PC World 2000 February
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209 lines
class TC_CPfTimer;
class TC_CPfHistory;
class TC_CPfHistoryDlg;
class TC_CPfCalendarDlg;
class TC_CPfThreadKiller;
class TC_CPfConnect;
extern TC_CPsTxContext * tcTxCxt ;
void tcExMsg (TC_CPsException & ex) ;
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class TC_CPfConnect
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class Helper
public: TC_CPsDataDriver * m_DataDrv ;
public: TC_CPsDataService * m_DataService ;
public: ~Helper () ;
public: void Create () ;
public: void Destroy () ;
public: BOOL IsExists () ;
}; // end of class Helper
// **********************************************************************
public: static TC_CString m_Srv ;
public: static TC_CString m_DB ;
public: static TC_CString m_Usr ;
public: static TC_CString m_Pwd ;
public: static Helper m_Helper ;
public: static TC_CString m_DrvName ;
public: static TC_CString m_ServiceName ;
public: static void RegPath (TC_CString &path) ;
public: static BOOL Connect () TC_PS_THROW_FUNC ;
public: static TCPsRetCode DoConnect (const char *srv, const char *db, const char *usr, const char *pwd) TC_PS_THROW_FUNC ;
public: static TCPsRetCode Disconnect () ;
}; // end of class TC_CPfConnect
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class TC_CPfConnectDlg
: public TC_CWindow
public: TC_CPfConnectDlg () ;
public: ~TC_CPfConnectDlg () ;
public: virtual BOOL Form_Creator (TC_CWindow * frame) ;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Srv;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_DB;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Usr;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Pwd;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Ok;
public: virtual BOOL Form_OnCreate () ;
public: BOOL EvCreate (TC_Event*) ;
public: BOOL EvOk () ;
public: BOOL EvCancel () ;
public: BOOL EvChange_DB (TC_Event_CM *) ;
}; // end of class TC_CPfConnectDlg
// **********************************************************************
void tcMsg (char *fmt, ...) ;
TC_CDate tcCurDate () ;
TC_CTime tcCurTime () ;
extern char bmpAid [];
extern char bmpCalendar [];
TC_CIDataType * tcCreateDataType (TC_CPsAttribInfo & atInfo) ;
TC_CPsBuffer tcPsBuffer (TC_CIDataType *dataType) ;
BOOL tcAttrHasUIFlags (TC_CPsAttribInfo &ai, long flags) ;
TC_CPsAttribInfo tcClsHasAttrWithFlags (TCPsHClass hc, long flags) ;
TC_CPsAttribInfo tcGetSuperAgentInfo (TCPsHClass hClass) ;
void tcGetDefaultSortOrder (TCPsHClass hClass, TC_CPsSort &sort) ;
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class TC_CPfTimer
private: UINT m_ID ;
private: int m_TimeOut ;
private: HWND m_hWnd ;
private: BOOL m_IsSet ;
private: static UINT m_Count ;
public: TC_CPfTimer (int time_out=200) ;
public: ~TC_CPfTimer () ;
public: void Associate (HWND hWnd) ;
public: UINT ID () ;
public: void Set (int time_out = 0) ;
public: void Kill () ;
public: void Flush () ;
public: BOOL IsSet () ;
}; // end of class TC_CPfTimer
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class TC_CPfHistory
private: TC_CArrayString m_HistArr ;
private: int m_Size ;
private: int m_Current ;
private: TC_CString m_RegPath ;
public: int m_Selected ;
public: TC_CPfHistory (int size=12) ;
public: TC_CPfHistory (const char *reg_path, int size=12) ;
public: ~TC_CPfHistory () ;
private: void FromRegistry (const char * reg_path) ;
private: void ToRegistry () ;
public: void Add (const char * str) ;
public: int Count () ;
public: int GetPrev () ;
public: TC_CString & operator [] (int idx) ;
public: const char * GetHistItem (int idx) ;
}; // end of class TC_CPfHistory
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class TC_CPfHistoryDlg
: public TC_CWindow
private: POINT m_InitPos ;
private: TC_CPfHistory * m_History ;
public: static void Run (TC_CPfHistory *history, HWND hwndPar, int x=INT_MAX, int y=INT_MAX) ;
public: BOOL Form_Creator (TC_CWindow *frame) ;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_List;
public: void Init () ;
public: BOOL EvRButton (TC_Event *) ;
public: BOOL EvCommand (TC_Event_WM * ev) ;
public: BOOL EvEscape (TC_Event *) ;
public: BOOL EvDblClk (TC_Event *) ;
}; // end of class TC_CPfHistoryDlg
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class TC_CPfCalendarDlg
: public TC_CWindow
public: static char bmpPrev [];
public: static char bmpNext [];
private: int m_DaysPerMonth ;
private: int m_DaysPerPrevMonth ;
private: int m_MonthOffset ;
private: int m_ColCX ;
private: int m_Today ;
private: long * m_InitValue ;
private: TC_CDate m_Date ;
private: POINT m_InitPos ;
public: TC_CPfCalendarDlg () ;
public: BOOL Form_Creator (TC_CWindow *frame) ;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_List;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Hdr;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Month;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Year;
public: void Init () ;
public: void Set_LBItemSize (int cx, int cy) ;
public: void UpdateDate () ;
public: void ChangeMonth (int delta, int day=0) ;
public: BOOL ChangeDay (int idx) ;
public: virtual void* GetInterface (LPCSTR name) ;
public: virtual const char* GetClassName () ;
public: virtual void WinName (TC_CString &dst) ;
public: BOOL EvCommand (TC_Event_WM * ev) ;
public: BOOL EvEscape (TC_Event *) ;
public: BOOL EvPrevMonth (TC_Event *) ;
public: BOOL EvNextMonth (TC_Event *) ;
public: BOOL EvDayChange (TC_Event_CM *) ;
public: BOOL EvMonthChange (TC_Event_CM *) ;
public: BOOL EvYearChange (TC_Event_CM *) ;
public: BOOL EvDayDblClk (TC_Event *) ;
public: BOOL EvRButton (TC_Event *) ;
public: BOOL Ev_List_WPCg (TC_Event_WM *e) ;
public: BOOL Ev_List_Keyb (TC_Event_WM *e) ;
public: BOOL Ev_List_Size (TC_Event*) ;
public: BOOL Ev_DrawLItem (TC_Event_WIN *e) ;
public: BOOL Ev_PaintHdr (TC_Event *) ;
public: int LIdx2DIdx (int index) ;
public: int DIdx2LIdx (int index) ;
public: static void Run (long * val, HWND hwndPar, int x=INT_MAX, int y=INT_MAX) ;
}; // end of class TC_CPfCalendarDlg
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class TC_CPfThreadKiller
: public TC_CWindow
public: static char bmpStop [];
public: static TC_CPfThreadKiller * Run (TC_CWindow *parent) ;
public: void Create (TC_CWindow * parent) ;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Stop;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Status;
public: BOOL EvKillThread (TC_Event *) ;
public: BOOL EvPopulateStatus (TC_Event_WM * ev) ;
}; // end of class TC_CPfThreadKiller
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#endif // _INC_PFUTILS_HPP