Check this box to disallow guests to view the application log.
.topic 2
Check this box to disallow guests to view the security log.
.topic 3
Check this box to disallow guests to view the system log.
.topic 4
This option allows you to make Windows display a dialog box with a custom message before you logon the system. Simply check the check box and type a caption and the text you want displayed on the dialog.
.topic 5
This option allows you to change the message that are displayed on the logon box. Simply check the box and enter the text you want in the edit field. Default is "Enter a user name and password that is valid for this system."
.topic 6
When applications sends out the "Not Responding" command, this feature can make that app shutdown automatically.
.topic 7
When you receive the "Blue Screen of death", this feature restarts you computer automatically.
.topic 8
If your computer supports auto shutdown, this feature powers off your computer automatically. NOTE: On some systems this option can make the computer restart instead of shutting down.
.topic 9
This feature makes Windows empty the Page File at shutdown. Default Windows doesnÆt do this and it can be a security and performance problem since Windows might have stored secure information in it.
.topic 10
Use this option to disable the Shut Down button found on the logon dialog.
.topic 11
This option lets you show/hide the "common groups" (the folders under the line on the start menu\program).
.topic 12
This option enables/disables the change password button youÆll see when you hit CTRL+ALT+DEL.
.topic 13
This options enables/disables the lock workstation button youÆll se when you hit CTRL+ALT+DEL.
.topic 14
This option enables/disables the task manager button youÆll see when you hit CTRL+ALT+DEL.
.topic 15
Check this box to prevent users from running Regedit. If someone tries to run regedit in some way they receive a message that the option to run Regedit has been locked. You can still run Regedit from ItweakU:s menu Tools -> Regedit.