PC World 2000 February
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Text File
639 lines
! If you're a mere user without root privilegies the easiest way to install
! this file is to rename it 'Knews', copy it to a directory, and set the
! environment variable XAPPLRESDIR to point to that directory. If you're
! root, 'make install' should do the trick. Note that XAPPLRESDIR won't
! work if you have XUSERFILESEARCHPATH set.
! Note: if your using R4, you'll have to change all 'baseTranslations' to
! 'translations'.
Knews.knewsVersion: 1.0b.0
! This overrides the NNTPSERVER environment variable (no need to set this)
!Knews.nntpServer: your.nntp.server
! If you set this resource, knews will Do The Right Thing when a
! user first connects to this server, i.e. setting the newsrc file
! to ~/.newsrc instead of ~/.newsrc-%s.
!Knews.configNntpServer: your.nntp.server
! If you set this, this will become the default postingAgent,
! which is written into the config file the first time the
! user connects to configNntpServer.
!Knews.configPostingAgent: inews -h
! This is the command used to edit articles to be posted.
! %s is the filename, %i is the line number where editing starts;
! they are both optional.
!Knews.editCommand: xterm -e $EDITOR +%i %s
!Knews.editCommand: xemacs +%i %s
!Knews.editCommand: xterm -e vi +%i %s
! You might need a few stty settings for vi:
!Knews.editCommand: xterm -e /bin/sh -c 'stty ^D eof ; vi +%i %s'
! The command used for clicking on URLs. As a simple security
! measure, knews will not allow quotes, parentheses, white space
! or ampersands in the url.
!Knews.urlCommand: netscape -remote 'openUrl(%s)'
! Command for printing.
Knews.printCommand: /bin/false
! Whether knews should generate a Path header.
!Knews.generatePath: False
! Used for mailcap viewers with the flags needsterminal and copiousoutput.
Knews.needsTerminal: exec xterm -e /bin/sh -c '%C'
Knews.copiousOutput: exec xterm -e /bin/sh -c '(%C) | less'
! Stuff for the misc menu on the post popup.
! %q expands to quoteString and %Q to quoteQuoteString.
Knews.postMiscMenuSize: 3
*misc0.label: reload article
*misc0.command: exec /bin/true %s
*misc1.label: edit: vi
*misc1.command: exec xterm -e vi %s
*misc2.label: edit: xemacs
*misc2.command: exec xemacs %s
! The type menu on the post popup.
Knews.typeMenuSize: 8
*type0.label: text/plain;
*type1.label: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
*type2.label: image/jpeg
*type3.label: image/gif
*type4.label: audio/basic
*type5.label: video/mpeg
*type6.label: application/octet-stream
*type7.label: application/postscript
! The forward menu.
!Knews.forwardMenuSize: 2
!*forward0.label: mail address 1
!*forward1.label: mail address 2
! The proper way to set the geometry is to set the following resources,
! and let knews size itself according to the fonts:
*grouplist*PreferredLines: 14
*text*PreferredLines: 32
*killist*PreferredLines: 8
*killist*preferredColumns: 48
*FileSel*PreferredColumns: 16
*PreferredColumns: 84
! The layout of the article tree. The nodeRows and nodeColumns values
! are in characters, the others in pixels.
!*ArtTree.vertical: True
!*ArtTree.nodeColumns: 16
!*ArtTree.nodeRows: 1
!*ArtTree.rowSpacing: 6
!*ArtTree.columnSpacing: 32
!*ArtTree.pixmapSpacing: 8
!*ArtTree.internalWidth: 16
!*ArtTree.internalHeight: 8
!*ArtTree.internalNodeWidth: 4
!*ArtTree.internalNodeHeight: 0
! Some layout parameters for the article etxt widget.
!*text.wrapLines: True
!*text.margin: 8
!*text.imageMargin: 16
! Scrolling styles for the thread list and all other lists, respectively.
! I.e. whether the list should 'page scroll' and how many lines should
! be visible between the selected line and the top/bottom.
*threadlist.marginUp: 1
*threadlist.marginDown: 1
*threadlist.pageUp: False
*threadlist.pageDown: True
*ScrList.marginUp: 1
*ScrList.marginDown: 1
*ScrList.pageUp: True
*ScrList.pageDown: True
! This will make the scrollbars use Athena style mouse bindings.
!*ScrBar.translations: #override \n\
! <Btn1Down>: nop() \n\
! <Btn1Up>: athena-scroll(up) \n\
! <Btn3Up>: athena-scroll(down)
! Per charset fonts for 8 bit charsets:
Knews.us-ascii.bodyFont: \
Knews.us-ascii.quoteFont: \
Knews.us-ascii.headerFont: \
Knews.us-ascii.listFont: \
Knews.us-ascii.treeFont: \
Knews.iso-8859-1.bodyFont: \
Knews.iso-8859-1.quoteFont: \
Knews.iso-8859-1.headerFont: \
Knews.iso-8859-2.bodyFont: \
Knews.koi8.bodyFont: \
Knews.koi8-r.bodyFont: \
! Per charset fonts for encoded 16-bit charsets: highly experimental
Knews.iso-2022-kr.bodyFont: \
Knews.iso-2022-kr.encoding: ksc-5601
Knews.gb2312.bodyFont: \
Knews.gb2312.encoding: hz-gb-2312
Knews.hz-gb-2312.bodyFont: \
Knews.hz-gb-2312.encoding: hz-gb-2312
Knews.big5.bodyFont: \
Knews.big5.encoding: big5
! General fonts:
*ArtTree*Font: -b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*ArtText*Font: -b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*ScrList*Font: -b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*posttext.font: -b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*Font: -b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
! If you change this to reflect your setup, you can use knews to read
! the spooldir simply by specifying the NNTPSERVER as '#spool'. (This
! is assuming you have knewsd in your path.) No need to bother with
! this if you have access to a real server.
!Knews.#spool: knewsd -spool /var/spool/news \
! -active /usr/local/news/active \
! -newsgroups /usr/local/news/newsgroups \
! -overview /var/spool/news/over.view \
! -post 'exec inews -h'
! Some people want double clicking on a subject to go directly into thread
! mode. This will do it.
!*threadlist.translations: #override \
! <Btn1Down>(2): notify() view-thread(true)
! The initial directory of the filechooser. Make sure it exists
!*FileSel.directory: News
! The save/pipe popup will start up with the following in the text fields:
*shellfield.buffer: \
tmp=/tmp/.knews.$$; cat >$tmp; xterm -e less $tmp; rm -f $tmp
*filefield.buffer: ~/News/%N
! The search popup will start with these in the text fields:
*regexpfield.buffer: Default search regexp
*headerfield.buffer: Content-Type
*wildcardfield.buffer: *image/*
! These will make the key F1 in the 'shell-command' text field do the obvious
! thing. The same could be done for other function keys.
*shellfield.translations: #override \n\
<Key> F1: beginning-of-line() kill() \
insert-string("You haven't configured the app-def file.")
*filefield.translations: #override \n\
<Key> F1: beginning-of-line() kill() \
insert-string("You haven't configured the app-def file.")
! 'less'-like bindings for the article text scrollbar:
*textvbar.accelerators: #override \n\
c <Key> p: abs-scroll(-13) \n\
c <Key> n: abs-scroll(13) \n\
c <Key> f: page-scroll(0.95) \n\
c <Key> b: page-scroll(-0.95)
*textvbar.stepSize: 13
! These will make the tab key act the same as the 'Read group'/'Next unread'
! push button and the delete/backspace act the same as 'Previous'/'Rescan':
*knapp7.accelerators: #override \n\
~s ~c <Key> Tab: set() notify() reset() \n\
~c <Key> n: set() notify() reset()
*knapp8.accelerators: #override \n\
~s ~c <Key> Delete: set() notify() reset() \n\
~s ~c <Key> BackSpace: set() notify() reset()
! Accelerators for the horizontal and vertical scrollbars for the tree.
*tophbar.accelerators: #override \n\
c <Key> Left: abs-scroll(-32) \n\
c <Key> KP_4: abs-scroll(-32) \n\
c <Key> Right: abs-scroll(32) \n\
c <Key> KP_6: abs-scroll(32)
*topvbar.accelerators: #override \n\
c <Key> Up: abs-scroll(-32) \n\
c <Key> KP_8: abs-scroll(-32) \n\
c <Key> Down: abs-scroll(32) \n\
c <Key> KP_2: abs-scroll(32)
! An example: this will make ^S popup the search popup ('knapp11' is the
! 'Search' button).
*search.accelerators: #override \n\
c <Key> s: set() notify() reset()
! Here are a few experimental translations.
! ~s <Key> A means A without shift
! s <Key> A means shift-A
! ~c <Key> A means A without control
! c <Key> A means control-A
! <Key> A means A with or without shift and control
! The kill-append stuff is intended as an illustration; the
! colors could be more imaginative.
Knews.baseTranslations: #override \n\
<Key> space: do-the-right-thing() \n\
~c ~s <Key> Left: tree-left-or-exit-mode(read) \n\
~c ~s <Key> KP_4: tree-left-or-exit-mode(read) \n\
~c ~s <Key> Right: tree-right-or-enter-mode(read) \n\
~c ~s <Key> KP_6: tree-right-or-enter-mode(read) \n\
~c ~s <Key> Up: tree-or-list-up(read) \n\
~c ~s <Key> KP_8: tree-or-list-up(read) \n\
~c ~s <Key> Down: tree-or-list-down(read) \n\
~c ~s <Key> KP_2: tree-or-list-down(read) \n\
c <Key> KP_5: read-article(full) \n\
~c <Key> KP_5: read-article() \n\
<Key> KP_3: list-down(0.9) \n\
<Key> KP_9: list-up(0.9) \n\
~c s <Key> Tab: goto-next-hot() \n\
~c ~s <Key> g: popup-find-group() \n\
~c <Key> l: view-thread(toggle) \n\
~c <Key> f: followup() \n\
~c <Key> r: reply() \n\
~c <Key> p: post-new() \n\
~c <Key> u: uudecode() \n\
~c ~s <Key> |: pipe("tmp=/tmp/.knews.$$; cat >$tmp; \
xterm -e less $tmp; rm -f $tmp", heb, window) \n\
~c ~s <Key> F1: kill-append(message-id, subthread, Red) \n\
~c ~s <Key> F2: kill-append(message-id, subthread, Green) \n\
~c ~s <Key> F3: kill-append(message-id, subthread, Blue) \n\
~c ~s <Key> F4: kill-append(message-id, subthread, Yellow) \n\
~c s <Key> F1: kill-append(message-id, thread, Red) \n\
~c s <Key> F2: kill-append(message-id, thread, Green) \n\
~c s <Key> F3: kill-append(message-id, thread, Blue) \n\
~c s <Key> F4: kill-append(message-id, thread, Yellow) \n\
c ~s <Key> k: kill-append(message-id, subthread) \n\
c s <Key> k: kill-append(message-id, thread) \n\
c <Key> j: mime-hack(image/jpeg, uue) \n\
c <Key> g: mime-hack(image/gif, uue) \n\
c <Key> p: mime-hack(image/png, uue) \n\
~s <Key> t: tree-layout(True, 16) \n\
s <Key> t: tree-layout(False, 6)
! Same for the second window, if it exists
Knews.second.baseTranslations: #override \n\
<Key> space: do-the-right-thing() \n\
~c ~s <Key> Left: tree-left-or-exit-mode(read) \n\
~c ~s <Key> KP_4: tree-left-or-exit-mode(read) \n\
~c ~s <Key> Right: tree-right-or-enter-mode(read) \n\
~c ~s <Key> KP_6: tree-right-or-enter-mode(read) \n\
~c ~s <Key> Up: tree-or-list-up(read) \n\
~c ~s <Key> KP_8: tree-or-list-up(read) \n\
~c ~s <Key> Down: tree-or-list-down(read) \n\
~c ~s <Key> KP_2: tree-or-list-down(read) \n\
c <Key> KP_5: read-article(full) \n\
~c <Key> KP_5: read-article() \n\
<Key> KP_3: list-down(0.9) \n\
<Key> KP_9: list-up(0.9) \n\
~c s <Key> Tab: goto-next-hot() \n\
~c ~s <Key> g: popup-find-group() \n\
~c <Key> l: view-thread(toggle) \n\
~c <Key> f: followup() \n\
~c <Key> r: reply() \n\
~c <Key> p: post-new() \n\
~c <Key> u: uudecode() \n\
~c ~s <Key> |: pipe("tmp=/tmp/.knews.$$; cat >$tmp; \
xterm -e less $tmp; rm -f $tmp", heb, window) \n\
~c ~s <Key> F1: kill-append(message-id, subthread, Red) \n\
~c ~s <Key> F2: kill-append(message-id, subthread, Green) \n\
~c ~s <Key> F3: kill-append(message-id, subthread, Blue) \n\
~c ~s <Key> F4: kill-append(message-id, subthread, Yellow) \n\
~c s <Key> F1: kill-append(message-id, thread, Red) \n\
~c s <Key> F2: kill-append(message-id, thread, Green) \n\
~c s <Key> F3: kill-append(message-id, thread, Blue) \n\
~c s <Key> F4: kill-append(message-id, thread, Yellow) \n\
c ~s <Key> k: kill-append(message-id, subthread) \n\
c s <Key> k: kill-append(message-id, thread) \n\
c <Key> j: mime-hack(image/jpeg, uue) \n\
c <Key> g: mime-hack(image/gif, uue) \n\
c <Key> p: mime-hack(image/png, uue)
! Some miscellaneous resources:
*textvbar.allowOff: True
*Foreground: Black
*Background: Bisque
*BorderColor: Black
*rubberColor: Red
*quoteColor: Medium Blue
*headerColor: #000090
*innerColor: Red
*clickableColor: #0000e0
*knapplayout.abort.Foreground: Red
*alertColor: Red
! The highlight color of the lists, dynamically set to grey or white:
!*ScrList.highlightColor: blah
*ArtTree.useLineShadows: True
*toplayout.skipAdjust: True
*Knapp.Justify: center
*MenuKnapp.Justify: center
*quotetoggle.set: True
*stderr*message.center: False
*arttree.baseTranslations: #augment \n\
<Btn1Down>: set-selected() \n\
<Btn3Down>: toggle-outer()
*grouplist.baseTranslations: #augment \n\
<Btn2Down>: dnd-start() \n\
<Btn2Motion>: dnd-do() \n\
<Btn2Up>: dnd-end() \n\
<Btn3Down>: schedule-thread-ahead()
*killist.baseTranslations: #augment \n\
<Btn2Down>: dnd-start() \n\
<Btn2Motion>: dnd-do() \n\
<Btn2Up>: dnd-end()
*threadlist.baseTranslations: #augment \n\
~c <Btn2Down>: select() mark-read-thread() \n\
~c <Btn2Motion>: select() mark-read-thread() \n\
c <Btn2Down>: select() mark-unread-thread() \n\
<Btn3Down>: select() tag-thread()
! The toggles on the search popup.
*searchshell*unreadtoggle.set: True
*searchshell*fromtoggle.set: False
*searchshell*subjecttoggle.set: True
*searchshell*headtoggle.set: False
*searchshell*bodytoggle.set: False
*searchshell*allscope.set: True
*searchshell*threadscope.set: False
*searchshell*subthreadscope.set: False
*searchshell*tagged.set: False
! The toggles on the save popup.
*saveshell*artwin.set: False
*saveshell*article.set: True
*saveshell*subject.set: False
*saveshell*thread.set: False
*saveshell*subthread.set: False
*saveshell*tagged.set: False
*saveshell*bogusfrom.set: True
*saveshell*bogussubj.set: False
*saveshell*header.set: True
*saveshell*body.set: True
*saveshell*empty.set: True
! Various labels.
*knapplayout.knapp0.label: Quit\nDone
*knapplayout.knapp1.label: \
Connect...\nDisconnect\nView thread\nBack\nSubscribe
*knapplayout.knapp2.label: All groups\nAll threads\nUnsubscribe
*knapplayout.misc.label: Misc
*knapplayout.post.label: Post
*knapplayout.kill.label: Kill...
*knapplayout.knapp6.label: Update\nCatchup
*knapplayout.knapp7.label: Read Group\nNext unread\nGoto group
*knapplayout.knapp8.label: Rescan\nPrevious
*knapplayout.abort.label: Abort
*knapplayout.save.label: Save...
*knapplayout.search.label: Search...
*close.label: Close
*miscmenu1.print.label: Print
*miscmenu1.fullheader.label: Full Header
*miscmenu1.rot13.label: Rot 13
*miscmenu1.cleartags.label: Clear tags
*miscmenu1.uudecode.label: Uudecode
*miscmenu1.taghot.label: Tag hot articles
*miscmenu1.addtompcache.label: Add To M/P cache
*miscmenu1.msgidlookup.label: Message-Id Lookup
*miscmenu1.showcache.label: Show Cache Stats
*miscmenu1.markread.label: Mark Read
*miscmenu1.markunread.label: Mark Unread
*miscmenu1.headertoggle.label: Full Header
*miscmenu1.thrinfo.label: Keep Thread Info
*miscmenu1.greyjpegs.label: Grey Jpegs
*miscmenu2.unsubscribe.label: Unsubscribe
*miscmenu2.catchup.label: Catchup
*miscmenu2.findgroup.label: Find Group
*miscmenu2.askhowmany.label: Ask How Many
*markreadmenu.article.label: Article
*markreadmenu.subject.label: Subject
*markreadmenu.thread.label: Thread
*markreadmenu.subthread.label: Subthread
*markreadmenu.tagged.label: Tagged
*markreadmenu.allarticles.label: All articles
*markreadmenu.tocurrent.label: To current
*markreadmenu.nontagged.label: Non-tagged
*markreadmenu.cold.label: Cold
*markunreadmenu.article.label: Article
*markunreadmenu.subject.label: Subject
*markunreadmenu.thread.label: Thread
*markunreadmenu.subthread.label: Subthread
*markunreadmenu.tagged.label: Tagged
*markunreadmenu.allarticles.label: All articles
*markunreadmenu.killed.label: Killed
*postmenu.followup.label: Post a followup
*postmenu.mailreply.label: Reply by mail
*postmenu.followupreply.label: Followup and reply
*postmenu.postnew.label: Post a new article
*postmenu.cancel.label: Cancel article
*postmenu.supersede.label: Supersede article
*postmenu.forward.label: Forward by mail
*postmenu.quotetoggle.label: Include quoted text
*postmenu.quotesig.label: Quote signature
!*postmenu.quotesig.set: False
*postshell*post.label: Post\nMail\nPost&Mail
*killeditor.title: knews: kill file editor
*killeditor.iconName: kill editor
*killeditor*fieldknapp.label: Message-Id\nSubject\nFrom\nXref
*killeditor*scopeknapp.label: Article\nSubject\nThread\nSubthread
*killeditor*actionknapp.label: Kill\nHot
*killeditor*exprknapp.label: Regexp:\nMessage-id:
*killeditor*groupknapp.label: Newsgroup regexp:
*killeditor*add.label: Add new
*killeditor*delete.label: Delete
*killeditor*clear.label: Clear
*killeditor*stayup.label: Stay Up
*fieldmenu.messageid.label: Message-Id
*fieldmenu.subject.label: Subject
*fieldmenu.from.label: From
*fieldmenu.xref.label: Xref
*scopemenu.article.label: Article
*scopemenu.subject.label: Subject
*scopemenu.thread.label: Thread
*scopemenu.subthread.label: Subthread
*actionmenu.kill.label: Kill
*actionmenu.hot.label: Hot
!*connect.buffer: some.nntp.server
*fieldmessage.buffer: Header:
*scopemessage.buffer: Scope:
*colormessage.buffer: Color:
*saveshell*message.buffer: Save to file or pipe to shell
*saveshell*shellmessage.buffer: Shell-command:
*saveshell*filemessage.buffer: File:
*saveshell*choose.label: Choose...
*saveshell*ok.label: Save\nPipe
*saveshell*bogusfrom.label: Bogus 'From'
*saveshell*bogussubj.label: Bogus 'Subject'
*saveshell*header.label: Header
*saveshell*body.label: Body
*saveshell*empty.label: Empty Line
*saveshell*artwin.label: Window
*saveshell*article.label: Article
*saveshell*subject.label: Subject
*saveshell*thread.label: Thread
*saveshell*subthread.label: Subthread
*saveshell*tagged.label: Tagged
*searchshell.title: knews: search
*searchshell.iconName: search
*searchshell*regexptitle.buffer: Regular expression searching
*searchshell*xpattitle.buffer: XPAT wildcard searching
*searchshell*regexpmessage.buffer: Regexp:
*searchshell*wildcardmessage.buffer: Wildcard:
*searchshell*headermessage.buffer: Header:
*searchshell*search.label: Search
*searchshell*submit.label: Submit
*searchshell*next.label: Next
*searchshell*first.label: First
*searchshell*stop.label: Stop
*searchshell*clear.label: Clear
*searchshell*fromtoggle.label: From: header
*searchshell*subjecttoggle.label: Subject: header
*searchshell*headtoggle.label: Article head
*searchshell*bodytoggle.label: Article body
*searchshell*unreadtoggle.label: Only unread
*searchshell*allscope.label: All articles
*searchshell*threadscope.label: Thread
*searchshell*subthreadscope.label: Subthread
*searchshell*taggedscope.label: Tagged
*postpopup*posttitle.buffer: Post/Mail Manager
*postpopup*attachtitle.buffer: Attachments:
*postpopup*typetitle.buffer: Content-Type:
*postpopup*descrtitle.buffer: Content-Description:
*postpopup*disptitle.buffer: Content-Disposition:
*postpopup*enctitle.buffer: Content-Transfer-Encoding:
*postpopup*nametitle.buffer: filename=
*postpopup*post.label: Post\nMail\nPost&Mail
*postpopup*edit.label: Edit
*postpopup*misc.label: Misc
*postpopup*attach.label: Attach...
*postpopup*detach.label: Detach
*postpopup*cancel.label: Cancel
*postpopup*type.label: Type
*postpopup*inlinetoggle.label: inline
*postpopup*attachtoggle.label: attachment
*postpopup*nonetoggle.label: None
*postpopup*base64toggle.label: Base 64
*postpopup*uuetoggle.label: Uuencode
*postpopup*qptoggle.label: Quoted-printable
*postpopup*posttext.preferredLines: 8
*postpopup*posttext.preferredColumns: 64
*postpopup*attachlist.preferredLines: 3
*postpopup*attachlist.preferredColumns: 64
*FileSel*choose.label: Choose
*FileSel*cancel.label: Cancel
*FileSel*file.buffer: File:
*FileSel*directory.buffer: Directory:
*FileSel*dotfiles.label: Dot files