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- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # DEMO: menubar in [incr Widgets]
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- package require Iwidgets 4.0
- iwidgets::menubar .mb -helpvariable helpVar -menubuttons {
- menubutton file -text "File" -menu {
- options -tearoff false
- command new -label "New" \
- -helpstr "Open new document" \
- -command {puts "selected: New"}
- command close -label "Close" \
- -helpstr "Close current document" \
- -command {puts "selected: Close"}
- separator sep1
- command exit -label "Exit" -command {exit} \
- -helpstr "Exit application"
- }
- menubutton edit -text "Edit" -menu {
- options -tearoff false
- command undo -label "Undo" -underline 0 \
- -helpstr "Undo last command" \
- -command {puts "selected: Undo"}
- separator sep2
- command cut -label "Cut" -underline 1 \
- -helpstr "Cut selection to clipboard" \
- -command {puts CUT}
- command copy -label "Copy" -underline 1 \
- -helpstr "Copy selection to clipboard" \
- -command {puts "selected: Copy"}
- command paste -label "Paste" -underline 0 \
- -helpstr "Paste clipboard contents into document" \
- -command {puts "selected: Paste"}
- }
- menubutton options -text "Options" -menu {
- options -tearoff false -selectcolor blue
- radiobutton byName -variable viewMode \
- -value NAME -label "by Name" \
- -helpstr "View files by name order" \
- -command {puts "selected: by Name"}
- radiobutton byDate -variable viewMode \
- -value DATE -label "by Date" \
- -helpstr "View files by date order" \
- -command {puts "selected: by Date"}
- cascade prefs -label "Preferences" -menu {
- command colors -label Colors... \
- -helpstr "Change text colors" \
- -command {puts "selected: Colors..."}
- command fonts -label "Fonts..." \
- -helpstr "Change text font" \
- -command {puts "selected: Fonts..."}
- }
- }
- }
- pack .mb -fill x
- frame .fr -width 200 -height 200 -background white
- pack .fr -fill both
- label .help -anchor w -textvariable helpVar -width 40
- pack .help -fill x