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- Many commonly-asked questions are answered in the Tips. For your convenience,
- the Tips text is presented here as well.
- ------------------
- Many frequently asked questions refer to things already in the documentation
- and even these tip dialogs. Be sure to read the help file (press F1 after
- dismissing this dialog) and to read all of these tips before asking a question.
- By default, if you double-click on a file using the Windows 95 Explorer
- while POV-Ray is already loaded, a new copy of POV-Ray will be started.
- You can change this to start the file in the already-loaded copy of POV-Ray
- by using 'Options|Keep Single Instance'.
- You can open a file for editing or rendering from the Windows 95 Explorer by
- using the right mouse button when you click on the file name. This feature even
- works with POV-Ray's own internal file browse dialogs. For example, dismiss this
- tip dialog, press ALT-S, choose a .POV or .INI file, press the right mouse button
- and see what happens. (Windows 95 users only.)
- By default, POV-Ray's rendering speed under Windows will be slower than DOS
- because it tries to be 'nice' to other programs by not hogging the CPU. If
- time is an issue (or you want to do a benchmark), you need to set the priority
- of the renderer from the 'Render|Render Priority' menu. Windows 3.1 users will
- find this entry called 'Niceness' instead.
- You can select a plain background, or a different bitmap for the tiled
- background, from the Appearance menu. A shortcut for the bitmap file browse
- dialog box is ALT-P. POV-Ray for Windows comes with a number of tileable
- backgrounds for you to use.
- You can access a number of commonly-used functions by pressing the right
- mouse button while over a window. You will get a different pop-up menu for
- both the main window and the render window.
- To close the small 'message window' that is displayed below the editor
- during rendering (or after an error), right-click on the EDITOR window and
- select 'Hide Messages'.
- You can cause POV-Ray to output all image files to a single directory by
- specifying it using Output_File_Name. E.g., to output all image files to
- the directory c:\images, use Output_File_Name=c:\images\ in either an INI
- file, or on the command-line. Unless you explicitly specify an output file,
- the output file will be automatically placed in that directory.
- You can change the default colour and font for the message display from the
- Options menu.
- If you are using POV-Ray's own editor, POV-Edit, you can press Ctrl-F1 when
- the cursor is on a word to do a help-file lookup for that word.
- By default, POV-Ray for Windows will allow you to start multiple copies of
- itself. This seems to be the behaviour that most people want. However, it is
- not always desirable. To change this, select 'Options|Keep Single Instance'.
- That while the default output file type is uncompressed BMP, POV-Ray for
- Windows can also write TGA (+ft), compressed TGA (+fc), PNG (+fn) and PPM
- (+fp).
- You can drag'n'drop .BMP files onto POV-Ray's main window, and it will tile
- and display them in the same way as if you had selected the menu option
- 'Options|MEssage Window|Tiling Options|Browse'. You can Drag'N'Drop
- .POV and .INI files too, and POV will either render them or edit them
- (depending on the setting of the menu 'Options|Drag'N'Drop Destination'.
- You can supply command-line parameters to POV-Ray for Windows in exactly the
- same way as for the DOS version. If any parameters are on the command-line
- when POV-Ray starts, it will fire up the rendering engine straight away.
- This allows you to set up icons for commonly-used tasks you may perform.
- Read the help file section on command-line parameters for more information.
- That it is also legal to supply INI file parameters on the command line ?
- For example, instead of "+ifilename.pov" you can say "Input_File_Name=
- filename.pov". This is actually essential if you are using long filenames
- that contain spaces, as the conventional "+i" form does not work with those
- types of filenames.
- That you can customise the Tools menu ? You can add your own entries (up to 32
- in fact) that can execute any external program. POV-Ray for Windows allows you
- to specify parameters, such as '%r', which expands to the last rendered file.
- ------------------
- POV-Ray for Windows requires the following directory layout -
- <installdir>--\
- |- ini
- |- bin
- |- include
- |- help
- |- Insert Menu
- |- renderer
- |- rerun
- The INI directory holds PVENGINE.INI and other internal INI files.
- The renderer directory holds INI files related to POV-Ray's renderer.
- The bin directory holds the POV-Ray for Windows executable, the editors, and
- some other files.
- The include directory holds the standard POV-Ray include files.
- The help directory holds the POV-Ray documentation and help files.
- The Insert Menu directory holds the definitions for the editor's insert menu.
- These are automatically set up for you by the installation program. POV-Ray
- requires many of these for correct operation. You cannot move POV-Ray for
- Windows without changing some system entries set up by the installation
- program. Re-install it instead.