home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!perl -w
- #
- # Copyright ⌐ 2002 ActiveState
- #
- use XML::Simple;
- use strict;
- use File::Copy;
- my $ppmConfigFile = $ARGV[0]; # full path of ppm.xml on target install tree
- my $sdir = $ARGV[1]; # directory where install package is located
- my $repository;
- if ($sdir) {
- # this path sets up the ActiveCD repository if a PPMPackages directory
- # exists two levels up from where the MSI package is located
- $sdir =~ s#\\#/#g;
- # weak series of regex to strip off two levels of extra dirs
- $sdir =~ s#/$##;
- $sdir =~ s#(.*/).*$#$1#;
- $sdir =~ s#/$##;
- $sdir =~ s#(.*/).*$#$1#;
- if (-d $sdir ."PPMPackages") {
- $repository = {
- 'NAME' => 'ActiveCD Repository',
- 'LOCATION' => $sdir .'PPMPackages/5.8-cd',
- 'SUMMARYFILE' => 'package.lst'
- };
- }
- }
- exit unless $sdir && $repository;
- print "Configuring PPM ...\n";
- chmod(0666, $ppmConfigFile)
- or warn "Unable to chmod $ppmConfigFile: $!\n";
- File::Copy::copy($ppmConfigFile, "$ppmConfigFile~") || die;
- my $ppmxml = XMLin ($ppmConfigFile, forcearray => 'REPOSITORY', keeproot => 1 );
- unshift (@{$ppmxml->{PPMCONFIG}->[0]->{REPOSITORY}}, $repository);
- #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $ppmxml;
- open (my $f, ">$ppmConfigFile") || die;
- print $f XMLout ($ppmxml, rootname => undef );
- close $f;