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- # -*-Mode:Tcl-*-
- catch {tk_getOpenFile -junk}
- namespace eval pitchPlot_v1 {
- variable pitchPlot
- set pitchPlot(vector) {}
- set pitchPlot(height) 0
- set pitchPlot(max) 400
- set pitchPlot(min) 60
- lappend ::v(plugins) ::pitchPlot_v1
- snack::menuCommand Tools {Plot Pitch} ::pitchPlot_v1::PitchWin
- proc Describe {} {
- return "This plug-in adds the capability to plot the pitch of speech."
- }
- proc Unload {} {
- snack::menuDelete Tools {Plot Pitch}
- }
- proc Redraw ypos {
- global c v
- variable pitchPlot
- if {[llength $pitchPlot(vector)] == 0} {
- return 0
- }
- .cf.fyc.yc delete pitch
- snack::frequencyAxis .cf.fyc.yc 0 $ypos $v(yaxisw) $pitchPlot(height) \
- -topfrequency $pitchPlot(max) -tags pitch -fill $v(fg) \
- -font $v(sfont)
- $c delete pitch
- set i 0
- foreach val $pitchPlot(vector) {
- set x [expr $i * 0.01 * $v(pps)]
- set y [expr $ypos+$pitchPlot(height)-0.25*$val]
- $c create oval [expr $x-1] [expr $y-1] [expr $x+1] [expr $y+1]\
- -tags pitch
- incr i
- }
- return $pitchPlot(height)
- }
- proc Putmark m {
- }
- proc ComputeCoords {} {
- global v
- variable pitchPlot
- set pitchPlot(vector) [snd pitch -maxpitch $pitchPlot(max) \
- -minpitch $pitchPlot(min) -progress snack::progressCallback]
- set pitchPlot(height) 100
- ::Redraw
- }
- proc PitchWin {} {
- global v
- variable pitchPlot
- set w .pitch
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- wm title $w "Plot pitch"
- wm geometry $w [xsGetGeometry]
- pack [ frame $w.fMax]
- pack [ label $w.fMax.l -text "Max pitch value (Hz):"] -side left
- pack [ entry $w.fMax.e -textvar [namespace current]::pitchPlot(max) -wi 4] -side left
- pack [ frame $w.fMin]
- pack [ label $w.fMin.l -text "Min pitch value (Hz):"] -side left
- pack [ entry $w.fMin.e -textvar [namespace current]::pitchPlot(min) -wi 4] -side left
- pack [ frame $w.fb]
- pack [ button $w.fb.bPlot -text Plot -command ::pitchPlot_v1::ComputeCoords] -side left
- pack [ frame $w.f] -side bottom -fill x
- label $w.f.lab -text "" -width 1 -relief sunken -bd 1 -anchor w
- pack $w.f.lab -side left -expand yes -fill x
- pack [ button $w.f.bExit -text Close -command "destroy $w"] -side left
- }
- }