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- # SOAP-tests.tcl - Copyright (C) 2001 Pat Thoyts <Pat.Thoyts@bigfoot.com>
- #
- # Create some remote SOAP access methods to demo servers.
- #
- # If you live behind a firewall and have an authenticating proxy web server
- # try executing SOAP::proxyconfig and filling in the fields. This sets
- # up the SOAP package to send the correct headers for the proxy to
- # forward the packets (provided it is using the `Basic' encoding scheme).
- #
- # The SOAP::Lite project has some nice examples of object access that
- # we should pursue
- #
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the accompanying file `LICENSE'
- # for more details.
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # @(#)$Id: SOAP-tests.tcl,v 1.13 2001/08/01 23:47:06 patthoyts Exp $
- package require SOAP
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Validators
- #
- # Microsoft provide a .NET client validator
- SOAP::create validator1 \
- -name "validate" \
- -uri "urn:zsplat-Validator" \
- -proxy "http://www.soaptoolkit.com/soapvalidator/listener.asp" \
- -params { msg string num integer }
- SOAP::create validator2 \
- -name "validate" \
- -uri "urn:zsplat-Validator" \
- -action "\"\"" \
- -proxy "http://www.soaptoolkit.com/soapvalidator/listener.asp" \
- -params { msg string num integer }
- SOAP::create validator3 \
- -name "validate" \
- -uri "urn:zsplat-Validator" \
- -action "urn:tclsoap-Test" \
- -proxy "http://www.soaptoolkit.com/soapvalidator/listener.asp" \
- -params {myStruct struct}
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # XMethods demos (www.xmethods.net)
- #
- SOAP::create getTemp \
- -uri "urn:xmethods-Temperature" \
- -proxy "http://services.xmethods.net/soap/servlet/rpcrouter" \
- -params { "zipcode" "string" }
- SOAP::create pingHost \
- -proxy "http://services.xmethods.net:80/perl/soaplite.cgi" \
- -uri "urn:xmethodsSoapPing" \
- -params { "hostname" "string" }
- SOAP::create getTraffic \
- -proxy "http://services.xmethods.net:80/soap/servlet/rpcrouter" \
- -uri "urn:xmethods-CATraffic" \
- -params { "hwaynum" "string" }
- SOAP::create checkDomain \
- -uri "urn:xmethods-DomainChecker" \
- -proxy "http://services.xmethods.net:9090/soap" \
- -params { "domainname" "string" }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # SOAP::Lite Perl demos (www.soaplite.com)
- #
- SOAP::create hi \
- -uri "http://www.soaplite.com/Demo" \
- -proxy "http://services.soaplite.com/hibye.cgi" \
- -params {}
- SOAP::create hello \
- -name hi \
- -uri "http://www.soaplite.com/Demo" \
- -proxy "http://services.soaplite.com/hibye.cgi" \
- -params {}
- SOAP::create languages \
- -uri "http://www.soaplite.com/Demo" \
- -proxy "http://services.soaplite.com/hibye.cgi" \
- -params {}
- SOAP::create f2c \
- -uri "http://www.soaplite.com/Temperatures" \
- -proxy "http://services.soaplite.com/temper.cgi" \
- -params { "temp" "float"}
- SOAP::create c2f \
- -uri "http://www.soaplite.com/Temperatures" \
- -proxy "http://services.soaplite.com/temper.cgi" \
- -params { "temp" "float"}
- # Call with the wrong method name evokes a SOAP Fault packet.
- SOAP::create c2f_broke \
- -uri "http://www.soaplite.com/Temperatures" \
- -proxy "http://services.soaplite.com/temper.cgi" \
- -params { "temp" "float"}\
- -name c2f_invalid
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Lucin
- #
- SOAP::create getCard \
- -uri "GetACard" \
- -name "GetACard" \
- -proxy "http://sal006.salnetwork.com:82/bin/games.cgi" \
- -params {}
- SOAP::create getHand \
- -uri "GetAHand" \
- -name "GetAHand" \
- -proxy "http://sal006.salnetwork.com:82/bin/games.cgi" \
- -params {}
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Other demos
- #
- SOAP::create NextGUID \
- -uri "http://www.itfinity.net/soap/guid/guid.xsd" \
- -proxy "http://www.itfinity.net/soap/guid/default.asp" \
- -params {}
- SOAP::create whois \
- -uri "http://www.pocketsoap.com/whois" \
- -proxy "http://www.razorsoft.net/ssss4c/whois.asp" \
- -params { "name" "string" }
- SOAP::create census \
- -uri "http://tempuri.org/" \
- -proxy "http://terranet.research.microsoft.com/CensusService.asmx" \
- -params { "pu" "string" "name" "string" \
- "ParentName" "string" "year" "integer" } \
- -action "http://tempuri.org/GetPoliticalUnitFactsByName" \
- -name GetPoliticalUnitFactsByName
- # Babelfish translator http://www.xmltoday.com/examples/soap/translate.psp
- SOAP::create translate \
- -action urn:vgx-translate \
- -name getTranslation \
- -proxy http://www.velocigen.com:82/vx_engine/soap-trigger.pperl \
- -uri urn:vgx-translate \
- -params {"text" "string" "language" "string"}
- # translate {Good morning} en_[de|fr|it|es|pt]
- # translate {Guten tag} de_fr
- SOAP::create news \
- -name ProcessSRL \
- -proxy http://www.soapclient.com/xml/SQLDataSoap.wsdl \
- -params {SRLFile string RequestName string} \
- -uri http://www.soapclient.com/xml/SQLDataSoap.xsd \
- -action "/SQLDataSRL"
- # Never replies with any data.
- SOAP::create mp3 \
- -name SearchMP3 \
- -action urn:SoapFindMP3Intf-ISoapFindMP3#SearchMP3 \
- -uri urn:SoapFindMP3Intf-ISoapFindMP3 \
- -proxy http://www.agnisoft.com/cgi-bin/soapmp3search.exe/soap/ISoapFindMP3 \
- -params {SearchString string NumResults int}
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Fortune server has 3 methods.
- namespace eval Fortune {
- variable uri "urn:lemurlabs-Fortune"
- variable proxy "http://www.lemurlabs.com:80/rpcrouter"
- proc unxml {methodVarName xml} {
- regsub -all {<} $xml {<} xml
- regsub -all {>} $xml {>} xml
- regsub -all {&} $xml {&} xml
- return $xml
- }
- SOAP::create getAnyFortune -uri $uri -proxy $proxy -postProc unxml
- SOAP::create getDictionaryNameList -uri $uri -proxy $proxy
- SOAP::create getFortuneByDictionary -uri $uri -proxy $proxy \
- -params { "dictionary" "string" } -postProc unxml
- namespace export getAnyFortune getDictionaryNameList \
- getFortuneByDictionary
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval XFS {
- variable uri "urn:xmethodsXFS"
- variable proxy "http://services.xmethods.net:80/soap/servlet/rpcrouter"
- SOAP::create readFile -uri $uri -proxy $proxy -params \
- { "userid" "string" "filename" "string" "password" "string" }
- SOAP::create writeFile -uri $uri -proxy $proxy -params \
- { "userid" "string" \
- "filedata" "string" \
- "filename" "string" \
- "password" "string" }
- SOAP::create removeFile -uri $uri -proxy $proxy -params \
- { "userid" "string" "filename" "string" "password" "string" }
- SOAP::create listFiles -uri $uri -proxy $proxy -params \
- { "userid" "string" "password" "string" }
- namespace export readFile removeFile writeFile listFiles
- }
- namespace eval Chat {
- variable uri "http://tempuri.org/"
- variable proxy "http://aspx.securewebs.com/prasadv/prasadchat.asmx"
- SOAP::create RegisterMember -uri $uri -proxy $proxy \
- -action "${uri}RegisterMember" \
- -params { "NickName" "string" }
- SOAP::create XchangeMsgs -uri $uri -proxy $proxy \
- -action "${uri}XchangeMsgs" \
- -params { "NickName" "string" "Msg" "string" }
- SOAP::create GetMsgs -uri $uri -proxy $proxy \
- -action "${uri}GetMsgs" \
- -params { "NickName" "string" }
- namespace export RegisterMember XchangeMsgs GetMsgs
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval uddi {
- variable uri "urn:uddi-org:api"
- variable proxy "http://www-3.ibm.com/services/uddi/testregistry/inquiryapi"
- SOAP::create find_business -uri $uri -proxy $proxy -action {""} \
- -params {name string}
- # takes one or more service key elements. (Why not an array of them?)
- SOAP::create get_serviceDetail -uri $uri -proxy $proxy -action {""} \
- -params {serviceKey string}
- # one or more key elements again.
- SOAP::create get_bindingDetail -uri $uri -proxy $proxy -action {""} \
- -params {bindingKey string}
- proc showBI {who} {
- set bilist [find_business $who]
- foreach {label biData} $bilist {
- array set businessInfo $biData
- puts "$businessInfo(name): $businessInfo(description)"
- }
- }
- namespace export find_business get_serviceDetail get_bindingDetail
- }
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Local variables:
- # indent-tabs-mode: nil
- # End: