PC World 2000 February
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221 lines
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class TC_CPfSearchParam
: public TC_CWindow
public: TC_CString m_Name ;
public: TCPsQryOperType m_OprType ;
public: int m_CtrlType ;
public: int m_PushType ;
public: int m_Align ;
public: int m_VisChrs ;
public: int m_MaxLen ;
public: TC_CString m_Label ;
public: char * m_PushText ;
public: TC_CIDataType * m_DataType ;
public: TC_CPsAttribInfo m_AttrInfo ;
public: TC_CPsAttribInfo m_RelAttrInfo ;
protected: void * m_Rsc ;
public: TC_CPfSearchParam () ;
public: TC_CPfSearchParam (TC_CPsAttribInfo ai) ;
public: TC_CPfSearchParam (TC_CPsAttribInfo ai, TC_CPsAttribInfo ai_rel) ;
public: TC_CPfSearchParam (TC_CPsAttribInfo ai, TCPsQryOperType op) ;
public: ~TC_CPfSearchParam () ;
public: void Init (TC_Former &f) ;
public: TCPsQryOperType _OprType (TC_CPsAttribInfo ai) ;
public: int _Align (TC_CPsAttribInfo ai) ;
public: int _VisChrs (TC_CPsAttribInfo ai) ;
public: BOOL Ev_Aid (TC_Event*) ;
public: BOOL Ev_Calendar (TC_Event*) ;
public: BOOL Ev_Fmt (TC_Event_WIN *e) ;
public: BOOL Ev_DrawItem (TC_Event_WIN *ev) ;
public: void FillFormer (TC_Former &f) ;
public: BOOL Validate () ;
public: char* InFmt () ;
public: char* OutFmt () ;
public: virtual BOOL IsPredTerm () ;
public: virtual TC_CPsPredTerm _PsPredTerm () ;
public: TC_CPsBuffer _PsBuffer () ;
public: TC_CPsAttribUIData* AttribData () ;
public: BOOL HasValSet () ;
public: int ValSetCount () ;
public: const char * RscName () ;
public: TC_CString GetValue () ;
public: void SetValue (LPCSTR s) ;
}; // end of class TC_CPfSearchParam
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class TC_CPfSearch
: public TC_CWindow
protected: TC_CPfTable * m_Tbl ;
protected: TC_TArrayPTR<TC_CPfSearchParam> m_Items ;
protected: TC_TArrayC<TC_Former> m_Formers ;
protected: TC_CPsPredicate m_Predicate ;
public: TC_CPfSearch () ;
public: void Init (TC_CPfTable *tbl) ;
public: int AddParam (TC_CPfSearchParam *p) ;
public: BOOL DelParam (LPCSTR name) ;
public: void FillParams () ;
public: BOOL Ev_Create (TC_Event*) ;
public: BOOL Ev_Command (TC_Event_WIN *e) ;
public: BOOL Validate () ;
public: TC_CPsPredicate& Condition () ;
public: void Store () ;
public: void Restore () ;
public: void Clear () ;
protected: void RegPath (TC_CString &path) ;
protected: TC_CString RTDEntry () ;
}; // end of class TC_CPfSearch
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class TC_CPfSortParam
public: TC_CString m_Name ;
public: TC_CString m_Label ;
public: TC_CPfSortParam () ;
public: TC_CPfSortParam (TC_CPsAttribInfo ai) ;
public: TC_CPfSortParam (TC_CPsAttribInfo ai, TC_CPsAttribInfo ai_rel) ;
public: ~TC_CPfSortParam () ;
}; // end of class TC_CPfSortParam
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class TC_CPfSortSrv
friend class TC_CPfSort;
protected: TC_CPfTable * m_Tbl ;
protected: TC_TArrayPTR<TC_CPfSortParam> m_Items ;
protected: TC_CPsSort m_Sort ;
protected: TC_TArrayC<TC_CPfSortParam*> m_Sels ;
protected: TC_TArrayC<TCPsQryOrderType> m_Dirs ;
public: TC_CPfSortSrv () ;
public: ~TC_CPfSortSrv () ;
public: void Init (TC_CPfTable *tbl) ;
public: int AddParam (TC_CPfSortParam *p) ;
public: BOOL DelParam (LPCSTR name) ;
public: TC_CPsSort& Condition () ;
public: void Store () ;
public: void Restore () ;
public: void Clear () ;
protected: void RegPath (TC_CString &path) ;
}; // end of class TC_CPfSortSrv
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class TC_CPfSort
: public TC_CWindow
protected: TC_CPfTable * m_Tbl ;
public: TC_CPfSortSrv m_Srv ;
public: TC_CPfSort () ;
public: ~TC_CPfSort () ;
public: void Init (TC_CPfTable *tbl) ;
public: int AddParam (TC_CPfSortParam *p) ;
public: BOOL DelParam (LPCSTR name) ;
public: void FillParams () ;
public: static char bmpSelOne [];
public: static char bmpDelOne [];
public: static char bmpDelAll [];
public: static char bmpDirs [];
public: static char bmpAsc [];
public: static char bmpDesc [];
public: static char bmpShiftUp [];
public: static char bmpShiftDown [];
public: virtual BOOL Form_Creator (TC_CWindow * frame) ;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Lb_AvItems;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Pb_SelOne;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Pb_DeselOne;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Pb_DeselAll;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Lb_SelItems;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Pb_Asc;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Pb_Desc;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Pb_ShiftUp;
public: TC_CWindow * mc_Pb_ShiftDown;
public: BOOL Ev_DrawSelItem (TC_Event_WIN *e) ;
public: BOOL Ev_SelOne (TC_Event*) ;
public: BOOL Ev_DeselOne (TC_Event*) ;
public: BOOL Ev_DeselAll (TC_Event*) ;
public: BOOL Ev_Asc (TC_Event*) ;
public: BOOL Ev_Desc (TC_Event*) ;
public: BOOL Ev_ShiftDown (TC_Event*) ;
public: BOOL Ev_ShiftUp (TC_Event*) ;
public: TC_CPsSort& Condition () ;
public: void Store () ;
public: void Restore () ;
public: void Clear () ;
}; // end of class TC_CPfSort
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class TC_CPfQuery
: public TC_CWindow
protected: TC_CPfTable* m_Tbl ;
protected: TC_CToolbarMaster* m_TbMaster ;
enum {
protected: static char bmpToolbar [];
public: TC_CPfQuery () ;
public: ~TC_CPfQuery () ;
public: void Init (TC_CPfTable *tbl) ;
public: void Init1 (TC_CPfTable *tbl) ;
public: void Init2 () ;
public: int AddSearchParam (TC_CPfSearchParam *p) ;
public: int AddSortParam (TC_CPfSortParam *p) ;
public: void DelSearchParam (LPCSTR name) ;
public: void DelSortParam (LPCSTR name) ;
public: virtual BOOL Form_Creator (TC_CWindow * frame) ;
public: AWindow * mc_Area;
public: TC_CPfSearch * mc_Search;
public: TC_CPfSort * mc_Sort;
public: void ToolbarMaker () ;
public: BOOL Ev_Accel (TC_Event_WIN *e) ;
public: BOOL Ev_ToolbarCmd (TC_Event *e) ;
public: void Execute () ;
public: BOOL TrySet () ;
public: void Store () ;
public: void Restore () ;
public: void Clear () ;
}; // end of class TC_CPfQuery
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class TC_CPfSortDlg
: public TC_CWindow
private: TC_CPfTable * m_Tbl ;
public: TC_CPfSortDlg (TC_CPfTable *tbl) ;
public: virtual BOOL Form_Creator (TC_CWindow * frame) ;
public: TC_CPfSort * mc_Sort;
public: virtual BOOL Form_OnCreate () ;
public: BOOL EvDestroy (TC_Event *) ;
public: static int Run (TC_CPfTable *tbl) ;
}; // end of class TC_CPfSortDlg
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#endif // _INC_PFQUERY_HPP