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- package Tie::Hash;
- our $VERSION = '1.00';
- =head1 NAME
- Tie::Hash, Tie::StdHash, Tie::ExtraHash - base class definitions for tied hashes
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- package NewHash;
- require Tie::Hash;
- @ISA = (Tie::Hash);
- sub DELETE { ... } # Provides needed method
- sub CLEAR { ... } # Overrides inherited method
- package NewStdHash;
- require Tie::Hash;
- @ISA = (Tie::StdHash);
- # All methods provided by default, define only those needing overrides
- # Accessors access the storage in %{$_[0]};
- # TIEHANDLE should return a reference to the actual storage
- sub DELETE { ... }
- package NewExtraHash;
- require Tie::Hash;
- @ISA = (Tie::ExtraHash);
- # All methods provided by default, define only those needing overrides
- # Accessors access the storage in %{$_[0][0]};
- # TIEHANDLE should return an array reference with the first element being
- # the reference to the actual storage
- sub DELETE {
- $_[0][1]->('del', $_[0][0], $_[1]); # Call the report writer
- delete $_[0][0]->{$_[1]}; # $_[0]->SUPER::DELETE($_[1]) }
- package main;
- tie %new_hash, 'NewHash';
- tie %new_std_hash, 'NewStdHash';
- tie %new_extra_hash, 'NewExtraHash',
- sub {warn "Doing \U$_[1]\E of $_[2].\n"};
- This module provides some skeletal methods for hash-tying classes. See
- L<perltie> for a list of the functions required in order to tie a hash
- to a package. The basic B<Tie::Hash> package provides a C<new> method, as well
- as methods C<TIEHASH>, C<EXISTS> and C<CLEAR>. The B<Tie::StdHash> and
- B<Tie::ExtraHash> packages
- provide most methods for hashes described in L<perltie> (the exceptions
- are C<UNTIE> and C<DESTROY>). They cause tied hashes to behave exactly like standard hashes,
- and allow for selective overwriting of methods. B<Tie::Hash> grandfathers the
- C<new> method: it is used if C<TIEHASH> is not defined
- in the case a class forgets to include a C<TIEHASH> method.
- For developers wishing to write their own tied hashes, the required methods
- are briefly defined below. See the L<perltie> section for more detailed
- descriptive, as well as example code:
- =over 4
- =item TIEHASH classname, LIST
- The method invoked by the command C<tie %hash, classname>. Associates a new
- hash instance with the specified class. C<LIST> would represent additional
- arguments (along the lines of L<AnyDBM_File> and compatriots) needed to
- complete the association.
- =item STORE this, key, value
- Store datum I<value> into I<key> for the tied hash I<this>.
- =item FETCH this, key
- Retrieve the datum in I<key> for the tied hash I<this>.
- =item FIRSTKEY this
- Return the first key in the hash.
- =item NEXTKEY this, lastkey
- Return the next key in the hash.
- =item EXISTS this, key
- Verify that I<key> exists with the tied hash I<this>.
- The B<Tie::Hash> implementation is a stub that simply croaks.
- =item DELETE this, key
- Delete the key I<key> from the tied hash I<this>.
- =item CLEAR this
- Clear all values from the tied hash I<this>.
- =back
- =head1 Inheriting from B<Tie::StdHash>
- The accessor methods assume that the actual storage for the data in the tied
- hash is in the hash referenced by C<tied(%tiedhash)>. Thus overwritten
- C<TIEHANDLE> method should return a hash reference, and the remaining methods
- should operate on the hash referenced by the first argument:
- package ReportHash;
- our @ISA = 'Tie::StdHash';
- sub TIEHASH {
- my $storage = bless {}, shift;
- warn "New ReportHash created, stored in $storage.\n";
- $storage
- }
- sub STORE {
- warn "Storing data with key $_[1] at $_[0].\n";
- $_[0]{$_[1]} = $_[2]
- }
- =head1 Inheriting from B<Tie::ExtraHash>
- The accessor methods assume that the actual storage for the data in the tied
- hash is in the hash referenced by C<(tied(%tiedhash))[0]>. Thus overwritten
- C<TIEHANDLE> method should return an array reference with the first
- element being a hash reference, and the remaining methods should operate on the
- hash C<< %{ $_[0]->[0] } >>:
- package ReportHash;
- our @ISA = 'Tie::StdHash';
- sub TIEHASH {
- my $storage = bless {}, shift;
- warn "New ReportHash created, stored in $storage.\n";
- [$storage, @_]
- }
- sub STORE {
- warn "Storing data with key $_[1] at $_[0].\n";
- $_[0][0]{$_[1]} = $_[2]
- }
- The default C<TIEHANDLE> method stores "extra" arguments to tie() starting
- from offset 1 in the array referenced by C<tied(%tiedhash)>; this is the
- same storage algorithm as in TIEHASH subroutine above. Hence, a typical
- package inheriting from B<Tie::ExtraHash> does not need to overwrite this
- method.
- =head1 C<UNTIE> and C<DESTROY>
- The methods C<UNTIE> and C<DESTROY> are not defined in B<Tie::Hash>,
- B<Tie::StdHash>, or B<Tie::ExtraHash>. Tied hashes do not require
- presense of these methods, but if defined, the methods will be called in
- proper time, see L<perltie>.
- If needed, these methods should be defined by the package inheriting from
- B<Tie::Hash>, B<Tie::StdHash>, or B<Tie::ExtraHash>.
- The packages relating to various DBM-related implementations (F<DB_File>,
- F<NDBM_File>, etc.) show examples of general tied hashes, as does the
- L<Config> module. While these do not utilize B<Tie::Hash>, they serve as
- good working examples.
- =cut
- use Carp;
- use warnings::register;
- sub new {
- my $pkg = shift;
- $pkg->TIEHASH(@_);
- }
- # Grandfather "new"
- sub TIEHASH {
- my $pkg = shift;
- if (defined &{"${pkg}::new"}) {
- warnings::warnif("WARNING: calling ${pkg}->new since ${pkg}->TIEHASH is missing");
- $pkg->new(@_);
- }
- else {
- croak "$pkg doesn't define a TIEHASH method";
- }
- }
- sub EXISTS {
- my $pkg = ref $_[0];
- croak "$pkg doesn't define an EXISTS method";
- }
- sub CLEAR {
- my $self = shift;
- my $key = $self->FIRSTKEY(@_);
- my @keys;
- while (defined $key) {
- push @keys, $key;
- $key = $self->NEXTKEY(@_, $key);
- }
- foreach $key (@keys) {
- $self->DELETE(@_, $key);
- }
- }
- # The Tie::StdHash package implements standard perl hash behaviour.
- # It exists to act as a base class for classes which only wish to
- # alter some parts of their behaviour.
- package Tie::StdHash;
- # @ISA = qw(Tie::Hash); # would inherit new() only
- sub TIEHASH { bless {}, $_[0] }
- sub STORE { $_[0]->{$_[1]} = $_[2] }
- sub FETCH { $_[0]->{$_[1]} }
- sub FIRSTKEY { my $a = scalar keys %{$_[0]}; each %{$_[0]} }
- sub NEXTKEY { each %{$_[0]} }
- sub EXISTS { exists $_[0]->{$_[1]} }
- sub DELETE { delete $_[0]->{$_[1]} }
- sub CLEAR { %{$_[0]} = () }
- package Tie::ExtraHash;
- sub TIEHASH { my $p = shift; bless [{}, @_], $p }
- sub STORE { $_[0][0]{$_[1]} = $_[2] }
- sub FETCH { $_[0][0]{$_[1]} }
- sub FIRSTKEY { my $a = scalar keys %{$_[0][0]}; each %{$_[0][0]} }
- sub NEXTKEY { each %{$_[0][0]} }
- sub EXISTS { exists $_[0][0]->{$_[1]} }
- sub DELETE { delete $_[0][0]->{$_[1]} }
- sub CLEAR { %{$_[0][0]} = () }
- 1;