Use this option to remove (or show) the favorites pop-up menu on the Start Menu.
.topic 2
Every time you open a document of some kind, Windows adds that name to a list called MRU (Most Recently Used). You can view the documents list in the Documents folder on the Start Menu. If you uncheck this option then no name will be added to that list.
.topic 3
Use this option to remove (or show) the documents pop-up menu on the Start Menu.
.topic 4
This title is perhaps not perfect, if you check this option then Windows will empty ALL MRU (Most Recently Used) lists. The lists are: Run, Find, Find Computer and Documents.
.topic 5
Use this option to remove (or show) the "Find" option on the Start Menu.
.topic 6
Use this option to remove (or show) the "Run" option on the Start Menu.
.topic 7
Use this option to remove (or show) the "Log Off..." option on the Start Menu.
.topic 8
Use this option to remove (or show) the "Shut Down..." option on the Start Menu.
.topic 9
Clears the pop-up documents folder on your Start Menu.
.topic 10
Clears the find files MRU (Most Recently Used) list from items.
.topic 11
Clears the run MRU (Most Recently Used) list from items.
.topic 12
Use this option to remove (or show) the "Control Panel" AND "Printers" option in Start -> Settings. NOTE: This option also disables the shortcut command to open Windows Explorer using Winkey + E.
.topic 13
Use this option to remove (or show) the "Folder Options" option in Start -> Settings.
.topic 14
Use this option to remove (or show) the "Active Desktop" pop-up menu in Start -> Settings.
.topic 15
Use this option to remove (or show) the "Windows Update..." option in Start -> Settings.
.topic 16
Use this option to add an cascading Control Panel folder on the top of the Start Menu.
.topic 17
Use this option to add an cascading Printer folder on the top of the Start Menu.
.topic 18
Use this option to add an cascading URL History folder on the top of the Start Menu.
.topic 19
Use this option to add an cascading Recycle Bin folder on the top of the Start Menu.
.topic 20
Use this option to add an cascading Offline Webpages folder on the top of the Start Menu.
.topic 21
Click on this button to sort the Start Menu items in alphabetical order.
.topic 22
Click on this button to sort the Favorites items in alphabetical order.