128 VrmlPad\n\nUntitled\nVRML Files (*.wrl)\n.wrl\nVrmlPad\nVRML File 129 VRML Files (.wrl;.wrz)|*.wrl;*.wrz;*.vrml;*.gz;*.vcd;*.wgr|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 130 VRML Files (.wrl;.wrz)|*.wrl;*.wrz;*.vrml;*.gz;*.vcd;*.wgr|Image Files (.gif;.jpg;.png)|*.gif;*.jpg;*.png|Movie Files (.mpg;.mpeg)|*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.mpe;*.mp2|Sound Files (.wav;.mid)|*.wav;*.mid|Script Files (.js;.class)|*.js;*.class|HTML Files (.htm;.html)|*.htm;*.html;*.cgi|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 131 Browse 132 Choose Folder 140 Did you know... 141 [Unregistered] 144 Line 145 Proto declaration 146 Proto instance 147 Node definition 148 Node reference 149 Field definition 150 Field reference 151 Route 256 Options 257 Horizontal scroll bar 258 Vertical scroll bar 259 Display whitespace characters 260 Enable virtual space 261 Protect read-only files from editing 262 Highlight language syntax 263 Enable syntax tips 264 Auto list identifiers 265 Drag-and-drop text editing 266 Enable copy without selection 320 Text 321 Selected Text 322 Bookmark 323 Current Error 324 Comment 325 VRML Keyword 326 Field 327 EventIn 328 EventOut 329 Exposed Field 330 Field Type 331 Node Name 332 Node 333 PROTO Node 334 VRML Extension Node 335 Standard Node 336 Common 337 Grouping 338 Sensor 339 Geometry 340 Appearance 341 Interpolator 342 Bindable 343 Single Field Value 344 SFInt32 345 SFFloat 346 SFTime 347 SFColor 348 SFVec2f 349 SFVec3f 350 SFRotation 351 String 352 URL 353 Script 354 Comment 355 Keyword 356 Mapped Field 357 Mapped EventIn 358 Mapped EventOut 359 Multiple Field Value 360 MFInt32 361 MFFloat 362 MFTime 363 MFColor 364 MFVec2f 365 MFVec3f 366 MFRotation 400 Unknown gzip packing format.\nDo you want to continue anyway? 401 Error unpacking probably corrupted file. 402 Error unpacking gzipped file: header CRC error. 403 Error unpacking gzipped file: header length error. 404 Error compressing output file 406 %1\n\nThis file is read-only. You must save to a different filename. 407 %1\n\nThis file has been modified outside of the VRML editor. Do you want to reload it? 408 %1\n\nThis file has been modified outside of the VRML editor.\nDo you want to reload it and loose the changes made in the VRML editor? 409 Insufficient space in the Undo buffer to save this action.\nDo you want to continue? 410 Undo sequence has not completed 411 Redo sequence has not completed 412 The last operation can't be completely undone.\nDo you want to continue? 413 The last undone operation can't be completely redone.\nDo you want to continue? 414 Please restart the program to changes take effect. 415 Failed to open VRML extension source file. 416 Cannot find the string '%1'. 417 Passed the end of the file. 418 The string '%1' is not a valid regular expression. 419 Cannot find a match for the regular expression '%1' 420 Finished searching for '%1'. 421 %1 occurrence(s) have been replaced. 422 The symbol '%1' is undefined. 423 The symbol '%1' is defined but unreferenced. 424 Can not find specified route. 425 Can't display definition: %1 is a standard VRML node. 426 Can't display definition:\n%1 is a field of the standard VRML node %2. 427 Please enter identifier here 428 %1 saved 429 Associations to VRML files have been replaced by %1.\nDo you want to restore association? 430 Field with the name '%1' already exist in the PROTO interface.\nPlease, enter an another name. 431 '%1' is not a valid VRML identifier. 432 You should type an identifier. 433 Identifier %1 is in use. Are you sure you want to delete it? 434 Renamed %1 reference(s) of %2 435 The SFNode field already has nonempty value. Do you want to replace it? 436 You have entered an invalid Licensee/Serial number combination. To correct any mistakes, choose OK. To clear registration fields and continue without registering VrmlPad, choose Cancel. 437 There is no application associated with the given filename extension. 438 %1 is not accessible.\nThe device is not ready. 439 %1 is not accessible.\nAccess is denied. 440 %1 is not accessible.\nUnknown error. 441 Finding site 442 Connecting to site 443 Downloading 444 Done 445 Invalid URL %1. 446 %1\nNo session. 447 Can't connect to %1. 448 Resource %1 not found. 449 Object %1 not found. 450 %1\nData not available. 451 %1\nDownload failure. 452 %1\nAuthentication required. 453 %1\nNo valid media. 454 %1\nConnection timeout. 455 %1\nInvalid request. 456 %1\nUnknown protocol. 457 %1\nSecurity problem. 458 %1\nCan't load data. 459 Downloading canceled 460 %1 already exists.\nDo you want to replace it? 461 Failed to create folder %1. 462 Looking for 463 Can't open the URL. 464 Specified file not found. 465 A folder name cannot contain any of the following characters:\n / \ : * ? " < > | 466 Nothing to publish. 467 To post your files on the Web, you should download and install Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard. Click the OK button to read download instructions or launch a browser and enter the site %1. 468 Please, save the attached file(s) to a folder and then open %1. 469 You have exceeded the maximum file size (64K) allowed in this evaluated version to be save or publish.\nThe registered version does not have this limitation. 470 This is limited unregistered version for evaluation use only.\nYou can not save or publish files that exceeded the maximum file size (64K) allowed in this evaluated version. Sorry.\nThe registered version does not have this limitation. 471 This is limited unregistered version for evaluation use only.\nYou can not copy text blocks that exceeded the maximum size (32K) allowed in this evaluated version.\nThe registered version does not have this limitation. 512 Typing 513 Overtype 514 Delete 515 Cut 516 Paste 517 Format 518 Change Case 519 Replace 520 Comment 521 Complete 522 Rename Node 523 Rename 524 Move 525 Copy 526 Create Link 592 identifier 593 floating-point number 594 integer 595 string 596 boolean 597 Expected %1 598 Expected %1 or %2 599 Expected field definition 600 Expected node, proto or route declaration 601 Unexpected token in proto interface 602 Expected proto identifier 603 Illegal character 604 Expected node declaration 605 Expected node declaration in context of MFNode 606 Unexpected token in field declaration 607 Expected node, proto, route or field declaration 608 Unknown node type 609 Unknown field type 610 Unknown field 611 IS mapped name not found 612 Type of IS mapped values does not match 613 Routed field not found 614 Type of routed values does not match 615 Attempt to route to field or eventOut 616 Attempt to route to field or eventIn 617 DEF name not found 618 Attempt to define a PROTO with a name already in use 619 Warning: DEF name already in use 620 Unpaired quotation mark 621 Nonmatched brace 622 Nonmatched bracket 623 Expected routed field name 624 URL 625 Type 626 Ref. 627 Size 628 Expected node name 630 Name 631 Size 632 Modified 633 Type 635 Name 636 Type 637 Line 638 Dependence * 639 Size 640 Packed ** 641 %u.%1u seconds 642 %u.%1u minutes 650 Dependence 656 Welcome 657 Specify resource directories 658 Specify documents to exclude 659 Resolve broken links 660 Fix errors 661 Specify directory organization 662 Review directory structure 663 Publish complete 664 Specify VRML preferences 800 Scene Tree 801 Resources 802 File List 816 Current line/column\nGo To (Ctrl+G) 817 Uncompressed size of the document\nSize 818 \nNo syntax errors 819 Syntax error(s) found. Double click to locate\nGo to first syntax error 820 \nNo semantic errors 821 Semantic error(s) found. Double click to locate\nGo to first semantic error 822 \nNo nonmatching braces 823 Nonmatching brace found. Double click to locate\nGo to nonmatching brace 824 Double click to switch insert/overtype mode\nOvertype (Ins) 825 \nToggle file compression 826 \nSet read-only mode 827 \nDocument is read-only 828 \nDownload a remote file 829 \nCancel downloading 21000 . 21001 [] 21002 [^] 21003 ^ 21004 $ 21005 () 21006 | 21007 * 21008 + 21009 ? 21010 \w+ 21011 \a 21012 \c 21013 \d 21014 \i 21015 \f 21016 \v 21017 \s 21018 ... 21021 \0 21022 \1 21023 \2 21024 \3 21025 \4 21026 \5 21027 \6 21028 \7 21029 \8 21030 \9 21031 ... 21034 &Find '%1' 21035 Go To &Definition of '%1' 21036 Go To R&eference of '%1' 21037 Next R&eference of '%1' 21038 Open &URL "%1" 32771 Splits the window into panes\nSplit 32772 Changes options\nOptions 32773 Shows or hides tab characters\nToggle whitespace 32774 Toggles pile bar\nToggle Tree 32775 . 32776 Formats the selection using the smart indent\nFormat Selection 32777 Indents the selected text right one tab stop\nIncrease Indent 32778 Indents the selected text left one tab stop\nDecrease Indent 32779 Replaces spaces with tabs in the selection\nTabify Selection 32780 Replaces tabs with spaces in the selection\nUntabify Selection 32781 Publishes the document into a Web ready VRML file\nPublish 32782 Deletes the selected lines and puts them on the Clipboard\nCut Line 32783 Shows unused PROTOs, DEFs and field declarations\nShow Unused Identifiers 32785 Makes the selection all uppercase\nUppercase 32786 Makes the selection all lowercase\nLowercase 32787 Toggles a bookmark for the current lineon and off\nToggle Bookmark 32788 Moves to the line containing the next bookmark\nNext Bookmark 32789 Moves to the line containing the previous bookmark\nPrevious Bookmark 32790 Comments/uncomments selected lines\nToggle Comment 32791 Clears all bookmarks in the window\nClear All Bookmarks 32792 Previews the document using external browser\nPreview 32796 Finds the next occurrence of the selected text\nFind Next Word 32797 Finds the previous occurrence of the selected text\nFind Previous Word 32798 Finds the next occurrence of the specified text\nFind Next 32799 Finds the previous occurrence of the specified text\nFind Previous 32800 Finds and mark all occurrences of the specified text\nFind & Mark 32801 Replaces the next occurrence of the specified text\nReplace Next 32802 Replaces all occurrences of the specified text\nReplace All 32803 Moves to a specified location\nGo To 32805 Displays an identifer definition\nGoto Definition 32806 Displays an identifer reference\nGoto Reference 32807 Opens a file based on the selected text\nOpen URL 32808 Displays an previous identifer reference\nPrevious Reference 32809 Fills in the rest of the word you are typing\nComplete Word 32810 Download VRML document with resources from the Web\nDownload 32811 Moves to the line containing the next error\nNext Error 32812 Moves to the line containing the previous error\nPrevious Error 32813 Calculates download time of the document with all dependencies\nDocument Weight 32816 Deletes the selected node or field 32817 Moves caret to the selected identifier 32819 Renames the selected node definition, PROTO or PROTO field with all references 32820 Toggles automatic synchronization of the scene tree 32821 Toggles visibility of fields 32822 Bolds named nodes 32823 Grays misprinted identifiers 32824 Hides the window 32832 Sorts items alphabetically by name 32833 Sorts icons by type 32834 Sorts icons by reference count 32835 Sorts icons by file size 32838 Hides the window 32839 Resizes columns to fit all items 32840 Selects next reference of the item 32841 Renames the selected URL 32842 Opens the selected file using associated program 32843 Edits the selected file using the associated application 32844 Opens folder contains the selected file 32845 Browses for the local URL 32848 Up\nUp One Level (Backspace) 32849 Opens the selected folder or VRML file in same window 32850 Displays items by using large icons 32851 Displays information about each item\nDetails 32852 Displays items by using small icons 32853 Displays items in a list\nList 32854 Sorts items alphabetically by name 32855 Sorts items by type 32856 Sorts items by size, from smallest to largest 32857 Sorts items by date, from most recent to oldest 32858 Refreshes items 32859 Displays properties for this folder 32860 Inserts the item you have copied 32861 Creates shortcut to the item you have copied 32862 Hides the window 32896 Synchronizes the scene tree to the caret position\nSynchronize Tree 32898 Next view 32899 Previous view 32900 Activates the Scene Tree window 32901 Activates the Resources window 32902 Activates the File List window 32908 . 32909 . 32910 . 36000 Displays the Tip of the Day 36001 Displays usage tips 36002 Shows VRML97 specification for the selected node 36003 Registers the program 36004 Displays Ordering Information 36005 Displays License Agreement 57344 VrmlPad 57345 Ready 57600 Creates a new document\nNew 57601 Opens an existing document\nOpen 57603 Saves the document\nSave 57604 Saves the document with a new name\nSave As 57607 Prints all or part of the document\nPrint 57616 Opens this document 57617 Opens this document 57618 Opens this document 57619 Opens this document 57620 Opens this document 57621 Opens this document 57622 Opens this document 57623 Opens this document 57632 Deletes the selection\nDelete 57634 Copies the selection to the Clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cuts the selection and moves it on the Clipboard\nCut 57636 Finds the specified text\nFind 57637 Inserts Clipboard contents at the insertion point\nPaste 57641 Replaces the specified text with different text\nReplace 57642 Selects the entire document\nSelect All 57643 Undoes the last action\nUndo 57644 Redoes the previously undone action\nRedo 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit 57667 List Help topics\nHelp Topics 57668 . 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 59140 OVR 59142 Ln 0 Col 0 59143 000 bytes 59144 GZ 59145 READ 59146 SYN 59147 SEM 59148 NBR 59149 WEB 59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar 59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List