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- // Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.1 sample file.
- // File: WhilTile.POV 10/01/95
- // Auth: Eduard Schwan with modifications by Dan Farmer
- // Desc: A tile floor, using the 'while' loop and 'if' statements
- // to create a unique pattern automatically.
- // Enable this next line to use a simpler test shape for debugging
- // #declare DO_SIMPLE_SHAPE = 1;
- global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 }
- #include "colors.inc"
- #include "woods.inc"
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // set viewer's position in the scene
- camera {
- location <0.0, 22.0, -24.0> // position of camera <X Y Z>
- direction 4.0*z // which way are we looking <X Y Z>
- up y // which way is +up <X Y Z>
- right 4/3*x // which way is +right <X Y Z> and aspect ratio
- look_at <0.0, 0.0, -1.0> // point center of view at this point <X Y Z>
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // create a regular point light source
- light_source { <10, 10, -10> color rgb 1 translate <-20, 40, -20> }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- #declare TileShape =
- #ifdef (DO_SIMPLE_SHAPE)
- // simpler shape for debugging
- sphere{0, 1 scale <0.5,0.1,0.5> translate 0.1*y}
- #else
- // real tile shape
- intersection {
- box { -1, 1 } // square tile
- cylinder { -2*x, +2*x, 0.9 } // rounded edges along X axis
- cylinder { -2*z, +2*z, 0.9 } // rounded edges along Z axis
- sphere { 0, 2.0 translate 2.6*y inverse } // concave top surface
- // sphere { 0, 1.1 } // rounded corners
- // bounded_by { box { -1, 1 } }
- scale <0.5,0.2,0.5> // flatten the tile down on Y axis
- // translate 0.2*y // move it up so its bottom is on origin
- }
- #end
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- default {
- texture { pigment {rgb 1} finish {ambient 0.2 reflection 0.2 specular 0.7} }
- }
- // light tinted glass
- #declare CrystalTex =
- texture {
- pigment { rgbf <1.00, 0.70, 0.70, 0.95> }
- finish {roughness 0.001 }
- }
- #declare CrystalInt =
- interior {ior 1.8}
- // Black slate marble with white strata
- #declare SlateTex =
- texture {
- pigment {
- marble
- turbulence 0.8 rotate 60*y
- color_map {
- [0.10 rgb 0.01]
- [0.12 rgb 0.70]
- [0.15 rgb 0.01]
- [0.20 rgb 0.01]
- [0.30 rgb <0.9,0.7,0.6>]
- [0.50 rgb 0.01]
- }
- scale 0.4
- }
- finish {reflection 0.2}
- }
- // green crackle
- #declare CrackleTex =
- texture {
- pigment { color rgb <0.1, 0.5, 0.1> }
- normal {crackle 0.5 turbulence 0.2 scale 0.3}
- }
- // brown/blue pinwheel radial pattern
- #declare PinwheelTex =
- texture {
- pigment {
- radial
- frequency 8
- color_map {
- [0.00 blue 0.4]
- [0.50 blue 0.4]
- [0.60 rgb <0.5,0.6,0.9>]
- }
- }
- }
- #declare MSetTex =
- texture {
- pigment {
- mandel 100
- color_map {
- [0.0 color MidnightBlue ]
- [0.2 color Yellow ]
- [0.6 color Scarlet ]
- [0.8 color Magenta ]
- [1.0 color Gray10 ]
- }
- scale .25
- rotate x*90
- translate x*0.225
- //rotate y*45
- }
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // declare the set of tiles as a union built by a loop
- #declare Max = 16; // # of tiles across and down
- #declare XMax = Max/2;
- #declare ZMax = Max/2;
- #declare ZCount = -ZMax;
- #declare Tile_Set =
- union {
- #while (ZCount <= ZMax)
- #declare XCount = -XMax;
- #while (XCount <= XMax)
- object {
- TileShape
- #if(XCount=0 & ZCount=0)
- // Center tile
- texture { MSetTex }
- #else
- #if (abs(XCount) = abs(ZCount))
- // An "X" pattern of tiles, diagonal through origin
- texture { CrystalTex }
- interior { CrystalInt }
- #else
- #if (abs(XCount)*abs(ZCount) < XMax)
- // A "fat plus" pattern, centered on origin
- texture {
- SlateTex
- rotate (XCount+ZCount)*10*y
- translate <-XCount, 0, -ZCount> // alter texture per tile
- }
- #else
- #if (abs(mod(XCount,3)) = abs(mod(ZCount,2)))
- // An alternating sprinkle of remaining tiles
- texture {
- CrackleTex
- translate <-XCount, 0, -ZCount> // alter texture per tile
- }
- #else
- texture { PinwheelTex }
- #end
- #end
- #end
- #end
- translate <XCount, 0, ZCount>
- }
- #declare XCount = XCount+1;
- #end // Inner X loop
- #declare ZCount = ZCount+1;
- #end // Outer Z loop
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------
- // make the tile object
- object { Tile_Set rotate y*30}