PC World 2000 December
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300 lines
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# pagesmgr.tcl
# This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit
# $Id: pagesmgr.tcl,v 1996/02/22 06:05:56 daniel Exp $
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Index of commands:
# - PagesManager::create
# - PagesManager::configure
# - PagesManager::cget
# - PagesManager::compute_size
# - PagesManager::add
# - PagesManager::delete
# - PagesManager::raise
# - PagesManager::page
# - PagesManager::pages
# - PagesManager::getframe
# - PagesManager::_test_page
# - PagesManager::_select
# - PagesManager::_redraw
# - PagesManager::_draw_area
# - PagesManager::_resize
# - PagesManager::_realize
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace eval PagesManager {
Widget::declare PagesManager {
{-background TkResource "" 0 frame}
{-width Int 0 0 {=0 ""}}
{-height Int 0 0 {=0 ""}}
Widget::addmap PagesManager "" :cmd {-width {} -height {}}
proc ::PagesManager { path args } { return [eval PagesManager::create $path $args] }
proc use {} {}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::create
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::create { path args } {
variable $path
upvar 0 $path data
Widget::init PagesManager $path $args
set data(select) ""
set data(pages) {}
set data(cpt) 0
set data(realized) 0
# --- creation du canvas -----------------------------------------------------------------
set w [Widget::cget $path -width]
set h [Widget::cget $path -height]
canvas $path -relief flat -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 -width $w -height $h
bind $path <Configure> "PagesManager::_realize $path"
bind $path <Destroy> "PagesManager::_destroy $path"
rename $path ::$path:cmd
proc ::$path { cmd args } "return \[eval PagesManager::\$cmd $path \$args\]"
return $path
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::configure
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::configure { path args } {
return [Widget::configure $path $args]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::cget
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::cget { path option } {
return [Widget::cget $path $option]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::compute_size
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::compute_size { path } {
variable $path
upvar 0 $path data
set wmax 0
set hmax 0
update idletasks
foreach page $data(pages) {
set w [winfo reqwidth $path.f$page]
set h [winfo reqheight $path.f$page]
set wmax [expr {$w>$wmax ? $w : $wmax}]
set hmax [expr {$h>$hmax ? $h : $hmax}]
configure $path -width $wmax -height $hmax
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::add
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::add { path page } {
variable $path
upvar 0 $path data
if { [lsearch $data(pages) $page] != -1 } {
return -code error "page \"$page\" already exists"
lappend data(pages) $page
frame $path.f$page -relief flat -background [Widget::cget $path -background] -borderwidth 0
return $path.f$page
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::delete
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::delete { path page } {
variable $path
upvar 0 $path data
set pos [_test_page $path $page]
set data(pages) [lreplace $data(pages) $pos $pos]
if { $data(select) == $page } {
set data(select) ""
destroy $path.f$page
_redraw $path
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::raise
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::raise { path {page ""} } {
variable $path
upvar 0 $path data
if { $page != "" } {
_test_page $path $page
_select $path $page
return $data(select)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::page
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::page { path first {last ""} } {
variable $path
upvar 0 $path data
if { $last == "" } {
return [lindex $data(pages) $first]
} else {
return [lrange $data(pages) $first $last]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::pages
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::pages { path } {
variable $path
upvar 0 $path data
return $data(pages)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::_destroy
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::_destroy { path } {
variable $path
upvar 0 $path data
Widget::destroy $path
unset data
rename $path {}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::getframe
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::getframe { path page } {
return $path.f$page
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::_test_page
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::_test_page { path page } {
variable $path
upvar 0 $path data
if { [set pos [lsearch $data(pages) $page]] == -1 } {
return -code error "page \"$page\" does not exists"
return $pos
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::_select
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::_select { path page } {
variable $path
upvar 0 $path data
set oldsel $data(select)
if { $page != $oldsel } {
set data(select) $page
_draw_area $path
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::_redraw
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::_redraw { path } {
variable $path
upvar 0 $path data
if { !$data(realized) } {
_draw_area $path
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::_draw_area
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::_draw_area { path } {
variable $path
upvar 0 $path data
set w [expr {[winfo width $path]-1}]
set h [expr {[winfo height $path]-1}]
set sel $data(select)
if { $sel != "" } {
if { [llength [$path:cmd find withtag "window"]] } {
$path:cmd coords "window" 0 0
$path:cmd itemconfigure "window" \
-width $w \
-height $h \
-window $path.f$sel
} else {
$path:cmd create window 0 0 \
-width $w \
-height $h \
-anchor nw \
-tags "window" \
-window $path.f$sel
} else {
$path:cmd delete "window"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::_resize
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::_resize { path } {
_draw_area $path
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command PagesManager::_realize
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc PagesManager::_realize { path } {
variable $path
upvar 0 $path data
if { [set width [Widget::cget $path -width]] == 0 ||
[set height [Widget::cget $path -height]] == 0 } {
compute_size $path
set data(realized) 1
_draw_area $path
bind $path <Configure> "PagesManager::_resize $path"