406 %1\n\nThis file is read-only. You must save to a different filename.
407 %1\n\nThis file has been modified outside of the VRML editor. Do you want to reload it?
408 %1\n\nThis file has been modified outside of the VRML editor.\nDo you want to reload it and loose the changes made in the VRML editor?
409 Insufficient space in the Undo buffer to save this action.\nDo you want to continue?
410 Undo sequence has not completed
411 Redo sequence has not completed
412 The last operation can't be completely undone.\nDo you want to continue?
413 The last undone operation can't be completely redone.\nDo you want to continue?
414 Please restart the program to changes take effect.
415 Failed to open VRML extension source file.
416 Cannot find the string '%1'.
417 Passed the end of the file.
418 The string '%1' is not a valid regular expression.
419 Cannot find a match for the regular expression '%1'
420 Finished searching for '%1'.
421 %1 occurrence(s) have been replaced.
422 The symbol '%1' is undefined.
423 The symbol '%1' is defined but unreferenced.
424 Can not find specified route.
425 Can't display definition: %1 is a standard VRML node.
426 Can't display definition:\n%1 is a field of the standard VRML node %2.
427 Please enter identifier here
428 %1 saved
429 Associations to VRML files have been replaced by %1.\nDo you want to restore association?
430 Field with the name '%1' already exist in the PROTO interface.\nPlease, enter an another name.
431 '%1' is not a valid VRML identifier.
432 You should type an identifier.
433 Identifier %1 is in use. Are you sure you want to delete it?
434 Renamed %1 reference(s) of %2
435 The SFNode field already has nonempty value. Do you want to replace it?
436 You have entered an invalid Licensee/Serial number combination. To correct any mistakes, choose OK. To clear registration fields and continue without registering VrmlPad, choose Cancel.
437 There is no application associated with the given filename extension.
438 %1 is not accessible.\nThe device is not ready.
439 %1 is not accessible.\nAccess is denied.
440 %1 is not accessible.\nUnknown error.
441 Finding site
442 Connecting to site
443 Downloading
444 Done
445 Invalid URL %1.
446 %1\nNo session.
447 Can't connect to %1.
448 Resource %1 not found.
449 Object %1 not found.
450 %1\nData not available.
451 %1\nDownload failure.
452 %1\nAuthentication required.
453 %1\nNo valid media.
454 %1\nConnection timeout.
455 %1\nInvalid request.
456 %1\nUnknown protocol.
457 %1\nSecurity problem.
458 %1\nCan't load data.
459 Downloading canceled
460 %1 already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?
461 Failed to create folder %1.
462 Looking for
463 Can't open the URL.
464 Specified file not found.
465 A folder name cannot contain any of the following characters:\n / \ : * ? " < > |
466 Nothing to publish.
467 To post your files on the Web, you should download and install Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard. Click the OK button to read download instructions or launch a browser and enter the site %1.
468 Please, save the attached file(s) to a folder and then open %1.
469 You have exceeded the maximum file size (64K) allowed in this evaluated version to be save or publish.\nThe registered version does not have this limitation.
470 This is limited unregistered version for evaluation use only.\nYou can not save or publish files that exceeded the maximum file size (64K) allowed in this evaluated version. Sorry.\nThe registered version does not have this limitation.
471 This is limited unregistered version for evaluation use only.\nYou can not copy text blocks that exceeded the maximum size (32K) allowed in this evaluated version.\nThe registered version does not have this limitation.
512 Typing
513 Overtype
514 Delete
515 Cut
516 Paste
517 Format
518 Change Case
519 Replace
520 Comment
521 Complete
522 Rename Node
523 Rename
524 Move
525 Copy
526 Create Link
592 identifier
593 floating-point number
594 integer
595 string
596 boolean
597 Expected %1
598 Expected %1 or %2
599 Expected field definition
600 Expected node, proto or route declaration
601 Unexpected token in proto interface
602 Expected proto identifier
603 Illegal character
604 Expected node declaration
605 Expected node declaration in context of MFNode
606 Unexpected token in field declaration
607 Expected node, proto, route or field declaration
608 Unknown node type
609 Unknown field type
610 Unknown field
611 IS mapped name not found
612 Type of IS mapped values does not match
613 Routed field not found
614 Type of routed values does not match
615 Attempt to route to field or eventOut
616 Attempt to route to field or eventIn
617 DEF name not found
618 Attempt to define a PROTO with a name already in use
619 Warning: DEF name already in use
620 Unpaired quotation mark
621 Nonmatched brace
622 Nonmatched bracket
623 Expected routed field name
624 URL
625 Type
626 Ref.
627 Size
628 Expected node name
630 Name
631 Size
632 Modified
633 Type
635 Name
636 Type
637 Line
638 Dependence *
639 Size
640 Packed **
641 %u.%1u seconds
642 %u.%1u minutes
650 Dependence
656 Welcome
657 Specify resource directories
658 Specify documents to exclude
659 Resolve broken links
660 Fix errors
661 Specify directory organization
662 Review directory structure
663 Publish complete
664 Specify VRML preferences
800 Scene Tree
801 Resources
802 File List
816 Current line/column\nGo To (Ctrl+G)
817 Uncompressed size of the document\nSize
818 \nNo syntax errors
819 Syntax error(s) found. Double click to locate\nGo to first syntax error
820 \nNo semantic errors
821 Semantic error(s) found. Double click to locate\nGo to first semantic error
822 \nNo nonmatching braces
823 Nonmatching brace found. Double click to locate\nGo to nonmatching brace
824 Double click to switch insert/overtype mode\nOvertype (Ins)
825 \nToggle file compression
826 \nSet read-only mode
827 \nDocument is read-only
828 \nDownload a remote file
829 \nCancel downloading
21000 .
21001 []
21002 [^]
21003 ^
21004 $
21005 ()
21006 |
21007 *
21008 +
21009 ?
21010 \w+
21011 \a
21012 \c
21013 \d
21014 \i
21015 \f
21016 \v
21017 \s
21018 ...
21021 \0
21022 \1
21023 \2
21024 \3
21025 \4
21026 \5
21027 \6
21028 \7
21029 \8
21030 \9
21031 ...
21034 &Find '%1'
21035 Go To &Definition of '%1'
21036 Go To R&eference of '%1'
21037 Next R&eference of '%1'
21038 Open &URL "%1"
32771 Splits the window into panes\nSplit
32772 Changes options\nOptions
32773 Shows or hides tab characters\nToggle whitespace
32774 Toggles pile bar\nToggle Tree
32775 .
32776 Formats the selection using the smart indent\nFormat Selection
32777 Indents the selected text right one tab stop\nIncrease Indent
32778 Indents the selected text left one tab stop\nDecrease Indent
32779 Replaces spaces with tabs in the selection\nTabify Selection
32780 Replaces tabs with spaces in the selection\nUntabify Selection
32781 Publishes the document into a Web ready VRML file\nPublish
32782 Deletes the selected lines and puts them on the Clipboard\nCut Line
32783 Shows unused PROTOs, DEFs and field declarations\nShow Unused Identifiers
32785 Makes the selection all uppercase\nUppercase
32786 Makes the selection all lowercase\nLowercase
32787 Toggles a bookmark for the current lineon and off\nToggle Bookmark
32788 Moves to the line containing the next bookmark\nNext Bookmark
32789 Moves to the line containing the previous bookmark\nPrevious Bookmark