// This file will be read by FlasKMPEG if it is put inside \Lang folder
// of FlasKMPEG root directory. It also must have the .lang.flask extension
// yielding something like my_language.lang.flask
// To define a string follow this format:
// number "my_string"
// number is the identification of the following string. Each number is related
// with a string that will appear inside FlasKMPEG. Padding spaces are not important.
// Inside menu definitions use & to give access to the keyboard menu shortcut.
// You can use returns inside string. They will be preserved in the program.
// FlasKMPEG loads the strings on startup. It won't perceive any changes in this file
// if you don't reload the program.
// every string is limited and must be suitable for all languages. If some of your strings
// are clipped try shortening the phrase while keeping its significance
#0 # "English"
#100# "&File"
#103# "Open &DVD"
#101# "&Open File"
#102# "&Exit"
#110# "&Options"
#111# "&Output Format Options"
#112# "&Global Project Options (Export Movie Settings)"
#113# "&Select Output Format"
#114# "&Language"
#120# "&Run ..."
#121# "&Player"
#122# "&Start Conversion"
#123# "&About"
#200# "OK"
#201# "Cancel"
#202# "Show Output Pad"
#199# "Click here to open output pad."
#203# "FlasK MPEG Options"
// Config Tabs
#204# "Video"
#205# "Audio"
#206# "Post Processing"
#207# "Files"
#208# "General"
// Video
// Frame Size
#209# "Frame size"
#210# "Width"
#211# "Height"
#212# "This will be the resolution of the final video."
#213# "Press 'Show Output Pad' to see and change how the output frame size looks."
// Time base
#214# "Time Base (fps)"
#215# "Output frame rate."
#216# "iDCT Options"
#217# "Read the docs to know more about iDCT options."
#219# "non-MMX fast iDCT"
#220# "IEEE-1180 reference quality iDCT
"Note: the first time you enter in this windows after opening a file, the 'Time Base' box shows the detected frame rate in the input file."
"Reconstruct progressive images"
#1150# "Deinterlace video (slow)"
#1151# "Video Structure"
#1149# "Threshold"
#1020# "Blend instead of interpolate"
#240# "'Audio Mode' determines the way the program handles the audio."
#241# "Audio Mode"
#242# "Direct stream copy"
#243# "Decode audio"
#244# "Don't process audio"
#245# "'Direct stream copy' extracts the audio from the input file into the file indicated in the 'Files' tab."
#246# "'Decode audio' decodes the audio and passes it to the output plugin."
#247# "'Don't process audio' doesn't handle audio."
#248# "Audio sampling rate parameters."
#250# "Sampling Frequency"
#251# "Same as input"
#252# "Check 'Same as input' if you want to keep the audio sampling rate from the input file.
Uncheck 'Same as input' if you want to specify a sampling rate."
#400# "An output files is going to be overwritten. Should I continue?"
#401# "FlasKMPEG Warning"
#402# "Stream Selector"
#403# "One or more tracks were found in the input file. Select the desired one."
#404# "FlasK it!"
#405# "Video Track(s) Found"
#406# "Audio Track(s) Found"
#407# "audio track"
#408# "in main track"
#409# "video track"
#420# "FlasKMPEG DVD Selector"
#421# "Select DVD titles, audio tracks and subtitles.
If you don't want subtitles, deselect all of them"
#422# "FlasK this DVD!"
#423# "DVD titles"
#424# "DVD Audio tracks"
#425# "Duration"
#426# "DVD subtitles"
#427# "angle"
#410# "Size is out of range. Try another value."
#411# "The number is not divisible by 16."
#412# "The Time you entered is invalid."
#413# "Top crop is larger than image height."
#414# "Bottop crop is larger than image height."
#415# "This setting is invalid. Read the docs for correct settings."
#416# "An error ocurred when opening the file."
#417# "No video track was found in the input file. At least one video track is mandatory"
#418# "There was a problem loading the plugins
or output plugins were found. Please, check the installation
and read the manual.
Program will exit."
#419# "There was a problem while parsing the IFO file.
Read the documentation for its posible causes."
#1092# "Resizing Quality Options"
"Nearest Neighbourg
(Fastest, Worst quality)"
"Bilinear Filtering
(Faster, Acceptable quality)"
"Bicubic Filtering
(Normal speed, Good quality)"
"HQ Bicubic Filtering
(Slowest, Highest quality)"
"'HQ Bicubic Filtering' is highly recommended if you're using the 'Keep aspect ratio' feature."
#1094# "Letterbox, Cropping and Aspect Options"
#1042# "No crop"
#1043# "No letterboxing"
#1095# "Top offset"
#1097# "Left offset"
#1096# "Height"
#1098# "Width"
#1099# "Top"
#1100# "Bottom"
#1101# "Left"
#1102# "Right"
#1103# "Keep aspect ratio"
#1104# "Correct aspect ratio if necessary."
#1105# "Click on 'Show Output Pad' to easily select cropping and letterboxing settings."
#1106# "Crop settings."
#1107# "Number of pixels to letterbox."
// Files settings
#1108# "Output Files"
#1109# "Output video file:"
#1110# "This is the video output file.
If the project contains audio, this file will be a multiplex of audio and video. If you selected either 'Direct stream copy' or 'Don't process audio' this file will just contain video."
If you selected 'Direct stream copy' mode in the 'Audio' tab, this field will be enabled.
Don't use an extension, the program will add a suitable one for you."
#1113# "Browse"
#1072# "Warn me before overwriting a file"
// General
#1200# "Compiling Time"
#1114# "Seconds"
#1115# "Frames"
#1008# "Compile whole file"
#1116# "Checking 'Compile whole file' will process the whole file from the starting point."
#1117# "'Seconds to compile' and 'Frames to compile' are related by the frame rate. If you set one of them, the other will be set automatically for you."
#1118# "Search Size"
#1119# "Search size (KB)"
#1120# "If you missed any audio or video stream when opening the file, try increasing the search size and open the file again."
#1121# "Miscellaneous"
#1122# "Shut down computer after finishing the job"
// Output Pad
#300# "FlasK MPEG Output Pad"
#304# "Crop"
#1124# "Top offset"
#1125# "Height"
#1126# "Left offset"
#1127# "Width"
#302# "Output Size"
#1128# "Width"
#1129# "Height"
#301# "Hide"
#305# "Letterbox"
#1130# "Top"
#1131# "Bottom"
#1132# "Left"
#1133# "Right"
#303# "Reset settings"
// About
#310# "About FlasK MPEG"
#1134# "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at option) any later version."
#1135# "For comments and suggestions, drop me a line:"
#1136# "This program was developped using an"
#1137# "Translation in English by Benjy, from New Comics - April 2000.