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// INTERNATIONAL PACK FOR 0.58 // PLAYER AND PROGRESS DIALOG ARE STILL NOT SUPPORTED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FlasKMPEG - International Support // // // // Copyright (C) Alberto Vigata - January 2000 - ultraflask@yahoo.com // // // // This file is part of FlasKMPEG, a free MPEG to MPEG/AVI converter // // // // FlasKMPEG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) // // any later version. // // // // FlasKMPEG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to // // the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Welcome to FlasKMPEG language definition file // // This file will be read by FlasKMPEG if it is put inside \Lang folder // of FlasKMPEG root directory. It also must have the .lang.flask extension // yielding something like my_language.lang.flask // // // To define a string follow this format: // // number "my_string" // // number is the identification of the following string. Each number is related // with a string that will appear inside FlasKMPEG. Padding spaces are not important. // Inside menu definitions use & to give access to the keyboard menu shortcut. // You can use returns inside string. They will be preserved in the program. // // FlasKMPEG loads the strings on startup. It won't perceive any changes in this file // if you don't reload the program. // // PLEASE, CHECK THAT STRINGS WON'T BE CLIPPED IN THE PROGRAM. The reserved space for // every string is limited and must be suitable for all languages. If some of your strings // are clipped try shortening the phrase while keeping its significance // // 0 => LANGUAGE ID #0 # "≥ß°Θ·" #100# "&≈σß⌡" #101# "&⌠·τ" #102# "&÷α" #110# "&α⌠∙°σΘσ·" #111# "&α⌠∙°σΘσ· ⌠σ°εΦ ≈σß⌡" #112# "&α⌠∙°σΘσ· ⌠°σΘ≈Φ δ∞∞Θσ· (εα⌠ΘΘ≡Θ ≥°δΘ Σ±°Φ)σ" #113# "&ßτ° ⌠σ°εΦ Θ÷ΘαΣ" #114# "&∙⌠Σ" #120# "&...Σ°⌡" #121# "&≡Γ∩" #122# "&Σ·τ∞ Σε°Σ" #123# "&ασπσ·" #200# "ß±π°" #201# "ßΦ∞" #202# "Σ°αΣ ε∙Φτ Σσ÷αΣ" #199# "∞τ⌡ δα∩ δπΘ ∞°ασ· ε∙Φτ Σσ÷αΣ." #203# "FlasK MPEG α⌠∙°σΘσ·" // Config Tabs #204# "σΘπΘασ" #205# "⌠± Σ≈σ∞" #206# "≥Θßσπ Σ·εσ≡Σ" #207# "≈ß÷Θφ" #208# "δ∞∞Θ" // Video // Frame Size #209# "Γσπ∞ Σ·εσ≡Σ" #210# "°στß" #211# "ΓσßΣ" #212# "µσ ·ΣΘΣ Σ°µσ∞σ÷ΘΣ ∙∞ Σ±°Φ Σ±σ⌠Θ" #213# "∞τ⌡ ,Σ°αΣ ε∙Φτ Σσ÷αΣ, ∞°ασ· σ∞∙≡σ· α· Γσπ∞ Σ·εσ≡Σ Σ±σ⌠Θ" // Time base #214# "ß±Θ± Σµε∩ ß⌠°ΘΘφ" #215# "·πΘ°σ· Θ÷Θα· ·εσ≡Σ." //iDCT #216# "iDCT α⌠∙°σΘσ·" #217# "≈°α α· ≈ß÷Θ Σ≥µ°Σ ." #218# "MMX iDC (ΣδΘ εΣ°)" #219# "∞α-MMX εΣ° iDCT" #220# "IEEE-1180 Σ∙σσα· αΘδσ· iDCT (αΘΦΘ)" #221# "Σ≥°Σ : ß⌠≥φ Σ°α∙σ≡Σ ∙α·Σ ≡δ≡± ∞τ∞σ∩ ΣµΣ ατ°Θ ⌠·Θτ· ≈σß⌡ ·Θß· 'ß±Θ± Σµε∩' ε°αΣ α· ·πΘ°σ· Σ⌠°ΘΘεΘφ ß≈σß⌡ Σ≡⌠·τ" #1139# "ß≡ΘΘ· ·εσ≡σ· ε·ε∙δσ·" //AUDIO OPTIONS //AUDIO MODE #240# "'·÷σ°· ⌠± Σ≈σ∞' ε°αΣ α· Σπ°Ω ∙ßΣ Σ·σδ≡Σ ε·⌠≥∞· α· ⌠± Σ≈σ∞." #241# "·÷σ°· ⌠± Σ≈σ∞" #242# "Σ≥·≈· Σµ°φ ΣΘ∙Θ°" #243# "⌠·Θτ· Σ÷⌠≡· ⌠± Σ≈σ∞" #244# "α∞ ·≥ßπ ⌠± ≈σ∞" #245# "'Σ≥·≈· Σµ°φ ΣΘ∙Θ°' ετ∞⌡ α· ⌠± Σ≈σ∞ εΣ≈σß⌡ Σ≡⌠·τ α∞ Σ≈σß⌡ ΣεσπΓ∙ ·τ· Φαß Σ≈σß⌡." #246# "'⌠·τ Σ÷⌠≡· ⌠± Σ≈σ∞' ⌠σ·τ α· ⌠± Σ≈σ∞ σε≥ßΘ°σ ∞⌠Θ∞·° ΣΘ÷ΘαΣ" #247# "'α∞ ·≥ßπ ⌠± ≈σ∞' ∞α εδ≡Θ± ≈σ∞." // SAMPLING FREQUENCY #248# "≥°δΘ ·πΘ°σ· ⌠± Σ≈σ∞." #250# "·πΘ°σ· ΣπσΓεα" #251# "δεσ Σδ≡Θ±Σ" #252# "±ε∩ 'δεσ δ≡Θ±Σ' ≥∞ ε≡· ∞Σ∙αΘ° α· ≥°δΘ ⌠± Σ≈σ∞ ∙∞ ≈σß⌡ Σδ≡Θ±Σ. ≡≈Σ 'δεσ δ≡Θ±Σ' αφ α·Σ °σ÷Σ ∞∙≡σ· α· ≥°δΘ ⌠± Σ≈σ∞." // MISC #400# "≈σß⌡ ΣΘ÷ΘαΣ Σσ∞Ω ∞δ·σß ≥∞ ≈σß⌡ ≈ΘΘφ .Σαφ ? ∞Σε∙ΘΩ?" #401# "FlasKMPEG αµΣ°Σ" #402# "ßστ° µ°φ" #403# "°÷σ≥· εΘπ≥ ατ· ασ Θσ·° ≡ε÷ασ ß≈σß⌡ Σ⌠·ΘτΣ . ßτ° α· Σ°÷σΘΣ." #404# "FlasK IT!" #405# "°÷σ≥· σΘπΘασ ≡ε÷α\σ" #406# "°÷σ≥· ⌠± ≈σ∞ ≡ε÷α\σ" #407# "°÷σ≥· ⌠± ≈σ∞" #408# "ß°÷σ≥Σ °α∙Θ·" #409# "°÷σ≥· σΘπΘασ" #410# "Γσπ∞ ετσ⌡ ∞·τσφ ≡±Σ ≥°Ω ατ°." #411# "Σε±⌠° αΘ≡σ ε·τ∞≈ ß 16." #412# "Σµε∩ ∙Σδ≡±· αΘ≡σ ≡δσ∩." #413# "Στ∞≈ Σ≡τ·Ω Σ≥∞Θσ∩ Γπσ∞ εΓσßΣ Σ·εσ≡Σ." #414# "Στ∞≈ Σ≡τ·Ω Σ·τ·σ∩ Γπσ∞ εΓσΣ Σ·εσ≡Σ." #415# "Σ≥°δΘφ αΘ≡φ ≡δσ≡Θφ ≈°α α· ≈ß÷Θ Σ≥µ°Σ ß≡σΓ≥ ∞≡σ∙α µΣ." #416# "ΣΘ·Σ ·≈∞Σ ßµε∩ ⌠·Θτ· Σ≈σß⌡." #417# "∞α ≡ε÷αΣ °÷σ≥· σΘπΘασ .∞⌠τσ· °÷σ≥Σ ατ· ΣΘα τσßΣ" #418# "ΣΘΘ·Σ ß≥ΘΣ ßµε∩ Φ≥Θ≡· Σ⌠∞σΓΘφ ασ ⌠∞σΓΘφ ≡ε÷ασ α≡α ≈°α α· ≈ß÷Θ Σ≥µ°Σ Σ·σδ≡Σ ·Θ±Γ° ≥δ∙Θσ." // POST PROCESSING // INTERPOLATION FILTERS #1092# "Σ≥∞α· αΘδσ· Σασ⌠÷Θσ·" #1011# "Σ∙δ∩ Σ≈°σß (εΣΘ°,·εσ≡Σ Γ°σ≥Σ)" #1016# " ⌠Θ∞Φ° µσΓΘ (εΣΘ°, αΘδσ· ·εσ≡Σ ≈ßΘ∞Σ)" #1013# "⌠Θ∞Φ° πσ °Θßσ≥Θ (εΣΘ°σ· °ΓΘ∞Σ, αΘδσ· ΦσßΣ)" #1014# "αε ⌠Θ∞Φ° πσ °Θßσ≥Θ (αΘΦΘ, αΘδσ· ε≥σ∞Σ)" #1093# "'αε ⌠Θ∞Φ° πσ °Θßσ≥Θ' εσε∞⌡ εασπ ßε≈°Σ ∙ßτ°·Σ ßα⌠∙°σ·'∙εσ° Θτ± ·εσ≡Σ'." // CROPPING & LETTERBOXING #1094# "≈σßΘΣ,∩α⌠∙°σΘσ· τ·ΘδΣ σ∙εσ° Θτ±" #1042# "∞α τσ·Ω" #1043# "αΘ∩ ≈σßΘΘΣ" #1095# "Σµµ ≥∞Θσ∩" #1097# "Σµµ ∙εα∞" #1096# "ΓσßΣ" #1098# "°στß" #1099# "≥∞Θσ∩ #1100# "·τ·σ∩" #1101# "∙εα∞" #1102# "ΘεΘ∩" #1103# "∙εσ° Θτ± ·εσ≡Σ" #1104# "·≈∩ Θτ± ·εσ≡Σ αφ ÷°ΘΩ." #1105# "∞τ⌡ ≥∞ 'Σ°αΣ ε∙Φτ Σσ÷αΣ'≥∞ ε≡· ∞∙≡σ· α· Θτ± Σ·εσ≡Σ Σ°÷σΘ." #1106# "α⌠∙°σΘσ· τ·ΘδΣ." #1107# "ε±⌠° ⌠Θ≈±∞Θφ ß≈σßΘΣ." // Files settings #1108# "≈σß⌡Θ Θ÷ΘαΣ" #1109# "≈σß⌡ σΘπΘασ Θσ÷α:" #1110# "µΣσ ≈σß⌡ ΣσΘπΘασ ΣΘσ÷α. αφ ⌠°σΘΘ≈Φ µΣ εδΘ∞ ⌠± ≈σ∞ ≈σß⌡ ΣΘ÷ΘαΣ ΘδΘ∞ Γφ σΘπΘασ σΓφ ασπΘσ.ßε≈°Σ ∙ßτ°·Σ ∞α ∞ΣδΘ∞ ⌠± ≈σ∞ ∞α ΘΣΘΣ ß≈σß⌡ ασπΘσ" #1111# "Σσ÷α MPEG/AC3 ≈σß⌡ ⌠± ≈σ∞ ß 'Σ≥·≈ µ°φ Θ∙Θ°' ε÷ß (*.mp2, *.AC3):" #1112# "µΣσ ≈σß⌡ Θ÷Θα· ⌠± ≈σ∞. αφ ßτ°·Σ Σ≥·≈ µ°φ ασπΘσ Θ∙Θ°.∙πΣ µΣ ΘΣΘΣ ß° ßτΘ°Σ α∞ ·σ±Θ≤ α· ±σΓ Σ≈σß⌡ Σ·σδ≡Σ ·≥∙Σ µα· ≥ßσ°Ω." #1113# "±ΘΘ°" #1072# "ΣµΣ° ασ·Θ ∞⌠≡Θ δ·ΘßΣ ≥∞ ≈σß⌡ ≈ΘΘφ" // General #1200# "µε∩ ≥ßσπΣ" #1114# "∙≡Θσ· ∞≥ßσπΣ" #1115# "⌠°ΘΘεΘφ ∞≥ßσπΣ" #1008# "·≥ßπ α· δ∞ Σ≈σß⌡" #1116# "±Θεσ∩ '≥Θßσπ δ∞ Σ≈σß⌡"Θ≥ßπ ασ·σ εΣΣτ∞Σ σ≥π Σ±σ≤." #1117# "'∙≡Θσ· ∞≥ßσπΣ' 'σ⌠°ΘεΘφ ∞≥ßσπΣ εΘστ±Θφ ∞·πΘ°σ· Σ·εσ≡Σ αφ α·Σ ßστ° ßατπ εΣφ Σ∙≡Θ Θ±σε∩ ασΦεΦΘ· ≥ßσ°Ω" //Search #1118# "Γσπ∞ τΘ⌠σ∙" #1119# "Γσπ∞ τΘ⌠σ∙ (KB)" #1120# "αφ α·Σ ετεΘ⌡ µ°φ ασπΘασ ασ σΘπΘασ, ≡±Σ ∞ΣΓπΘ∞ α· Γσπ∞ ΣτΘ⌠σ∙ ασ ⌠·τ α· Σ≈σß⌡ εΣ·τ∞Σ." #1121# "∙σ≡σ·" #1122# "δßΣ α· Σετ∙ß ∞ατ° ßΘ÷σ≥ Σ≥ßσπΣ" // Output Pad #300# "FlasK MPEG ε∙Φτ Σσ÷αΣ" #304# "τ·σΩ" #1124# "Σµµ ≥∞Θσ∩" #1125# "ΓσßΣ" #1126# "Σµµ ∙εα∞Θ" #1127# "°στß" #302# "Γσπ∞ ΣΣσ÷αΣ" #1128# "°στß" #1129# "ΓσßΣ" #301# "Στßα" #305# "≈σßΘΘΣ" #1130# "≥∞Θσ∩" #1131# "·τ·σ∩" #1132# "∙εα∞" #1133# "ΘεΘ∩" #303# "α⌠± ∙Θ≡σΘφ" // About #310# "≥∞ FlasK MPEG" #1134# "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at option) any later version." #1135# "∞Σ≥°σ· σΣ÷≥σ· ∙∞τσ α∞Θ Σσπ≥σ· ∞ :" #1136# "·σδ≡Σ µσ ⌠σ·τΣ ß≥µ°· :" // HERE INTRODUCE TRANSLATION CREDITS #1137# "·°Γσφ ß≥Θß°Θ· --DUNE α⌠°Θ∞ 2000. ∞Θ÷σ° ≈∙° αΘ·Θ: dune@surfree.net.il http://go.to/flaskmpeg"