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- package English;
- our $VERSION = '1.00';
- require Exporter;
- @ISA = (Exporter);
- =head1 NAME
- English - use nice English (or awk) names for ugly punctuation variables
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use English qw( -no_match_vars ) ; # Avoids regex performance penalty
- use English;
- ...
- if ($ERRNO =~ /denied/) { ... }
- This module provides aliases for the built-in variables whose
- names no one seems to like to read. Variables with side-effects
- which get triggered just by accessing them (like $0) will still
- be affected.
- For those variables that have an B<awk> version, both long
- and short English alternatives are provided. For example,
- the C<$/> variable can be referred to either $RS or
- $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR if you are using the English module.
- See L<perlvar> for a complete list of these.
- This module can provoke sizeable inefficiencies for regular expressions,
- due to unfortunate implementation details. If performance matters in
- your application and you don't need $PREMATCH, $MATCH, or $POSTMATCH,
- try doing
- use English qw( -no_match_vars ) ;
- . B<It is especially important to do this in modules to avoid penalizing
- all applications which use them.>
- =cut
- no warnings;
- my $globbed_match ;
- # Grandfather $NAME import
- sub import {
- my $this = shift;
- my @list = grep { ! /^-no_match_vars$/ } @_ ;
- local $Exporter::ExportLevel = 1;
- if ( @_ == @list ) {
- $globbed_match ||= (
- eval q{
- *MATCH = \$& ;
- *PREMATCH = \$` ;
- *POSTMATCH = \$' ;
- 1 ;
- }
- || do {
- require Carp ;
- Carp::croak "Can't create English for match leftovers: $@" ;
- }
- ) ;
- }
- else {
- }
- Exporter::import($this,grep {s/^\$/*/} @list);
- }
- *ARG
- *NR
- *RS
- *OFS
- *ORS
- *PID
- *UID
- *GID
- );
- );
- # The ground of all being. @ARG is deprecated (5.005 makes @_ lexical)
- *ARG = *_ ;
- # Matching.
- *LAST_MATCH_END = \@+ ;
- # Input.
- *NR = \$. ;
- *RS = \$/ ;
- # Output.
- *OFS = \$, ;
- *ORS = \$\ ;
- # Interpolation "constants".
- *SUBSEP = \$; ;
- # Formats
- *FORMAT_NAME = \$~ ;
- *FORMAT_TOP_NAME = \$^ ;
- # Error status.
- *CHILD_ERROR = \$? ;
- *OS_ERROR = \$! ;
- *ERRNO = \$! ;
- *OS_ERROR = \%! ;
- *ERRNO = \%! ;
- *EVAL_ERROR = \$@ ;
- # Process info.
- *PROCESS_ID = \$$ ;
- *PID = \$$ ;
- *REAL_USER_ID = \$< ;
- *UID = \$< ;
- *EUID = \$> ;
- *REAL_GROUP_ID = \$( ;
- *GID = \$( ;
- *EGID = \$) ;
- *PROGRAM_NAME = \$0 ;
- # Internals.
- *PERL_VERSION = \$^V ;
- *COMPILING = \$^C ;
- *DEBUGGING = \$^D ;
- *SYSTEM_FD_MAX = \$^F ;
- *INPLACE_EDIT = \$^I ;
- *PERLDB = \$^P ;
- *BASETIME = \$^T ;
- *WARNING = \$^W ;
- *OSNAME = \$^O ;
- # Deprecated.
- # *ARRAY_BASE = \$[ ;
- # *OFMT = \$# ;
- # *OLD_PERL_VERSION = \$] ;
- 1;