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- package Tie::Handle;
- use 5.006_001;
- our $VERSION = '4.1';
- =head1 NAME
- Tie::Handle, Tie::StdHandle - base class definitions for tied handles
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- package NewHandle;
- require Tie::Handle;
- @ISA = qw(Tie::Handle);
- sub READ { ... } # Provide a needed method
- sub TIEHANDLE { ... } # Overrides inherited method
- package main;
- tie *FH, 'NewHandle';
- This module provides some skeletal methods for handle-tying classes. See
- L<perltie> for a list of the functions required in tying a handle to a package.
- The basic B<Tie::Handle> package provides a C<new> method, as well as methods
- For developers wishing to write their own tied-handle classes, the methods
- are summarized below. The L<perltie> section not only documents these, but
- has sample code as well:
- =over 4
- =item TIEHANDLE classname, LIST
- The method invoked by the command C<tie *glob, classname>. Associates a new
- glob instance with the specified class. C<LIST> would represent additional
- arguments (along the lines of L<AnyDBM_File> and compatriots) needed to
- complete the association.
- =item WRITE this, scalar, length, offset
- Write I<length> bytes of data from I<scalar> starting at I<offset>.
- =item PRINT this, LIST
- Print the values in I<LIST>
- =item PRINTF this, format, LIST
- Print the values in I<LIST> using I<format>
- =item READ this, scalar, length, offset
- Read I<length> bytes of data into I<scalar> starting at I<offset>.
- =item READLINE this
- Read a single line
- =item GETC this
- Get a single character
- =item CLOSE this
- Close the handle
- =item OPEN this, filename
- (Re-)open the handle
- =item BINMODE this
- Specify content is binary
- =item EOF this
- Test for end of file.
- =item TELL this
- Return position in the file.
- =item SEEK this, offset, whence
- Position the file.
- Test for end of file.
- =item DESTROY this
- Free the storage associated with the tied handle referenced by I<this>.
- This is rarely needed, as Perl manages its memory quite well. But the
- option exists, should a class wish to perform specific actions upon the
- destruction of an instance.
- =back
- The L<perltie> section contains an example of tying handles.
- This version of Tie::Handle is neither related to nor compatible with
- the Tie::Handle (3.0) module available on CPAN. It was due to an
- accident that two modules with the same name appeared. The namespace
- clash has been cleared in favor of this module that comes with the
- perl core in September 2000 and accordingly the version number has
- been bumped up to 4.0.
- =cut
- use Carp;
- use warnings::register;
- sub new {
- my $pkg = shift;
- $pkg->TIEHANDLE(@_);
- }
- # "Grandfather" the new, a la Tie::Hash
- my $pkg = shift;
- if (defined &{"{$pkg}::new"}) {
- warnings::warnif("WARNING: calling ${pkg}->new since ${pkg}->TIEHANDLE is missing");
- $pkg->new(@_);
- }
- else {
- croak "$pkg doesn't define a TIEHANDLE method";
- }
- }
- sub PRINT {
- my $self = shift;
- if($self->can('WRITE') != \&WRITE) {
- my $buf = join(defined $, ? $, : "",@_);
- $buf .= $\ if defined $\;
- $self->WRITE($buf,length($buf),0);
- }
- else {
- croak ref($self)," doesn't define a PRINT method";
- }
- }
- sub PRINTF {
- my $self = shift;
- if($self->can('WRITE') != \&WRITE) {
- my $buf = sprintf(shift,@_);
- $self->WRITE($buf,length($buf),0);
- }
- else {
- croak ref($self)," doesn't define a PRINTF method";
- }
- }
- sub READLINE {
- my $pkg = ref $_[0];
- croak "$pkg doesn't define a READLINE method";
- }
- sub GETC {
- my $self = shift;
- if($self->can('READ') != \&READ) {
- my $buf;
- $self->READ($buf,1);
- return $buf;
- }
- else {
- croak ref($self)," doesn't define a GETC method";
- }
- }
- sub READ {
- my $pkg = ref $_[0];
- croak "$pkg doesn't define a READ method";
- }
- sub WRITE {
- my $pkg = ref $_[0];
- croak "$pkg doesn't define a WRITE method";
- }
- sub CLOSE {
- my $pkg = ref $_[0];
- croak "$pkg doesn't define a CLOSE method";
- }
- package Tie::StdHandle;
- our @ISA = 'Tie::Handle';
- use Carp;
- {
- my $class = shift;
- my $fh = \do { local *HANDLE};
- bless $fh,$class;
- $fh->OPEN(@_) if (@_);
- return $fh;
- }
- sub EOF { eof($_[0]) }
- sub TELL { tell($_[0]) }
- sub FILENO { fileno($_[0]) }
- sub SEEK { seek($_[0],$_[1],$_[2]) }
- sub CLOSE { close($_[0]) }
- sub BINMODE { binmode($_[0]) }
- sub OPEN
- {
- $_[0]->CLOSE if defined($_[0]->FILENO);
- @_ == 2 ? open($_[0], $_[1]) : open($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]);
- }
- sub READ { read($_[0],$_[1],$_[2]) }
- sub READLINE { my $fh = $_[0]; <$fh> }
- sub GETC { getc($_[0]) }
- sub WRITE
- {
- my $fh = $_[0];
- print $fh substr($_[1],0,$_[2])
- }
- 1;