home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh
- # the next line restarts using wish \
- exec wish8.3 "$0" "$@"
- package require -exact snack 2.1
- sound s
- sound t
- pack [frame .b] -side bottom
- pack [button .b.r -bitmap snackRecord -command Start -fg red -width 40] \
- -side left
- pack [button .b.s -bitmap snackStop -command Stop -width 40] -side left
- pack [button .b.p -bitmap snackPlay -command {Stop;s play} -width 40] \
- -side left
- pack [label .b.l -text "Draw speed:"] -side left
- tk_optionMenu .b.om pixpsec 25 50 100 200
- pack .b.om -side left
- pack [label .b.l2 -text "pixels per second"] -side left
- pack [frame .f] -side top -expand true -fill both
- pack [canvas .f.d -width 40 -bg white] -side left -fill y
- pack [canvas .f.c -bg white] -side left -expand true -fill both
- .f.c create text 150 100 -text "Pitch plot of microphone signal"
- set pixpsec 25
- set samplePos 0
- #.c create spectrogram 0 0 -sound s -height 200 -pixelspersec $pixpsec
- proc Stop {} {
- s stop
- after cancel Draw
- }
- proc Start {} {
- Stop
- s record
- set ::samplePos 0
- set ::ox 0
- set ::oy 0
- .f.c delete all
- .f.c create line 0 $::ty 1280 $::ty -tags target
- after 200 Draw
- }
- proc Draw {} {
- set length [s length]
- while {$::samplePos < $length - 666-0*320} {
- t copy s -start $::samplePos -end [expr {$::samplePos+665+0*320}]
- set val [lindex [t pitch] 2]
- set x [expr {$::ox + 0.01 * $::pixpsec}]
- set y [expr {[winfo height .f.c]*((300-$val)/300.0)}]
- if {$::oy == 0} { set ::oy $y }
- if {$val > 0.0 && abs($::oy-$y) < 10} {
- .f.c create oval [expr {$x-1}] [expr {$y-1}] [expr {$x+1}] [expr {$y+1}]
- }
- incr ::samplePos 160
- set ::ox $x
- set ::oy $y
- if {$x > [winfo width .f.c]} Stop
- }
- after 50 Draw
- }
- bind . <Configure> Configure
- proc Configure {} {
- .f.d delete all
- snack::frequencyAxis .f.d 0 0 40 [winfo height .f.c] -topfr 300
- }
- set ty 150
- .f.c create line 0 $::ty 1280 $::ty -tags target
- bind .f.c <1> [list initDrag %x %y]
- bind .f.c <B1-Motion> [list Drag %x %y]
- proc initDrag {x y} {
- set ::ty [.f.c canvasy $y]
- .f.c coords target 0 $::ty 1280 $::ty
- }
- proc Drag {x y} {
- set y [.f.c canvasy $y]
- .f.c coords target 0 $::ty 1280 $::ty
- set ::ty $y
- }