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- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # DEMO: mainwindow in [incr Widgets]
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- package require Iwidgets 4.0
- wm withdraw .
- iwidgets::mainwindow .mw
- set imagedir [file join ${iwidgets::library} demos images]
- #
- # Add a File menubutton
- #
- .mw menubar add menubutton file -text "File" -underline 0 -padx 8 -pady 2 \
- -menu {options -tearoff no
- command new -label "New" -underline 0 \
- -helpstr "Create a new file"
- command open -label "Open ..." -underline 0 \
- -helpstr "Open an existing file"
- command save -label "Save" -underline 0 \
- -helpstr "Save the current file"
- command saveas -label "Save As ..." -underline 5 \
- -helpstr "Save the file as a differnet name"
- command print -label "Print" -underline 0 \
- -helpstr "Print the file"
- separator sep1
- command close -label "Close" -underline 0 \
- -helpstr "Close the file"
- separator sep2
- command exit -label "Exit" -underline 1 \
- -helpstr "Exit this application"
- }
- #
- # Add the Edit menubutton.
- #
- .mw menubar add menubutton edit -text "Edit" -underline 0 -padx 8 -pady 2 \
- -menu {options -tearoff no
- command cut -label "Cut" -underline 2 \
- -helpstr "Cut the selection into the clipboard"
- command copy -label "Copy" -underline 0 \
- -helpstr "Copy the selection to the clipboard"
- command paste -label "Paste" -underline 0 \
- -helpstr "Paste the clipboard to the current point"
- separator sep3
- command find -label "Find" -underline 2 \
- -helpstr "Search the text"
- separator sep4
- command clear -label "Clear" -underline 2 \
- -helpstr "Clear the selection"
- }
- #
- # Add the Help menubutton.
- #
- .mw menubar add menubutton help -text "Help" -underline 0 -padx 8 -pady 2 \
- -menu {options -tearoff no
- command onwindow -label "On Window" -underline 3 \
- -helpstr "Obtain help on the window"
- command onkeys -label "On Keys" -underline 3 \
- -helpstr "Obtain help on the keys"
- command index -label "Index" -underline 0 \
- -helpstr "View the help index"
- command onhelp -label "On Help" -underline 2 \
- -helpstr "Obtain help on help"
- command onversion -label "On Version" -underline 2 \
- -helpstr "View the version information"
- }
- #
- # Add items to the toolbar.
- #
- .mw toolbar add frame filler1 -width 108 -relief raised -borderwidth 2
- .mw toolbar add button new \
- -image [image create photo -file [file join $imagedir new.gif]] \
- -helpstr "Create a new file" \
- -balloonstr "New"
- .mw toolbar add button open \
- -image [image create photo -file [file join $imagedir open.gif]] \
- -helpstr "Open an existing file" \
- -balloonstr "Open"
- .mw toolbar add button close \
- -image [image create photo -file [file join $imagedir close.gif]] \
- -helpstr "Close the file" \
- -balloonstr "Close"
- .mw toolbar add frame filler2 -width 20 -relief raised -borderwidth 2
- .mw toolbar add button cut \
- -image [image create photo -file [file join $imagedir cut.gif]] \
- -helpstr "Cut the selection into the cut buffer" \
- -balloonstr "Cut"
- .mw toolbar add button copy \
- -image [image create photo -file [file join $imagedir copy.gif]] \
- -helpstr "Copy the selection to the cut buffer" \
- -balloonstr "Copy"
- .mw toolbar add button paste \
- -image [image create photo -file [file join $imagedir paste.gif]] \
- -helpstr "Paste the cut buffer to the current point" \
- -balloonstr "Paste"
- .mw toolbar add button clear \
- -image [image create photo -file [file join $imagedir clear.gif]] \
- -helpstr "Clear the selection" \
- -balloonstr "Clear"
- .mw toolbar add frame filler3 -relief raised -borderwidth 2
- #
- # Add items to the menubar.
- #
- .mw mousebar add button save \
- -image [image create photo -file [file join $imagedir save.gif]] \
- -helpstr "Save the current file"
- .mw mousebar add button print \
- -image [image create photo -file [file join $imagedir print.gif]] \
- -helpstr "Print the file"
- .mw mousebar add button find \
- -image [image create photo -file [file join $imagedir find.gif]] \
- -helpstr "Search the text"
- .mw mousebar add frame filler1 -height 20 -relief raised -borderwidth 2
- .mw mousebar add button help \
- -image [image create photo -file [file join $imagedir help.gif]] \
- -helpstr "Obtain help for this window"
- .mw mousebar add frame filler2 -relief raised -borderwidth 2
- .mw mousebar add button exit \
- -image [image create photo -file [file join $imagedir exit.gif]] \
- -helpstr "Exit this application"
- .mw mousebar add frame filler3 -height 5
- #
- # Change the packing of the last fillers in the tool and mouse bar
- # so that it expands across and down the rest of the mainwindow.
- #
- pack [.mw toolbar component filler3] -expand yes -fill both
- pack [.mw mousebar component filler2] -expand yes -fill both
- #
- # Install a scrolledtext widget in the childsite.
- #
- iwidgets::scrolledtext [.mw childsite].st -visibleitems 40x8
- pack [.mw childsite].st -fill both -expand yes
- #
- # Activate the main window.
- #
- .mw activate