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- <title>Configuring Amaya</title>
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- <div id="Configuring">
- <h2>Configuring Amaya</h2>
- <p><strong>Amaya</strong> uses different configuration files to get initial
- values for global parameters, dialogues, shortcuts, window size and position,
- user's style sheet, etc. You can change most of the configuration parameters
- by means of specific preferences menus. This document outlines the
- configuration directory and file <a href="#Conventions">conventions</a>, gives
- a walk-through of the different <a href="#preferences">preference menus</a>,
- and gives specific information on how to configure the <a
- href="ShortCuts.html#shortcuts">keyboard shortcuts</a>.</p>
- <h3><a name="Conventions">Conventions</a></h3>
- <h4><a name="L979">The <strong>Amaya/Config</strong> directory</a></h4>
- <p>This is the directory where most of the default values and all the dialogue
- messages are stored. The directory's parent is the one where Amaya was
- installed.</p>
- <h4><a name="AmayaHome">The AmayaHome Directory</a></h4>
- <p>Amaya stores the user preferences as well as other user configuration files
- in a directory which we call the <strong>AmayaHome</strong> directory. The
- following table shows where this directory is stored within different
- architectures:</p>
- <table border="1" summary="directory structure" align="center">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td><strong>architecture</strong></td>
- <td><strong>AmayaHome directory</strong></td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>Unix</td>
- <td>$HOME/.amaya</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Windows 95/
- <p>Windows 98</p>
- </td>
- <td>AMAYA-INSTALL-DIR\users\username
- <p>or, if the user didn't login to Windows,</p>
- <p>AMAYA-INSTALL-DIR\users\default</p>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Windows NT</td>
- <td>c:\winnt\profiles\username\amaya</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <p>The <strong>AmayaHome</strong> directory is preserved even when installing
- new versions of Amaya and may contain the following files:</p>
- <ul>
- <li><strong>thot.rc</strong> : the user preferences, changed through the
- preferences menu.</li>
- <li><a name="keyboard"><strong>amaya.keyboard</strong></a> (Unix) or
- <strong>amaya.kb</strong> (Windows) : this file defines <a
- href="ShortCuts.html#shortcuts">Amaya keyboard shortcuts</a>.</li>
- <li><strong>amaya.css</strong> : contains the user's style sheet.</li>
- <li><strong>dictionary.DCT</strong> : Amaya provides a <a
- href="SpellChecking.html#Spell">multilingual spell checker</a>. By default
- the spell checker works with two dictionaries: the English dictionary and
- the French dictionary (these two dictionaries can be downloaded from <a
- href="http://www.w3.org/Amaya/User/BinDist.html">W3C servers</a>). When
- the user wants to register a new word, the spell checker creates or
- updates the "user's personal dictionary".</li>
- </ul>
- <p><strong>Note:</strong> the <strong>amaya.keyboard/amaya.kb</strong> and
- <strong>amaya.css</strong> files are loaded at launch time. If you change
- them, you will need to quit and restart Amaya to take them into account.</p>
- <h4><a name="AmayaTemp">The AmayaTemp Directory</a></h4>
- <p>Amaya stores all the temporary files it creates during its execution in a
- directory which we call the <strong>AmayaTemp</strong> directory. The
- following table shows where this directory is stored within different
- architectures:</p>
- <table border="1" summary="directory structure" align="center">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td><strong>architecture</strong></td>
- <td><strong>AmayaTemp directory</strong></td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>Unix</td>
- <td>$HOME/.amaya</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Windows</td>
- <td><p>c:\temp\amaya (default value)</p>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <p>Amaya creates files in this directory while browsing remote documents or
- printing a document. The cache is stored in this directory. The user may
- change both the AmayaTemp and cache directories by means of the
- <strong>General Preferences</strong> and <strong>Cache</strong> menus.</p>
- <p>Amaya always tries to delete all the temporary files it creates. However,
- if Amaya crashes, the temporary files will not be deleted. This will not
- impact subsequent executions of Amaya.</p>
- <h3><a name="preferences">Preferences Menus</a></h3>
- <p>These menus are found under the <strong>Special/Preference</strong> menu.
- There are nine different preference menus available: <a
- href="#General">general</a>, <a href="#Publishing">publishing</a>, <a
- href="#Cache">cache</a>, <a href="#Specifying1">proxy</a>, <a
- href="#color">colors</a>, <a href="#HTML">Window geometry</a>, <a
- href="#lang">language negotiation</a>, <a href="#Profiles">profiles</a>, and
- <a href="#Templates">templates</a>. In each of these menus, there are three
- common action buttons:</p>
- <table border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="5"
- summary="action button chart">
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th bgcolor="C0C0C0">Apply</th>
- <td>This button validates and store the options shown in the menu.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th bgcolor="C0C0C0">Defaults</th>
- <td>This button restores, but not save, the default values. Use the
- Apply button to validate the options.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th bgcolor="C0C0C0">Done</th>
- <td>This button dismisses the menu.</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <h4><a name="General">General preferences</a></h4>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../Icons/GeneralMenu.gif"
- alt="General Preferences Menu" /></p>
- <dl>
- <dt></dt>
- <dt><strong>Amaya user directory</strong> (Windows platforms only, not shown
- in the included figure)</dt>
- <dd>Specifies the directory where the user preferences are stored.<br />
- <strong>Note:</strong> the user can't change the location of this
- directory.<br />
- <br />
- </dd>
- <dt><strong>Amaya temporary directory</strong> (Windows platforms only, not
- shown in the figure)</dt>
- <dd>Specifies the directory where Amaya will store its temporary files,
- for example, while printing a document. If not specified, the default
- temporary directory will be <code>c:\temp</code>.<br />
- <strong>Note:</strong> changing this directory will not erase the
- previous one. You will have to remove the old directory manually. If the
- <a href="#Cache">cache</a> was located under the previous temporary
- directory, a new cache will be created under the new directory.<br />
- <br />
- </dd>
- <dt><strong>Home Page</strong></dt>
- <dd>Specifies the URI that Amaya will load when launched or when the user
- presses the home page button. An example is
- <code>http://www.w3.org</code>.<br />
- <strong>Note:</strong> A complete URI must be used.<br />
- <br />
- </dd>
- <dt><strong><a name="Enable">Enable multi-key</a></strong></dt>
- <dd>Enables or disables the optional multi-key input method.
- <p>The optional input method (Multi-Key) is based on a two key sequence
- beginning with the "accent" followed by the "letter". For example to
- obtain a 'π' first press '~' then type 'a'. To obtain a '~' you have to
- press '~' twice.</p>
- <p>Character sequences used by the standard multi-key input method and
- the optional multi-key input method are summarized in <a
- href="Keyboard.html#Keyboard">two different tables</a>.</p>
- <p></p>
- </dd>
- <dt>á<strong>Show background images</strong></dt>
- <dd>Controls whether background images should be shown. This option is
- only effective when loading a new document.
- <p></p>
- </dd>
- <dt><strong>Double click activates link</strong></dt>
- <dd>Since the first version of Amaya, users need to double click on a link
- to activate it. This allows one to differentiate between the edition of
- a link or its activation. You can override this behavior by deactivating
- this option.
- <p></p>
- </dd>
- <dt><strong>Enable FTP (experimental)</strong></dt>
- <dd>Allows Amaya to follow FTP URLs. This support is experimental and it's
- not yet fully debugged. For example, for FTP URLs needing user
- authentication, the authentication information is not always memorized.
- Also, pressing the Stop button during an FTP download may crash Amaya.
- Albeit these problems, we added this option to Amaya so that other
- developer's may help us to debug it faster. By default this option is
- turned off.<br />
- </dd>
- <dt><strong>Access keys</strong></dt>
- <dd>Specifies the key <strong>Alt</strong> or <strong>Control</strong>
- used to implement the document <a href="Browsing.html#Access">access
- keys</a> or notifies that access keys defined in documents are ignored.
- <p></p>
- </dd>
- <dt><strong>Menu Font size</strong> (Unix platforms only)</dt>
- <dd>Specifies the font size of all the Amaya menus. This option is only
- taken into account at launch time.
- <p><br />
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt><strong>Font Zoom</strong></dt>
- <dd>It's possible to zoom in and zoom out, document window by document
- window. Each document (text and images) displayed within a zoomed window
- will be displayed larger or smaller than its real size according of the
- current zoom.<br />
- That option allows you to change the default font zoom for all windows.
- This change affects only font sizes but not images and is reflected
- immediately in all open document windows.<br />
- <br />
- </dd>
- <dt><strong>Double click delay</strong> (Unix platforms only)</dt>
- <dd>This option allows one to control the delay for which two mouse clicks
- are classed as a double-click. This option is only taken into account at
- launch time.<br />
- <br />
- </dd>
- <dt><strong>Dialogue language</strong></dt>
- <dd>Specifies the language for all of Amaya's menus and dialogue messages.
- The default language is American English (value <code>en_US</code>). At
- the present time only three alternate languages are available: English
- (<code>en</code>), French (<code>fr</code>), and German
- (<code>de</code>). When launched, Amaya loads dialogue files according
- to the current dialogue language: en-, fr-, or de- files. These dialogue
- files are located in the <strong>Amaya/config</strong> directory.
- <p>In Thot, a document is specified according to a schema. In Amaya, the
- dialogue messages that are displayed when parsing a document or when
- saving it under a specific schema are located in the
- <strong>Amaya/amaya/HTML.<em>code</em></strong> file, where the
- <em>code</em> suffix is a language abbreviation (e.g. <code>en</code> or
- <code>fr</code>). This file has 4 sections:</p>
- <ul>
- <li><strong>extension:</strong> not used by Amaya</li>
- <li><strong>presentation:</strong> not used by Amaya</li>
- <li><strong>export</strong>: give the text displayed for each
- translation schema ("Save As" command)</li>
- <li><strong>translation</strong>: give the text displayed for each
- element and attribute in the Thot HTML structure.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>It is possible to adapt Amaya to new ISO-Latin-1 languages by writing
- corresponding dialogue files. These dialogue files have to be located in
- the same directory (i.e. <strong>Amaya/config</strong>) and must use the
- correct ISO 639 code as a prefix (it- for Italian, de- for German,
- etc.). The specific HTML.code file also has to be created.</p>
- <p></p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <h4><a name="Publishing">Publishing preferences</a></h4>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../Icons/PublishMenu.gif"
- alt="Publish Preferences Menu" /></p>
- <dl>
- <dt><strong>Use ETAGS and preconditions</strong></dt>
- <dd>HTTP/1.1 introduces new headers that allow to avoid the <a
- href="http://www.w3.org/WinCom/NoMoreLostUpdates.html">lost updates</a>
- problem when publishing. With this mechanism, you can detect conflicts
- when two users are publishing the same document.</dd>
- <dt><strong>Verify each PUT with a GET</strong></dt>
- <dd>If you don't trust your server, this option tells Amaya to retrieve
- each document as soon as it has been published and compare it with the
- copy stored in your workstation. If the documents differ, Amaya will
- warn you.</dd>
- <dt><strong>Default name for URLs finishing in '/'</strong></dt>
- <dd>An HTTP server usually associate the URLs that finish in '/' with a
- default name, e.g., Overview.html. This option allows specifying the
- default name that Amaya should use when publishing such a URL. Please
- consult with your Webmaster to find out what the default name is for
- your server.</dd>
- <dt><strong>Allow automatic PUT redirections on these domains</strong></dt>
- <dd>According to the HTTP/1.1 specification, PUT operations should not be
- automatically redirected unless it can be confirmed by the user, since
- this might change the conditions under which the request was issued. You
- can avoid having Amaya prompt with a PUT redirection warning by entering
- the name of the server's domain to which you are publishing. You may
- specify one or more domains, each separated with a <em>space</em>, e.g.,
- <code>www.w3.org groucho.marx.edu</code>.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h4><a name="Cache">Cache preferences</a></h4>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../Icons/CacheMenu.gif"
- alt="Cache Preferences Menu" /></p>
- <p>Amaya provides a cache through libwww. By default, the cache is enabled by
- default and is stored in the <strong>AmayaTemp/libwww-cache</strong>
- directory. This menu also provides a <strong>Flush Cache</strong> button, for
- erasing the cache directory.</p>
- <dl>
- <dt><strong>Enable cache</strong></dt>
- <dd>Activates or deactivates the cache</dd>
- <dt><strong>Cache protected documents</strong></dt>
- <dd>By default, documents which are protected by a password are stored in
- the cache. Use this flag to override this behavior.</dd>
- <dt><strong>Disconnected mode</strong></dt>
- <dd>Always retrieves documents from the cache.</dd>
- <dt><strong>Ignore Expires: header</strong></dt>
- <dd>Does not expire cache entries.</dd>
- <dt><strong>Cache directory</strong></dt>
- <dd>Gives the parent directory for the libwww-cache directory. Changing
- this directory does not erase the contents of the previous one. You will
- have to remove it yourself.<br />
- <strong>Note:</strong> File protection mechanisms prevent the use of NFS
- (Network File System) directories for the cache directory as NFS allows
- reuse by multiple processes or users. Use a 'local' directory for the
- cache.</dd>
- <dt><strong>Cache size</strong></dt>
- <dd>Gives the size, in megabytes, of the cache repository.</dd>
- <dt><strong>Cache entry size limit</strong></dt>
- <dd>Gives the maximum size for a cache entry.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h4><a name="Proxy">Proxy preferences</a></h4>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../Icons/ProxyMenu.gif"
- alt="Proxy Preferences Menu" /></p>
- <p>You can specify a proxy and a set of domains where the proxy should or
- should not be used by means of this menu.</p>
- <dl>
- <dt><strong>HTTP proxy</strong></dt>
- <dd>Gives the proxy that should be used for HTTP requests. You must
- specify the full name of the server. If the server is running in a port
- other than 80, then, like in a URL, you need to add a ":" char to the
- proxy name, followed by the port number. For example::
- <pre> groucho.marx.edu
- </pre>
- <p>declares a proxy called groucho.marx.edu running at the default port
- 80, and</p>
- <pre> groucho.marx.edu:1234
- </pre>
- <p>declares a proxy called groucho.marx.edu, running at port 1234</p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <dl>
- <dt><strong>Proxy domain list</strong></dt>
- <dd>Gives a list of space separated domains where you want to use or not
- use your proxy. For example:
- <pre>harpo.marx.edu zeppo.marx.edu chico.marx.edu
- ^--------------^----> space separated entries
- </pre>
- <p>Use the switch buttons to specify if the proxy should or shouldn't be
- used with this domain list.</p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <h4><a name="color">Color preferences</a></h4>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../Icons/ColorMenu.gif"
- alt="Color Preferences Menu" /></p>
- <p>This menu allows selection of the default foreground and background colors
- for documents. It allows also to control the colors: used by Amaya to display
- the current selection</p>
- <ul type="square">
- <li><strong>Caret color</strong> gives the foreground color that shows the
- selection when it's limited to an insert point;</li>
- <li><strong>Selection colo</strong>r gives the background that shows the
- current selection when it's extended.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>The Unix version also provides entries for changing the menu colors. To
- change menu colors in Windows, you will need to use the standard Windows
- configuration control, found in the Control Panel folder.</p>
- <p>All these colors may be selected by name, hex code, or rgb format:</p>
- <ul type="square">
- <li>Valid names are: Aqua, Black, Blue, Fuchsia, Gray, Green, Lime, Maroon,
- Navy, Olive, Purple, Red, Silver, Teal, Yellow, and White.</li>
- <li>Valid hexcode format is #FF00FF as an example.</li>
- <li>Valid rgb format is rgb(255, 0, 255) as an example.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>If you enter an invalid color, the default colors will be used instead.</p>
- <p>In Windows, you can also select colors by means of a color palette.</p>
- <p><strong>Note:</strong> the color changes will be effective when you open a
- new document window or when reloading a document.</p>
- <p>Setting or changing colors for links, visited links, and active links is
- done through the Amaya.css style sheet.</p>
- <h4><a name="HTML">Window geometry preferences</a></h4>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../Icons/GeomMenu.gif"
- alt="Geometry Preferences Menu" /></p>
- <p>This menu allows you to save the current window position and size size of
- the different views of a document (formatted, structure, alternate, links, and
- Table of Contents.) or to restore the default values. Note that the values
- that are saved are those belonging to the views of the document where you
- called this menu. These changes will be reflected when you open new document
- windows.</p>
- <h4><a name="lang">Language negotiation preferences</a></h4>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../Icons/LangueNegotiation.gif"
- alt="Language negotiation menu" /></p>
- <p>If a document exists in different languages and your server is configured
- to do language negotiation, you can use this menu to enter your language
- preferences (first one has the highest priority). Try browsing this <a
- href="http://www.w3.org/1999/05/WCAG-RECPressRelease.html">press release</a>,
- which exists in French, English, and Japanese versions. By changing the
- language negotiation to the ISO codes for the above languages
- (<strong>fr</strong>, <strong>en</strong>, or <strong>ja</strong> you can
- transparently request any of these versions.</p>
- <h4><a name="Profiles">Profiles</a></h4>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../Icons/ProfilesMenu.gif"
- alt="Profiles menu" /></p>
- <p>In Amaya, a <strong>profile</strong> defines the look and feel of of the
- Amaya user interface. You can use profiles to hide or display the Amaya
- buttons and menus. This menu allows you to choose a given profile definition
- file and select among any of the profiles proposed by that file. Amaya
- proposes four sample profiles: <em>editor</em>, <em>mini-editor</em>,
- <em>browser</em>, <em>mini-browser</em>, each one with different capabilities.
- Any profile change will be effective upon the next launch of Amaya.</p>
- <h4><a name="Templates">Templates</a></h4>
- <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../Icons/TemplatesMenu.gif"
- alt="Templates " /></p>
- <p>A <strong>template</strong> is a model, or skeleton, of a document that you
- may use for creating your own documents. This menu allows you to specify the
- URL of a template server, which may be either local to your station or stored
- in some server. You'll need to quit Amaya to validate this option. When you
- launch Amaya again., there will be a new <code>File/New/From Template</code>
- entry. Following this entry will open a new document showing you the results
- of browsing the template URL. The idea is that this page acts as an index to
- the templates available in your station or in the template server. A sample
- template server is available at <a
- href="http://cgi.w3.org/cgi-bin/createform.pl">http://cgi.w3.org/cgi-bin/createform.pl</a>.
- For more info, browse the <a
- href="http://www.w3.org/Amaya/User/Templates.html">using templates with
- Amaya</a> page.</p>
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