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- ###############################################################################
- #
- # Script: config.pl
- # Purpose: Fix up Config.pm after a binary installation
- # Author: Michael Smith <mike.smith@activestate.com>
- #
- # Copyright ⌐ 1999-2001 ActiveState Tool Corp.
- #
- ###############################################################################
- my $prefix = shift;
- # get prefix from script location, ignoring the last two components
- $prefix = $1 if !$prefix and $0 =~ m#^(.*)([\\/][^\\/]+){2}$#;
- $prefix =~ s{[\\/]$}{};
- my $libpth = $ENV{LIB};
- my $user = $ENV{USERNAME};
- my $file = $prefix . '\lib\Config.pm';
- my $oldfile = $prefix . '\lib\Config.pm~';
- $tmp = $ENV{'TEMP'} || $ENV{'tmp'};
- if ($^O =~ /MSWin/) {
- $tmp ||= 'c:/temp';
- }
- else {
- $tmp ||= '/tmp';
- }
- print 'Configuring Perl ... ' . "\n";
- # Remove the "command" value from the file association to prevent the MSI
- # "Repair" feature from triggering once an included extension has been
- # upgraded by PPM.
- if ($^O =~ /MSWin/) {
- require Win32::Registry;
- $::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT->Open('Perl\shell\Open\command', my $command);
- $command->DeleteValue('command') if $command;
- }
- my %replacements = (
- archlib => "'$prefix\\lib'",
- archlibexp => "'$prefix\\lib'",
- bin => "'$prefix\\bin'",
- binexp => "'$prefix\\bin'",
- cf_by => "'ActiveState'",
- installarchlib => "'$prefix\\lib'",
- installbin => "'$prefix\\bin'",
- installhtmldir => "'$prefix\\html'",
- installhtmlhelpdir => "'$prefix\\htmlhelp'",
- installman1dir => "''",
- installman3dir => "''",
- installprefix => "'$prefix'",
- installprefixexp => "'$prefix'",
- installprivlib => "'$prefix\\lib'",
- installscript => "'$prefix\\bin'",
- installsitearch => "'$prefix\\site\\lib'",
- installsitebin => "'$prefix\\bin'",
- installsitelib => "'$prefix\\site\\lib'",
- libpth => q('") . join(q(" "), split(/;/, $libpth), $prefix . "\\lib\\CORE") . q("'),
- man1dir => "''",
- man1direxp => "''",
- man3dir => "''",
- man3direxp => "''",
- perlpath => "'$prefix\\bin\\perl.exe'",
- prefix => "'$prefix'",
- prefixexp => "'$prefix'",
- privlib => "'$prefix\\lib'",
- privlibexp => "'$prefix\\lib'",
- scriptdir => "'$prefix\\bin'",
- scriptdirexp => "'$prefix\\bin'",
- sitearch => "'$prefix\\site\\lib'",
- sitearchexp => "'$prefix\\site\\lib'",
- sitebin => "'$prefix\\site\\bin'",
- sitebinexp => "'$prefix\\site\\bin'",
- sitelib => "'$prefix\\site\\lib'",
- sitelibexp => "'$prefix\\site\\lib'",
- siteprefix => "'$prefix\\site'",
- siteprefixexp => "'$prefix\\site'",
- );
- my $pattern = '^(' . join('|', keys %replacements) . ')=.*';
- chmod(0644, $file)
- or warn "Unable to chmod(0644, $file) : $!";
- if(open(FILE, "+<$file")) {
- my @Config;
- while(<FILE>) {
- s/$pattern/$1=$replacements{$1}/;
- push(@Config, $_);
- }
- seek(FILE, 0, 0);
- truncate(FILE, 0);
- print FILE @Config;
- close(FILE);
- }
- else {
- print "Unable to open $file : $!\n\n";
- print "Press [Enter] to continue:\n";
- <STDIN>;
- exit 1;
- }
- ###############################################################################
- # Config.pm values to propogate when doing an upgrade installation
- ###############################################################################
- my @propagateThese = qw(
- ar
- awk
- bash
- bin
- binexp
- bison
- byacc
- cat
- cc
- cp
- cryptlib
- csh
- date
- echo
- egrep
- emacs
- expr
- find
- flex
- full_csh
- full_sed
- gccversion
- glibpth
- gzip
- incpath
- inews
- ksh
- ld
- lddlflags
- ldflags
- less
- libc
- libpth
- ln
- lns
- loincpth
- lolibpth
- lp
- lpr
- ls
- mail
- mailx
- make
- mkdir
- more
- mv
- mydomain
- myhostname
- myuname
- pager
- rm
- rmail
- sed
- sendmail
- sh
- tar
- touch
- tr
- usrinc
- vi
- xlibpth
- zcat
- zip
- );
- if(-f $oldfile) {
- mergeConfig($oldfile, $file);
- }
- ###############################################################################
- #
- ###############################################################################
- sub mergeConfig {
- my $file1 = shift;
- my $file2 = shift;
- open(FILE1, "<$file1")
- || do {
- warn "Could not open file $file1 : $!";
- return -1;
- };
- my $foundConfigBegin = 0;
- my $foundConfigEnd = 0;
- my %Config1 = ();
- while(<FILE1>) {
- chomp;
- if (!$foundConfigBegin && /^my \$config_sh = <<'!END!';$/) {
- $foundConfigBegin = 1;
- next;
- }
- elsif (!$foundConfigEnd && /^!END!$/) {
- last;
- }
- next if(!$foundConfigBegin);
- my ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $_, 2);
- if(grep(/$name/, @propagateThese)) {
- $Config1{$name} = $value;
- }
- }
- close(FILE1);
- open(FILE2, "+<$file2")
- || do {
- warn "Could not open file $file2 : $!";
- return -1;
- };
- $foundConfigBegin = 0;
- $foundConfigEnd = 0;
- my @Config2 = ();
- while(<FILE2>) {
- my $line = $_;
- chomp($line);
- if (!$foundConfigBegin && $line =~ /^my \$config_sh = <<'!END!';$/) {
- $foundConfigBegin = 1;
- }
- elsif (!$foundConfigEnd && $line =~ /^!END!$/) {
- $foundConfigEnd = 1;
- }
- elsif ($foundConfigBegin && !$foundConfigEnd) {
- my ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $line, 2);
- if(exists $Config1{$name} && length($Config1{$name}) > 0) {
- $line = "$name=$Config1{$name}";
- }
- }
- push(@Config2, $line . "\n");
- }
- truncate(FILE2, 0);
- seek(FILE2, 0, 0);
- print FILE2 (@Config2);
- close(FILE2);
- return;
- }