PC World 2000 February
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! Copyright (c) 1995,96,97
! Institute for Information Processing and Computer Supported New Media (IICM),
! Graz University of Technology, Austria.
! file: SceneViewer.ad -- VRweb Xattributes
! created: nn nnn 95 Michael Pichler
! changed: 26 May 97 Michael Pichler
! $Id: SceneViewer.ad,v 1.20 1997/05/26 17:30:00 mpichler Exp $
! Here you find a documentation of the most important X-attributes of
! VRweb (Harmony Scene Viewer) and their default values
! VRweb follows the Harmony resource policy, which is documented in
! resource file "Harmony" (part of Harmony distribution), and at
! http://www.iicm.edu/harmony-technical
! for more information about Harmony check
! http://www.iicm.edu/harmony
! Widgets configuration is not dealt with here for brevity.
! Please note: resource names may be subject to change in future releases.
! Configuration settings can be made the following ways (from highest to
! lowest priority):
! 1. command line arguments
! 2. resource file $XENVIRONMENT [or, if not set, .Xdefaults-hostname]
! 3. the X server resource database
! (typically loaded at startup with xrdb $HOME/.Xdefaults)
! (call "xrdb -query | fgrep Harmony" to find currently set values)
! 4. resource file $XAPPLRESDIR/Harmony [or, if not set, ~/Harmony]
! 5. (global) resource file /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Harmony
! 6. default values, hard-coded in program
! The values listed in this file *are* hard-coded into the VRweb binary,
! so you do not need to load it unless you make changes of your own.
! /*** general settings, networking ***/
! directory to store temporary data (texture images, inline data)
Harmony.Scene.tmpDir: /tmp
! directory for VRweb on-line help;
! can be given as absolute path or URL
! Harmony.Scene.helpDir: /usr/doc/vrweb/help
! directory of VRweb font files (must be absolute path if given)
! Harmony.Scene.fontDir: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/vrweb/fonts
! icons for about window (must be absolute path if given)
! defaults to $HARMONY_HOME/icons (if set) or (otherwise) to:
! Harmony.Scene*iconpath: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/vrweb/icons
! base name of font files (see FONTDOC.html in fonts directory)
Harmony.Scene.fontFileBase: wf
! VRML 2.0 helper application (%u replaced by base URL, %s with filename)
Harmony.Scene.VRML2_command: vrwave -URL '%u' %s
! -URL %u has been supported since vrwave 0.8; for older versions use:
! Harmony.Scene.VRML2_command: vrwave %s
! proxy host and port number for fetching inline scenes and textures
! see Options|Network|Proxies in netscape; currently no SOCKS support
! Harmony.Scene.proxy: www.proxy.host:80
! GUI: SGIMotif (default), Motif, OpenLook, monochrome supported
Harmony*gui: SGIMotif
! user interface language: one of
! english|german|french|italian|spanish|korean
! styrian available for fun
Harmony.Scene*language: english
! WWW browser for anchors/inlines: netscape if mosaic non-true
Harmony.Scene*mosaic: false
! HTTP servers may handle requests of "anonymous" clients faster
! you may turn off sending a User-Agent (but you cannot fake it)
Harmony.Scene.sendUserAgent: on
! Interpret all WWWInline/Texture2D URLs as references to local files
! default: assume http: unless file: explicitly stated
Harmony.Scene*localInlines: false
! anchor activation feedback time (in seconds; harscened only)
Harmony.Scene.activateFeedbackTime: 1.0
! /*** display settings ***/
! default background (dialogs)
Harmony.Scene*background: #EEEEEE
! background for scene window (3D drawings)
Harmony.Scene.3D.background: #C0C0C0
! VRweb window geometry (known feature: treated as *geometry)
! Harmony.Scene.geometry: +200-5
! common style alias Dialog for all dialog windows
! Harmony.Scene*Dialog.geometry:
! font
Harmony.Scene*font: -*-new century schoolbook-medium-r-*-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
! SGI motif kit also defines a menu font with the following attributes:
! Button fonts may be specified with:
! for korean you will have to specify a font set for ASCII and korean
! characters with a comma separated list, e.g.:
! Harmony.Scene*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*, -daewoo-*-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-ksc5601.1987-*
! you also need to override MenuBar and MenuItem fonts accordingly
! also set the LANG environment variable appropriately (checked by X11)
! foreground color can be changed like font:
Harmony.Scene*foreground: black
! double buffering of GUI elements (menus, dialogs)
Harmony.Scene*double_buffered: on
! overlay planes for popup windows are not used by default
Harmony.Scene*PopupWindow*overlay: false
! use of icons in toolbar
Harmony.Scene*icons: on
! bubblewindow background
Harmony.Scene*BubbleWindow.background: #ffe4b7
! single or double buffering (default) for 3D graphics:
Harmony.Scene*single_buffered: off
! render OpenGL via X-server (slower; debugging purposes)
! if turned off (default) use Hardware (if available)
Harmony.Scene*indirectRendering: off
! inquire a visual with Alpha bitplanes
! (only needed for 2nd polygon a.aliasing method)
Harmony.Scene*alphaBitplanes: off
! Mesa's backbuffer type - one of pixmap, image, auto
! pixmap generally faster on simple scenes (small/few polygons)
! image generally faster on local display (or slow X-server)
! auto (default) uses a pixmap for wireframe, and an image otherwise
Harmony.Scene*mesabackbuf: auto
! anchor highlighting in mode "brightness": object (parts) with links
! will be shifted in brightness to [0.7, 1.0], other objects to [0.0, 0.3]
! by default; make sure having a contrast large enough
Harmony.Scene.minBrightnessAnchors: 0.7
Harmony.Scene.maxBrightnessNonAnchors: 0.3
! drawing mode - one of wireframe, hidden line, flat shading,
! smooth shading, texturing (command line: -draw[mode] mode)
Harmony.Scene.drawmode: smooth shading
! interactive drawing mode (during dragging) one of the navigation
! modes above or "same mode", meaning same drawing mode
! (command line: -intdraw[mode])
Harmony.Scene.intdrawmode: same mode
! note: for plain X-renderers (Mesa Library) there are different
! default values: drawmode flat shading and intdrawmode wireframe
! far clipping plane (multiple of scene diameter; > 1.0)
Harmony.Scene.clipFarFactor: 5.0
! ratio far/near (determines Z-buffer precision; > 1.0)
! defaults to 1000.0 for OpenGL and 100.0 for Mesa
!Harmony.Scene.clipNearRatio: 100.0
! upper bound for near clipping plane (absolute; > 0.0)
Harmony.Scene.clipNearMaximum: 1.0
! stereo view parameters
! convergence plane as fraction of far clipping plane
! (smaller values let scene look more distant)
Harmony.Scene.convergencePlane: 0.33
! half eye distance
! (larger values increase stereo effect, but harder to focus)
Harmony.Scene.eyeDistanceRatio: 0.3
! colors to use for red-green stereo
! (has been reversed after VRweb 1.3.2; use red glass on left eye now)
Harmony.Scene.leftEyeColor: red
Harmony.Scene.rightEyeColor: cyan
! anti-aliasing of wireframes
Harmony.Scene.antialiasing: off
! no. of slices when drawing spheres, cylinders, and cones
Harmony.Scene.quadSlices: 12
! autosmoothing (vertex normal generation based on shapeHints' creaseAngle)
Harmony.Scene.autosmooth: on
! convexify: triangulation of non-convex faces (shapeHint UNKNOWN_FACE_TYPE)
Harmony.Scene.convexify: on
! /*** navigation settings ***/
! the time between two clicks to be a double-click (in ms)
Harmony.Scene*clickDelay: 500
! collision detection (on by default)
Harmony.Scene*collisionDetection: on
! collision distance (also changable interactively via Navigate Settings)
Harmony.Scene*collisionDistance: 1.5
! this resource lets you control the overall speed
! all constants below are multiplied by this factor, so you can adapt
! for different speed of Hardware (set a lower factor for faster HW).
! (command line argument: -speed speedFactor)
Harmony.Scene*speedFactor: 1.0
! The following values are mode-specific velocity constants and rarely
! need to be changed by users, possibly except for the fly-to speed,
! which can also be set interacively (Navigate Settings).
! hint: choose negative values for ...TurnVert to swap up and down movements
! (like in flight simulators).
! movements are relative to the window size and the scene diameter
! angles are internally measured in radians, hence the 3.14 etc.
! mode "Flip Object"
! focal length for panning; higher values result in faster translations
Harmony.Scene*FlipFocal: 2.0
! speed of (object) zooming, of horicontal and vertical rotation
Harmony.Scene*FlipZoom: 1.0
Harmony.Scene*FlipTurnHor: 3.14
Harmony.Scene*FlipTurnVert: 1.57
! modes "Walk" and "Heads-up"
! focal length for all modes other than "Flip Object" (see FlipFocal)
Harmony.Scene*WalkFocal: 0.5
! walk and heads-up can be used to control motions or velocity by
! dragging the mouse; there are two sets of Xdefaults for these submodes
! (camera) zooming, of horicontal and vertical rotation
Harmony.Scene*WalkZoom: 0.75
Harmony.Scene*WalkTurnHor: 1.57
Harmony.Scene*WalkTurnVert: 0.785
! large distance zooming and rotation (movement raised to 3rd power)
Harmony.Scene*WalkZoom3: 2.0
Harmony.Scene*WalkTurnHor3: 12.57
Harmony.Scene*WalkTurnVert3: 6.28
! velocity of (camera) zooming, panning, of horicontal and vertical rotation
Harmony.Scene*VelocityZoom: 0.01
Harmony.Scene*VelocityPan: 0.1
Harmony.Scene*VelocityTurnHor: 0.196
Harmony.Scene*VelocityTurnVert: 0.0982
! velocity of larger distance zooming, panning and rotation (3rd power)
Harmony.Scene*VelocityZoom3: 2.0
Harmony.Scene*VelocityPan3: 1.0
Harmony.Scene*VelocityTurnHor3: 12.5
Harmony.Scene*VelocityTurnVert3: 6.28
! mode "Fly"
! width and height of dead area in the centre
Harmony.Scene*FlyDeadX: 20
Harmony.Scene*FlyDeadY: 20
! (flying) speed increment per mouse click
Harmony.Scene*FlySpeedInc: 0.1
! speed of horicontal and vertical rotation
Harmony.Scene*FlyTurnHor: 0.785
Harmony.Scene*FlyTurnVert: 0.393
! mode "Fly to"
! amount of movement towards target point per frame
! (fraction of current distance, between 0 and 1)
Harmony.Scene*FlyToTran: 0.15
! amount of rotation towards normal per frame (fraction of current
! angular difference); FlyToRot should be chosen higher than FlyToTran
Harmony.Scene*FlyToRot: 0.25
! this mode is more sensitive to machine speed than the other ones
! listed above; for a fast machine you may try:
! Harmony.Scene*FlyToTran: 0.05
! Harmony.Scene*FlyToRot: 0.08