };
- # warn "Filter installed";
- }
- return 1; # I doubt if we need it, though
- }
- sub unimport{
- no warnings;
- undef ${^ENCODING};
- if ($HAS_PERLIO){
- binmode(STDIN, ":raw");
- binmode(STDOUT, ":raw");
- }else{
- binmode(STDIN);
- binmode(STDOUT);
- }
- if ($INC{"Filter/Util/Call.pm"}){
- eval { filter_del() };
- }
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =pod
- =head1 NAME
- encoding - allows you to write your script in non-ascii or non-utf8
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use encoding "greek"; # Perl like Greek to you?
- use encoding "euc-jp"; # Jperl!
- # or you can even do this if your shell supports your native encoding
- perl -Mencoding=latin2 -e '...' # Feeling centrally European?
- perl -Mencoding=euc-kr -e '...' # Or Korean?
- # more control
- # A simple euc-cn => utf-8 converter
- use encoding "euc-cn", STDOUT => "utf8"; while(<>){print};
- # "no encoding;" supported (but not scoped!)
- no encoding;
- # an alternate way, Filter
- use encoding "euc-jp", Filter=>1;
- use utf8;
- # now you can use kanji identifiers -- in euc-jp!
- =head1 ABSTRACT
- Let's start with a bit of history: Perl 5.6.0 introduced Unicode
- support. You could apply C<substr()> and regexes even to complex CJK
- characters -- so long as the script was written in UTF-8. But back
- then, text editors that supported UTF-8 were still rare and many users
- instead chose to write scripts in legacy encodings, giving up a whole
- new feature of Perl 5.6.
- Rewind to the future: starting from perl 5.8.0 with the B<encoding>
- pragma, you can write your script in any encoding you like (so long
- as the C<Encode> module supports it) and still enjoy Unicode support.
- You can write code in EUC-JP as follows:
- my $Rakuda = "\xF1\xD1\xF1\xCC"; # Camel in Kanji
- #<-char-><-char-> # 4 octets
- s/\bCamel\b/$Rakuda/;
- And with C<use encoding "euc-jp"> in effect, it is the same thing as
- the code in UTF-8:
- my $Rakuda = "\x{99F1}\x{99DD}"; # two Unicode Characters
- s/\bCamel\b/$Rakuda/;
- The B<encoding> pragma also modifies the filehandle disciplines of
- STDIN and STDOUT to the specified encoding. Therefore,
- use encoding "euc-jp";
- my $message = "Camel is the symbol of perl.\n";
- my $Rakuda = "\xF1\xD1\xF1\xCC"; # Camel in Kanji
- $message =~ s/\bCamel\b/$Rakuda/;
- print $message;
- Will print "\xF1\xD1\xF1\xCC is the symbol of perl.\n",
- not "\x{99F1}\x{99DD} is the symbol of perl.\n".
- You can override this by giving extra arguments; see below.
- =head1 USAGE
- =over 4
- =item use encoding [I<ENCNAME>] ;
- Sets the script encoding to I<ENCNAME>. Filehandle disciplines of
- STDIN and STDOUT are set to ":encoding(I<ENCNAME>)". Note that STDERR
- will not be changed.
- If no encoding is specified, the environment variable L<PERL_ENCODING>
- is consulted. If no encoding can be found, the error C<Unknown encoding
- 'I<ENCNAME>'> will be thrown.
- Note that non-STD file handles remain unaffected. Use C<use open> or
- C<binmode> to change disciplines of those.
- =item use encoding I<ENCNAME> [ STDIN =E<gt> I<ENCNAME_IN> ...] ;
- You can also individually set encodings of STDIN and STDOUT via the
- C<< STDIN => I<ENCNAME> >> form. In this case, you cannot omit the
- first I<ENCNAME>. C<< STDIN => undef >> turns the IO transcoding
- completely off.
- =item no encoding;
- Unsets the script encoding. The disciplines of STDIN, STDOUT are
- reset to ":raw" (the default unprocessed raw stream of bytes).
- =back
- =head1 CAVEATS
- =head2 NOT SCOPED
- The pragma is a per script, not a per block lexical. Only the last
- C<use encoding> or C<no encoding> matters, and it affects
- B<the whole script>. However, the <no encoding> pragma is supported and
- B<use encoding> can appear as many times as you want in a given script.
- The multiple use of this pragma is discouraged.
- Because of this nature, the use of this pragma inside the module is
- strongly discouraged (because the influence of this pragma lasts not
- only for the module but the script that uses). But if you have to,
- make sure you say C<no encoding> at the end of the module so you
- contain the influence of the pragma within the module.
- Notice that only literals (string or regular expression) having only
- legacy code points are affected: if you mix data like this
- \xDF\x{100}
- the data is assumed to be in (Latin 1 and) Unicode, not in your native
- encoding. In other words, this will match in "greek":
- "\xDF" =~ /\x{3af}/
- but this will not
- "\xDF\x{100}" =~ /\x{3af}\x{100}/
- since the C<\xDF> (ISO 8859-7 GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS) on
- the left will B<not> be upgraded to C<\x{3af}> (Unicode GREEK SMALL
- LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS) because of the C<\x{100}> on the left. You
- should not be mixing your legacy data and Unicode in the same string.
- This pragma also affects encoding of the 0x80..0xFF code point range:
- normally characters in that range are left as eight-bit bytes (unless
- they are combined with characters with code points 0x100 or larger,
- in which case all characters need to become UTF-8 encoded), but if
- the C<encoding> pragma is present, even the 0x80..0xFF range always
- gets UTF-8 encoded.
- After all, the best thing about this pragma is that you don't have to
- resort to \x{....} just to spell your name in a native encoding.
- So feel free to put your strings in your encoding in quotes and
- regexes.
- =head2 tr/// with ranges remain unaffected
- The B<encoding> pragma works by decoding string literals in
- C<q//,qq//,qr//,qw///, qx//> and so forth. As of perl 5.8.0, this
- does not apply to C<tr///>. Therefore,
- use encoding 'euc-jp';
- #....
- $kana =~ tr/\xA4\xA1-\xA4\xF3/\xA5\xA1-\xA5\xF3/;
- # -------- -------- -------- --------
- Does not work as
- $kana =~ tr/\x{3041}-\x{3093}/\x{30a1}-\x{30f3}/;
- =over
- =item Legend of characters above
- utf8 euc-jp charnames::viacode()
- -----------------------------------------
- \x{3093} \xA4\xF3 HIRAGANA LETTER N
- \x{30f3} \xA5\xF3 KATAKANA LETTER N
- =back
- =head3 workaround to tr///;
- You can, however, achieve the same as simply as follows;
- use encoding 'euc-jp';
- # ....
- eval qq{ \$kana =~ tr/\xA4\xA1-\xA4\xF3/\xA5\xA1-\xA5\xF3/ };
- Note the C<tr//> expression is surronded by C<qq{}>. The idea behind
- is the same as classic idiom that makes C<tr///> 'interpolate'.
- tr/$from/$to/; # wrong!
- eval qq{ tr/$from/$to/ }; # workaround.
- Nevertheless, in case of B<encoding> pragma even C<q//> is affected so
- C<tr///> not being decoded was obviously against the will of Perl5
- Porters. In future version of perl, this counter-intuitive behaviour
- of C<tr///> will be fixed so C<eval qq{}> trick will be unneccesary.
- =head1 Non-ASCII Identifiers and Filter option
- The magic of C<use encoding> is not applied to the names of
- identifiers. In order to make C<${"\x{4eba}"}++> ($human++, where human
- is a single Han ideograph) work, you still need to write your script
- in UTF-8 or use a source filter.
- In other words, the same restriction as with Jperl applies.
- If you dare to experiment, however, you can try the Filter option.
- =over 4
- =item use encoding I<ENCNAME> Filter=E<gt>1;
- This turns the encoding pragma into a source filter. While the default
- approach just decodes interpolated literals (in qq() and qr()), this
- will apply a source filter to the entire source code. In this case,
- STDIN and STDOUT remain untouched.
- =back
- What does this mean? Your source code behaves as if it is written in
- UTF-8. So even if your editor only supports Shift_JIS, for example,
- you can still try examples in Chapter 15 of C<Programming Perl, 3rd
- Ed.>. For instance, you can use UTF-8 identifiers.
- This option is significantly slower and (as of this writing) non-ASCII
- identifiers are not very stable WITHOUT this option and with the
- source code written in UTF-8.
- To make your script in legacy encoding work with minimum effort,
- do not use Filter=E<gt>1.
- =head1 EXAMPLE - Greekperl
- use encoding "iso 8859-7";
- # \xDF in ISO 8859-7 (Greek) is \x{3af} in Unicode.
- $a = "\xDF";
- $b = "\x{100}";
- printf "%#x\n", ord($a); # will print 0x3af, not 0xdf
- $c = $a . $b;
- # $c will be "\x{3af}\x{100}", not "\x{df}\x{100}".
- # chr() is affected, and ...
- print "mega\n" if ord(chr(0xdf)) == 0x3af;
- # ... ord() is affected by the encoding pragma ...
- print "tera\n" if ord(pack("C", 0xdf)) == 0x3af;
- # ... as are eq and cmp ...
- print "peta\n" if "\x{3af}" eq pack("C", 0xdf);
- print "exa\n" if "\x{3af}" cmp pack("C", 0xdf) == 0;
- # ... but pack/unpack C are not affected, in case you still
- # want to go back to your native encoding
- print "zetta\n" if unpack("C", (pack("C", 0xdf))) == 0xdf;
- For native multibyte encodings (either fixed or variable length),
- the current implementation of the regular expressions may introduce
- recoding errors for regular expression literals longer than 127 bytes.
- The encoding pragma is not supported on EBCDIC platforms.
- (Porters who are willing and able to remove this limitation are
- welcome.)
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<perlunicode>, L<Encode>, L<open>, L<Filter::Util::Call>,
- Ch. 15 of C<Programming Perl (3rd Edition)>
- by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, Jon Orwant;
- O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN 0-596-00027-8
- =cut