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- # soap-methods-server.tcl
- # - Copyright (C) 2001 Pat Thoyts <Pat.Thoyts@bigfoot.com>
- #
- # Provides examples of SOAP methods for use with SOAP::Domain under the
- # tclhttpd web sever.
- #
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the accompanying file `LICENSE'
- # for more details.
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # @(#)$Id: soap-methods-server.tcl,v 1.3 2001/08/01 23:47:06 patthoyts Exp $
- # Load the SOAP URL domain handler into the web server and register it under
- # the /soap URL. All methods need to be defined in the SOAP::Domain
- # namespace and begin with /. Thus my /base64 procedure will be called
- # via the URL http://localhost:8015/soap/base64
- #
- package require SOAP::Domain
- package require rpcvar
- namespace import -force rpcvar::*
- SOAP::Domain::register -prefix /soap -namespace tclsoap::Test
- namespace eval tclsoap::Test {}
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # base64 - convert the input string parameter to a base64 encoded string
- #
- proc tclsoap::Test::/base64 {text} {
- package require base64
- return [rpcvar base64 [base64::encode $text]]
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # time - return the servers idea of the time
- #
- proc tclsoap::Test::/time {} {
- return [clock format [clock seconds]]
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # rcsid - return the RCS version string for this package
- #
- proc tclsoap::Test::/rcsid {} {
- return ${::SOAP::Domain::rcs_id}
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # square - test validation of numerical methods.
- #
- proc tclsoap::Test::/square {num} {
- if { [catch {expr $num + 0}] } {
- error "parameter num must be a number"
- }
- return [expr $num * $num]
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # sum - test two parameter method
- #
- proc tclsoap::Test::/sum {lhs rhs} {
- return [expr $lhs + $rhs]
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # sort - sort a list
- #
- proc tclsoap::Test::/sort {myArray} {
- return [rpcvar "array" [lsort $myArray]]
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # platform - return a structure.
- #
- proc tclsoap::Test::/platform {} {
- return [rpcvar struct ::tcl_platform]
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # xml - return some XML data. Just to show it's not a problem.
- #
- proc tclsoap::Test::/xml {} {
- set xml {<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <memos>
- <memo>
- <subject>test memo one</subject>
- <body>The body of the memo.</body>
- </memo>
- <memo>
- <subject>test memo two</subject>
- <body>Memo body with specials: " & ' and <></body>
- </memo>
- </memos>
- }
- return $xml
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Test out a COM calling extension.
- #
- proc tclsoap::Test::/WiRECameras/get_Count {} {
- package require Renicam
- return [renicam count]
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc tclsoap::Test::/WiRECameras/Add {} {
- package require Renicam
- return [renicam add]
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------