home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # notebook.tcl
- # This file is part of Unifix BWidget Toolkit
- # $Id: notebook.tcl,v 1996/02/22 06:05:56 daniel Exp $
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Index of commands:
- # - NoteBook::create
- # - NoteBook::configure
- # - NoteBook::cget
- # - NoteBook::compute_size
- # - NoteBook::insert
- # - NoteBook::delete
- # - NoteBook::itemconfigure
- # - NoteBook::itemcget
- # - NoteBook::raise
- # - NoteBook::see
- # - NoteBook::page
- # - NoteBook::pages
- # - NoteBook::index
- # - NoteBook::getframe
- # - NoteBook::_test_page
- # - NoteBook::_itemconfigure
- # - NoteBook::_compute_width
- # - NoteBook::_get_x_page
- # - NoteBook::_xview
- # - NoteBook::_highlight
- # - NoteBook::_select
- # - NoteBook::_redraw
- # - NoteBook::_draw_page
- # - NoteBook::_draw_arrows
- # - NoteBook::_draw_area
- # - NoteBook::_resize
- # - NoteBook::_realize
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace eval NoteBook {
- ArrowButton::use
- namespace eval Page {
- Widget::declare NoteBook::Page {
- {-state Enum normal 0 {normal disabled}}
- {-createcmd String "" 0}
- {-raisecmd String "" 0}
- {-leavecmd String "" 0}
- {-image TkResource "" 0 label}
- {-text String "" 0}
- }
- }
- Widget::declare NoteBook {
- {-foreground TkResource "" 0 button}
- {-background TkResource "" 0 button}
- {-activebackground TkResource "" 0 button}
- {-activeforeground TkResource "" 0 button}
- {-disabledforeground TkResource "" 0 button}
- {-font TkResource "" 0 button}
- {-side Enum top 1 {top bottom}}
- {-homogeneous Boolean 0 0}
- {-borderwidth Int 1 0 {=1 =2}}
- {-width Int 0 0 {=0 ""}}
- {-height Int 0 0 {=0 ""}}
- {-repeatdelay BwResource "" 0 ArrowButton}
- {-repeatinterval BwResource "" 0 ArrowButton}
- {-fg Synonym -foreground}
- {-bg Synonym -background}
- {-bd Synonym -borderwidth}
- }
- Widget::addmap NoteBook "" :cmd {-background {}}
- Widget::addmap NoteBook ArrowButton .fg \
- {-foreground {} -background {} -activeforeground {} -activebackground {} \
- -borderwidth {} -repeatinterval {} -repeatdelay {} -disabledforeground {}}
- Widget::addmap NoteBook ArrowButton .fd \
- {-foreground {} -background {} -activeforeground {} -activebackground {} \
- -borderwidth {} -repeatinterval {} -repeatdelay {} -disabledforeground {}}
- variable _warrow 12
- proc ::NoteBook { path args } { return [eval NoteBook::create $path $args] }
- proc use {} {}
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::create
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::create { path args } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- Widget::init NoteBook $path $args
- set data(base) 0
- set data(select) ""
- set data(pages) {}
- set data(pages) {}
- set data(cpt) 0
- set data(realized) 0
- set data(wpage) 0
- set data(hpage) [expr {[font metrics [Widget::getoption $path -font] -linespace] + 6}]
- set bg [Widget::getoption $path -background]
- # --- creation du canvas -----------------------------------------------------------------
- set w [expr {[Widget::getoption $path -width]+4}]
- set h [expr {[Widget::getoption $path -height]+$data(hpage)+4}]
- canvas $path -relief flat -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 -bg $bg -width $w -height $h
- # --- creation des arrow -----------------------------------------------------------------
- eval ArrowButton::create $path.fg [Widget::subcget $path .fg] \
- -highlightthickness 0 \
- -type button -dir left \
- -armcommand [list "NoteBook::_xview $path -1"]
- eval ArrowButton::create $path.fd [Widget::subcget $path .fd] \
- -highlightthickness 0 \
- -type button -dir right \
- -armcommand [list "NoteBook::_xview $path 1"]
- set col [BWidget::get3dcolor $path $bg]
- set data(dbg) [lindex $col 0]
- set data(lbg) [lindex $col 1]
- bind $path <Configure> "NoteBook::_realize $path"
- bind $path <Destroy> "NoteBook::_destroy $path"
- rename $path ::$path:cmd
- proc ::$path { cmd args } "return \[eval NoteBook::\$cmd $path \$args\]"
- return $path
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::configure
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::configure { path args } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- set res [Widget::configure $path $args]
- set redraw 0
- if { [set chf [Widget::hasChanged $path -font font]] ||
- [Widget::hasChanged $path -homogeneous foo] } {
- if { $chf } {
- set data(hpage) [expr {[font metrics $font -linespace] + 6}]
- }
- _compute_width $path
- set redraw 1
- }
- if { [Widget::hasChanged $path -background bg] } {
- set col [BWidget::get3dcolor $path $bg]
- set data(dbg) [lindex $col 0]
- set data(lbg) [lindex $col 1]
- set redraw 1
- }
- if { [Widget::hasChanged $path -foreground fg] ||
- [Widget::hasChanged $path -borderwidth bd] } {
- set redraw 1
- }
- set wc [Widget::hasChanged $path -width w]
- set hc [Widget::hasChanged $path -height h]
- if { $wc || $hc } {
- $path:cmd configure -width [expr {$w+2}] -height [expr {$h + $data(hpage)+2}]
- } elseif { $redraw } {
- _redraw $path
- }
- return $res
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::cget
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::cget { path option } {
- return [Widget::cget $path $option]
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::compute_size
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::compute_size { path } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- set wmax 0
- set hmax 0
- update idletasks
- foreach page $data(pages) {
- set w [winfo reqwidth $path.f$page]
- set h [winfo reqheight $path.f$page]
- set wmax [expr {$w>$wmax ? $w : $wmax}]
- set hmax [expr {$h>$hmax ? $h : $hmax}]
- }
- configure $path -width $wmax -height $hmax
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::insert
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::insert { path index page args } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- if { [lsearch $data(pages) $page] != -1 } {
- return -code error "page \"$page\" already exists"
- }
- Widget::init NoteBook::Page $path.f$page $args
- set data(pages) [linsert $data(pages) $index $page]
- if { ![winfo exists $path.f$page] } {
- frame $path.f$page \
- -relief flat -background [Widget::getoption $path -background] -borderwidth 10
- set data($page,realized) 0
- }
- _compute_width $path
- _draw_page $path $page 1
- _redraw $path
- return $path.f$page
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::delete
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::delete { path page {destroyframe 1} } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- set pos [_test_page $path $page]
- set data(pages) [lreplace $data(pages) $pos $pos]
- _compute_width $path
- $path:cmd delete p:$page
- if { $data(select) == $page } {
- set data(select) ""
- }
- if { $pos < $data(base) } {
- incr data(base) -1
- }
- if { $destroyframe } {
- destroy $path.f$page
- }
- _redraw $path
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::itemconfigure
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::itemconfigure { path page args } {
- _test_page $path $page
- _itemconfigure $path $page $args
- _redraw $path
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::itemcget
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::itemcget { path page option } {
- _test_page $path $page
- return [Widget::cget $path.f$page $option]
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::move
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::move { path page index } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- set pos [_test_page $path $page]
- set data(pages) [linsert [lreplace $data(pages) $pos $pos] $index $page]
- _redraw $path
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::raise
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::raise { path {page ""} } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- if { $page != "" } {
- _test_page $path $page
- _select $path $page
- }
- return $data(select)
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::see
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::see { path page } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- set pos [_test_page $path $page]
- if { $pos < $data(base) } {
- set data(base) $pos
- _redraw $path
- } else {
- set w [expr {[winfo width $path]-1}]
- set fpage [expr {[_get_x_page $path $pos] + $data($page,width) + 6}]
- set idx $data(base)
- while { $idx < $pos && $fpage > $w } {
- set fpage [expr {$fpage - $data([lindex $data(pages) $idx],width)}]
- incr idx
- }
- if { $idx != $data(base) } {
- set data(base) $idx
- _redraw $path
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::page
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::page { path first {last ""} } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- if { $last == "" } {
- return [lindex $data(pages) $first]
- } else {
- return [lrange $data(pages) $first $last]
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::pages
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::pages { path } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- return $data(pages)
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::index
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::index { path page } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- return [lsearch $data(pages) $page]
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::_destroy
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::_destroy { path } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- foreach page $data(pages) {
- Widget::destroy $path.f$page
- }
- Widget::destroy $path
- unset data
- rename $path {}
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::getframe
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::getframe { path page } {
- return $path.f$page
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::_test_page
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::_test_page { path page } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- if { [set pos [lsearch $data(pages) $page]] == -1 } {
- return -code error "page \"$page\" does not exists"
- }
- return $pos
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::_itemconfigure
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::_itemconfigure { path page lres } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- set res [Widget::configure $path.f$page $lres]
- if { [Widget::hasChanged $path.f$page -text foo] } {
- _compute_width $path
- } elseif { [Widget::hasChanged $path.f$page -image foo] } {
- set data(hpage) [expr {[font metrics [Widget::getoption $path -font] -linespace] + 6}]
- _compute_width $path
- }
- if { [Widget::hasChanged $path.f$page -state state] &&
- $state == "disabled" && $data(select) == $page } {
- set data(select) ""
- }
- return $res
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::_compute_width
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::_compute_width { path } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- set font [Widget::getoption $path -font]
- set wmax 0
- set hmax $data(hpage)
- set wtot 0
- if { ![info exists data(textid)] } {
- set data(textid) [$path:cmd create text 0 -100 -font [Widget::getoption $path -font] -anchor nw]
- }
- set id $data(textid)
- $path:cmd itemconfigure $id -font [Widget::getoption $path -font]
- foreach page $data(pages) {
- $path:cmd itemconfigure $id -text [Widget::getoption $path.f$page -text]
- set wtext [expr {[lindex [$path:cmd bbox $id] 2]+20}]
- if { [set img [Widget::getoption $path.f$page -image]] != "" } {
- set wtext [expr {$wtext+[image width $img]+4}]
- set himg [expr {[image height $img]+6}]
- if { $himg > $hmax } {
- set hmax $himg
- }
- }
- set wmax [expr {$wtext>$wmax ? $wtext : $wmax}]
- incr wtot $wtext
- set data($page,width) $wtext
- }
- if { [Widget::getoption $path -homogeneous] } {
- foreach page $data(pages) {
- set data($page,width) $wmax
- }
- set wtot [expr {$wmax * [llength $data(pages)]}]
- }
- set data(hpage) $hmax
- set data(wpage) $wtot
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::_get_x_page
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::_get_x_page { path pos } {
- variable _warrow
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- set base $data(base)
- set x [expr {$_warrow+1}]
- if { $pos < $base } {
- foreach page [lrange $data(pages) $pos [expr {$base-1}]] {
- incr x [expr {-$data($page,width)}]
- }
- } elseif { $pos > $base } {
- foreach page [lrange $data(pages) $base [expr {$pos-1}]] {
- incr x $data($page,width)
- }
- }
- return $x
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::_xview
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::_xview { path inc } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- if { $inc == -1 } {
- set base [expr {$data(base)-1}]
- set dx $data([lindex $data(pages) $base],width)
- } else {
- set dx [expr {-$data([lindex $data(pages) $data(base)],width)}]
- set base [expr {$data(base)+1}]
- }
- if { $base >= 0 && $base < [llength $data(pages)] } {
- set data(base) $base
- $path:cmd move page $dx 0
- _draw_area $path
- _draw_arrows $path
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::_highlight
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::_highlight { type path page } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- if { ![string compare [Widget::getoption $path.f$page -state] "disabled"] } {
- return
- }
- switch -- $type {
- on {
- $path:cmd itemconfigure "$page:poly" -fill [Widget::getoption $path -activebackground]
- $path:cmd itemconfigure "$page:text" -fill [Widget::getoption $path -activeforeground]
- }
- off {
- $path:cmd itemconfigure "$page:poly" -fill [Widget::getoption $path -background]
- $path:cmd itemconfigure "$page:text" -fill [Widget::getoption $path -foreground]
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::_select
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::_select { path page } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- if { ![string compare [Widget::getoption $path.f$page -state] "normal"] } {
- set oldsel $data(select)
- if { [string compare $page $oldsel] } {
- if { $oldsel != "" } {
- if { [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path.f$oldsel -leavecmd]] != "" } {
- if { [catch {uplevel \#0 $cmd} res] && $res == 0 } {
- return
- }
- }
- set data(select) ""
- _draw_page $path $oldsel 0
- }
- set data(select) $page
- if { $page != "" } {
- if { !$data($page,realized) } {
- set data($page,realized) 1
- if { [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path.f$page -createcmd]] != "" } {
- uplevel \#0 $cmd
- }
- }
- if { [set cmd [Widget::getoption $path.f$page -raisecmd]] != "" } {
- uplevel \#0 $cmd
- }
- _draw_page $path $page 0
- }
- _draw_area $path
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::_redraw
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::_redraw { path } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- if { !$data(realized) } {
- return
- }
- foreach page $data(pages) {
- _draw_page $path $page 0
- }
- _draw_area $path
- _draw_arrows $path
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::_draw_page
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::_draw_page { path page create } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- # --- calcul des coordonnees et des couleurs de l'onglet ---------------------------------
- set pos [lsearch $data(pages) $page]
- set bg [Widget::getoption $path -background]
- set h $data(hpage)
- set xd [_get_x_page $path $pos]
- set xf [expr {$xd + $data($page,width)}]
- set lt [list $xd $h $xd 4 [expr {$xd+3}] 1 $xf 1]
- set lb [list $xf 1 [expr {$xf+3}] 4 [expr {$xf+3}] [expr {$h-3}] [expr {$xf+6}] $h]
- set img [Widget::getoption $path.f$page -image]
- if { $data(select) == $page } {
- set fgt $data(lbg)
- set fgb $data(dbg)
- set ytext [expr {$h/2-1}]
- if { $img == "" } {
- set xtext [expr {$xd+9}]
- } else {
- set ximg [expr {$xd+9}]
- set xtext [expr {$ximg+[image width $img]+4}]
- }
- set bd [Widget::getoption $path -borderwidth]
- set fg [Widget::getoption $path -foreground]
- } else {
- set fgt $data(dbg)
- set fgb $fgt
- set ytext [expr {$h/2}]
- if { $img == "" } {
- set xtext [expr {$xd+10}]
- } else {
- set ximg [expr {$xd+10}]
- set xtext [expr {$ximg+[image width $img]+4}]
- }
- set bd 1
- if { [Widget::getoption $path.f$page -state] == "normal" } {
- set fg [Widget::getoption $path -foreground]
- } else {
- set fg [Widget::getoption $path -disabledforeground]
- }
- }
- # --- creation ou modification de l'onglet -----------------------------------------------
- if { $create } {
- eval $path:cmd create polygon [concat $lt $lb] \
- -tag {"page p:$page $page:poly"} \
- -outline $bg \
- -fill $bg
- eval $path:cmd create line $lt -tags {"page p:$page $page:top top"} -fill $fgt -width $bd
- eval $path:cmd create line $lb -tags {"page p:$page $page:bot bot"} -fill $fgb -width $bd
- $path:cmd create text $xtext $ytext \
- -text [Widget::getoption $path.f$page -text] \
- -font [Widget::getoption $path -font] \
- -fill $fg \
- -anchor w \
- -tags "page p:$page $page:text"
- $path:cmd bind p:$page <ButtonPress-1> "NoteBook::_select $path $page"
- $path:cmd bind p:$page <Enter> "NoteBook::_highlight on $path $page"
- $path:cmd bind p:$page <Leave> "NoteBook::_highlight off $path $page"
- } else {
- eval $path:cmd coords "$page:poly" [concat $lt $lb]
- eval $path:cmd coords "$page:top" $lt
- eval $path:cmd coords "$page:bot" $lb
- $path:cmd coords "$page:text" $xtext $ytext
- $path:cmd itemconfigure "$page:poly" -fill $bg -outline $bg
- $path:cmd itemconfigure "$page:top" -fill $fgt -width $bd
- $path:cmd itemconfigure "$page:bot" -fill $fgb -width $bd
- $path:cmd itemconfigure "$page:text" \
- -text [Widget::getoption $path.f$page -text] \
- -font [Widget::getoption $path -font] \
- -fill $fg
- }
- if { $img != "" } {
- if { [set id [$path:cmd find withtag $page:img]] == "" } {
- $path:cmd create image $ximg $ytext \
- -image $img \
- -anchor w \
- -tags "page p:$page $page:img"
- } else {
- $path:cmd coords $id $ximg $ytext
- $path:cmd itemconfigure $id -image $img
- }
- } else {
- $path:cmd delete $page:img
- }
- if { $data(select) == $page } {
- $path:cmd raise p:$page
- } elseif { $pos == 0 } {
- if { $data(select) == "" } {
- $path:cmd raise p:$page
- } else {
- $path:cmd lower p:$page p:$data(select)
- }
- } else {
- set pred [lindex $data(pages) [expr {$pos-1}]]
- if { $data(select) != $pred || $pos == 1 } {
- $path:cmd lower p:$page p:$pred
- } else {
- $path:cmd lower p:$page p:[lindex $data(pages) [expr {$pos-2}]]
- }
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::_draw_arrows
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::_draw_arrows { path } {
- variable _warrow
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- set w [expr {[winfo width $path]-1}]
- set h [expr {$data(hpage)-1}]
- set nbpages [llength $data(pages)]
- set xl 0
- set xr [expr {$w-$_warrow+1}]
- if { $data(base) > 0 } {
- if { ![llength [$path:cmd find withtag "leftarrow"]] } {
- $path:cmd create window $xl 1 \
- -width $_warrow \
- -height $h \
- -anchor nw \
- -window $path.fg \
- -tags "leftarrow"
- } else {
- $path:cmd coords "leftarrow" $xl 1
- $path:cmd itemconfigure "leftarrow" -width $_warrow -height $h
- }
- } else {
- $path:cmd delete "leftarrow"
- }
- if { $data(base) < $nbpages-1 &&
- $data(wpage) + [_get_x_page $path 0] + 6 > $w } {
- if { ![llength [$path:cmd find withtag "rightarrow"]] } {
- $path:cmd create window $xr 1 \
- -width $_warrow \
- -height $h \
- -window $path.fd \
- -anchor nw \
- -tags "rightarrow"
- } else {
- $path:cmd coords "rightarrow" $xr 1
- $path:cmd itemconfigure "rightarrow" -width $_warrow -height $h
- }
- } else {
- $path:cmd delete "rightarrow"
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::_draw_area
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::_draw_area { path } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- set w [expr {[winfo width $path]-1}]
- set h [expr {[winfo height $path]-1}]
- set bd [Widget::getoption $path -borderwidth]
- set x0 [expr {$bd-1}]
- set y0 $data(hpage)
- set y1 $h
- set dbg $data(dbg)
- set sel $data(select)
- if { $sel == "" } {
- set xd [expr {$w/2}]
- set xf $xd
- set lbg $data(dbg)
- } else {
- set xd [_get_x_page $path [lsearch $data(pages) $data(select)]]
- set xf [expr {$xd + $data($sel,width)+6}]
- set lbg $data(lbg)
- }
- if { [llength [$path:cmd find withtag rect]] } {
- $path:cmd coords "toprect1" $xd $y0 $x0 $y0 $x0 $h
- $path:cmd coords "toprect2" $w $y0 $xf $y0
- $path:cmd coords "botrect" $x0 $h $w $h $w $y0
- $path:cmd itemconfigure "toprect1" -fill $lbg -width $bd
- $path:cmd itemconfigure "toprect2" -fill $lbg -width $bd
- $path:cmd itemconfigure "botrect" -width $bd
- $path:cmd raise "rect"
- } else {
- $path:cmd create line $xd $y0 $x0 $y0 $x0 $y1 \
- -tags "rect toprect1" -fill $lbg -width $bd
- $path:cmd create line $w $y0 $xf $y0 \
- -tags "rect toprect2" -fill $lbg -width $bd
- $path:cmd create line 1 $h $w $h $w $y0 \
- -tags "rect botrect" -fill $dbg -width $bd
- }
- if { $sel != "" } {
- if { [llength [$path:cmd find withtag "window"]] } {
- $path:cmd coords "window" 2 [expr {$y0+1}]
- $path:cmd itemconfigure "window" \
- -width [expr {$w-1 -2}] \
- -height [expr {$h-$y0-1 -2}] \
- -window $path.f$sel
- } else {
- set y0 $data(hpage)
- $path:cmd create window 2 [expr {$y0+1}] \
- -width [expr {$w-3}] \
- -height [expr {$h-$y0-3}] \
- -anchor nw \
- -tags "window" \
- -window $path.f$sel
- }
- } else {
- $path:cmd delete "window"
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::_resize
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::_resize { path } {
- _draw_area $path
- _draw_arrows $path
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command NoteBook::_realize
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc NoteBook::_realize { path } {
- variable $path
- upvar 0 $path data
- if { [set width [Widget::getoption $path -width]] == 0 ||
- [set height [Widget::getoption $path -height]] == 0 } {
- compute_size $path
- }
- set data(realized) 1
- _draw_area $path
- _draw_arrows $path
- bind $path <Configure> "NoteBook::_resize $path"
- }